This example shows reading from a live stream of tweets using the twitter adapter. The user inputs 2 search terms, juttle parses the incoming tweets to find matches, and displays match count as live-updating tiles and a timechart, to visually compare popularity of the requested terms.
You can view this example on the demo system, or run it on your own using docker (see the parent README).
None needed.
Modify juttle-config.json
to add a twitter
section containing credentials to access twitter via API:
"adapters": {
"twitter": {
"consumer_key": "...",
"consumer_secret": "...",
"access_token_key": "...",
"access_token_secret": "..."
To obtain these credentials, set up a Twitter App using your twitter username, and create an OAuth token.
To execute the included Juttle program, visit
http://(localhost|docker machine ip):8080/?path=/examples/twitter-race/twitter.juttle
The output will be rendered in your browser. Enter two search terms and click "Run" to see the live charts.
View this program: twitter.juttle