This file documents all notable changes to Juttle Elastic Adapter. The release numbering uses semantic versioning.
Released 2016-03-24
- Update to Juttle 0.7.x, including adding support for filtering on nested fields. #133
Released 2016-03-22
- Fix a problem where the groupby key in
reduce -every
was erroneously set to null when there were no points for a given time bucket in the query. #129 - Get rid of warnings when using properties such as logstash-created
as a group by key in reduce. #126
Released 2016-03-14
- fix messy failure when performing an aggregation on a non-existent index #121
- format indices properly when using -indexInterval #123
- enable unoptimized read of over 100,000 points #116
Released 2016-03-10
- Updated to support Juttle 0.6.0.
- Added optimization support for stdev. #113
- Removed warnings when accessing nested points. #111
Released 2016-02-25
- Updated to be compatible with Juttle 0.5.0 #104
Released 2016-02-19
- Fixed read to require either a time range #79
- Fixed write to create indices with non-analyzed string fields #89
Released 2016-02-02
- Fixed conflict between configuration of aws and the -type option to read. #67
Released 2016-02-01
- Added concurrency control for write. #63
Released 2016-01-21
- NOTICE: As part of the update to juttle 0.3.0, the configuration syntax for adapters changed from the name of the module (
) to the type of the adapter ("elastic"
). - Implement batched reduce optimization when there are many buckets using date histograms as opposed to a single query per batch. [#49]
- Added support to set the document type for read and write. [#44]
- Added support for nested objects in write. [#45]
- Update to support Juttle 0.3.0. [#56]
- Improved the error message for window overflow. [#54]
- Properly return an empty aggregation result when there is no matching data. [#38]
Released 2016-01-07
- Added support to override the timeField for read and write. [#35]
- Added read support for configurable index intervals other than per day. [#30]
Released 2016-01-07
- Added read support for a configurable index prefix. [#22]
- Updated to support Juttle 0.2.0 [#39], [#41]
Released 2016-01-06
- Initial Public Release