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EdgeTX v2.6 Theme Documenation

There are 11 EdgeTX OS color variables that are used to define EdgeTX UI look & feel. PRIMARY1, PRIMARY2, PRIMARY3, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, SECONDARY3, FOCUS, ACTIVE, WARNING & DISABLED. Color values format uses 24bit value (RGB color scheme) coded in hex format RRGGBB where RR stands for Red component value, GG for Green and BB for Blue. Each component can have 256 values (00-FF range in hex format)

RGB color scheme examples:

  • FF0000 (Light Red)
  • 440000 (Dark Red)
  • 00FF00 (Light Green)
  • 002400 (Dark Green)
  • 0000FF (Light Blue)
  • 000064 (Dark Blue)
  • FFFFFF (White)
  • 808080 (50% Gray)
  • 202020 (Dark Gray)

Theme definition

Themes colors definition is stored in YAML format text files placed in /THEMES/<themename> folder in radio's SD card. YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is simple markup language to define data structure. It can be edited using any text editor. The theme definition file has to be called theme.yml

Additionally you can include graphic file (in PNG format) to display in EdgeTX User Interface tab theme preview. To display, preview file name must be logo.png.

Theme YAML file structure

Data in YAML file is structured using basic scheme "name: value". Leading spaces are important as they define data group assignment.

Example of theme colors definition:

  name: Theme name
  author: Creator
  info: Here is short description
 PRIMARY1:   0xA0A0A0
 PRIMARY2:   0x202020
 PRIMARY3:   0x505050
 SECONDARY1: 0x808080
 SECONDARY2: 0x505050
 SECONDARY3: 0x303030
 FOCUS:      0xC0C0C0
 EDIT:       0xEEEEEE
 ACTIVE:     0xD0D0D0
 WARNING:    0x404040
 DISABLED:   0x808080

Breakdown of syntax:

'---'         YAML format marker (must be placed as first line)
'summary: '   Group marker (description)
' name: '     Name of theme displayed in EdgeTX UI
' author: '   Name of author displayed in EdgeTX UI
' info: '     Short info about theme displayed in EdgeTX UI
'colors: '    Group marker (colors definition)
' PRIMARY1: ' ETX color variable in 0xRRGGBB format (0x means value is in hex)
' PRIMARY2: ' ETX color variable in 0xRRGGBB format (0x means value is in hex)

In addition to 0xRRGGBB notation, you can also specifiy colours in decimal RRR, GGG, BBB format using the RGB() function if you prefer decimal notation. For example: SECONDARY1: RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80) or SECONDARY1: RGB(128, 128, 128).

Color assignments for UI elements

 Label text
 Button text (not focused)
  ETX Logo icon,
  TopBar Icons
  TopBar text
  TopBar tab name text
  BottomBar text
  Editable field background
  Editable field text (editing)
  Button text (focused)
  PopUp selectable field background
  Trim knob
  Slider knob
  Scroll marker
  Inactive part of TopBar icons
  TopBar background
  BottomBar background
  Trim knob path
  Trim Knob shadow
  Slider path
  Slider knob shadow
  Label background
  Button background
  Main screen's background
  PopUp's background
  ETX Logo background
  TopBar icon background (selected)
  Label background (focused)
  Editable field background (focused)
  Trim knob
  Slider knob
  Editable field background (editing)
  Buttons background (button active)
  Editable field background (variable active)
  Label text (warning)
  Disabled elements