diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/FontAwesome.otf b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/FontAwesome.otf deleted file mode 100644 index 3ed7f8b..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/FontAwesome.otf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/README.md b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index e421b76..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -Font Awesome -========== - -Used in H5P libraries to provide icons. FontAwesome is no longer a part of core. -`font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4';` is used to avoids collisions. -The woff(W3C Recommendation) font file is included inline to avoid cross origin issues when embedding on some browsers. - -## License - -Font Awesome font licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 · Code licensed under MIT License -http://fontawesome.io/license -Created by @davegandy. diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.eot b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.eot deleted file mode 100644 index 9b6afae..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.eot and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.svg deleted file mode 100644 index d05688e..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/FontAwesome-4.5/fontawesome-webfont.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,655 +0,0 @@ - - - - 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-.joubel-help-text-dialog-container { - display: block; - position: absolute; - top: 3.5%; - left: 20%; - width: 60%; - background: #fff; - opacity: 1; - max-height: 93%; - overflow: auto; -} - -/* Header */ -.joubel-help-text-header { - font-size: 1.1em; - border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0; - padding: 0.75em 3em 0.75em 1.5em; -} - -/* Body */ -.joubel-help-text-body { - padding: 0.5em 1.5em; - margin: 1em 0 2em; -} - -/* Close help dialog container */ -.joubel-help-text-remove { - position: absolute; - right: 1.5em; - top: 0.8em; - cursor: pointer; -} - -.joubel-help-text-remove:hover { - color: #333; -} - -.joubel-help-text-remove:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - content: '\f00d'; - font-size: 1.3em; - right: 0em; - top: 0em; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-icon.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-icon.css deleted file mode 100644 index 4ff0949..0000000 --- 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-.joubel-icon-comment-normal:hover .h5p-icon-speech-bubble:before { - color: rgb(188, 92, 163); -} -.joubel-icon-comment-normal:active .h5p-icon-speech-bubble:before { - color: rgb(206, 114, 193); - position: relative; - top: 0.05em; - left: 0.05em; -} -.joubel-icon-comment-normal:active .h5p-icon-question:before { - position: relative; - top: 0.05em; - left: 0.05em; -} - -/* Tip icon */ -.joubel-icon-tip-normal .h5p-icon-shadow:before { - content: "\e90a"; - color: rgb(221, 221, 221); -} -.joubel-icon-tip-normal .h5p-icon-speech-bubble:before { - content: "\e908"; - margin-left: -1em; - color: rgb(53, 128, 195); -} -.joubel-icon-tip-normal .h5p-icon-info:before { - content: "\e905"; - margin-left: -1em; - color: rgb(255, 255, 255); -} -.joubel-icon-tip-normal:hover .h5p-icon-speech-bubble:before { - color: rgb(72, 155, 213); -} -.joubel-icon-tip-normal:active .h5p-icon-speech-bubble:before { - color: rgb(72, 155, 213); - position: relative; - top: 0.05em; - left: 0.05em; -} -.joubel-icon-tip-normal:active .h5p-icon-info:before { - position: relative; - top: 0.05em; - left: 0.05em; -} - -/* Edit icon */ -.joubel-icon-edit .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90d"; - color: #1d74c8; - font-size: 1.5em; -} -.joubel-icon-edit .h5p-icon-pencil:before { - content: "\e90c"; - color: #1d74c8; - font-size: 0.8em; - text-align: center; - position: absolute; - margin-left: -1.42em; -} -.joubel-icon-edit:hover .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90e"; - color: #1d74c8; -} -.joubel-icon-edit:hover .h5p-icon-pencil:before { - color: #ffffff; -} - -/* Approve icon */ -.joubel-icon-approve .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90d"; - color: #3ea35f; - font-size: 1.5em; -} -.joubel-icon-approve .h5p-icon-check:before { - content: "\e601"; - color: #3ea35f; - font-size: 0.8em; - text-align: center; - position: absolute; - margin-left: -1.42em; -} -.joubel-icon-approve:hover .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90e"; -} -.joubel-icon-approve:hover .h5p-icon-check:before { - color: #ffffff; -} - -/* Cancel icon */ -.joubel-icon-cancel .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90d"; - color: #de3354; - font-size: 1.5em; -} -.joubel-icon-cancel .h5p-icon-cross:before { - content: "\e600"; - color: #de3354; - font-size: 0.85em; - text-align: center; - position: absolute; - margin-left: -1.38em; -} -.joubel-icon-cancel:hover .h5p-icon-circle:before { - content: "\e90e"; -} -.joubel-icon-cancel:hover .h5p-icon-cross:before { - color: #ffffff; -} - -/* Custom override CSS */ -.joubel-icon-tip-normal.help-icon:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - content: "\f059"; -} - -/* Hide icon layers if using font awesome */ -.joubel-icon-tip-normal.help-icon > span { - display: none; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-message-dialog.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-message-dialog.css deleted file mode 100644 index 079b4f3..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-message-dialog.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -@CHARSET "UTF-8"; - -.joubel-message-dialog { - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - width: 100%; - padding: .3em; - z-index: 11; - box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - border-top: 1px solid #ffcd0d; - background-color: #fcffcc; - text-align: center; - font-size: 0.8em; -} -.joubel-message-dialog:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - content: '\f05a'; - padding-right: .5em; - font-size: 1.3em; - position: relative; - top: 0.1em; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progress-circle.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progress-circle.css deleted file mode 100644 index 1697ea3..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progress-circle.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -.joubel-progress-circle-wrapper{ - display: inline-block; - padding: 0em 1em; -} -.joubel-progress-circle-percentage{ - position: relative; - font-size: 1em; -} - -.joubel-progress-circle-circle{ - -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); - transform: rotate(0deg); - - display: -webkit-box; /* OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6 */ - display: -ms-flexbox; /* TWEENER - IE 10 */ - display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW - Chrome */ - display: flex; /* NEW, Spec - Opera 12.1, Firefox 20+ */ - - -webkit-align-items: center; - -webkit-box-align: center; - -ms-flex-align: center; - align-items: center; - - -webkit-justify-content: center; - -webkit-box-pack: center; - -ms-flex-pack: center; - justify-content: center; - - position: relative; - - top: 0.151em; - left: 0.151em; - text-align: center; - width: 2.7em; - height: 2.7em; - - -webkit-border-radius: 100%; /* Safari 3-4, iOS 1-3.2, Android 1.6- */ - -moz-border-radius: 100%; /* Firefox 1-3.6 */ - border-radius: 100%; /* Opera 10.5, IE 9, Safari 5, Chrome, Firefox 4, iOS 4, Android 2.1+ */ - - background-color: #fff; -} - -.joubel-progress-circle-active-border{ - position: relative; - text-align: center; - width: 3em; - height: 3em; - - -webkit-border-radius: 100%; /* Safari 3-4, iOS 1-3.2, Android 1.6- */ - -moz-border-radius: 100%; /* Firefox 1-3.6 */ - border-radius: 100%; /* Opera 10.5, IE 9, Safari 5, Chrome, Firefox 4, iOS 4, Android 2.1+ */ - - background-color: #1a73d9; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progressbar.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progressbar.css deleted file mode 100644 index 0c48c97..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-progressbar.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -.h5p-joubelui-progressbar { - width: 100%; - position: absolute; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - right: 0; - height: .25em; - background: #fff; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0px -1px 3px 0px rgba(1,72,118,0.75); - -moz-box-shadow: 0px -1px 3px 0px rgba(1,72,118,0.75); - box-shadow: 0px -1px 3px 0px rgba(1,72,118,0.75); -} - -.h5p-joubelui-progressbar-slide-status-text { - font-size: 0; - width: 0; - height: 0; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-progressbar-background { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 0; - height: 100%; - width: 0; - background-color: #014876; - -webkit-transition: width .3s ease-in-out; - -moz-transition: width .3s ease-in-out; - -o-transition: width .3s ease-in-out; - transition: width .3s ease-in-out; -} -.h5p-joubelui-drop { - z-index: 1; -} -.drop-element.h5p-joubelui-drop .drop-content { - padding: .2em .8em; - font-weight: bold; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-score-bar.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-score-bar.css deleted file mode 100644 index 849624f..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-score-bar.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar { - display: inline-flex; - display: -webkit-inline-flexbox; - display: -ms-inline-flexbox; - display: -webkit-inline-flex; - width: 15em; - max-width: 100%; - background: #fff; - border-radius: 1.5em; - padding: 0.625em; - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); - box-sizing: border-box; - position: relative; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-visuals { - flex: 1; - -webkit-box-flex: 1; - -webkit-flex: 1; - position: relative; - overflow: visible; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress-wrapper { - position: relative; - margin-right: 1.7em; - height: 0.917em; - border-top-left-radius: 1.5em; - border-bottom-left-radius: 1.5em; - background: #ddd; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress { - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; - color: transparent; - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 0; - height: 100%; - width: 0; - border-top-left-radius: .5em; - border-bottom-left-radius: .5em; - background: #2B8C5C; /* For browsers not supporting linear-gradient */ - background: linear-gradient(to right, #34A86E, #2B8C5C); - -webkit-transition: width 0.4s ease-in-out; - -moz-transition: width 0.4s ease-in-out; - -o-transition: width 0.4s ease-in-out; - transition: width 0.4s ease-in-out; - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -} -/* The star */ -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star { - height: 1.8em; - width: 2.1em; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - top: -0.4em; - overflow: visible; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-animation-active .h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star { - -webkit-animation: pound 0.8s 1; - animation: pound 0.8s 1; -} -@keyframes pound { - from { - transform: scale(0); - } - 20% { - transform: scale(1.4); - } - 60% { - transform: scale(0.8); - } - 80% { - transform: scale(1.2); - } - to { - transform: scale(1); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes pound { - from { - -webkit-transform: scale(0); - } - 20% { - -webkit-transform: scale(1.4); - } - 60% { - -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); - } - 80% { - -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); - } - to { - -webkit-transform: scale(1); - } -} -/* Styling the star */ -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star svg { - overflow: visible; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-shadow { - fill: #fff; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-border { - fill: none; - stroke: #ddd; - stroke-miterlimit: 10; - stroke-width: 3px; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill { - fill: #ddd; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score .h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-border { - stroke: #915A00; - stroke-width: 6; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill-full-score { - visibility: hidden; - fill: #ffc80b; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score .h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill { - /* This will be a fallback for browsers not supporting the filter, - i.e. Safari */ - fill: #ffc80b; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score .h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill-full-score { - visibility: visible; -} - -/* The numeric part on the end (score / maxScore) */ -.h5p-joubelui-score-numeric { - margin: 0em 0.4em; - font-size: 1.333em; - line-height: 0.7; - font-weight: bold; -} -.h5p-score-bar-has-help .h5p-joubelui-score-numeric { - /* Need more space when icon is displayed */ - margin-right: 0.625em; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-number { - color: #333; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-number-separator { - color: #757575; - padding: 0 0.1em; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar .joubel-tip-container { - position: absolute; - top: 0.1em; - right: 0.3em; - font-size: 1em; - line-height: 1; - color: #1a73d9; - margin-right: 0.2em; -} -.h5p-joubelui-score-bar .joubel-tip-container > .help-icon { - font-size: 1em; - line-height: 1; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-simple-rounded-button.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-simple-rounded-button.css deleted file mode 100644 index a2969b4..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-simple-rounded-button.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -.joubel-simple-rounded-button { - cursor: pointer; - display: inline-block; - margin: 0.25em 0; - padding: 0.3em 1.2em; - border-radius: 2em; - background-color: #1a73d9; - color: #FFFFFF; -} - -.joubel-simple-rounded-button:hover, -.joubel-simple-rounded-button:focus { - background-color: #1356a3; -} - -.joubel-simple-rounded-button:active { - position: relative; - background-color: #104888; - - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0px #0e407a; - -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0px #0e407a; - box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0px #0e407a; -} - -.joubel-simple-rounded-button:active .joubel-simple-rounded-button-text { - position: relative; - top: 2px; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-slider.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-slider.css deleted file mode 100644 index 87caa74..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-slider.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -.h5p-joubel-ui-slider { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-in-out; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.3s ease-in-out; - -ms-transition: -ms-transform 0.3s ease-in-out; - transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; - - /* Avoid flickering */ - -webkit-transform: translateX(0); - -moz-transform: translateX(0); - -ms-transform: translateX(0); - transform: translateX(0); - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; - backface-visibility: hidden; - - height: 100%; -} -.h5p-joubel-ui-slide { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - - top: 0; - left: 0; - - display: none; -} -.h5p-joubel-ui-slide.current { - display: block; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-speech-bubble.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-speech-bubble.css deleted file mode 100644 index 937cc1a..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-speech-bubble.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -@CHARSET "UTF-8"; - -.joubel-speech-bubble { - position: absolute; - color: #333; - z-index: 301; - margin-top: 0.45em; - min-width: 1em; - opacity: 0; - transition: opacity 0.5s ease; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble p { - margin: 0.75em 0; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble p:first-child { - margin-top: 0.25em; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble p:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0.25em; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble.show { - opacity: 1; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble-inner { - background: #fbfbfb; - box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em #2c2c2c; - border-radius: 0.5em; - padding: 0.2em 0.5em; - text-align: left; - position: relative; - word-wrap: break-word; /* Long words have to break */ - z-index: 1; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble-inner-tail, -.joubel-speech-bubble-tail { - position: absolute; - /* Setting these in pixels is intentional. We use it when calculating placement of bubble */ - width: 12px; - height: 12px; - background: #fbfbfb; - -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); - -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); - -o-transform: rotate(45deg); - transform: rotate(45deg); - z-index: -1; -} -.joubel-speech-bubble-tail { - box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em #2c2c2c; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-tip.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-tip.css deleted file mode 100644 index d973f69..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-tip.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -.joubel-tip-container { - display: inline-block; - font-weight: normal; - color: #777; - cursor: pointer; -} -.joubel-tip-container:hover { - color: #333; -} - -.joubel-tip-container:hover:before { - content: attr(aria-label); - - position: absolute; - left: 50%; - z-index: 5; - - padding: 0.25em 0.75em; - background: #212121; - color: white; - white-space: nowrap; - line-height: 1.5; - box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em #858585; - transform: translate(-50%, -1.25em); -} - -.joubel-tip-container:focus { - outline: 0; - box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px rgba(140,185,240,1); - outline: rgba(140,185,240,1) solid 1px; -} -.using-mouse .joubel-tip-container:focus { - box-shadow: none; -} -.joubel-tip-container.be-quiet:focus { - outline: none; -} -.joubel-tip-container.be-quiet { - pointer-events: none; -} -.joubel-tip-icon { - text-align: center; - font-size: 1.5em; - line-height: 1.5em; - width: 1.5em; - height: 1.5em; - pointer-events: none; -} -.joubel-tip-icon:before { - font-family: Joubel; - content: "\e888"; - - /* Better Font Rendering */ - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -} -.joubel-tip-icon.help-icon:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - content: "\f059"; -} - -.joubel-tip-container * { - pointer-events: none; -} - -.joubel-tip-container .hidden-but-read { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 0; - height: 0; - overflow: hidden; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-ui.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-ui.css deleted file mode 100644 index 95ac94e..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/css/joubel-ui.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -@CHARSET "UTF-8"; - -/* Styling of button */ -.h5peditor .ui-dialog .h5p-joubelui-button, -.h5peditor .h5p-joubelui-button, -.h5p-joubelui-button { - font-size: 1em; - line-height: 1.2; - margin: 0 0.5em 1em; - padding: 0.5em 1.25em; - border-radius: 2em; - - background: #1a73d9; - color: #ffffff; - - cursor: pointer; - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); - transform: translateZ(0); - - display: inline-block; - text-align: center; - text-shadow: none; - text-decoration: none; - vertical-align: baseline; -} -.h5p-joubelui-button:first-child { - margin: 0 0.5em 1em 0; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-button:last-child { - margin: 0 0 1em 0.5em; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-button:first-child:last-child { - margin: 0 0 1em; -} - -/* Truncated buttons */ -.h5p-joubelui-button.truncated { - width: 2.235em; - height: 2.235em; - border-radius: 50%; - padding: 0; - text-align: center; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-button.truncated:before { - padding: 0; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-button:hover, -.h5p-joubelui-button:focus { - background: #1356a3; - color: #fff; - text-decoration: none; - -webkit-transition: initial; - -moz-transition: initial; - -o-transition: initial; - transition: initial; -} -.h5p-joubelui-button:active { - position: relative; - background: #104888; - - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0 #0e407a; - -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0 #0e407a; - box-shadow: inset 0 4px 0 #0e407a; -} -.h5p-joubelui-button:active .h5p-joubelui-button-text { - position: relative; - top: 2px; -} - -.h5p-joubelui-button:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - padding-right: 0.5em; -} - -.h5p-question-try-again:before { - content: "\F01E"; -} - -.h5p-question-show-solution:before { - content: "\F06E"; -} - -.h5p-question-check-answer:before { - content: "\F058"; -} - -/* Remove outline for all elements having tabIndex="-1"*/ -.h5p-content [tabIndex="-1"] { - outline: none; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.eot b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.eot deleted file mode 100644 index 572c2ed..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.eot and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.svg deleted file mode 100644 index bb9e651..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ - - - -Generated by IcoMoon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.ttf b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.ttf deleted file mode 100644 index fbb17f7..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.ttf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.woff b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.woff deleted file mode 100644 index 6c7b727..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/fonts/joubel.woff and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-help-dialog.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-help-dialog.js deleted file mode 100644 index 135c597..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-help-dialog.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * Class responsible for creating a help text dialog - */ -H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog = (function ($) { - - var numInstances = 0; - /** - * Display a pop-up containing a message. - * - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The container which message dialog will be appended to - * @param {string} message The message - * @param {string} closeButtonTitle The title for the close button - * @return {H5P.jQuery} - */ - function JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle) { - H5P.EventDispatcher.call(this); - - var self = this; - - numInstances++; - var headerId = 'joubel-help-text-header-' + numInstances; - var helpTextId = 'joubel-help-text-body-' + numInstances; - - var $helpTextDialogBox = $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-box', - 'role': 'dialog', - 'aria-labelledby': headerId, - 'aria-describedby': helpTextId - }); - - $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-background' - }).appendTo($helpTextDialogBox); - - var $helpTextDialogContainer = $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-container' - }).appendTo($helpTextDialogBox); - - $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-header', - 'id': headerId, - 'role': 'header', - 'html': header - }).appendTo($helpTextDialogContainer); - - $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-body', - 'id': helpTextId, - 'html': message, - 'role': 'document', - 'tabindex': 0 - }).appendTo($helpTextDialogContainer); - - var handleClose = function () { - $helpTextDialogBox.remove(); - self.trigger('closed'); - }; - - var $closeButton = $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-help-text-remove', - 'role': 'button', - 'title': closeButtonTitle, - 'tabindex': 1, - 'click': handleClose, - 'keydown': function (event) { - // 32 - space, 13 - enter - if ([32, 13].indexOf(event.which) !== -1) { - event.preventDefault(); - handleClose(); - } - } - }).appendTo($helpTextDialogContainer); - - /** - * Get the DOM element - * @return {HTMLElement} - */ - self.getElement = function () { - return $helpTextDialogBox; - }; - - self.focus = function () { - $closeButton.focus(); - }; - } - - JoubelHelpTextDialog.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype); - JoubelHelpTextDialog.prototype.constructor = JoubelHelpTextDialog; - - return JoubelHelpTextDialog; -}(H5P.jQuery)); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-message-dialog.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-message-dialog.js deleted file mode 100644 index 805d76a..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-message-dialog.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * Class responsible for creating auto-disappearing dialogs - */ -H5P.JoubelMessageDialog = (function ($) { - - /** - * Display a pop-up containing a message. - * - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The container which message dialog will be appended to - * @param {string} message The message - * @return {H5P.jQuery} - */ - function JoubelMessageDialog ($container, message) { - var timeout; - - var removeDialog = function () { - $warning.remove(); - clearTimeout(timeout); - $container.off('click.messageDialog'); - }; - - // Create warning popup: - var $warning = $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-message-dialog', - text: message - }).appendTo($container); - - // Remove after 3 seconds or if user clicks anywhere in $container: - timeout = setTimeout(removeDialog, 3000); - $container.on('click.messageDialog', removeDialog); - - return $warning; - } - - return JoubelMessageDialog; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progress-circle.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progress-circle.js deleted file mode 100644 index e5cfcdb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progress-circle.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * Class responsible for creating a circular progress bar - */ - -H5P.JoubelProgressCircle = (function ($) { - - /** - * Constructor for the Progress Circle - * - * @param {Number} number The amount of progress to display - * @param {string} progressColor Color for the progress meter - * @param {string} backgroundColor Color behind the progress meter - */ - function ProgressCircle(number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor) { - progressColor = progressColor || '#1a73d9'; - fillColor = fillColor || '#f0f0f0'; - backgroundColor = backgroundColor || '#ffffff'; - var progressColorRGB = this.hexToRgb(progressColor); - - //Verify number - try { - number = Number(number); - if (number === '') { - throw 'is empty'; - } - if (isNaN(number)) { - throw 'is not a number'; - } - } catch (e) { - number = 'err'; - } - - //Draw circle - if (number > 100) { - number = 100; - } - - // We can not use rgba, since they will stack on top of each other. - // Instead we create the equivalent of the rgba color - // and applies this to the activeborder and background color. - var progressColorString = 'rgb(' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.r, 10) + - ',' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.g, 10) + - ',' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.b, 10) + ')'; - - // Circle wrapper - var $wrapper = $('
', { - 'class': "joubel-progress-circle-wrapper" - }); - - //Active border indicates progress - var $activeBorder = $('
', { - 'class': "joubel-progress-circle-active-border" - }).appendTo($wrapper); - - //Background circle - var $backgroundCircle = $('
', { - 'class': "joubel-progress-circle-circle" - }).appendTo($activeBorder); - - //Progress text/number - $('', { - 'text': number + '%', - 'class': "joubel-progress-circle-percentage" - }).appendTo($backgroundCircle); - - var deg = number * 3.6; - if (deg <= 180) { - $activeBorder.css('background-image', - 'linear-gradient(' + (90 + deg) + 'deg, transparent 50%, ' + fillColor + ' 50%),' + - 'linear-gradient(90deg, ' + fillColor + ' 50%, transparent 50%)') - .css('border', '2px solid' + backgroundColor) - .css('background-color', progressColorString); - } else { - $activeBorder.css('background-image', - 'linear-gradient(' + (deg - 90) + 'deg, transparent 50%, ' + progressColorString + ' 50%),' + - 'linear-gradient(90deg, ' + fillColor + ' 50%, transparent 50%)') - .css('border', '2px solid' + backgroundColor) - .css('background-color', progressColorString); - } - - this.$activeBorder = $activeBorder; - this.$backgroundCircle = $backgroundCircle; - this.$wrapper = $wrapper; - - this.initResizeFunctionality(); - - return $wrapper; - } - - /** - * Initializes resize functionality for the progress circle - */ - ProgressCircle.prototype.initResizeFunctionality = function () { - var self = this; - - $(window).resize(function () { - // Queue resize - setTimeout(function () { - self.resize(); - }); - }); - - // First resize - setTimeout(function () { - self.resize(); - }, 0); - }; - - /** - * Resize function makes progress circle grow or shrink relative to parent container - */ - ProgressCircle.prototype.resize = function () { - var $parent = this.$wrapper.parent(); - - if ($parent !== undefined && $parent) { - - // Measurements - var fontSize = parseInt($parent.css('font-size'), 10); - - // Static sizes - var fontSizeMultiplum = 3.75; - var progressCircleWidthPx = parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) % 2 === 0 ? parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) + 4 : parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) + 5; - var progressCircleOffset = progressCircleWidthPx / 2; - - var width = fontSize * fontSizeMultiplum; - var height = fontSize * fontSizeMultiplum; - this.$activeBorder.css({ - 'width': width, - 'height': height - }); - - this.$backgroundCircle.css({ - 'width': width - progressCircleWidthPx, - 'height': height - progressCircleWidthPx, - 'top': progressCircleOffset, - 'left': progressCircleOffset - }); - } - }; - - /** - * Hex to RGB conversion - * @param hex - * @returns {{r: Number, g: Number, b: Number}} - */ - ProgressCircle.prototype.hexToRgb = function (hex) { - var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); - return result ? { - r: parseInt(result[1], 16), - g: parseInt(result[2], 16), - b: parseInt(result[3], 16) - } : null; - }; - - return ProgressCircle; - -}(H5P.jQuery)); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progressbar.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progressbar.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7735eb9..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-progressbar.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -H5P.JoubelProgressbar = (function ($) { - - /** - * Joubel progressbar class - * @method JoubelProgressbar - * @constructor - * @param {number} steps Number of steps - * @param {Object} [options] Additional options - * @param {boolean} [options.disableAria] Disable readspeaker assistance - * @param {string} [options.progressText] A progress text for describing - * current progress out of total progress for readspeakers. - * e.g. "Slide :num of :total" - */ - function JoubelProgressbar(steps, options) { - H5P.EventDispatcher.call(this); - var self = this; - this.options = $.extend({ - progressText: 'Slide :num of :total' - }, options); - this.currentStep = 0; - this.steps = steps; - - this.$progressbar = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar' - }); - this.$background = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-background' - }).appendTo(this.$progressbar); - } - - JoubelProgressbar.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype); - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.constructor = JoubelProgressbar; - - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.updateAria = function () { - var self = this; - if (this.options.disableAria) { - return; - } - - if (!this.$currentStatus) { - this.$currentStatus = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-slide-status-text', - 'aria-live': 'assertive' - }).appendTo(this.$progressbar); - } - var interpolatedProgressText = self.options.progressText - .replace(':num', self.currentStep) - .replace(':total', self.steps); - this.$currentStatus.html(interpolatedProgressText); - }; - - /** - * Appends to a container - * @method appendTo - * @param {H5P.jquery} $container - */ - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.appendTo = function ($container) { - this.$progressbar.appendTo($container); - }; - - /** - * Update progress - * @method setProgress - * @param {number} step - */ - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.setProgress = function (step) { - // Check for valid value: - if (step > this.steps || step < 0) { - return; - } - this.currentStep = step; - this.$background.css({ - width: ((this.currentStep/this.steps)*100) + '%' - }); - - this.updateAria(); - }; - - /** - * Increment progress with 1 - * @method next - */ - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.next = function () { - this.setProgress(this.currentStep+1); - }; - - /** - * Reset progressbar - * @method reset - */ - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.reset = function () { - this.setProgress(0); - }; - - /** - * Check if last step is reached - * @method isLastStep - * @return {Boolean} - */ - JoubelProgressbar.prototype.isLastStep = function () { - return this.steps === this.currentStep; - }; - - return JoubelProgressbar; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-score-bar.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-score-bar.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4d46ceb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-score-bar.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * @module - */ -H5P.JoubelScoreBar = (function ($) { - - /* Need to use an id for the star SVG since that is the only way to reference - SVG filters */ - var idCounter = 0; - - /** - * Creates a score bar - * @class H5P.JoubelScoreBar - * @param {number} maxScore Maximum score - * @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar - * @param {string} [helpText] Score explanation - * @param {string} [scoreExplanationButtonLabel] Label for score explanation button - */ - function JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) { - var self = this; - - self.maxScore = maxScore; - self.score = 0; - idCounter++; - - /** - * @const {string} - */ - self.STAR_MARKUP = ''; - - /** - * @function appendTo - * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar# - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $wrapper Dom container - */ - self.appendTo = function ($wrapper) { - self.$scoreBar.appendTo($wrapper); - }; - - /** - * Create the text representation of the scorebar . - * - * @private - * @return {string} - */ - var createLabel = function (score) { - if (!label) { - return ''; - } - - return label.replace(':num', score).replace(':total', self.maxScore); - }; - - /** - * Creates the html for this widget - * - * @method createHtml - * @private - */ - var createHtml = function () { - // Container div - self.$scoreBar = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar', - }); - - var $visuals = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-visuals', - appendTo: self.$scoreBar - }); - - // The progress bar wrapper - self.$progressWrapper = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress-wrapper', - appendTo: $visuals - }); - - self.$progress = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress', - 'html': createLabel(self.score), - appendTo: self.$progressWrapper - }); - - // The star - $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star', - html: self.STAR_MARKUP - }).appendTo($visuals); - - // The score container - var $numerics = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-numeric', - appendTo: self.$scoreBar, - 'aria-hidden': true - }); - - // The current score - self.$scoreCounter = $('', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number h5p-joubelui-score-number-counter', - text: 0, - appendTo: $numerics - }); - - // The separator - $('', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number-separator', - text: '/', - appendTo: $numerics - }); - - // Max score - self.$maxScore = $('', { - 'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number h5p-joubelui-score-max', - text: self.maxScore, - appendTo: $numerics - }); - - if (helpText) { - H5P.JoubelUI.createTip(helpText, { - tipLabel: scoreExplanationButtonLabel ? scoreExplanationButtonLabel : helpText, - helpIcon: true - }).appendTo(self.$scoreBar); - self.$scoreBar.addClass('h5p-score-bar-has-help'); - } - }; - - /** - * Set the current score - * @method setScore - * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar# - * @param {number} score - */ - self.setScore = function (score) { - // Do nothing if score hasn't changed - if (score === self.score) { - return; - } - self.score = score > self.maxScore ? self.maxScore : score; - self.updateVisuals(); - }; - - /** - * Increment score - * @method incrementScore - * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar# - * @param {number=} incrementBy Optional parameter, defaults to 1 - */ - self.incrementScore = function (incrementBy) { - self.setScore(self.score + (incrementBy || 1)); - }; - - /** - * Set the max score - * @method setMaxScore - * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar# - * @param {number} maxScore The max score - */ - self.setMaxScore = function (maxScore) { - self.maxScore = maxScore; - }; - - /** - * Updates the progressbar visuals - * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar# - * @method updateVisuals - */ - self.updateVisuals = function () { - self.$progress.html(createLabel(self.score)); - self.$scoreCounter.text(self.score); - self.$maxScore.text(self.maxScore); - - setTimeout(function () { - // Start the progressbar animation - self.$progress.css({ - width: ((self.score / self.maxScore) * 100) + '%' - }); - - H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(self.$progress, function () { - // If fullscore fill the star and start the animation - self.$scoreBar.toggleClass('h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score', self.score === self.maxScore); - self.$scoreBar.toggleClass('h5p-joubelui-score-bar-animation-active', self.score === self.maxScore); - - // Only allow the star animation to run once - self.$scoreBar.one("animationend", function() { - self.$scoreBar.removeClass("h5p-joubelui-score-bar-animation-active"); - }); - }, 600); - }, 300); - }; - - /** - * Removes all classes - * @method reset - */ - self.reset = function () { - self.$scoreBar.removeClass('h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score'); - }; - - createHtml(); - } - - return JoubelScoreBar; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-simple-rounded-button.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-simple-rounded-button.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0ced1e7..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-simple-rounded-button.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -H5P.SimpleRoundedButton = (function ($) { - - /** - * Creates a new tip - */ - function SimpleRoundedButton(text) { - - var $simpleRoundedButton = $('
', { - 'class': 'joubel-simple-rounded-button', - 'title': text, - 'role': 'button', - 'tabindex': '0' - }).keydown(function (e) { - // 32 - space, 13 - enter - if ([32, 13].indexOf(e.which) !== -1) { - $(this).click(); - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - - $('', { - 'class': 'joubel-simple-rounded-button-text', - 'html': text - }).appendTo($simpleRoundedButton); - - return $simpleRoundedButton; - } - - return SimpleRoundedButton; -}(H5P.jQuery)); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-slider.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-slider.js deleted file mode 100644 index ac41386..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-slider.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -H5P.JoubelSlider = (function ($) { - - /** - * Creates a new Slider - * - * @param {object} [params] Additional parameters - */ - function JoubelSlider(params) { - H5P.EventDispatcher.call(this); - - this.$slider = $('
', $.extend({ - 'class': 'h5p-joubel-ui-slider' - }, params)); - - this.$slides = []; - this.currentIndex = 0; - this.numSlides = 0; - } - JoubelSlider.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype); - JoubelSlider.prototype.constructor = JoubelSlider; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.addSlide = function ($content) { - $content.addClass('h5p-joubel-ui-slide').css({ - 'left': (this.numSlides*100) + '%' - }); - this.$slider.append($content); - this.$slides.push($content); - - this.numSlides++; - - if(this.numSlides === 1) { - $content.addClass('current'); - } - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.attach = function ($container) { - $container.append(this.$slider); - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.move = function (index) { - var self = this; - - if(index === 0) { - self.trigger('first-slide'); - } - if(index+1 === self.numSlides) { - self.trigger('last-slide'); - } - self.trigger('move'); - - var $previousSlide = self.$slides[this.currentIndex]; - H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(this.$slider, function () { - $previousSlide.removeClass('current'); - self.trigger('moved'); - }); - this.$slides[index].addClass('current'); - - var translateX = 'translateX(' + (-index*100) + '%)'; - this.$slider.css({ - '-webkit-transform': translateX, - '-moz-transform': translateX, - '-ms-transform': translateX, - 'transform': translateX - }); - - this.currentIndex = index; - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.remove = function () { - this.$slider.remove(); - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.next = function () { - if(this.currentIndex+1 >= this.numSlides) { - return; - } - - this.move(this.currentIndex+1); - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.previous = function () { - this.move(this.currentIndex-1); - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.first = function () { - this.move(0); - }; - - JoubelSlider.prototype.last = function () { - this.move(this.numSlides-1); - }; - - return JoubelSlider; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-speech-bubble.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-speech-bubble.js deleted file mode 100644 index 96c94d4..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-speech-bubble.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,356 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * Class responsible for creating speech bubbles - */ -H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble = (function ($) { - - var $currentSpeechBubble; - var $currentContainer; - var $tail; - var $innerTail; - var removeSpeechBubbleTimeout; - var currentMaxWidth; - - var DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = 400; - - var iDevice = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod|iPhone|iPad/g) ? true : false; - - /** - * Creates a new speech bubble - * - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The speaking object - * @param {string} text The text to display - * @param {number} maxWidth The maximum width of the bubble - * @return {H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble} - */ - function JoubelSpeechBubble($container, text, maxWidth) { - maxWidth = maxWidth || DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH; - currentMaxWidth = maxWidth; - $currentContainer = $container; - - this.isCurrent = function ($tip) { - return $tip.is($currentContainer); - }; - - this.remove = function () { - remove(); - }; - - var fadeOutSpeechBubble = function ($speechBubble) { - if (!$speechBubble) { - return; - } - - // Stop removing bubble - clearTimeout(removeSpeechBubbleTimeout); - - $speechBubble.removeClass('show'); - setTimeout(function () { - if ($speechBubble) { - $speechBubble.remove(); - $speechBubble = undefined; - } - }, 500); - }; - - if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined) { - remove(); - } - - var $h5pContainer = getH5PContainer($container); - - // Make sure we fade out old speech bubble - fadeOutSpeechBubble($currentSpeechBubble); - - // Create bubble - $tail = $('
'); - $innerTail = $('
'); - var $innerBubble = $( - '
' + - '
' + text + '
' + - '
' - ).prepend($innerTail); - - $currentSpeechBubble = $( - '
' - ).append([$tail, $innerBubble]) - .appendTo($h5pContainer); - - // Show speech bubble with transition - setTimeout(function () { - $currentSpeechBubble.addClass('show'); - }, 0); - - position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail); - - // Handle click to close - H5P.$body.on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick); - - // Handle window resizing - H5P.$window.on('resize', '', handleResize); - - // Handle clicks when inside IV which blocks bubbling. - $container.parents('.h5p-dialog') - .on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick); - - if (iDevice) { - H5P.$body.css('cursor', 'pointer'); - } - - return this; - } - - // Remove speechbubble if it belongs to a dom element that is about to be hidden - H5P.externalDispatcher.on('domHidden', function (event) { - if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined && event.data.$dom.find($currentContainer).length !== 0) { - remove(); - } - }); - - /** - * Returns the closest h5p container for the given DOM element. - * - * @param {object} $container jquery element - * @return {object} the h5p container (jquery element) - */ - function getH5PContainer($container) { - var $h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-frame'); - - // Check closest h5p frame first, then check for container in case there is no frame. - if (!$h5pContainer.length) { - $h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-container'); - } - - return $h5pContainer; - } - - /** - * Event handler that is called when the window is resized. - */ - function handleResize() { - position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, currentMaxWidth, $tail, $innerTail); - } - - /** - * Repositions the speech bubble according to the position of the container. - * - * @param {object} $currentSpeechbubble the speech bubble that should be positioned - * @param {object} $container the container to which the speech bubble should point - * @param {number} maxWidth the maximum width of the speech bubble - * @param {object} $tail the tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container) - * @param {object} $innerTail the inner tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container) - */ - function position($currentSpeechBubble, $container, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail) { - var $h5pContainer = getH5PContainer($container); - - // Calculate offset between the button and the h5p frame - var offset = getOffsetBetween($h5pContainer, $container); - - var direction = (offset.bottom > offset.top ? 'bottom' : 'top'); - var tipWidth = offset.outerWidth * 0.9; // Var needs to be renamed to make sense - var bubbleWidth = tipWidth > maxWidth ? maxWidth : tipWidth; - - var bubblePosition = getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset); - var tailPosition = getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, $container.width()); - // Need to set font-size, since element is appended to body. - // Using same font-size as parent. In that way it will grow accordingly - // when resizing - var fontSize = 16;//parseFloat($parent.css('font-size')); - - // Set width and position of speech bubble - $currentSpeechBubble.css(bubbleCSS( - direction, - bubbleWidth, - bubblePosition, - fontSize - )); - - var preparedTailCSS = tailCSS(direction, tailPosition); - $tail.css(preparedTailCSS); - $innerTail.css(preparedTailCSS); - } - - /** - * Static function for removing the speechbubble - */ - var remove = function () { - H5P.$body.off('mousedown.speechBubble'); - H5P.$window.off('resize', '', handleResize); - $currentContainer.parents('.h5p-dialog').off('mousedown.speechBubble'); - if (iDevice) { - H5P.$body.css('cursor', ''); - } - if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined) { - // Apply transition, then remove speech bubble - $currentSpeechBubble.removeClass('show'); - - // Make sure we remove any old timeout before reassignment - clearTimeout(removeSpeechBubbleTimeout); - removeSpeechBubbleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { - $currentSpeechBubble.remove(); - $currentSpeechBubble = undefined; - }, 500); - } - // Don't return false here. If the user e.g. clicks a button when the bubble is visible, - // we want the bubble to disapear AND the button to receive the event - }; - - /** - * Remove the speech bubble and container reference - */ - function handleOutsideClick(event) { - if (event.target === $currentContainer[0]) { - return; // Button clicks are not outside clicks - } - - remove(); - // There is no current container when a container isn't clicked - $currentContainer = undefined; - } - - /** - * Calculate position for speech bubble - * - * @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble - * @param {object} offset - * @return {object} Return position for the speech bubble - */ - function getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset) { - var bubblePosition = {}; - - var tailOffset = 9; - var widthOffset = bubbleWidth / 2; - - // Calculate top position - bubblePosition.top = offset.top + offset.innerHeight; - - // Calculate bottom position - bubblePosition.bottom = offset.bottom + offset.innerHeight + tailOffset; - - // Calculate left position - if (offset.left < widthOffset) { - bubblePosition.left = 3; - } - else if ((offset.left + widthOffset) > offset.outerWidth) { - bubblePosition.left = offset.outerWidth - bubbleWidth - 3; - } - else { - bubblePosition.left = offset.left - widthOffset + (offset.innerWidth / 2); - } - - return bubblePosition; - } - - /** - * Calculate position for speech bubble tail - * - * @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble - * @param {object} bubblePosition Speech bubble position - * @param {object} offset - * @param {number} iconWidth The width of the tip icon - * @return {object} Return position for the tail - */ - function getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, iconWidth) { - var tailPosition = {}; - // Magic numbers. Tuned by hand so that the tail fits visually within - // the bounds of the speech bubble. - var leftBoundary = 9; - var rightBoundary = bubbleWidth - 20; - - tailPosition.left = offset.left - bubblePosition.left + (iconWidth / 2) - 6; - if (tailPosition.left < leftBoundary) { - tailPosition.left = leftBoundary; - } - if (tailPosition.left > rightBoundary) { - tailPosition.left = rightBoundary; - } - - tailPosition.top = -6; - tailPosition.bottom = -6; - - return tailPosition; - } - - /** - * Return bubble CSS for the desired growth direction - * - * @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow - * @param {number} width The width of the speech bubble - * @param {object} position Speech bubble position - * @param {number} fontSize The size of the bubbles font - * @return {object} Return CSS - */ - function bubbleCSS(direction, width, position, fontSize) { - if (direction === 'top') { - return { - width: width + 'px', - bottom: position.bottom + 'px', - left: position.left + 'px', - fontSize: fontSize + 'px', - top: '' - }; - } - else { - return { - width: width + 'px', - top: position.top + 'px', - left: position.left + 'px', - fontSize: fontSize + 'px', - bottom: '' - }; - } - } - - /** - * Return tail CSS for the desired growth direction - * - * @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow - * @param {object} position Tail position - * @return {object} Return CSS - */ - function tailCSS(direction, position) { - if (direction === 'top') { - return { - bottom: position.bottom + 'px', - left: position.left + 'px', - top: '' - }; - } - else { - return { - top: position.top + 'px', - left: position.left + 'px', - bottom: '' - }; - } - } - - /** - * Calculates the offset between an element inside a container and the - * container. Only works if all the edges of the inner element are inside the - * outer element. - * Width/height of the elements is included as a convenience. - * - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $outer - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $inner - * @return {object} Position offset - */ - function getOffsetBetween($outer, $inner) { - var outer = $outer[0].getBoundingClientRect(); - var inner = $inner[0].getBoundingClientRect(); - - return { - top: inner.top - outer.top, - right: outer.right - inner.right, - bottom: outer.bottom - inner.bottom, - left: inner.left - outer.left, - innerWidth: inner.width, - innerHeight: inner.height, - outerWidth: outer.width, - outerHeight: outer.height - }; - } - - return JoubelSpeechBubble; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-throbber.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-throbber.js deleted file mode 100644 index ef98bfb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-throbber.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -H5P.JoubelThrobber = (function ($) { - - /** - * Creates a new tip - */ - function JoubelThrobber() { - - // h5p-throbber css is described in core - var $throbber = $('
', { - 'class': 'h5p-throbber' - }); - - return $throbber; - } - - return JoubelThrobber; -}(H5P.jQuery)); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-tip.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-tip.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0d6e259..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-tip.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -H5P.JoubelTip = (function ($) { - var $conv = $('
'); - - /** - * Creates a new tip element. - * - * NOTE that this may look like a class but it doesn't behave like one. - * It returns a jQuery object. - * - * @param {string} tipHtml The text to display in the popup - * @param {Object} [behaviour] Options - * @param {string} [behaviour.tipLabel] Set to use a custom label for the tip button (you want this for good A11Y) - * @param {boolean} [behaviour.helpIcon] Set to 'true' to Add help-icon classname to Tip button (changes the icon) - * @param {boolean} [behaviour.showSpeechBubble] Set to 'false' to disable functionality (you may this in the editor) - * @param {boolean} [behaviour.tabcontrol] Set to 'true' if you plan on controlling the tabindex in the parent (tabindex="-1") - * @return {H5P.jQuery|undefined} Tip button jQuery element or 'undefined' if invalid tip - */ - function JoubelTip(tipHtml, behaviour) { - - // Keep track of the popup that appears when you click the Tip button - var speechBubble; - - // Parse tip html to determine text - var tipText = $conv.html(tipHtml).text().trim(); - if (tipText === '') { - return; // The tip has no textual content, i.e. it's invalid. - } - - // Set default behaviour - behaviour = $.extend({ - tipLabel: tipText, - helpIcon: false, - showSpeechBubble: true, - tabcontrol: false - }, behaviour); - - // Create Tip button - var $tipButton = $('
', { - class: 'joubel-tip-container' + (behaviour.showSpeechBubble ? '' : ' be-quiet'), - 'aria-label': behaviour.tipLabel, - 'aria-expanded': false, - role: 'button', - tabindex: (behaviour.tabcontrol ? -1 : 0), - click: function (event) { - // Toggle show/hide popup - toggleSpeechBubble(); - event.preventDefault(); - }, - keydown: function (event) { - if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { // Space & enter key - // Toggle show/hide popup - toggleSpeechBubble(); - event.stopPropagation(); - event.preventDefault(); - } - else { // Any other key - // Toggle hide popup - toggleSpeechBubble(false); - } - }, - // Add markup to render icon - html: '' + - '' + - '' + - '' + - '' - // IMPORTANT: All of the markup elements must have 'pointer-events: none;' - }); - - const $tipAnnouncer = $('
', { - 'class': 'hidden-but-read', - 'aria-live': 'polite', - appendTo: $tipButton, - }); - - /** - * Tip button interaction handler. - * Toggle show or hide the speech bubble popup when interacting with the - * Tip button. - * - * @private - * @param {boolean} [force] 'true' shows and 'false' hides. - */ - var toggleSpeechBubble = function (force) { - if (speechBubble !== undefined && speechBubble.isCurrent($tipButton)) { - // Hide current popup - speechBubble.remove(); - speechBubble = undefined; - - $tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', false); - $tipAnnouncer.html(''); - } - else if (force !== false && behaviour.showSpeechBubble) { - // Create and show new popup - speechBubble = H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble($tipButton, tipHtml); - $tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', true); - $tipAnnouncer.html(tipHtml); - } - }; - - return $tipButton; - } - - return JoubelTip; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-ui.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-ui.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3d9388f..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/js/joubel-ui.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * H5P Joubel UI library. - * - * This is a utility library, which does not implement attach. I.e, it has to bee actively used by - * other libraries - * @module - */ -H5P.JoubelUI = (function ($) { - - /** - * The internal object to return - * @class H5P.JoubelUI - * @static - */ - function JoubelUI() {} - - /* Public static functions */ - - /** - * Create a tip icon - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createTip - * @param {string} text The textual tip - * @param {Object} params Parameters - * @return {H5P.JoubelTip} - */ - JoubelUI.createTip = function (text, params) { - return new H5P.JoubelTip(text, params); - }; - - /** - * Create message dialog - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createMessageDialog - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The dom container - * @param {string} message The message - * @return {H5P.JoubelMessageDialog} - */ - JoubelUI.createMessageDialog = function ($container, message) { - return new H5P.JoubelMessageDialog($container, message); - }; - - /** - * Create help text dialog - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog - * @param {string} header The textual header - * @param {string} message The textual message - * @param {string} closeButtonTitle The title for the close button - * @return {H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog} - */ - JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog = function (header, message, closeButtonTitle) { - return new H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle); - }; - - /** - * Create progress circle - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressCircle - * @param {number} number The progress (0 to 100) - * @param {string} progressColor The progress color in hex value - * @param {string} fillColor The fill color in hex value - * @param {string} backgroundColor The background color in hex value - * @return {H5P.JoubelProgressCircle} - */ - JoubelUI.createProgressCircle = function (number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor) { - return new H5P.JoubelProgressCircle(number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor); - }; - - /** - * Create throbber for loading - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createThrobber - * @return {H5P.JoubelThrobber} - */ - JoubelUI.createThrobber = function () { - return new H5P.JoubelThrobber(); - }; - - /** - * Create simple rounded button - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton - * @param {string} text The button label - * @return {H5P.SimpleRoundedButton} - */ - JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton = function (text) { - return new H5P.SimpleRoundedButton(text); - }; - - /** - * Create Slider - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSlider - * @param {Object} [params] Parameters - * @return {H5P.JoubelSlider} - */ - JoubelUI.createSlider = function (params) { - return new H5P.JoubelSlider(params); - }; - - /** - * Create Score Bar - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createScoreBar - * @param {number=} maxScore The maximum score - * @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar - * @return {H5P.JoubelScoreBar} - */ - JoubelUI.createScoreBar = function (maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) { - return new H5P.JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel); - }; - - /** - * Create Progressbar - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressbar - * @param {number=} numSteps The total numer of steps - * @param {Object} [options] Additional options - * @param {boolean} [options.disableAria] Disable readspeaker assistance - * @param {string} [options.progressText] A progress text for describing - * current progress out of total progress for readspeakers. - * e.g. "Slide :num of :total" - * @return {H5P.JoubelProgressbar} - */ - JoubelUI.createProgressbar = function (numSteps, options) { - return new H5P.JoubelProgressbar(numSteps, options); - }; - - /** - * Create standard Joubel button - * - * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createButton - * @param {object} params - * May hold any properties allowed by jQuery. If href is set, an A tag - * is used, if not a button tag is used. - * @return {H5P.jQuery} The jquery element created - */ - JoubelUI.createButton = function(params) { - var type = 'button'; - if (params.href) { - type = 'a'; - } - else { - params.type = 'button'; - } - if (params.class) { - params.class += ' h5p-joubelui-button'; - } - else { - params.class = 'h5p-joubelui-button'; - } - return $('<' + type + '/>', params); - }; - - /** - * Fix for iframe scoll bug in IOS. When focusing an element that doesn't have - * focus support by default the iframe will scroll the parent frame so that - * the focused element is out of view. This varies dependening on the elements - * of the parent frame. - */ - if (H5P.isFramed && !H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix && - /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { - H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix = true; - - // Keep track of original focus function - var focus = HTMLElement.prototype.focus; - - // Override the original focus - HTMLElement.prototype.focus = function () { - // Only focus the element if it supports it natively - if ( (this instanceof HTMLAnchorElement || - this instanceof HTMLInputElement || - this instanceof HTMLSelectElement || - this instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || - this instanceof HTMLButtonElement || - this instanceof HTMLIFrameElement || - this instanceof HTMLAreaElement) && // HTMLAreaElement isn't supported by Safari yet. - !this.getAttribute('role')) { // Focus breaks if a different role has been set - // In theory this.isContentEditable should be able to recieve focus, - // but it didn't work when tested. - - // Trigger the original focus with the proper context - focus.call(this); - } - }; - } - - return JoubelUI; -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/library.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/library.json deleted file mode 100644 index be183b3..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.JoubelUI-1.3/library.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"title":"Joubel UI","contentType":"Utility","description":"UI utility library","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":3,"patchVersion":14,"runnable":0,"coreApi":{"majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":3},"machineName":"H5P.JoubelUI","author":"Joubel","preloadedJs":[{"path":"js/joubel-help-dialog.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-message-dialog.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-progress-circle.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-simple-rounded-button.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-speech-bubble.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-throbber.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-tip.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-slider.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-score-bar.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-progressbar.js"},{"path":"js/joubel-ui.js"}],"preloadedCss":[{"path":"css/joubel-help-dialog.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-message-dialog.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-progress-circle.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-simple-rounded-button.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-speech-bubble.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-tip.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-slider.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-score-bar.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-progressbar.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-ui.css"},{"path":"css/joubel-icon.css"}],"preloadedDependencies":[{"machineName":"FontAwesome","majorVersion":4,"minorVersion":5},{"machineName":"H5P.Transition","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":0},{"machineName":"H5P.FontIcons","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":0}]} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/library.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/library.json deleted file mode 100644 index b757ceb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/library.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -{ - "machineName": "H5P.MathDisplay", - "title": "MathDisplay", - "description": "Allows to use LaTeX.", - "license": "MIT", - "author": "Joubel", - "majorVersion": 1, - "minorVersion": 0, - "patchVersion": 7, - "runnable": 0, - "coreApi": { - "majorVersion": 1, - "minorVersion": 19 - }, - "preloadedJs": [ - { - "path": "scripts/mathdisplay.js" - } - ], - "addTo": { - "content": { - "types": [ - { - "text": { - "regex": "/\\$\\$.+\\$\\$|\\\\\\[.+\\\\\\]|\\\\\\(.+\\\\\\)/" - } - } - ] - } - } -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/scripts/mathdisplay.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/scripts/mathdisplay.js deleted file mode 100644 index c714160..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MathDisplay-1.0/scripts/mathdisplay.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -/* globals MathJax, console */ - -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** @namespace H5P */ -H5P.MathDisplay = (function () { - 'use strict'; - /** - * Constructor. - */ - function MathDisplay() { - var that = this; - - this.isReady = false; - this.mathjax = undefined; - this.observer = undefined; - this.updating = null; - this.mathHasBeenAdded = false; - - // Initialize event inheritance - H5P.EventDispatcher.call(that); - - /* - * Initialize MathDisplay if document has loaded and thus H5PIntegration is set. - * It might be faster to start loading MathJax/the renderer earlier, but in that - * case we need a mechanism to detect the availability of H5PIntegration for - * getting the source. - */ - if (document.readyState === 'complete') { - initialize(); - } - else { - document.onreadystatechange = function () { - if (document.readyState === 'complete') { - initialize(); - } - }; - } - - /** - * Initialize MathDisplay with settings that host may have set in ENV - */ - function initialize() { - // Get settings from host - that.settings = H5P.getLibraryConfig('H5P.MathDisplay'); - - // Set default observers if none configured. Will need tweaking. - if (!that.settings.observers || that.settings.observers.length === 0) { - that.settings = that.extend({ - observers: [ - {name: 'mutationObserver', params: {cooldown: 500}}, - {name: 'domChangedListener'}, - //{name: 'interval', params: {time: 1000}}, - ] - }, that.settings); - } - - // Set MathJax using CDN as default if no config given. - if (!that.settings.renderer || Object.keys(that.settings.renderer).length === 0) { - that.settings = that.extend({ - renderer: { - // See http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/options/index.html for options - mathjax: { - src: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js', - config: { - extensions: ['tex2jax.js'], - showMathMenu: false, - jax: ['input/TeX','output/HTML-CSS'], - tex2jax: { - // Important, otherwise MathJax will be rendered inside CKEditor - ignoreClass: "ckeditor" - }, - messageStyle: 'none' - } - } - } - }, that.settings); - } - - if (that.settings.parent !== undefined) { - console.error('Beep bop! This was disabled since no one knew what it was actually used for @ H5P.MathDisplay'); - } - - // If h5p-container is not set, we're in an editor that may still be loading, hence document - that.container = that.settings.container || document.getElementsByClassName('h5p-container')[0] || document; - - if (that.settings.renderer.mathjax) { - // Load MathJax dynamically - getMathJax(that.settings.renderer.mathjax, function (mathjax) { - if (mathjax === undefined) { - console.warn('Could not load Mathjax'); - return; - } - - that.mathjax = mathjax; // TODO: How do we know this is the right one? Is this there any reason for having this? AFAIK there can only be one loaded and used per page. - startObservers(that.settings.observers); - - // MathDisplay is ready - that.isReady = true; - - // Update math content and resize - that.update(that.container); - }); - } - } - - /** - * Start observers. - * - * @param {object[]} observers - Observers to be used. - */ - function startObservers(observers) { - // Start observers - observers.forEach(function (observer) { - switch (observer.name) { - case 'mutationObserver': - that.startMutationObserver(observer.params); - break; - case 'domChangedListener': - that.startDOMChangedListener(observer.params); - break; - case 'interval': - that.startIntervalUpdater(observer.params); - break; - } - }); - } - - /** - * Get MathJax if available. - * - * For MathJax in-line-configuration options cmp. - * https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/configuration.html#using-in-line-configuration-options - * - * @param {object} settings - MathJax in-line configuration options. - * @param {function} callback - Callback function. - * @return {function} Callback with params {object} mathjax and {string} error. - */ - function getMathJax(settings, callback) { - // Add MathJax script to document - var script = document.createElement('script'); - script.type = 'text/javascript'; - script.src = settings.src; - script.onerror = callback; - script.onload = function () { - var success = (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined'); - if (success) { - MathJax.Hub.Config(settings.config); - } - callback(success ? MathJax: undefined); - }; - - document.body.appendChild(script); - } - } - - // Extends the event dispatcher - MathDisplay.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype); - MathDisplay.prototype.constructor = MathDisplay; - - /** - * Start domChangedListener. - * - * @param {object} params - Parameters. Currently not used. - * @return {boolean} True if observer could be started, else false. - */ - MathDisplay.prototype.startDOMChangedListener = function () { - var that = this; - H5P.externalDispatcher.on('domChanged', function (event) { - that.update(event.data.$target[0]); - }); - return true; - }; - - /** - * Start interval updater. - * - * @param {object} params - Parameters. - * @param {number} params.time - Interval time. - * @return {boolean} True if observer could be started, else false. - */ - MathDisplay.prototype.startIntervalUpdater = function (params) { - var that = this; - - if (!params || !params.time) { - return false; - } - - /** - * Update math display in regular intervals. - * - * @param {number} time - Interval time. - */ - function intervalUpdate(time) { - setTimeout(function () { - if (that.mathjax.Hub.queue.running + that.mathjax.Hub.queue.pending === 0) { - that.update(document); - } - intervalUpdate(time); - }, time); - } - - intervalUpdate(params.time); - - return true; - }; - - /** - * Start mutation observer. - * - * @param {object} params - Paremeters. - * @param {number} params.cooldown - Cooldown period. - * @return {boolean} True if observer could be started, else false. - */ - MathDisplay.prototype.startMutationObserver = function (params) { - var that = this; - - if (!this.container) { - return false; - } - - this.mutationCoolingPeriod = params.cooldown; - - this.observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { - if (includesMathJaxAdded(mutations)) { - // We are only resize the content if MathJax was actually added as - // constant resizing of the entire content is quite expensive. - that.mathHasBeenAdded = true; - } - - // Filter out elements that have nothing to do with the inner HTML. - // TODO: There is probably a more efficient way of filtering out only - // the relevant elements. E.g. Sometime we are actually processing the - // elements added as part of the MathJax formula here... - mutations - .filter(function (mutation) { - return mutation.target.id.indexOf('MathJax') !== 0 && - (mutation.target.className.indexOf && mutation.target.className.indexOf('MathJax') !== 0) && - mutation.target.tagName !== 'HEAD' && - mutation.addedNodes.length > 0; - }) - .forEach(function (mutation) { - that.update(mutation.target); - }); - }); - - this.observer.observe(this.container, {childList: true, subtree: true}); - return true; - }; - - /** - * Update the DOM by MathJax. - * - * @param {object[]} [elements] - DOM elements to be updated. - */ - MathDisplay.prototype.update = function (elements) { - const self = this; - if (!this.isReady) { - return; - } - - // TODO: There is really no need to call update() until the H5P instance's - // attach() has finished running.(MathJax should probably attach on an - // instance level instead of the entire page?) - // There seems to be a bit of redundant processing going on. - - /** - * Triggered when MathJax has finished rendering - */ - const callback = function () { - if (self.mathHasBeenAdded) { - self.mathHasBeenAdded = false; - resizeH5PContent(); - } - }; - - if (this.observer) { - /* - * For speed reasons, we only add the elements to MathJax's queue that - * have been passed by the mutation observer instead of always parsing - * the complete document. We could always put everything on MathJax's queue - * and let it work doen the queue, but this can become pretty slow. - * Instead, we use the cooldown period to ignore further elements. - * If elements may have been missed, we once update the complete document. - */ - if (!this.updating) { - this.mathjax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", this.mathjax.Hub, elements], callback); - this.updating = setTimeout(function () { - self.updating = null; - if (self.missedUpdates) { - self.missedUpdates = false; - self.mathjax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", self.mathjax.Hub, document], callback); // TODO: Do we need to specify document? I believe the entire pages is the default - } - }, this.mutationCoolingPeriod); - } - else { - this.missedUpdates = true; - // TODO: Should we have kept track of the elements that was missed - // instead of running the whole document again? - // Alternatively, always determine the common parent? Could be relevant - // for the foreach in the MutationObserver callback as well to reduce - // processing time. - } - } - else { - // TODO: Determine if this is really needed or used? Most likely it has - // not been tested in a while and has no way of actually detecting if - // MathJax did add something and trigger a resize on the content. - this.mathjax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", self.mathjax.Hub, elements], callback); - } - }; - - /** - * Extend an array just like jQuery's extend. - * @param {...Object} arguments - Objects to be merged. - * @return {Object} Merged objects. - */ - MathDisplay.prototype.extend = function () { - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - for (var key in arguments[i]) { - if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) { - if (typeof arguments[0][key] === 'object' && - typeof arguments[i][key] === 'object') { - this.extend(arguments[0][key], arguments[i][key]); - } - else { - arguments[0][key] = arguments[i][key]; - } - } - } - } - return arguments[0]; - }; - - /** - * Help determine if the observed mutations contained any insertion of - * MathJax formulas. - * - * @param {MutationRecord[]} mutations - * @return {Boolean} - */ - const includesMathJaxAdded = function (mutations) { - for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { - for (let j = 0; j < mutations[i].addedNodes.length; j++) { - const node = mutations[i].addedNodes[j]; - if (node instanceof HTMLElement && (node.classList.contains('MathJax') || node.classList.contains('MathJax_Display'))) { - return true; - } - } - } - - return false; - }; - - /** - * Trigger resize of the first H5P content on the page. - * - * TODO: Should only resize the content that had MathJax added. - */ - const resizeH5PContent = function () { - try { - H5P.instances[0].trigger('resize'); - } - catch (e) { - // Do nothing if it fails - } - }; - - return MathDisplay; -})(); - -// Fire up the MathDisplay -new H5P.MathDisplay(); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/css/multichoice.css b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/css/multichoice.css deleted file mode 100644 index 30f4b93..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/css/multichoice.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,380 +0,0 @@ -/* IcoMoon font licensed under the GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ -@font-face { - font-family: 'icomoon-multichoice'; - src:url('../fonts/icomoon.eot'); - src:url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), - url('../fonts/icomoon.woff') format('woff'), - url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf') format('truetype'), - url('../fonts/icomoon.svg#icomoon') format('svg'); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answers { - list-style: none; - padding: 0; - overflow: visible; - margin: 1em 0; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer { - list-style: none; - margin: 0.5em 0; - padding: 0; - background: none; - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-has-tip .h5p-alternative-container, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-should-not .h5p-alternative-container { - padding-right: 2em; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-wrong .h5p-alternative-container, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-correct .h5p-alternative-container { - padding-right: 3em; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-alternative-container { - position: relative; - text-align: left; - display: block; - padding: 0.25em 0.75em 0.25em 2.1em; - border-radius: 0.3em; - border: 0.1em solid transparent; - font-weight: normal; - background: #ddd; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); - -moz-box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); - box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); - line-height: 1.5em; - text-indent: -2em; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer .h5p-alternative-container:before { - font-family: icomoon-multichoice; - border: medium none; - display: block; - height: 1em; - width: 1em; - position: absolute; - left: 2.5em; - top: 0.25em; - margin: auto; - text-decoration: none; - color: #494949; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[role="radio"] .h5p-alternative-container:before { - content: "\e600"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[role="radio"][aria-checked="true"] .h5p-alternative-container:before { - content: "\e603"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[role="checkbox"] .h5p-alternative-container:before { - content: "\e602"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[role="checkbox"][aria-checked="true"] .h5p-alternative-container:before { - content: "\e601"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answers .h5p-answer[aria-disabled="true"] .h5p-alternative-container:before, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answers .h5p-answer.h5p-correct .h5p-alternative-container:before, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answers .h5p-answer.h5p-wrong .h5p-alternative-container:before { - content: ''; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[aria-disabled="true"] { - cursor: default; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer:not([aria-disabled="true"]):hover .h5p-alternative-container { - background-color: #ececec; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer:not([aria-disabled="true"]):focus .h5p-alternative-container { - outline-style: inset; - outline-width: 2px; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[aria-checked="true"] .h5p-alternative-container { - color: #1a4473; - background: #cee0f4; - border: 2px solid #388EFF; - box-shadow: none; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer[aria-checked="true"]:not(.h5p-wrong):not(.h5p-correct):not([aria-disabled="true"]):hover .h5p-alternative-container { - background-color: #e6effc; - box-shadow: none; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-correct .h5p-alternative-container, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-correct:hover .h5p-alternative-container { - background: #b6e4ce; - border-color: #b6e4ce; - color: #255c41; - box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0 #a2bdb0; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-wrong .h5p-alternative-container, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-wrong:hover .h5p-alternative-container { - background: #fbd7d8; - border-color: #fbd7d8; - color: #b71c1c; - box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0 #deb8b8; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; -} - -.h5p-multichoice h2 { - font-size: 1.5em; - font-weight: normal; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer-icon { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - width: 1em; - height: 1em; - text-decoration: none; - position: absolute; - line-height: 1em; - top: 0.54em; - left: 0.75em; - letter-spacing: 1em; - overflow: hidden; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-correct .h5p-answer-icon:before { - content: "\f00c"; - color: #255c41; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-wrong .h5p-answer-icon:before { - content: "\f00d"; - color: #b71c1c; - padding: 0 0.125em; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should .h5p-answer-icon, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should-not .h5p-answer-icon { - right: 2.125em; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-solution-icon-radio, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-solution-icon-checkbox { - font-family: icomoon-multichoice; - position: absolute; - right: 0.75em; - line-height: 1em; - top: 0.585em; - width: 1em; - height: 1em; - overflow: hidden; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should .h5p-solution-icon-radio:before { - content: "\e603"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should-not .h5p-solution-icon-radio:before { - content: "\e600"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should .h5p-solution-icon-checkbox:before { - content: "\e601"; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-should-not .h5p-solution-icon-checkbox:before { - content: "\e602"; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .feedback-text { - height: 2em; - top: 0; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - font-weight: bold; - font-size: 1.25em; - line-height: 2em; - color: #599413; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .feedback-text.h5p-failed { - color: #b71c1c; -} -.h5p-multichoice .feedback-text.h5p-almost { - color: #666; -} -.h5p-multichoice .feedback-text.h5p-passed { - color: #255c41; -} - -.h5p-alternative-inner { - margin: 0 0.75em 0 2em; -} -.h5p-alternative-inner div, -.h5p-alternative-inner p { - display: inline; -} - -.h5p-clearfix { - clear: both; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-radio-or-checkbox { - border: medium none; - display: block; - height: 1em; - margin: auto; - width: 1em; - text-decoration: none; - font-family: icomoon-multichoice; - color: #494949; - pointer-events: none; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected .h5p-radio-or-checkbox { - color: #235e7c; -} - -.h5p-question p:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; -} - -.h5p-question p:first-child { - margin-top: 0; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-button { - position: absolute; - cursor: pointer; - right: 2.125em; - top: 0.4375em; - line-height: 1em; - background: #fff; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should.h5p-correct .h5p-feedback-button, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should-not.h5p-correct .h5p-feedback-button, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should.h5p-wrong .h5p-feedback-button, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should-not.h5p-wrong .h5p-feedback-button { - right: 3.5em; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-button:focus { - outline: none; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-button:before { - font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4'; - content: "\f075"; - color: #fbfbfb; - text-shadow: 0 0 0.25em #2c2c2c; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-button:hover:before { - color: #e1e1e1; -} - -/* Feedback dialog*/ -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-dialog { - position: relative; - width: calc(100% - 0.5em); - left: 0.25em; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer .h5p-feedback-inner { - background: #fbfbfb; - border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; - border-left: 1px solid #ddd; - border-right: 1px solid #ddd; - padding: 0.5em 1.25em; - text-align: left; - position: relative; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-answer.h5p-selected .h5p-feedback-inner { - border-bottom: 1px solid #cee0f4; - border-left: 1px solid #cee0f4; - border-right: 1px solid #cee0f4; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-inner:before { - content: ""; - position: absolute; - left: 0.625em; - top: -0.3em; - width: 0.5em; - height: 0.5em; - background: #fbfbfb; - -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); - -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); - -o-transform: rotate(45deg); - transform: rotate(45deg); - box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #dcdcdc; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-dialog.h5p-has-tip .h5p-feedback-inner:before { - left: auto; - right: 0.85em; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-text { - position: relative; - z-index: 3; - overflow: auto; - overflow-x: hidden; - overflow-y: auto; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-text::-webkit-scrollbar { - width: 0.4em; -} -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-feedback-text::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { - border-radius: 0.2em; - background: #aaa; -} - -/* Tip icon*/ -.h5p-multichoice .multichoice-tip { - position: absolute; - right: 0.246153846em; - top: -0.123076923em; - vertical-align: middle; - text-align: center; - font-size: 1.25em; - line-height: 1.5; - width: 2.15em; - height: 100%; - color: #777; - cursor: pointer; - font-weight: normal; -} -.h5p-multichoice .multichoice-tip:focus { - outline: 0; - box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 3px rgba(140,185,240,1); -} - -.using-mouse .h5p-multichoice .multichoice-tip:focus { - box-shadow: none; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .multichoice-tip .joubel-icon-tip-normal { - line-height: initial; - float: right; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .multichoice-tip:hover { - color: #333; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should-not.h5p-correct .multichoice-tip, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should.h5p-correct .multichoice-tip, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should.h5p-wrong .multichoice-tip, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-selected.h5p-should-not.h5p-wrong .multichoice-tip { - right: 3.125em; -} - -/* Remove tip icon on check */ -.h5p-multichoice [aria-disabled="true"] .h5p-multichoice-tipwrap { - display: none; -} - -.h5p-multichoice-tipwrap { - display: inline; -} - -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-question-plus-one, -.h5p-multichoice .h5p-question-minus-one { - display: inline-block; - top: auto; - right: auto; - padding-top: 2px; -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.eot b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.eot deleted file mode 100644 index 642fca8..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.eot and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 7e1987e..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -{ - "fontFamily": "h5p", - "description": "Font generated by IcoMoon.", - "majorVersion": 1, - "minorVersion": 1, - "version": "Version 1.1", - "fontId": "h5p", - "psName": "h5p", - "subFamily": "Regular", - "fullName": "h5p" -} - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.ttf b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.ttf deleted file mode 100644 index ff8fd75..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.ttf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.woff b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.woff deleted file mode 100644 index 7bcb022..0000000 Binary files a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/fonts/icomoon.woff and /dev/null differ diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/icon.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/icon.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 1e897e2..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/icon.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ - - - - - multiple choice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/js/multichoice.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/js/multichoice.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6cbe43b..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/js/multichoice.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1107 +0,0 @@ -// Will render a Question with multiple choices for answers. - -// Options format: -// { -// title: "Optional title for question box", -// question: "Question text", -// answers: [{text: "Answer text", correct: false}, ...], -// singleAnswer: true, // or false, will change rendered output slightly. -// singlePoint: true, // True if question give a single point score only -// // if all are correct, false to give 1 point per -// // correct answer. (Only for singleAnswer=false) -// randomAnswers: false // Whether to randomize the order of answers. -// } -// -// Events provided: -// - h5pQuestionAnswered: Triggered when a question has been answered. - -var H5P = H5P || {}; - -/** - * @typedef {Object} Options - * Options for multiple choice - * - * @property {Object} behaviour - * @property {boolean} behaviour.confirmCheckDialog - * @property {boolean} behaviour.confirmRetryDialog - * - * @property {Object} UI - * @property {string} UI.tipsLabel - * - * @property {Object} [confirmRetry] - * @property {string} [confirmRetry.header] - * @property {string} [confirmRetry.body] - * @property {string} [confirmRetry.cancelLabel] - * @property {string} [confirmRetry.confirmLabel] - * - * @property {Object} [confirmCheck] - * @property {string} [confirmCheck.header] - * @property {string} [confirmCheck.body] - * @property {string} [confirmCheck.cancelLabel] - * @property {string} [confirmCheck.confirmLabel] - */ - -/** - * Module for creating a multiple choice question - * - * @param {Options} options - * @param {number} contentId - * @param {Object} contentData - * @returns {H5P.MultiChoice} - * @constructor - */ -H5P.MultiChoice = function (options, contentId, contentData) { - if (!(this instanceof H5P.MultiChoice)) - return new H5P.MultiChoice(options, contentId, contentData); - var self = this; - this.contentId = contentId; - this.contentData = contentData; - H5P.Question.call(self, 'multichoice'); - var $ = H5P.jQuery; - - var defaults = { - image: null, - question: "No question text provided", - answers: [ - { - tipsAndFeedback: { - tip: '', - chosenFeedback: '', - notChosenFeedback: '' - }, - text: "Answer 1", - correct: true - } - ], - overallFeedback: [], - weight: 1, - userAnswers: [], - UI: { - checkAnswerButton: 'Check', - submitAnswerButton: 'Submit', - showSolutionButton: 'Show solution', - tryAgainButton: 'Try again', - scoreBarLabel: 'You got :num out of :total points', - tipAvailable: "Tip available", - feedbackAvailable: "Feedback available", - readFeedback: 'Read feedback', - shouldCheck: "Should have been checked", - shouldNotCheck: "Should not have been checked", - noInput: 'Input is required before viewing the solution', - a11yCheck: 'Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.', - a11yShowSolution: 'Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.', - a11yRetry: 'Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.', - }, - behaviour: { - enableRetry: true, - enableSolutionsButton: true, - enableCheckButton: true, - type: 'auto', - singlePoint: true, - randomAnswers: false, - showSolutionsRequiresInput: true, - autoCheck: false, - passPercentage: 100, - showScorePoints: true - } - }; - var params = $.extend(true, defaults, options); - // Keep track of number of correct choices - var numCorrect = 0; - - // Loop through choices - for (var i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - var answer = params.answers[i]; - - // Make sure tips and feedback exists - answer.tipsAndFeedback = answer.tipsAndFeedback || {}; - - if (params.answers[i].correct) { - // Update number of correct choices - numCorrect++; - } - } - - // Determine if no choices is the correct - var blankIsCorrect = (numCorrect === 0); - - // Determine task type - if (params.behaviour.type === 'auto') { - // Use single choice if only one choice is correct - params.behaviour.singleAnswer = (numCorrect === 1); - } - else { - params.behaviour.singleAnswer = (params.behaviour.type === 'single'); - } - - var getCheckboxOrRadioIcon = function (radio, selected) { - var icon; - if (radio) { - icon = selected ? '' : ''; - } - else { - icon = selected ? '' : ''; - } - return icon; - }; - - // Initialize buttons and elements. - var $myDom; - var $feedbackDialog; - - /** - * Remove all feedback dialogs - */ - var removeFeedbackDialog = function () { - // Remove the open feedback dialogs. - $myDom.unbind('click', removeFeedbackDialog); - $myDom.find('.h5p-feedback-button, .h5p-feedback-dialog').remove(); - $myDom.find('.h5p-has-feedback').removeClass('h5p-has-feedback'); - if ($feedbackDialog) { - $feedbackDialog.remove(); - } - }; - - var score = 0; - var solutionsVisible = false; - - /** - * Add feedback to element - * @param {jQuery} $element Element that feedback will be added to - * @param {string} feedback Feedback string - */ - var addFeedback = function ($element, feedback) { - $feedbackDialog = $('' + - '
' + - '
' + - '
' + feedback + '
' + - '
' + - '
'); - - //make sure feedback is only added once - if (!$element.find($('.h5p-feedback-dialog')).length) { - $feedbackDialog.appendTo($element.addClass('h5p-has-feedback')); - } - }; - - /** - * Register the different parts of the task with the H5P.Question structure. - */ - self.registerDomElements = function () { - var media = params.media; - if (media && media.type && media.type.library) { - media = media.type; - var type = media.library.split(' ')[0]; - if (type === 'H5P.Image') { - if (media.params.file) { - // Register task image - self.setImage(media.params.file.path, { - disableImageZooming: params.media.disableImageZooming || false, - alt: media.params.alt, - title: media.params.title - }); - } - } - else if (type === 'H5P.Video') { - if (media.params.sources) { - // Register task video - self.setVideo(media); - } - } - else if (type === 'H5P.Audio') { - if (media.params.files) { - // Register task audio - self.setAudio(media); - } - } - } - - // Determine if we're using checkboxes or radio buttons - for (var i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - params.answers[i].checkboxOrRadioIcon = getCheckboxOrRadioIcon(params.behaviour.singleAnswer, params.userAnswers.indexOf(i) > -1); - } - - // Register Introduction - self.setIntroduction('
' + params.question + '
'); - - // Register task content area - $myDom = $('
    ', { - 'class': 'h5p-answers', - role: params.role, - 'aria-labelledby': params.labelId - }); - - for (let i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - const answer = params.answers[i]; - answer.text = answer.text ?? '
    '; - $('
  • ', { - 'class': 'h5p-answer', - role: answer.role, - tabindex: answer.tabindex, - 'aria-checked': answer.checked, - 'data-id': i, - html: '
    ' + answer.text + '
    ', - appendTo: $myDom - }); - } - - self.setContent($myDom, { - 'class': params.behaviour.singleAnswer ? 'h5p-radio' : 'h5p-check' - }); - - // Create tips: - var $answers = $('.h5p-answer', $myDom).each(function (i) { - - var tip = params.answers[i].tipsAndFeedback.tip; - if (tip === undefined) { - return; // No tip - } - - tip = tip.trim(); - var tipContent = tip - .replace(/ /g, '') - .replace(/

    /g, '') - .replace(/<\/p>/g, '') - .trim(); - if (!tipContent.length) { - return; // Empty tip - } - else { - $(this).addClass('h5p-has-tip'); - } - - // Add tip - var $wrap = $('

    ', { - 'class': 'h5p-multichoice-tipwrap', - 'aria-label': params.UI.tipAvailable + '.' - }); - - var $multichoiceTip = $('
    ', { - 'role': 'button', - 'tabindex': 0, - 'title': params.UI.tipsLabel, - 'aria-label': params.UI.tipsLabel, - 'aria-expanded': false, - 'class': 'multichoice-tip', - appendTo: $wrap - }); - - var tipIconHtml = '' + - '' + - '' + - '' + - ''; - - $multichoiceTip.append(tipIconHtml); - - $multichoiceTip.click(function () { - var $tipContainer = $multichoiceTip.parents('.h5p-answer'); - var openFeedback = !$tipContainer.children('.h5p-feedback-dialog').is($feedbackDialog); - removeFeedbackDialog(); - - // Do not open feedback if it was open - if (openFeedback) { - $multichoiceTip.attr('aria-expanded', true); - - // Add tip dialog - addFeedback($tipContainer, tip); - $feedbackDialog.addClass('h5p-has-tip'); - - // Tip for readspeaker - self.read(tip); - } - else { - $multichoiceTip.attr('aria-expanded', false); - } - - self.trigger('resize'); - - // Remove tip dialog on dom click - setTimeout(function () { - $myDom.click(removeFeedbackDialog); - }, 100); - - // Do not propagate - return false; - }).keydown(function (e) { - if (e.which === 32) { - $(this).click(); - return false; - } - }); - - $('.h5p-alternative-container', this).append($wrap); - }); - - // Set event listeners. - var toggleCheck = function ($ans) { - if ($ans.attr('aria-disabled') === 'true') { - return; - } - self.answered = true; - var num = parseInt($ans.data('id')); - if (params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - // Store answer - params.userAnswers = [num]; - - // Calculate score - score = (params.answers[num].correct ? 1 : 0); - - // De-select previous answer - $answers.not($ans).removeClass('h5p-selected').attr('tabindex', '-1').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); - - // Select new answer - $ans.addClass('h5p-selected').attr('tabindex', '0').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); - } - else { - if ($ans.attr('aria-checked') === 'true') { - const pos = params.userAnswers.indexOf(num); - if (pos !== -1) { - params.userAnswers.splice(pos, 1); - } - - // Do not allow un-checking when retry disabled and auto check - if (params.behaviour.autoCheck && !params.behaviour.enableRetry) { - return; - } - - // Remove check - $ans.removeClass('h5p-selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); - } - else { - params.userAnswers.push(num); - $ans.addClass('h5p-selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); - } - - // Calculate score - calcScore(); - } - - self.triggerXAPI('interacted'); - hideSolution($ans); - - if (params.userAnswers.length) { - self.showButton('check-answer'); - self.hideButton('try-again'); - self.hideButton('show-solution'); - - if (params.behaviour.autoCheck) { - if (params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - // Only a single answer allowed - checkAnswer(); - } - else { - // Show feedback for selected alternatives - self.showCheckSolution(true); - - // Always finish task if it was completed successfully - if (score === self.getMaxScore()) { - checkAnswer(); - } - } - } - } - }; - - $answers.click(function () { - toggleCheck($(this)); - }).keydown(function (e) { - if (e.keyCode === 32) { // Space bar - // Select current item - toggleCheck($(this)); - return false; - } - - if (params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - switch (e.keyCode) { - case 38: // Up - case 37: { // Left - // Try to select previous item - var $prev = $(this).prev(); - if ($prev.length) { - toggleCheck($prev.focus()); - } - return false; - } - case 40: // Down - case 39: { // Right - // Try to select next item - var $next = $(this).next(); - if ($next.length) { - toggleCheck($next.focus()); - } - return false; - } - } - } - }); - - if (params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - // Special focus handler for radio buttons - $answers.focus(function () { - if ($(this).attr('aria-disabled') !== 'true') { - $answers.not(this).attr('tabindex', '-1'); - } - }).blur(function () { - if (!$answers.filter('.h5p-selected').length) { - $answers.first().add($answers.last()).attr('tabindex', '0'); - } - }); - } - - // Adds check and retry button - addButtons(); - if (!params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - - calcScore(); - } - else { - if (params.userAnswers.length && params.answers[params.userAnswers[0]].correct) { - score = 1; - } - else { - score = 0; - } - } - - // Has answered through auto-check in a previous session - if (hasCheckedAnswer && params.behaviour.autoCheck) { - - // Check answers if answer has been given or max score reached - if (params.behaviour.singleAnswer || score === self.getMaxScore()) { - checkAnswer(); - } - else { - // Show feedback for checked checkboxes - self.showCheckSolution(true); - } - } - }; - - this.showAllSolutions = function () { - if (solutionsVisible) { - return; - } - solutionsVisible = true; - - $myDom.find('.h5p-answer').each(function (i, e) { - var $e = $(e); - var a = params.answers[i]; - const className = 'h5p-solution-icon-' + (params.behaviour.singleAnswer ? 'radio' : 'checkbox'); - - if (a.correct) { - $e.addClass('h5p-should').append($('', { - 'class': className, - html: params.UI.shouldCheck + '.' - })); - } - else { - $e.addClass('h5p-should-not').append($('', { - 'class': className, - html: params.UI.shouldNotCheck + '.' - })); - } - }).find('.h5p-question-plus-one, .h5p-question-minus-one').remove(); - - // Make sure input is disabled in solution mode - disableInput(); - - // Move focus back to the first alternative so that the user becomes - // aware that the solution is being shown. - $myDom.find('.h5p-answer:first-child').focus(); - - //Hide buttons and retry depending on settings. - self.hideButton('check-answer'); - self.hideButton('show-solution'); - if (params.behaviour.enableRetry) { - self.showButton('try-again'); - } - self.trigger('resize'); - }; - - /** - * Used in contracts. - * Shows the solution for the task and hides all buttons. - */ - this.showSolutions = function () { - removeFeedbackDialog(); - self.showCheckSolution(); - self.showAllSolutions(); - disableInput(); - self.hideButton('try-again'); - }; - - /** - * Hide solution for the given answer(s) - * - * @private - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $answer - */ - var hideSolution = function ($answer) { - $answer - .removeClass('h5p-correct') - .removeClass('h5p-wrong') - .removeClass('h5p-should') - .removeClass('h5p-should-not') - .removeClass('h5p-has-feedback') - .find('.h5p-question-plus-one, ' + - '.h5p-question-minus-one, ' + - '.h5p-answer-icon, ' + - '.h5p-solution-icon-radio, ' + - '.h5p-solution-icon-checkbox, ' + - '.h5p-feedback-dialog') - .remove(); - }; - - /** - * - */ - this.hideSolutions = function () { - solutionsVisible = false; - - hideSolution($('.h5p-answer', $myDom)); - - this.removeFeedback(); // Reset feedback - - self.trigger('resize'); - }; - - /** - * Resets the whole task. - * Used in contracts with integrated content. - * @private - */ - this.resetTask = function () { - self.answered = false; - self.hideSolutions(); - params.userAnswers = []; - removeSelections(); - self.showButton('check-answer'); - self.hideButton('try-again'); - self.hideButton('show-solution'); - enableInput(); - $myDom.find('.h5p-feedback-available').remove(); - }; - - var calculateMaxScore = function () { - if (blankIsCorrect) { - return params.weight; - } - var maxScore = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - var choice = params.answers[i]; - if (choice.correct) { - maxScore += (choice.weight !== undefined ? choice.weight : 1); - } - } - return maxScore; - }; - - this.getMaxScore = function () { - return (!params.behaviour.singleAnswer && !params.behaviour.singlePoint ? calculateMaxScore() : params.weight); - }; - - /** - * Check answer - */ - var checkAnswer = function () { - // Unbind removal of feedback dialogs on click - $myDom.unbind('click', removeFeedbackDialog); - - // Remove all tip dialogs - removeFeedbackDialog(); - - if (params.behaviour.enableSolutionsButton) { - self.showButton('show-solution'); - } - if (params.behaviour.enableRetry) { - self.showButton('try-again'); - } - self.hideButton('check-answer'); - - self.showCheckSolution(); - disableInput(); - - var xAPIEvent = self.createXAPIEventTemplate('answered'); - addQuestionToXAPI(xAPIEvent); - addResponseToXAPI(xAPIEvent); - self.trigger(xAPIEvent); - }; - - /** - * Adds the ui buttons. - * @private - */ - var addButtons = function () { - var $content = $('[data-content-id="' + self.contentId + '"].h5p-content'); - var $containerParents = $content.parents('.h5p-container'); - - // select find container to attach dialogs to - var $container; - if($containerParents.length !== 0) { - // use parent highest up if any - $container = $containerParents.last(); - } - else if($content.length !== 0){ - $container = $content; - } - else { - $container = $(document.body); - } - - // Show solution button - self.addButton('show-solution', params.UI.showSolutionButton, function () { - if (params.behaviour.showSolutionsRequiresInput && !self.getAnswerGiven(true)) { - // Require answer before solution can be viewed - self.updateFeedbackContent(params.UI.noInput); - self.read(params.UI.noInput); - } - else { - calcScore(); - self.showAllSolutions(); - } - - }, false, { - 'aria-label': params.UI.a11yShowSolution, - }); - - // Check button - if (params.behaviour.enableCheckButton && (!params.behaviour.autoCheck || !params.behaviour.singleAnswer)) { - self.addButton('check-answer', params.UI.checkAnswerButton, - function () { - self.answered = true; - checkAnswer(); - $myDom.find('.h5p-answer:first-child').focus(); - }, - true, - { - 'aria-label': params.UI.a11yCheck, - }, - { - confirmationDialog: { - enable: params.behaviour.confirmCheckDialog, - l10n: params.confirmCheck, - instance: self, - $parentElement: $container - }, - contentData: self.contentData, - textIfSubmitting: params.UI.submitAnswerButton, - } - ); - } - - // Try Again button - self.addButton('try-again', params.UI.tryAgainButton, function () { - self.resetTask(); - - if (params.behaviour.randomAnswers) { - // reshuffle answers - var oldIdMap = idMap; - idMap = getShuffleMap(); - var answersDisplayed = $myDom.find('.h5p-answer'); - // remember tips - var tip = []; - for (i = 0; i < answersDisplayed.length; i++) { - tip[i] = $(answersDisplayed[i]).find('.h5p-multichoice-tipwrap'); - } - // Those two loops cannot be merged or you'll screw up your tips - for (i = 0; i < answersDisplayed.length; i++) { - // move tips and answers on display - $(answersDisplayed[i]).find('.h5p-alternative-inner').html(params.answers[i].text); - $(tip[i]).detach().appendTo($(answersDisplayed[idMap.indexOf(oldIdMap[i])]).find('.h5p-alternative-container')); - } - } - }, false, { - 'aria-label': params.UI.a11yRetry, - }, { - confirmationDialog: { - enable: params.behaviour.confirmRetryDialog, - l10n: params.confirmRetry, - instance: self, - $parentElement: $container - } - }); - }; - - /** - * Determine which feedback text to display - * - * @param {number} score - * @param {number} max - * @return {string} - */ - var getFeedbackText = function (score, max) { - var ratio = (score / max); - - var feedback = H5P.Question.determineOverallFeedback(params.overallFeedback, ratio); - - return feedback.replace('@score', score).replace('@total', max); - }; - - /** - * Shows feedback on the selected fields. - * @public - * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback] Skip showing feedback if true - */ - this.showCheckSolution = function (skipFeedback) { - var scorePoints; - if (!(params.behaviour.singleAnswer || params.behaviour.singlePoint || !params.behaviour.showScorePoints)) { - scorePoints = new H5P.Question.ScorePoints(); - } - - $myDom.find('.h5p-answer').each(function (i, e) { - var $e = $(e); - var a = params.answers[i]; - var chosen = ($e.attr('aria-checked') === 'true'); - if (chosen) { - if (a.correct) { - // May already have been applied by instant feedback - if (!$e.hasClass('h5p-correct')) { - $e.addClass('h5p-correct').append($('', { - 'class': 'h5p-answer-icon', - html: params.UI.correctAnswer + '.' - })); - } - } - else { - if (!$e.hasClass('h5p-wrong')) { - $e.addClass('h5p-wrong').append($('', { - 'class': 'h5p-answer-icon', - html: params.UI.wrongAnswer + '.' - })); - } - } - - if (scorePoints) { - var alternativeContainer = $e[0].querySelector('.h5p-alternative-container'); - - if (!params.behaviour.autoCheck || alternativeContainer.querySelector('.h5p-question-plus-one, .h5p-question-minus-one') === null) { - alternativeContainer.appendChild(scorePoints.getElement(a.correct)); - } - } - } - - if (!skipFeedback) { - if (chosen && a.tipsAndFeedback.chosenFeedback !== undefined && a.tipsAndFeedback.chosenFeedback !== '') { - addFeedback($e, a.tipsAndFeedback.chosenFeedback); - } - else if (!chosen && a.tipsAndFeedback.notChosenFeedback !== undefined && a.tipsAndFeedback.notChosenFeedback !== '') { - addFeedback($e, a.tipsAndFeedback.notChosenFeedback); - } - } - }); - - // Determine feedback - var max = self.getMaxScore(); - - // Disable task if maxscore is achieved - var fullScore = (score === max); - - if (fullScore) { - self.hideButton('check-answer'); - self.hideButton('try-again'); - self.hideButton('show-solution'); - } - - // Show feedback - if (!skipFeedback) { - this.setFeedback(getFeedbackText(score, max), score, max, params.UI.scoreBarLabel); - } - - self.trigger('resize'); - }; - - /** - * Disables choosing new input. - */ - var disableInput = function () { - $('.h5p-answer', $myDom).attr({ - 'aria-disabled': 'true', - 'tabindex': '-1' - }).removeAttr('role') - .removeAttr('aria-checked'); - - $('.h5p-answers').removeAttr('role'); - }; - - /** - * Enables new input. - */ - var enableInput = function () { - $('.h5p-answer', $myDom) - .attr({ - 'aria-disabled': 'false', - 'role': params.behaviour.singleAnswer ? 'radio' : 'checkbox', - }); - - $('.h5p-answers').attr('role', params.role); - }; - - var calcScore = function () { - score = 0; - for (const answer of params.userAnswers) { - const choice = params.answers[answer]; - const weight = (choice.weight !== undefined ? choice.weight : 1); - if (choice.correct) { - score += weight; - } - else { - score -= weight; - } - } - if (score < 0) { - score = 0; - } - if (!params.userAnswers.length && blankIsCorrect) { - score = params.weight; - } - if (params.behaviour.singlePoint) { - score = (100 * score / calculateMaxScore()) >= params.behaviour.passPercentage ? params.weight : 0; - } - }; - - /** - * Removes selections from task. - */ - var removeSelections = function () { - var $answers = $('.h5p-answer', $myDom) - .removeClass('h5p-selected') - .attr('aria-checked', 'false'); - - if (!params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - $answers.attr('tabindex', '0'); - } - else { - $answers.first().attr('tabindex', '0'); - } - - // Set focus to first option - $answers.first().focus(); - - calcScore(); - }; - - /** - * Get xAPI data. - * Contract used by report rendering engine. - * - * @see contract at {@link https://h5p.org/documentation/developers/contracts#guides-header-6} - */ - this.getXAPIData = function(){ - var xAPIEvent = this.createXAPIEventTemplate('answered'); - addQuestionToXAPI(xAPIEvent); - addResponseToXAPI(xAPIEvent); - return { - statement: xAPIEvent.data.statement - }; - }; - - /** - * Add the question itself to the definition part of an xAPIEvent - */ - var addQuestionToXAPI = function (xAPIEvent) { - var definition = xAPIEvent.getVerifiedStatementValue(['object', 'definition']); - definition.description = { - // Remove tags, must wrap in div tag because jQuery 1.9 will crash if the string isn't wrapped in a tag. - 'en-US': $('
    ' + params.question + '
    ').text() - }; - definition.type = 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/cmi.interaction'; - definition.interactionType = 'choice'; - definition.correctResponsesPattern = []; - definition.choices = []; - for (var i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - definition.choices[i] = { - 'id': params.answers[i].originalOrder + '', - 'description': { - // Remove tags, must wrap in div tag because jQuery 1.9 will crash if the string isn't wrapped in a tag. - 'en-US': $('
    ' + params.answers[i].text + '
    ').text() - } - }; - if (params.answers[i].correct) { - if (!params.singleAnswer) { - if (definition.correctResponsesPattern.length) { - definition.correctResponsesPattern[0] += '[,]'; - // This looks insane, but it's how you separate multiple answers - // that must all be chosen to achieve perfect score... - } - else { - definition.correctResponsesPattern.push(''); - } - definition.correctResponsesPattern[0] += params.answers[i].originalOrder; - } - else { - definition.correctResponsesPattern.push('' + params.answers[i].originalOrder); - } - } - } - }; - - /** - * Add the response part to an xAPI event - * - * @param {H5P.XAPIEvent} xAPIEvent - * The xAPI event we will add a response to - */ - var addResponseToXAPI = function (xAPIEvent) { - var maxScore = self.getMaxScore(); - var success = (100 * score / maxScore) >= params.behaviour.passPercentage; - - xAPIEvent.setScoredResult(score, maxScore, self, true, success); - if (params.userAnswers === undefined) { - calcScore(); - } - - // Add the response - var response = ''; - for (var i = 0; i < params.userAnswers.length; i++) { - if (response !== '') { - response += '[,]'; - } - response += idMap === undefined ? params.userAnswers[i] : idMap[params.userAnswers[i]]; - } - xAPIEvent.data.statement.result.response = response; - }; - - /** - * Create a map pointing from original answers to shuffled answers - * - * @return {number[]} map pointing from original answers to shuffled answers - */ - var getShuffleMap = function() { - params.answers = H5P.shuffleArray(params.answers); - - // Create a map from the new id to the old one - var idMap = []; - for (i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - idMap[i] = params.answers[i].originalOrder; - } - return idMap; - }; - - // Initialization code - // Randomize order, if requested - var idMap; - // Store original order in answers - for (i = 0; i < params.answers.length; i++) { - params.answers[i].originalOrder = i; - } - if (params.behaviour.randomAnswers) { - idMap = getShuffleMap(); - } - - // Start with an empty set of user answers. - params.userAnswers = []; - - // Restore previous state - if (contentData && contentData.previousState !== undefined) { - - // Restore answers - if (contentData.previousState.answers) { - if (!idMap) { - params.userAnswers = contentData.previousState.answers; - } - else { - // The answers have been shuffled, and we must use the id mapping. - for (i = 0; i < contentData.previousState.answers.length; i++) { - for (var k = 0; k < idMap.length; k++) { - if (idMap[k] === contentData.previousState.answers[i]) { - params.userAnswers.push(k); - } - } - } - } - calcScore(); - } - } - - var hasCheckedAnswer = false; - - // Loop through choices - for (var j = 0; j < params.answers.length; j++) { - var ans = params.answers[j]; - - if (!params.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - // Set role - ans.role = 'checkbox'; - ans.tabindex = '0'; - if (params.userAnswers.indexOf(j) !== -1) { - ans.checked = 'true'; - hasCheckedAnswer = true; - } - } - else { - // Set role - ans.role = 'radio'; - - // Determine tabindex, checked and extra classes - if (params.userAnswers.length === 0) { - // No correct answers - if (i === 0 || i === params.answers.length) { - ans.tabindex = '0'; - } - } - else if (params.userAnswers.indexOf(j) !== -1) { - // This is the correct choice - ans.tabindex = '0'; - ans.checked = 'true'; - hasCheckedAnswer = true; - } - } - - // Set default - if (ans.tabindex === undefined) { - ans.tabindex = '-1'; - } - if (ans.checked === undefined) { - ans.checked = 'false'; - } - } - - H5P.MultiChoice.counter = (H5P.MultiChoice.counter === undefined ? 0 : H5P.MultiChoice.counter + 1); - params.role = (params.behaviour.singleAnswer ? 'radiogroup' : 'group'); - params.labelId = 'h5p-mcq' + H5P.MultiChoice.counter; - - /** - * Pack the current state of the interactivity into a object that can be - * serialized. - * - * @public - */ - this.getCurrentState = function () { - var state = {}; - if (!idMap) { - state.answers = params.userAnswers; - } - else { - // The answers have been shuffled and must be mapped back to their - // original ID. - state.answers = []; - for (var i = 0; i < params.userAnswers.length; i++) { - state.answers.push(idMap[params.userAnswers[i]]); - } - } - return state; - }; - - /** - * Check if user has given an answer. - * - * @param {boolean} [ignoreCheck] Ignore returning true from pressing "check-answer" button. - * @return {boolean} True if answer is given - */ - this.getAnswerGiven = function (ignoreCheck) { - var answered = ignoreCheck ? false : this.answered; - return answered || params.userAnswers.length > 0 || blankIsCorrect; - }; - - this.getScore = function () { - return score; - }; - - this.getTitle = function () { - return H5P.createTitle((this.contentData && this.contentData.metadata && this.contentData.metadata.title) ? this.contentData.metadata.title : 'Multiple Choice'); - }; -}; - -H5P.MultiChoice.prototype = Object.create(H5P.Question.prototype); -H5P.MultiChoice.prototype.constructor = H5P.MultiChoice; diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/af.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/af.json deleted file mode 100644 index c933d5d..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/af.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipe", - "description": "Opsionele media wat bo die vraag vertoon word." - }, - { - "label": "Deaktiveer zoomfunksie by prente" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Vraag" - }, - { - "label": "Beskikbare opsies", - "entity": "opsie", - "field": { - "label": "Opsie", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Teks" - }, - { - "label": "Reg" - }, - { - "label": "Wenke en terugvoer", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Wenkteks", - "description": "Wenk vir die gebruiker. Dit sal verskyn voordat die gebruiker sy antwoord/antwoorde toets." - }, - { - "label": "Boodskap wat vertoon as antwoorde verkies word", - "description": "'n Boodskap sal onder die antwoord by 'toets 'verskyn as hierdie antwoord gekies word." - }, - { - "label": "Boodskap wat vertoon word as antwoord nie gekies word nie", - "description": "Boodskap wat onder die antwoord by \"toets\" sal verskyn indien hierdie antwoord nie gekies word nie." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Algehele terugvoer", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Verstek" - } - ], - "label": "Bepaal verstekterugvoer vir enige reeks tellings", - "description": "Kliek op die \"Voeg reeks by\" knoppie om so veel as moontlik reekse by te voeg. Byvoorbeeld: 0-20% Swak Punt, 21-91% Gemiddelde Punt, 91-100% Uitstekende Punt!", - "entity": "reeks", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Telling reeks" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Terugvoer vir gedefinieerde telling reeks", - "placeholder": "Vul die terugvoer in" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Gebruikerkoppelvlak vertalings vir meerkeuse", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Toets antwoord knoppie etiket", - "default": "Toets" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Wys die antwoord etiketknoppie", - "default": "Wys antwoord" - }, - { - "label": "Probeer weer knoppie etiket", - "default": "Probeer weer" - }, - { - "label": "Wenketiket", - "default": "Wys wenk" - }, - { - "label": "Tekstuele tentoonstelling van die telkaart vir diegene wat 'n spreekleser gebruik", - "description": "Beskikbare veranderlikes is :num en :total", - "default": "Jy het :num uit :total punte gekry" - }, - { - "label": "Wenk beskikbaar (word nie vertoon nie)", - "default": "Wenk beskikbaar", - "description": "Toeganklikheidsteks om te gebruik met spreeklesers" - }, - { - "label": "Terugvoer beskikbaar (word nie vertoon nie)", - "default": "Terugvoer beskikbaar", - "description": "Toeganklikheidsteks om te gebruik met spreeklesers" - }, - { - "label": "Lees terugvoer (word nie vertoon nie)", - "default": "Lees terugvoer", - "description": "Toeganklikheidsteks om te gebruik met spreeklesers" - }, - { - "label": "Verkeerde antwoord (word nie vertoon nie)", - "default": "Verkeerde antwoord", - "description": "Toeganklikheidsteks om te gebruik met spreeklesers" - }, - { - "label": "Regte antwoord (word nie vertoon nie)", - "default": "Regte antwoord", - "description": "Toeganklikheidsteks om te gebruik met spreeklesers" - }, - { - "label": "Opsies moes afgemerk gewees het", - "default": "Moes afgemerk gewees het" - }, - { - "label": "Opsies moes nie afgemerk gewees het nie", - "default": "Moes nie afgemerk gewees het nie" - }, - { - "label": "Teks vir \"Vereis antwoord\" boodskap", - "default": "Antwoord asb. voor jy die antwoord besigtig" - }, - { - "label": "Hulptegnologieë beskrywing vir \"Toets\" knoppie", - "default": "Kyk na die antwoorde. Die antwoorde sal as korrek, verkeerd of onbeantwoord gemerk word." - }, - { - "label": "Hulptegnologieë beskrywing vir \"Wys oplossing\" knoppie", - "default": "Wys die antwoord. Hierdie taak sal gemerk word met die regte antwoord." - }, - { - "label": "Hulptegnologieë beskrywing vir \"Probeer weer\" knoppie", - "default": "Probeer die taak weer. Herstel alle antwoorde en begin die taak van nuuts af." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Gedragsinstellings", - "description": "Hierdie keuses laat jou beheer hoe die onderskeie take uitgevoer moet word.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Aktiveer \"Probeer weer\" knoppie" - }, - { - "label": "Aktiveer \"Wys antwoord\" knoppie" - }, - { - "label": "Aktiveer \"Toets\" knoppie" - }, - { - "label": "Vraagtipe", - "description": "Kies die aansig en gedrag van die vraag.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Outomaties" - }, - { - "label": "Meervoudige keuse (Merkboksies)" - }, - { - "label": "Enkel keuse (Radio knoppies)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Gee een punt vir die hele taak", - "description": "Aktiveer om 'n totaal van een punt vir verskeie regte antwoorde te gee. Hierdie sal nie 'n opsie in \"Enkel antwoord\" modus wees nie." - }, - { - "label": "Skommel antwoorde", - "description": "Laat toe om ewekansige orde van antwoorde op vooraansig te kies." - }, - { - "label": "Vereis die antwoord voor die oplossing besigtig kan word" - }, - { - "label": "Wys bevestigingdialoog op \"Toets\"" - }, - { - "label": "Wys bevestigingdialoog op \"Probeer weer\"" - }, - { - "label": "Toets antwoorde outomaties", - "description": "As jy hierdie opsie aktiveer, sal dit minder toeganklik wees, maak seker dat jy weet wat jy doen." - }, - { - "label": "Slaag persentasie", - "description": "Hierdie instelling het dikwels geen effek nie. Dit is die persentasie van die totale telling wat nodig is om 1 punt te behaal wanneer een punt vir die hele taak geaktiveer is, en om resultate te behaal in xAPI-stellings." - }, - { - "label": "Wys puntetelling", - "description": "Wys verdiende punte vir elke antwoord. Dit is nie 'n opsie in die modus 'Enkel antwoord', of as 'Gee een punt vir die hele taak' geaktiveer is nie." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Toets bevestigingsdialoog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Hoofopskrifteks", - "default": "Klaar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Liggaamteks", - "default": "Is jy seker jy wil klaarmaak ?" - }, - { - "label": "Kanseleer knoppie etiket", - "default": "Kanselleer" - }, - { - "label": "Bevestig knoppie etiket", - "default": "Klaar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Probeer weer bevestigingsdialoog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Hoofopskrifteks", - "default": "Probeer weer ?" - }, - { - "label": "Lyfteks", - "default": "Is jy seker jy wil weer probeer ?" - }, - { - "label": "Kanseleer knoppie etiket", - "default": "Kanselleer" - }, - { - "label": "Bevestig knoppie etiket", - "default": "Bevestig" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ar.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ar.json deleted file mode 100644 index a74199b..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ar.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "الوسائط", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "النوع", - "description": "وسائط إضافية اختيارية تُعرض أعلى السؤال." - }, - { - "label": "إيقاف ميزة تكبير الصور" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "سؤال" - }, - { - "label": "الخيارات المتاحة", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "خيار", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نص" - }, - { - "label": "صح" - }, - { - "label": "تلميحات وملاحظات", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نص التلميح", - "description": "تلميح للمستخدم. سيظهر هذا قبل أن يتحقق المستخدم من إجابته / إجاباته." - }, - { - "label": "الرسالة المعروضة في حال تم تحديد إجابة", - "description": "ستظهر الرسالة أسفل الإجابة إذا تم تحديد هذه الإجابة." - }, - { - "label": "الرسالة المعروضة في حال عدم تحديد اجابة", - "description": "ستظهر الرسالة أسفل الإجابة إذا لم يتم تحديد هذه الإجابة." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "رد الفعل الاجمالي", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "افتراضي" - } - ], - "label": "تحديد الملاحظات المخصصة لأي نطاق درجة", - "description": "انقر على زر \"إضافة نطاق\" لإضافة ما ترغب به من نطاقات، ومثال على ذلك: 0-20٪ نتيجة سيئة، 21-91٪ نتيجة متوسطة، 91-100٪ نتيجة رائعة!", - "entity": "النطاق", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نطاق الدرجة" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "ملاحظات لنطاق درجة محدد", - "placeholder": "أدخل الملاحظات" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "ترجمة واجهة المستخدم للخيارات المتعددة ", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "تسمية زر تحقق من الاجابة", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر اظهار الحل", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر اعادة المحاولة", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية التلميح", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "تمثيل نصي لشريط النتيجة لأولئك الذين يستخدمون تقننية تحويل النص الى كلام", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "تلميح متاح ( غير معروض).", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "نص امكانية الوصول المستخدم في تقنية تحويل النص الى كلام" - }, - { - "label": "ملاحظة متاحة ( غير معروضة).", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "نص امكانية الوصول المستخدم في تقنية تحويل النص الى كلام" - }, - { - "label": "قراءة الملاحظات ( غير معروضة).", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "نص امكانية الوصول المستخدم في تقنية تحويل النص الى كلام" - }, - { - "label": "إجابة خاطئة (غير معروضة).", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "نص امكانية الوصول المستخدم في تقنية تحويل النص الى كلام" - }, - { - "label": "إجابة صحيحة (غير معروضة).", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "نص امكانية الوصول المستخدم في تقنية تحويل النص الى كلام" - }, - { - "label": "خيار يجب ان يتم التحقق منه", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "خيار لا يجب ان يتم التحقق منه", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "نص لرسالة \"تتطلب الاجابة \"", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "الإعدادات السلوكية", - "description": "ستتيح لك هذه الخيارات التحكم في كيفية تصرف المهمة.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "تمكين زر \" اعادة المحاولة \"" - }, - { - "label": "تمكين زر \" اظهار الحل\"" - }, - { - "label": "تمكين زر \" التحقق\"." - }, - { - "label": "نوع السؤال", - "description": "حدد مظهر وسلوك السؤال.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "اتوماتيكي" - }, - { - "label": "اختيار متعدد (خانات اختيار)" - }, - { - "label": "خيار واحد (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "أعط نقطة واحدة للمهمة بأكملها", - "description": "امكانية اعطاء ما مجموعه نقطة واحدة لعدة اجابات صحيحة، هذا لن يكون متاحا في وضع \" اجابة واحدة \"." - }, - { - "label": "اجوبة عشوائية", - "description": "ترتيب الاجابات على الشاشة بطريقة عشوائية." - }, - { - "label": "تتطلب الإجابة قبل أن يتم عرض الحل" - }, - { - "label": "إظهار مربع حوار التأكيد على \" تحقق\"" - }, - { - "label": "إظهار مربع حوار التأكيد على \" اعادة المحاولة\"" - }, - { - "label": "التحقق تلقائيا من الإجابات", - "description": "يؤدي تمكين هذا الخيار إلى معاناة إمكانية الوصول ، و يجب التأكد من معرفة ما الذي يقوم بفعله." - }, - { - "label": "نسبة النجاح", - "description": "غالبًا لن يكون لهذا الإعداد أي تأثير. هي النسبة المئوية من مجموع النقاط المطلوبة للحصول على نقطة واحدة عند تمكين نقطة واحدة للمهمة بأكملها ، وللحصول على النتيجة.الوصول في عبارات xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "اظهار نقاط النتيجة", - "description": "عرض النقاط المكتسبة لكل إجابة. لن يكون هذا خيارًا في وضع (إجابة واحدة) أو إذا تم تمكين خيار (إعطاء نقطة واحدة للمهمة بالكامل)." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "مربع حوار تحقق من التأكيد", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نص الترويسة", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "النص الاساسي", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر الالغاء", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر التأكيد", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "مربع حوار تأكيد اعادة المحاولة", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نص الترويسة", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "النص الاساسي", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر الالغاء", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "تسمية زر التأكيد", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bg.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bg.json deleted file mode 100644 index e5e7eb9..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bg.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Медия", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Тип", - "description": "Незадължителна медия, която да се показва над въпроса." - }, - { - "label": "Деактивиране мащабирането на изображения" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Въпрос" - }, - { - "label": "Възможни отговори", - "entity": "отговор", - "field": { - "label": "Отговор", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст" - }, - { - "label": "Вярно" - }, - { - "label": "Подсказки и обратна връзка", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст подсказка", - "description": "Подсказка за ученика. Ще се показва преди ученикът да провери отговора/отговорите си." - }, - { - "label": "Съобщение, което да се показва, когато е избран отговор", - "description": "Съобщението ще се показва под отговор, който е избран при натискане на \"провери\"." - }, - { - "label": "Съобщение, което да се показва, когато не е избран отговор", - "description": "Съобщението ще се показва под отговор, който не е избран при натискане на \"провери\"." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Обща обратна връзка", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "По подразбиране" - } - ], - "label": "Персонална обратна връзка за всеки диапазон от точки", - "description": "Натиснете бутон \"Добави диапазон\", за да добавите необходимите полета за диапазони. Пример: 0-20% Слаб резултат, 21-91% Среден резултат, 91-100% Отличен резултат!", - "entity": "диапазон", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Диапазон на резултата" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Обратна връзка за дефиниран диапазон на резултата", - "placeholder": "Въведете обратна връзка" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Превод за множествен избор", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Провери", - "default": "Провери" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Покажи решение", - "default": "Покажи решение" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Опитай пак", - "default": "Опитай пак" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за подсказка", - "default": "Покажи подсказка" - }, - { - "label": "Текстово представяне на лентата с резултати за тези, които използват readspeaker", - "description": "Възможните променливи са :num и :total", - "default": "Вие имате :num от общо :total точки" - }, - { - "label": "Подсказка (не се показва)", - "default": "Подсказка", - "description": "Текст използван за readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Обратна връзка (не се показва)", - "default": "Обратна връзка", - "description": "Текст използван за readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Прочети обратната връзка (не се показва)", - "default": "Прочети обратната връзка", - "description": "Текст използван за readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Грешен отговор (не се показва)", - "default": "Грешен отговор", - "description": "Текст използван за readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Верен отговор (не се показва)", - "default": "Верен отговор", - "description": "Текст използван за readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Опция Трябва да бъде поставена отметка", - "default": "Трябва да бъде поставена отметка" - }, - { - "label": "Опция Не трябва да бъде поставена отметка", - "default": "Не трябва да бъде поставена отметка" - }, - { - "label": "Текст за съобщение \"Изисква отговор\" ", - "default": "Преди да видиш решението, трябва да избереш отговор" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Настройки за поведение", - "description": "Тези настройки позволяват да контролирате поведението на задачата.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Разреши бутон \"Опитай пак\" " - }, - { - "label": "Разреши бутон \"Покажи решение\" " - }, - { - "label": "Разреши бутон \"Провери\" " - }, - { - "label": "Тип на въпроса", - "description": "Избери типа и поведението на въпроса.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Автоматично" - }, - { - "label": "Множествен избор (Отметки)" - }, - { - "label": "Избор на един отговор (Радиобутони)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Една точка за цялата задача", - "description": "Разреши една точка за въпроси с повече от един верен отговор. Не е приложимо за тип \"Избор на един отговор\"." - }, - { - "label": "Разбъркване на отговорите", - "description": "Разреши разбъркване отговорите на случаен принцип при показване на екрана." - }, - { - "label": "Задължително избран отговор преди преглед на решението" - }, - { - "label": "Показване на потвърждение при натискане на бутон \"Провери\"" - }, - { - "label": "Показване на потвърждение при натискане на бутон \"Опитай пак\"" - }, - { - "label": "Автроматична проверка на отговорите", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Процент за успешно преминаване", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Показване на точки", - "description": "Показва получените точки за всеки отговор. Не е приложимо за тип 'Избор на един отговор или ако е избрано 'Една точка за цялата задача'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Диалогов прозорец за потвърждение при натискане на Провери", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст на заглавие", - "default": "Приключвам решението?" - }, - { - "label": "Основен текст", - "default": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да приключите решението?" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Отказ", - "default": "Отказ" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон за потвърждение", - "default": "Приключвам решението" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Диалогов прозорец за потвърждение при натискане на Опитай пак", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст на заглавие", - "default": "Опитай пак?" - }, - { - "label": "Основен текст", - "default": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да опитате пак?" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Отказ", - "default": "Отказ" - }, - { - "label": "Етикет за бутон Потвърди", - "default": "Потвърди" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bs.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bs.json deleted file mode 100644 index 707e59e..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/bs.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip", - "description": "Opcionalni medij da se prikaže iznad pitanja." - }, - { - "label": "Onemogući zumiranje slike" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pitanje" - }, - { - "label": "Dostupne opcije", - "entity": "opcija", - "field": { - "label": "Opcija", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Tačno" - }, - { - "label": "Savjeti i feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst savjeta", - "description": "Savjet korisniku. Ovo će se pojaviti prije nego što korisnik provjeri odgovor(e)." - }, - { - "label": "Poruka se prikazuje ako je odgovor označen", - "description": "Poruka će se pojaviti ispod odgovora \"provjeri\" ako je odgovor označen." - }, - { - "label": "Poruka se prikazuje ako odgovor nije označen", - "description": "Poruka će se pojaviti ispod odgovora \"provjeri\" ako je odgovor označen." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Ukupan feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Definiraj uobičajeni feedbak za bilo koji raspon rezultata", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Raspon rezultata" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Provjeri" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Prikaži rješenje" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Ponovi" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Prikaži tip" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "Osvojili ste :num od :total poena" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback dostupan", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Čitaj feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Pogrešan odgovor", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Tačan odgovor", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Trebalo biti označeno" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Nije trebalo biti označeno" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst za \"Zahtjeva odgovor\" poruku", - "default": "Molimo vas da odgovorite prije nego što vidite rješenje." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Postavke ponašanje", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Omogući dugme \"Ponovi\" " - }, - { - "label": "Omogući dugme \"Prikaži rješenje\" " - }, - { - "label": "Omogući dugme \"Provjeri\" " - }, - { - "label": "Vrsta pitanja", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Višestruki izbor (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Jedan izbor (Radio)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Daje jedan poen za cijeli zadatak", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Izmješaj odgovore", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "zahtjeva odgovor prije nego što se rješenje može vidjeti." - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatski provjeri odgovore", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Procenat za prolaz", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Prikaži broj poena", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Završi?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Jeste li sigurni da želite završiti?" - }, - { - "label": "Oznaka za dugme otkaži", - "default": "Otkaži" - }, - { - "label": "Oznaka za dugme potvrdi", - "default": "Potvrdi" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst zaglavljat", - "default": "Ponovi?" - }, - { - "label": "Glavni tekst", - "default": "Jeste li sigurni da želite ponoviti?" - }, - { - "label": "Oznaka za dugme otkaži", - "default": "Otkaži" - }, - { - "label": "Oznaka za dugme potvrdi", - "default": "Potvrdi" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ca.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ca.json deleted file mode 100644 index 56ec9cf..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ca.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Recurs", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipus", - "description": "Recursos opcionals per mostrar al damunt de la pregunta." - }, - { - "label": "Desactiva el zoom de les imatges" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pregunta" - }, - { - "label": "Opcions disponibles", - "entity": "opció", - "field": { - "label": "Opció", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correcte" - }, - { - "label": "Suggerències i informació de retorn", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text de la pista", - "description": "Pista per a l’usuari. Això apareixerà abans que l’usuari confirmi la seva resposta/Respostes." - }, - { - "label": "Aquest missatge es mostra si la resposta està seleccionada", - "description": "Missatge que apareixerà sota la resposta seleccionada al validar." - }, - { - "label": "Missatge que es mostra si no s’ha seleccionat cap resposta", - "description": "Missatge que apareixerà sota la resposta si aquesta resposta no està seleccionada al validar." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Suggeriment general", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Opció predeterminada" - } - ], - "label": "Defineix una valoració per cada rang de puntuació", - "description": "Feu clic al botó \"Afegeix un rang\" per afegir tants rangs com necessiteu. Exemple: 0-20 % per a puntuació baixa, 21-91 % per a puntuació mitjana, 91-100 % per a puntuació excel·lent", - "entity": "rang", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rang de puntuació" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Retroacció per al rang de puntuació definit", - "placeholder": "Introduïu el suggeriment" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traducció de la interfície d’usuari per Opcions múltiples", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó de comprovació de la resposta", - "default": "Verifica" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó de mostrar la solució", - "default": "Mostra la solució" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"", - "default": "Torna-ho a provar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta de pista", - "default": "Dona’m una pista" - }, - { - "label": "Representació textual de la barra de puntuació pera als que utilitzen un altaveu de lectura", - "description": "Les variables disponibles són :num i :total", - "default": "Heu fet :num de :total punts" - }, - { - "label": "Hi ha una pista disponible (no es mostra)", - "default": "Pista disponible", - "description": "Text d’accessibilitat utilitzat pels altaveus de lectura" - }, - { - "label": "Hi ha suggeriments disponibles (no es mostren)", - "default": "Comentaris disponibles", - "description": "Text d’accessibilitat utilitzat pels altaveus de lectura" - }, - { - "label": "Llegeix els suggeriments (no es mostra)", - "default": "Llegeix els suggeriments", - "description": "Text d’accessibilitat utilitzat pels altaveus de lectura" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta incorrecta", - "default": "Resposta incorrecta", - "description": "Text d’accessibilitat utilitzat pels altaveus de lectura" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta correcta (no mostrada)", - "default": "Resposta correcta", - "description": "Text d’accessibilitat utilitzat pels altaveus de lectura" - }, - { - "label": "L’opció hauria d’estar marcada", - "default": "S’hauria d’haver comprovat" - }, - { - "label": "L’opció no hauria d’estar marcada", - "default": "No s’hauria d’haver triat" - }, - { - "label": "Text del missatge \"Requereix una resposta\"", - "default": "Responeu abans de veure la solució" - }, - { - "label": "Descripció de la tecnologia d’assistència per al botó \"Comprova\"", - "default": "Comprova les respostes. Les respostes es marcaran com a correctes, incorrectes o sense resposta." - }, - { - "label": "Descripció de la tecnologia d’assistència per al botó \"Mostra la solució\"", - "default": "Mostra la solució. La tasca es marcarà amb la seva solució correcta." - }, - { - "label": "Descripció de la tecnologia d’assistència per al botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"", - "default": "Intenta de nou la tasca. Esborra totes les respostes i comença la tasca de nou." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Preferències de comportament", - "description": "Aquestes opcions us permeten controlar com es comporta la tasca.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Activa el botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activa el botó \"Mostra la solució\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activa el botó \"Comprova\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipus de pregunta", - "description": "Seleccioneu el tipus i aspecte de la pregunta.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automàtic" - }, - { - "label": "Opcions Múltiples (Caselles de comprobació)" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta única (Botons rodons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Atorga un punt a la tasca sencera", - "description": "Activa per donar un total d’un punt per a múltiples respostes correctes. Aquesta opció no existeix en el mode \"resposta única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Barreja les respostes aleatòriament", - "description": "Activeu la possibilitat de distribuir aleatòriament l’ordre de les respostes a la pantalla." - }, - { - "label": "Demana una resposta abans de mostrar la solució" - }, - { - "label": "Mostra el quadre de diàleg de confirmació \"Verifica\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostra el quadre de diàleg de confirmació \"Torna-ho a provar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Comprova les respostes automàticament", - "description": "Si activeu aquesta opció, l’accessibilitat se’n pot ressentir. Assegureu-vos que sabeu el que esteu fent." - }, - { - "label": "Percentatge per aprovar el qüestionari", - "description": "Normalment aquesta opció de configuració no té cap efecte. És el percentatge de puntuació total necessari per obtenir 1 punt quan l’opció \"Atorga un punt a la tasca sencera\" està activada i per obtenir un resultat correcte en instruccions xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Mostra la puntuació", - "description": "Mostra els punts obtinguts amb cada resposta. Aquesta opció no estarà disponible en el mode de resposta única ni si l’opció \"Atorga un punt a la tasca sencera\" està activada." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diàleg de confirmació de la comprobació", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Títol", - "default": "Voleu finalitzar?" - }, - { - "label": "Text del cos", - "default": "Estàs segur que vols acabar?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Cancel·la\"", - "default": "Cancel·la" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Confirma\"", - "default": "Enllestit!" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Quadre de diàleg de confirmació per a \"Torna-ho a provar\"", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Títol", - "default": "Voleu tornar-ho a provar?" - }, - { - "label": "Text del cos", - "default": "Confirmeu que voleu tornar-ho a provar?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Cancel·la\"", - "default": "Cancel·la" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Confirma\"", - "default": "Confirma" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/cs.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/cs.json deleted file mode 100644 index d442bf3..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/cs.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Média", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Typ", - "description": "Volitelná média zobrazená nad otázkou." - }, - { - "label": "Zakázat zvětšení obrazu" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Otázka" - }, - { - "label": "Dostupné volby", - "entity": "volba", - "field": { - "label": "Volba", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Správně" - }, - { - "label": "Nápověda a zpětná vazba", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text nápovědy", - "description": "Nápověda pro uživatele. Ta se objeví před tím, než uživatel zkontroluje svou odpověď / odpovědi." - }, - { - "label": "Zobrazí se, pokud je vybrána odpověď", - "description": "Zpráva se objeví pod odpovědí na \"zkontroluj\" když je vybrána odpověď." - }, - { - "label": "Pokud není vybrána odpověď, zobrazí se", - "description": "Zpráva se objeví pod odpovědí na \"zkontroluj\" když odpověď není vybrána." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Celková zpětná vazba", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Výchozí" - } - ], - "label": "Definujte vlastní zpětnou vazbu pro jakýkoli rozsah skóre", - "description": "Klepnutím na tlačítko \"Přidat rozsah\" přidáte libovolný počet rozsahů. Příklad: 0-20% špatné skóre, 21-91% průměrné skóre, 91-100% výborné skóre!", - "entity": "rozsah", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rozsah skóre" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Zpětná vazba pro definovaný rozsah skóre", - "placeholder": "Vyplňte zpětnou vazbu" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Překlady uživatelského rozhraní pro výběr z možností", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Popis tlačítka kontroly", - "default": "Zkontroluj" - }, - { - "label": "Popisek tlačítka Odeslat odpověď", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Popis tlačítka zobraz řešení", - "default": "Zobrazit řešení" - }, - { - "label": "Popis opakovacího tlačítka", - "default": "Opakuj" - }, - { - "label": "Popis nápovědy", - "default": "Zobrazit nápovědu" - }, - { - "label": "Textové znázornění výsledkové lišty pro ty, kteří používají čtecí zařízení", - "description": "Dostupné proměnné jsou :num a :total", - "default": "Získal jste :num z :total bodů" - }, - { - "label": "Dostupná nápověda (není zobrazena)", - "default": "Dostupná nápověda", - "description": "Text usnadnění přístupu používaný pro čtecí zařízení" - }, - { - "label": "Zpětná vazba (není zobrazena)", - "default": "Zpětná vazba", - "description": "Text usnadnění přístupu používaný pro čtecí zařízení" - }, - { - "label": "Přečíst zpětnou vazbu (není zobrazena)", - "default": "Přečíst zpětnou vazbu", - "description": "Text usnadnění přístupu používaný pro čtecí zařízení" - }, - { - "label": "Chybná odpověď (není zobrazena)", - "default": "Chybná odpověď", - "description": "Text usnadnění přístupu používaný pro čtecí zařízení" - }, - { - "label": "Správná odpověď (není zobrazena)", - "default": "Správná odpověď", - "description": "Text usnadnění přístupu používaný pro čtecí zařízení" - }, - { - "label": "Volba měla být zaškrtnuta", - "default": "Měla být zaškrtnuta" - }, - { - "label": "Volba by neměla být zaškrtnuta", - "default": "Neměla být zaškrtnuta" - }, - { - "label": "Text zprávy \"Vyžadovaná odpověď\"", - "default": "Před zobrazením řešení odpovězte" - }, - { - "label": "Popisek podpůrné technologie pro tlačítko „Zkontrolovat“", - "default": "Zkontrolovat odpovědi. Odpovědi budou označeny jako správné, nesprávné nebo nezodpovězené." - }, - { - "label": "Popisek podpůrné technologie pro tlačítko „Zobrazit řešení“", - "default": "Zobrazit řešení. Úkol bude zobrazen se správným řešením." - }, - { - "label": "Popisek podpůrné technologie pro tlačítko „Opakovat“", - "default": "Opakovat úkol. Resetovat všechny odpovědi a spustit úlohu znovu." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Nastavení chování", - "description": "Tyto možnosti vám umožní řídit, jak se bude úloha chovat.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Povolit tlačítko \"Opakovat\"" - }, - { - "label": "Povolit tlačítko \"Zobrazit řešení\"" - }, - { - "label": "Povolit tlačítko \"Zkontrolovat\"" - }, - { - "label": "Typ otázky", - "description": "Vyberte vzhled a chování otázky.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automaticky" - }, - { - "label": "Více voleb (Zašrktávací políčka)" - }, - { - "label": "Jedna volba (Přepínací tlačítka)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Jeden bod za celý úkol", - "description": "Umožní dát celkem jeden bod za více správných odpovědí. Nebude to možnost v \"Jedna volba\" módu." - }, - { - "label": "Náhodné odpovědi", - "description": "Povolit náhodný výběr pořadí zobrazovaných otázek." - }, - { - "label": "Před zobrazením řešení je třeba odpovědět" - }, - { - "label": "Zobrazit potvrzovací dialog \"Zkontrolovat\"" - }, - { - "label": "Zobrazit potvrzovací dialog \"Opakovat\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatická kontrola odpovědi", - "description": "Pokud tuto možnost povolíte, sníží se dostupnost pro osoby s omezením. Ujistěte se, že víte, co děláte." - }, - { - "label": "Procento úspěšnosti", - "description": "Toto nastavení často nebude mít žádný účinek. Je to procento z celkového skóre požadovaného pro získání 1 bodu, když je povolen jeden bod pro celý úkol, a pro získání result.success v příkazech xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Zobrazit body", - "description": "Zobrazit body získané za každou odpověď. Nebude to možnost v režimu „Jediná odpověď“ nebo pokud je povolena možnost „Připsat jeden bod za celý úkol“." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Potvrzovací dialog kontroly", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text záhlaví", - "default": "Ukončit ?" - }, - { - "label": "Tělo textu", - "default": "Opravdu chcete ukončit ?" - }, - { - "label": "Popisek tlačítka zrušení", - "default": "Zrušit" - }, - { - "label": "Popisek potvrzovacího tlačítka", - "default": "Skončit" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Dialog pro potvrzení opakování", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text záhlaví", - "default": "Opakovat ?" - }, - { - "label": "Tělo textu", - "default": "Opravdu chcete akci opakovat ?" - }, - { - "label": "Popis tlačítka zrušení", - "default": "Zrušit" - }, - { - "label": "Popis potvrzovacího tlačítka", - "default": "Potvrdit" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/da.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/da.json deleted file mode 100644 index 50dbedb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/da.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medie", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Vis valgfrit medie over spørgsmålet." - }, - { - "label": "Deaktiver zoom af billede" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Spørgsmål" - }, - { - "label": "Valgmuligheder", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Rigtigt svar" - }, - { - "label": "Tips og feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip ", - "description": "Hint til bruger. Denne tekst er synlig inden der svares." - }, - { - "label": "Besked vises når svarmulighed vælges", - "description": "Beskeden vises under svaret på \"tjek\" hvis svaret er valgt." - }, - { - "label": "Besked vises når svarmulighed ikke vælges", - "description": "Beskeden vises under svaret på \"tjek\" hvis svaret er valgt." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Samlede Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Standard" - } - ], - "label": "Indstil feedback for ethvert resultat", - "description": "Eksempel: 0-20% Mindre godt resultat, 21-91% Gennemsnitligt resultat, 91-100% Flot resultat!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Resultat" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for diffineret resultat", - "placeholder": "Udfyld feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Brugerflade oversættelse for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst på knap til kontrol af svar", - "default": "Tjek" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Send besvarelse" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst på knap til via af svar", - "default": "Vis løsning" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst på knap til gentagelse af svar", - "default": "Prøv igen" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst på knap til tip", - "default": "Vis ledetråd" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Du fik :num ud af :total point", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip tilgængelig (ikke vist)", - "default": "Ledetråd tilgængelig", - "description": "Hjælpetekst for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback tilgængelig (ikke vist)", - "default": "Feedback tilgængelig", - "description": "AHjælpetekst for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Læs Feedback (ikke vist)", - "default": "Læs feedback", - "description": "Hjælpetekst for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Forkert svar (ikke vist)", - "default": "Forkert svar", - "description": "Hjælpetekst for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Rigtigt Answer (ikke vist)", - "default": "Rigtigt svar", - "description": "Hjælpetekst for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Mulighed skulle have været tjekket", - "default": "Skulle have været tjekket" - }, - { - "label": "Mulighed skulle have været tjekket", - "default": "Skulle ikke have været tjekket" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst for \"Svar nødvendigt\" besked", - "default": "Svar inden du kigger på løsningen" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Tjek. Dine svar vil blive markeret som rigtigt, forkert eller ubesvaret." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Vis løsningen. Opgaven vil blive markeret med de rigtige svar." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Prøv igen. Fjerner alle svar og starter opgaven forfra." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Indstillinger for Prøv igen dialog", - "description": "Disse valg vil bestemme hvordan opgaven vises.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Aktiver \"Prøv igen\" knap" - }, - { - "label": "Aktiver \"Vis løsning\" knap" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Spørgsmålstype", - "description": "Bestem udseende og indstillinger for visning af spørgsmål.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatisk" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (tjekbokse)" - }, - { - "label": "Et svar (Radioknapper)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Giv et point for hele opgaven", - "description": "Vælg for at give et point for flere rigtige svar.Dette vil ikke være en mulighed ved valg af \"Et svar\" indstilling." - }, - { - "label": "Tilfældig rækkefølge af svar", - "description": "aktiver for at anvende tilfældig rækkefølge af spørgsmål." - }, - { - "label": "Anmod om svar før 'Vis svar' kan vælges" - }, - { - "label": "Vis bekræft ved valg af \"tjek\"" - }, - { - "label": "Vis bekræft ved valg af \"Prøv igen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatitisk kontrol af svar", - "description": "Aktivering af denne mulighed vil være det vanskeligt for brugere der har behov for hjælp til oplæsning. Vær opmærksom på at du ved hvad du gør." - }, - { - "label": "Niveau for gennemført", - "description": "Denne indstilling har sjældent en betydning. Dette gælder den nødvendige procentvise totale score der kræves for at få et toint, når indstillingen 'Giv et point for hele opgaven' er valgt og for at opnå result.success in xAPI bedømmelser." - }, - { - "label": "Vis opnåede antal point", - "description": "Vis opnåede antal points for hver enkelt opgave." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Indstillinger for tjek svar dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst overskrift", - "default": "Afslut" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst afsnit", - "default": "Er du sikker på at du vil afslutte?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst knap fortryd", - "default": "Annuller" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst knap bekræft", - "default": "Afslut" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Prøv igen dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst overskrift", - "default": "Prøv igen" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst afsnit", - "default": "Er sikker på at du vil starte forfra?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst knap fortryd", - "default": "Annuller" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst knap bekræft", - "default": "Prøv igen" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/de.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/de.json deleted file mode 100644 index b054917..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/de.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medium", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Typ", - "description": "Medium, das wahlweise oberhalb der Aufgabe angezeigt wird." - }, - { - "label": "Bild-Zoom deaktivieren" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Frage" - }, - { - "label": "Verfügbare Optionen", - "entity": "Option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Richtig" - }, - { - "label": "Tipps und Rückmeldung", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipp-Text", - "description": "Hinweis für die Lernenden. Wird angezeigt, bevor sie ihre Antwort/en prüfen." - }, - { - "label": "Nachricht, wenn Antwort gewählt wurde", - "description": "Nachricht wird unter der Antwort nach dem Klicken auf \"Überprüfen\" angezeigt, wenn die Antwort gewählt wurde." - }, - { - "label": "Nachricht, wenn Antwort nicht gewählt wurde", - "description": "Nachricht wird unter der Antwort nach dem Klicken auf \"Überprüfen\" angezeigt, wenn die Antwort nicht gewählt wurde." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Gesamtrückmeldung", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Voreinstellung" - } - ], - "label": "Lege Rückmeldungen für einzelne Punktebereiche fest", - "description": "Klicke auf den \"Bereich hinzufügen\"-Button, um so viele Bereiche hinzuzufügen, wie du brauchst. Beispiel: 0-20% Schlechte Punktzahl, 21-91% Durchschnittliche Punktzahl, 91-100% Großartige Punktzahl!", - "entity": "Bereich", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Punktebereich" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Rückmeldung für jeweiligen Punktebereich", - "placeholder": "Trage die Rückmeldung ein" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bezeichnungen und Beschriftungen", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Überprüfen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Überprüfen" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Absenden\"-Buttons", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Lösung anzeigen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Lösung anzeigen" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Wiederholen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Wiederholen" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Hinweis anzeigen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Hinweis anzeigen" - }, - { - "label": "Text der Punkteleiste für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)", - "description": ":num wird durch die erreichten Punkte ersetzt. :total wird durch die maximal mögliche Punktzahl ersetzt", - "default": "Du hast :num von :total Punkten erreicht." - }, - { - "label": "Hinweis verfügbar (nicht dargestellt)", - "default": "Hinweis verfügbar", - "description": "Text für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)" - }, - { - "label": "Rückmeldung verfügbar (nicht dargestellt)", - "default": "Rückmeldung verfügbar", - "description": "Text für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)" - }, - { - "label": "Rückmeldung vorlesen (nicht dargestellt)", - "default": "Rückmeldung vorlesen", - "description": "Text für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)" - }, - { - "label": "Falsche Antwort (nicht dargestellt)", - "default": "Falsche Antwort", - "description": "Text für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)" - }, - { - "label": "Richtige Antwort (nicht dargestellt)", - "default": "Richtige Antwort", - "description": "Text für Vorlesewerkzeuge (Barrierefreiheit)" - }, - { - "label": "Option hätte gewählt werden müssen", - "default": "Hätte gewählt werden müssen" - }, - { - "label": "Option hätte nicht gewählt werden sollen", - "default": "Hätte nicht gewählt werden sollen" - }, - { - "label": "Text für \"Erfordert Antwort\"-Hinweis", - "default": "Bitte antworte, bevor du die Lösung ansiehst" - }, - { - "label": "Beschreibung des \"Überprüfen\"-Buttons (für Hilfsmittel zur Barrierefreiheit)", - "default": "Die Antworten überprüfen. Die Auswahlen werden als richtig, falsch oder fehlend markiert." - }, - { - "label": "Beschreibung des \"Lösung anzeigen\"-Buttons (für Hilfsmittel zur Barrierefreiheit)", - "default": "Die Lösung anzeigen. Die richtigen Lösungen werden in der Aufgabe angezeigt." - }, - { - "label": "Beschreibung des \"Wiederholen\"-Buttons (für Hilfsmittel zur Barrierefreiheit)", - "default": "Die Aufgabe wiederholen. Alle Versuche werden zurückgesetzt und die Aufgabe wird erneut gestartet." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Verhaltenseinstellungen", - "description": "Diese Optionen legen fest, wie die Aufgabe im Detail funktioniert.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "\"Wiederholen\"-Button anzeigen" - }, - { - "label": "Aktiviere \"Lösung anzeigen\"-Button" - }, - { - "label": "\"Überprüfen\"-Button anzeigen" - }, - { - "label": "Frageart", - "description": "Wähle Aussehen und Verhalten der Frage.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatisch" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxen)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Einen Punkt für die ganze Aufgabe vergeben", - "description": "Aktivieren, um bei mehreren korrekten Antworten insgesamt nur einen Punkt zu vergeben. Nur aktiv in Multiple Choice-Fragen." - }, - { - "label": "Zufällige Reihenfolge der Antworten", - "description": "Aktivieren, um die Antworten in zufälliger Reihenfolge anzuzeigen." - }, - { - "label": "Lösung wird erst angezeigt, wenn eine Antwort eingegeben wurde." - }, - { - "label": "Zeige Bestätigungsdialog bei \"Überprüfen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Zeige Bestätigungsdialog bei \"Wiederholen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Antworten nach Eingabe automatisch prüfen", - "description": "Bitte berücksichtige, dass durch diese Option die Barrierefreiheit beeinträchtigt wird." - }, - { - "label": "Prozentsatz zum Bestehen", - "description": "Diese Einstellung hat oft keinen Effekt. Wenn aktiviert ist, dass es nur einen einzigen Punkt für die ganze Aufgabe gibt, dann wird dieser nur vergeben, wenn die hier angegebene Prozentanzahl der Gesamtwertung erreicht wurde." - }, - { - "label": "Zeige erreichte Punkte", - "description": "Zeige die erreichten Punkte für jede Antwort." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bestätigungsdialog beim Überprüfen", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text der Überschrift", - "default": "Beenden?" - }, - { - "label": "Text des Hauptteils", - "default": "Ganz sicher beenden?" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Abbrechen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Abbrechen" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Bestätigen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Beenden" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bestätigungsdialog beim Wiederholen", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text der Überschrift", - "default": "Wiederholen?" - }, - { - "label": "Text des Hauptteils", - "default": "Ganz sicher wiederholen?" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Abbrechen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Abbrechen" - }, - { - "label": "Beschriftung des \"Bestätigen\"-Buttons", - "default": "Bestätigen" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/el.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/el.json deleted file mode 100644 index dc6724d..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/el.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Μέσο", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Τύπος", - "description": "Προσθήκη μέσου προς εμφάνιση πάνω από την ερώτηση (προαιρετικά)." - }, - { - "label": "Απενεργοποίηση της επιλογής zoom για την εικόνα της ερώτησης" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ερώτηση" - }, - { - "label": "Διαθέσιμες επιλογές", - "entity": "επιλογης", - "field": { - "label": "Επιλογή", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Κείμενο" - }, - { - "label": "Σωστή επιλογή" - }, - { - "label": "Επεξήγηση και ανατροφοδότηση", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Επεξηγηματικό κείμενο", - "description": "Επεξήγηση για τον χρήστη. Εμφανίζεται προτού ο χρήστης επιλέξει την απάντηση/ τις απαντήσεις του." - }, - { - "label": "Μήνυμα σε επιλεγμένη απάντηση", - "description": "Μήνυμα που εμφανίζεται κάτω από την επιλεγμένη απάντηση κατά τον \"Έλεγχο απάντησης\"." - }, - { - "label": "Μήνυμα σε μη επιλεγμένη απάντηση", - "description": "Μήνυμα που εμφανίζεται κάτω από τη μη επιλεγμένη απάντηση κατά τον \"Ελεγχο απάντησης\"." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Συνολική ανατροφοδότηση", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Βασικό" - } - ], - "label": "Χαρακτηρισμός κάθε κλίμακας βαθμολογίας", - "description": "Παράδειγμα: 0-20% Χαμηλή βαθμολογία, 21-91% Μέτρια βαθμολογία, 91-100% Εξαιρετική βαθμολογία!", - "entity": "κλιμακας", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Βαθμολογία" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Χαρακτηρισμός", - "placeholder": "Συμπληρώστε τον χαρακτηρισμό" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Μεταφράσεις διεπαφής χρήστη για πολλαπλή επιλογή", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού ελέγχου απάντησης", - "default": "Έλεγχος" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού υποβολής απάντησης", - "default": "Υποβολή" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού εμφάνισης λύσης", - "default": "Λύση" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού νέας προσπάθειας", - "default": "Επανάληψη" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα επεξήγησης", - "default": "Εμφάνιση επεξήγησης" - }, - { - "label": "Κειμενική απόδοση της μπάρας βαθμολογίας για όσους χρησιμοποιούν ακουστική υποβοήθηση", - "description": "Διαθέσιμες μεταβλητές :num και :total", - "default": "Έχεις :num από :total πόντους" - }, - { - "label": "Επεξήγηση διαθέσιμη (μη ορατή)", - "default": "Επεξήγηση διαθέσιμη", - "description": "Κείμενο ακουστικής υποβοήθησης" - }, - { - "label": "Ανατροφοδότηση διαθέσιμη (μη ορατή)", - "default": "Ανατροφοδότηση διαθέσιμη", - "description": "Κείμενο ακουστικής υποβοήθησης" - }, - { - "label": "Ανάγνωση ανατροφοδότησης (μη ορατή)", - "default": "Ανάγνωση ανατροφοδότησης", - "description": "Κείμενο ακουστικής υποβοήθησης" - }, - { - "label": "Λάθος απάντηση (μη ορατή)", - "default": "Λάθος απάντηση", - "description": "Κείμενο ακουστικής υποβοήθησης" - }, - { - "label": "Σωστή απάντηση (μη ορατή)", - "default": "Σωστή απάντηση", - "description": "Κείμενο ακουστικής υποβοήθησης" - }, - { - "label": "Η απάντηση θα πρέπει να έχει επιλεγεί", - "default": "Θα πρέπει να έχει επιλεγεί" - }, - { - "label": "Η απάντηση δεν θα πρέπει να έχει επιλεγεί", - "default": "Δεν θα πρέπει να έχει επιλεγεί" - }, - { - "label": "Κείμενο μηνύματος \"Απαιτείται απάντηση\"", - "default": "Παρακαλώ απάντησε προτού δεις τη λύση" - }, - { - "label": "Περιγραφή υποστηρικτικών τεχνολογιών για το πλήκτρο \"Έλεγχος\"", - "default": "Έλεγχος απαντήσεων. Οι απαντήσεις θα μαρκαριστούν ως σωστές, λάθος και μη απαντημένες." - }, - { - "label": "Περιγραφή υποστηρικτικών τεχνολογιών για το πλήκτρο \"Λύση\"", - "default": "Προβολή της λύσης. Η άσκηση θα επισημανθεί με την σωστή απάντση." - }, - { - "label": "Περιγραφή υποστηρικτικών τεχνολογιών για το πλήκτρο \"Επανάληψη\"", - "default": "Επανάληψη της εργασίας. Επαναφορά όλων των απαντήσεων και έναρξη από την αρχή." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ρυθμίσεις άσκησης", - "description": "Αυτές οι ρυθμίσεις σας επιτρέπουν να καθορίσετε τον τρόπο λειτουργίας της άσκησης.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ενεργοποίηση κουμπιού \"Επανάληψη\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ενεργοποίηση κουμπιού \"Λύση\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ενεργοποίηση κουμπιού \"Έλεγχος\"" - }, - { - "label": "Τύπος ερώτησης", - "description": "Επιλογή της εμφάνισης και της λειτουργίας της ερώτησης.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Αυτόματη" - }, - { - "label": "Πολλαπλή επιλογή (Πλαίσιο Επιλογής)" - }, - { - "label": "Μοναδική επιλογή (Κουμπί Επιλογής)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ένας (1) βαθμός για ολόκληρη την άσκηση", - "description": "Ενεργοποίηση της ανάθεσης ενός (1) βαθμού συνολικά για ασκήσεις πολλαπλής επιλογής. Αυτή η επιλογή δεν διατίθεται για ασκήσεις \"Μοναδικής επιλογής\"." - }, - { - "label": "Τυχαιοποίηση ερωτήσεων", - "description": "Ενεργοποίηση της τυχαίας σειράς εμφάνισης των ερωτήσεων." - }, - { - "label": "Απαιτείται καταχώριση απάντησης πριν την εμφάνιση της λύσης" - }, - { - "label": "Εμφάνιση παραθύρου διαλόγου κατά τον \"Έλεγχο\"" - }, - { - "label": "Εμφάνιση παραθύρου διαλόγου κατά την \"Επανάληψη\"" - }, - { - "label": "Αυτόματος έλεγχος απαντήσεων", - "description": "Η ενεργοποίηση της επιλογής θα δυσχεράνει την προσβασιμότητα. Βεβαιωθείτε για την επιλογή σας" - }, - { - "label": "Ποσοστό επιτυχίας", - "description": "Αυτή η ρύθμιση συνήθως δεν επιφέρει καμία αλλαγή. Αφορά το ποσοστό της συνολικής βαθμολογίας που απαιτείται προκειμένου ο χρήστης να λάβει έναν (1) βαθμό συνολικά (εφόσον έχει ενεργοποιηθεί η σχετική επιλογή) και result.success στο πεδίο των xAPI προτάσεων." - }, - { - "label": "Εμφάνιση βαθμολογίας", - "description": "Εμφάνιση βαθμών για κάθε απάντηση." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Παράθυρο επιβεβαίωσης", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Κείμενο επικεφαλίδας", - "default": "Ολοκλήρωση άσκησης" - }, - { - "label": "Κυρίως κείμενο", - "default": "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να ολοκληρώσεις την άσκηση;" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού ακύρωσης", - "default": "Όχι" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού επιβεβαίωσης", - "default": "Ναι" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Παράθυρο επανάληψης", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Κείμενο επικεφαλίδας", - "default": "Επανάληψη" - }, - { - "label": "Κυρίως κείμενο", - "default": "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να προσπαθήσεις ξανά;" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού ακύρωσης", - "default": "Όχι" - }, - { - "label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού επιβεβαίωσης", - "default": "Ναι" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es-mx.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es-mx.json deleted file mode 100644 index 41461d9..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es-mx.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medios", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipo", - "description": "Medios opcionales mostrados encima de la pregunta." - }, - { - "label": "Deshabilitar acercamiento de imagen" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pregunta" - }, - { - "label": "Opciones disponibles", - "entity": "opción", - "field": { - "label": "Opción", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto" - }, - { - "label": "Correcto" - }, - { - "label": "Pistas y retroalimentación", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto de pista", - "description": "Pista para el usuario. Esto aparecerá antes de que el usuario compruebe su respuesta/respuestas." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaje que se muestra si se selecciona una respuesta", - "description": "El mensaje aparecerá debajo de la respuesta al \"comprobar\" si esta respuesta es seleccionada." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaje mostrado si la respuesta no es seleccionada", - "description": "El mensaje aparecerá debajo de la respuesta al \"comprobar\" si esta respuesta no está seleccionada." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación Global", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Predeterminado" - } - ], - "label": "Definir retroalimentación personalizada para cualquier rango de puntaje", - "description": "Haga clic en el botón \"Añadir rango\" para añadir cuantos rangos necesite. Ejemplo: 0-20% Mal puntaje, 21-91% Puntaje Promedio, 91-100% ¡Magnífico Puntaje!", - "entity": "rango", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rango del Puntaje" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación para rango de puntaje definido", - "placeholder": "Complete la retroalimentación" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traducciones de interfaz de usuario para opción múltiple", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botón Comprobar respuesta", - "default": "Comprobar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botón enviar respuesta", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón de solución", - "default": "Mostrar solución" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botón Reintentar", - "default": "Reintentar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta de la pista", - "default": "Mostrar pista" - }, - { - "label": "Representación textual de la barra de puntaje para aquellos que usan un lector de texto en voz alta", - "description": "Las variables disponibles son :num y :total", - "default": "Obtuvo :num de un total de :total puntos" - }, - { - "label": "Pista Disponible (no se muestra)", - "default": "Pista disponible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de texto en voz alta" - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación Disponible (no se muestra)", - "default": "Retroalimentación disponible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para los lectores de texto en voz alta" - }, - { - "label": "Leer Retroalimentación (no se muestran)", - "default": "Leer retroalimentación", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para los lectores en voz alta" - }, - { - "label": "Respuesta Incorrecta (no se muestra)", - "default": "Respuesta incorrecta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para los lectores en voz alta" - }, - { - "label": "Respuesta Correcta (no se muestra)", - "default": "Respuesta correcta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para los lectores en voz alta" - }, - { - "label": "La opción debería haber sido seleccionada", - "default": "Debería haber sido seleccionada" - }, - { - "label": "La opción no debería haber sido seleccionada", - "default": "No debería haber sido seleccionada" - }, - { - "label": "Texto para mensaje \"Requiere respuesta\"", - "default": "Por favor responda antes de ver la solución" - }, - { - "label": "Descripción de tecnología asistiva para botón \"Comprobar\"", - "default": "Comprobar las respuestas. Las respuestas serán marcadas como correcta, incorrecta o sin contestar." - }, - { - "label": "Descripción de tecnología asistiva para botón \"Mostrar Solución\"", - "default": "Mostrar la solución. El trabajo será calificado con su solución correcta." - }, - { - "label": "Descripción de tecnología asistiva para botón \"Reintentar\"", - "default": "Reintentar el trabajo. Reiniciar todas las respuestas e iniciar el trabajo de nuevo." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Configuraciones del comportamiento", - "description": "Estas opciones le permitirán controlar como se comporta el trabajo.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Habilitar botón \"Reintentar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Habilitar botón \"Mostrar Solución\"" - }, - { - "label": "Habilitar botón \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo de Pregunta", - "description": "Seleccione el aspecto y comportamiento de la pregunta.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automático" - }, - { - "label": "Opción múltiple (casillas de verificación)" - }, - { - "label": "Selección Única (Botones)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Da un punto para todo el trabajo", - "description": "Habilite para dar un total de un punto para múltiples respuestas correctas. Esta no será una opción en el modo \"Respuesta única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Aleatorizar respuestas", - "description": "Habilitar para aleatorizar el orden de las respuestas en pantalla." - }, - { - "label": "Requerir respuesta antes de que se pueda ver la solución" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar diálogo de confirmación en \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar el diálogo de confirmación en \"Reintentar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Comprobar automáticamente las respuestas", - "description": "Al activar esta opción, sufrirá la accesibilidad; asegúrese de saber lo que está haciendo." - }, - { - "label": "Porcentaje aprobatorio", - "description": "Esta configuración a menudo no tendrá ningún efecto. Es el porcentaje del puntaje total requerido para obtener 1 punto cuando se habilita un punto para todo el trabajo, y para obtener un result.success en declaraciones xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar puntaje", - "description": "Mostrar los puntos obtenidos por cada respuesta. Esto no será una opción en el modo 'Respuesta única' o si estuviera habilitada la opción de 'Dar un punto para el trabajo completo'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación para Comprobar", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto del encabezado", - "default": "¿Terminar?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del cuerpo", - "default": "¿Está seguro que desea terminar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botón Confirmar", - "default": "Terminar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación de Reintentar", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto del encabezado", - "default": "¿Reintentar?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del cuerpo", - "default": "¿Está seguro de que desea volver a intentarlo?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botón Confirmar", - "default": "Confirmar" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4841f47..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/es.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medios", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipo", - "description": "Medios opcionales mostrados encima de la pregunta." - }, - { - "label": "Deshabilitar acercamiento de imagen" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pregunta" - }, - { - "label": "Opciones disponibles", - "entity": "opción", - "field": { - "label": "Opción", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto" - }, - { - "label": "Correcto" - }, - { - "label": "Pistas y retroalimentación", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto de pista", - "description": "Pista para el usuario. Aparecerá antes de que el usuario compruebe su respuesta/respuestas." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaje que se muestra si se selecciona una respuesta", - "description": "El mensaje aparecerá debajo de la respuesta al \"comprobar\" si se selecciona esta respuesta." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaje mostrado si la respuesta no es seleccionada", - "description": "El mensaje aparecerá debajo de la respuesta al \"comprobar\" si esta respuesta no está seleccionada." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación Global", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Por defecto" - } - ], - "label": "Definir retroalimentación personalizada para cualquier rango de puntuación", - "description": "Haz clic en el botón \"Añadir rango\" para añadir los rangos que necesites. Ejemplo: 0-20% Mala puntuación, 21-91% Puntuación Media, 91-100% ¡Puntuación Estupenda!", - "entity": "rango", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rango de puntuación" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Realimentación para rango de puntuación definido", - "placeholder": "Escribe tu retroalimentación" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traducciones de interfaz de usuario para opción múltiple", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etiqueta del botón Comprobar respuesta", - "default": "Comprobar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botón enviar respuesta", - "default": "Enviar" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón mostrar solución", - "default": "Mostrar solución" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta botón Intentar de nuevo", - "default": "Intentar de nuevo" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta de la pista", - "default": "Mostrar pista" - }, - { - "label": "Representación textual de la barra de puntuación cuando se usa un lector de pantalla", - "description": "Las variables disponibles son :num y :total", - "default": "Has conseguido :num de un total de :total puntos" - }, - { - "label": "Pista Disponible (no se muestra)", - "default": "Pista disponible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación Disponible (no se muestra)", - "default": "Retroalimentación disponible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Leer Retroalimentación (no se muestra)", - "default": "Leer retroalimentación", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Respuesta Incorrecta (no se muestra)", - "default": "Respuesta incorrecta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Respuesta Correcta (no se muestra)", - "default": "Respuesta correcta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidad utilizado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Deberías haber marcado la opción", - "default": "Debería haber sido marcada" - }, - { - "label": "No deberías haber marcado la opción", - "default": "No debería haber sido marcada" - }, - { - "label": "Texto para mensaje \"Respuesta obligatoria\"", - "default": "Por favor responde antes de ver la solución" - }, - { - "label": "Descripción para las tecnologías de asistencia del botón \"Comprobar\"", - "default": "Revisa tus respuestas. Las respuestas se marcarán como correcta, incorrecta o sin contestar." - }, - { - "label": "Descripción para las tecnologías de asistencia del botón \"Mostrar solución\"", - "default": "Mostrar la solución. La tarea se calificará con su solución correcta." - }, - { - "label": "Descripción para las tecnologías de asistencia del botón \"Intentar de nuevo\"", - "default": "Vuelve a intentar la tarea. Borra todas tus respuestas y empieza de nuevo." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Configuración del comportamiento", - "description": "Estas opciones te permitirán controlar cómo se comporta la tarea.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Habilitar botón \"Intentar de nuevo\"" - }, - { - "label": "Habilitar el botón \"Mostrar solución\"" - }, - { - "label": "Habilitar botón \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo de pregunta", - "description": "Selecciona el aspecto y comportamiento de la pregunta.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automático" - }, - { - "label": "Opción múltiple (casillas de verificación)" - }, - { - "label": "Selección Única (Botones)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Dar un punto a toda la tarea", - "description": "Habilitar para dar un total de un punto para múltiples respuestas correctas. Esta opción no será factible en el modo \"Respuesta única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Ordenar respuestas aleatoriamente", - "description": "Habilitar para hacer aleatorio el orden de las respuestas en pantalla." - }, - { - "label": "Requerir respuesta antes de que se pueda ver la solución" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar diálogo de confirmación para \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar diálogo de confirmación para \"Intentar de nuevo\"" - }, - { - "label": "Verificar automáticamente las respuestas", - "description": "Al activar esta opción se verá afectada la accesibilidad. Asegúrate de que sabes lo que estás haciendo." - }, - { - "label": "Porcentaje para aprobar", - "description": "Esta configuración posiblemente no tendrá ningún efecto. Es el porcentaje del puntuación total requerido para obtener 1 punto cuando se habilita dar un punto a toda la tarea, y para obtener un result.success en las declaraciones xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar puntuación", - "description": "Mostrar los puntos obtenidos por cada respuesta. Esta opción no será factible en el modo 'Respuesta única' o si estuviera habilitada la opción de 'Dar un punto a toda la tarea'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación para Comprobar", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto de cabecera", - "default": "¿Terminar?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del cuerpo", - "default": "¿Seguro que quieres terminar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón Confirmar", - "default": "Terminar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación para Intentar de nuevo", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto de cabecera", - "default": "¿Intentar de nuevo?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del cuerpo", - "default": "¿Seguro que quieres volver a intentarlo?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Texto del botón Confirmar", - "default": "Confirmar" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/et.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/et.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2981eef..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/et.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Pilt või video", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tüüp", - "description": "Pilt või video, mida kuvatakse küsimuse juures (mittekohustuslik element)." - }, - { - "label": "Keela pildi suuruse muutmine" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Küsimus" - }, - { - "label": "Vastusevariandid", - "entity": "vastusevariant", - "field": { - "label": "Vastusevariant", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Õige" - }, - { - "label": "Vihje ja tagasiside", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Vihje tekst", - "description": "Suunav vihje vastajale, ilmub enne vastuse sisestamist." - }, - { - "label": "Tekst, mida kasutaja näeb pärast selle vastusevariandi sisestamist", - "description": "See tekst ilmub vastusevariandi alla kui kasutaja klõpsab \"Kontrolli\"." - }, - { - "label": "Tekst, mida kasutaja näeb pärast selle vastusevariandi valimata jätmist", - "description": "See tekst ilmub vastusevariandi alla kui kasutaja klõpsab \"Kontrolli\"." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Üldine tagasiside", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Vaikimisi" - } - ], - "label": "Määratle kohandatud tagasiside igale punktisumma vahemikule", - "description": "Näiteks: 0-20% halb tulemus, 21-91% keskmine tulemus, 91-100% suurepärane tulemus!", - "entity": "vahemik", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Punktisumma vahemik" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Määratletud punktisummavahemiku tagasiside", - "placeholder": "Sisesta tagasiside" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Kasutajaliides tõlge mitmikvalikutele", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Kontrolli vastust nupu silt", - "default": "Kontrolli" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Näita lahendust nupu silt", - "default": "Näita lahendust" - }, - { - "label": "Proovi uuesti nupu silt", - "default": "Proovi uuesti" - }, - { - "label": "Vihje silt", - "default": "Näita vihjet" - }, - { - "label": "Punktisumma rea tekstiline esitus tekstilugeri kasutajaile", - "description": "Kasutatavad muutujad on :num ja :total", - "default": "Sa said :num punkti :total punktist" - }, - { - "label": "Vihje on saadaval (ei näidata)", - "default": "Vihje on saadaval", - "description": "Tekstilugeriga kasutamiseks mõeldud tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Tagasiside on saadaval (ei näidata)", - "default": "Tagasiside on saadaval", - "description": "Tekstilugeriga kasutamiseks mõeldud tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Loe tagasiside (ei näidata)", - "default": "Loe tagasiside", - "description": "Tekstilugeriga kasutamiseks mõeldud tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Vale vastus (ei näidata)", - "default": "Vale vastus", - "description": "Tekstilugeriga kasutamiseks mõeldud tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Õige vastus (ei näidata)", - "default": "Õige vastus", - "description": "Tekstilugeriga kasutamiseks mõeldud tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Valik oleks pidanud olema märgitud", - "default": "Oleks pidanud olema märgitud" - }, - { - "label": "Valik ei oleks tohtinud olla märgitud", - "default": "Ei oleks pidanud olema märgitud" - }, - { - "label": "\"Vastus nõutud\" teate tekst", - "default": "Palun vasta enne lahenduse vaatamist" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Käitumisseaded", - "description": "Need valikud määravad, kuidas ülesanne käitub.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Luba \"Proovi uuesti\" nupp" - }, - { - "label": "Luba \"Näita lahendust\" nupp" - }, - { - "label": "Luba \"Kontrolli\" nupp" - }, - { - "label": "Küsimuse tüüp", - "description": "Vali küsimuste välimus ja käitumine.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automaatne" - }, - { - "label": "Mitmikvalik (märkeruudud)" - }, - { - "label": "Üks valik (raadionupud)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Anna üks punkt kogu ülesande eest", - "description": "Luba, et anda mitme õige vastuse eest kokku üks punkt. Seda valikut ei saa teha \"Üks vastus\" moodis." - }, - { - "label": "Järjesta vastused juhuslikult", - "description": "Luba, et järjestada kuvatavad vastused juhuslikult." - }, - { - "label": "Nõua vastust enne, kui lahendust vaadata saab" - }, - { - "label": "Näita kinnitusdialoogi \"Kontrolli\" nupule vajutamisel" - }, - { - "label": "Näita kinnitusdialoogi \"Proovi uuesti\" nupule vajutamisel" - }, - { - "label": "Vali vastused automaatselt", - "description": "Selle valiku lubamisel kannatab puuetega inimeste kasutajaelamus - veendu, et tead, mida teed." - }, - { - "label": "Läbimisprotsent", - "description": "See seadistus ei tee sageli midagi. See on protsent kogu punktisummast, mis on vajalik ühe punkti saamiseks, kui lubatud on 'Üks punkt kogu ülesande eest' ja result.success saamiseks xAPI väljavõttes." - }, - { - "label": "Näita punktisummasid", - "description": "Näita iga vastuse eest saadud punkte." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Kontrolli kinnitusdialoog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Pealkirja tekst", - "default": "Kas lõpetada?" - }, - { - "label": "Sisu tekst", - "default": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid lõpetada?" - }, - { - "label": "Katkesta nupu silt", - "default": "Ei" - }, - { - "label": "Kinnita nupu silt", - "default": "Jah" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Proovi uuesti kinnitusdialoog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Pealkirja tekst", - "default": "Proovida uuesti?" - }, - { - "label": "Sisu tekst", - "default": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid uuesti proovida?" - }, - { - "label": "Katkesta nupu tekst", - "default": "Ei" - }, - { - "label": "Kinnita nupu tekst", - "default": "Jah" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/eu.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/eu.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8d6e9d7..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/eu.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Multimedia", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Mota", - "description": "Galderaren gainean bistaratzeko aukerako multimedia." - }, - { - "label": "Desgaitu irudien zooma" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Galdera" - }, - { - "label": "Eskuragarri dauden aukerak", - "entity": "aukera", - "field": { - "label": "Aukera", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Testua" - }, - { - "label": "Zuzena" - }, - { - "label": "Argibideak eta feedbacka", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Argibidearen testua", - "description": "Argibidea erabiltzailearentzat. Hau agertuko da erabiltzaileak bere erantzuna(k) egiaztatzen d(it)uenean." - }, - { - "label": "Erantzuna aukeratuta badago bistaratzen den mezua", - "description": "Mezua erantzunaren azpiko \"egiaztatu\" botoian agertuko da erantzun hau aukeratuta badago." - }, - { - "label": "Erantzuna aukeratuta ez badago bistaratzen den mezua", - "description": "Mezua erantzunaren azpiko \"egiaztatu\" botoian agertuko da erantzun hau aukeratuta ez badago.." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Orokorra", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Lehenetsitakoa" - } - ], - "label": "Zehaztu ezazu edozein puntuazio-tarterako feedback pertsonalizatua", - "description": "Egin klik \"Gehitu tartea\" botoian behar dituzun tarte guztiak gehitzeko. Adibidez: 0-20% Puntuazio eskasa, 21-91% Batez besteko puntuazioa, 91-100% Puntuazio bikaina!", - "entity": "tartea", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Puntuazio tartea" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Zehaztutako tartearentzako feedbacka", - "placeholder": "Idatzi ezazu feedbacka" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Aukera anitzaren erabiltzailearen interfazearen itzulpenak", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Egiaztatu erantzuna botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Egiaztatu" - }, - { - "label": "Bidali erantzuna botoiarentzako etiketa", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Erakutsi emaitza botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Erakutsi emaitza" - }, - { - "label": "Saiatu berriro botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Saiatu berriro" - }, - { - "label": "Argibidearen etiketa", - "default": "Erakutsi argibidea" - }, - { - "label": "Puntuazio-barraren testu adierazpena irakurgailua erabiltzen dutenentzat", - "description": "Eskuragarri dauden aldagaiak :num eta :total", - "default": ":total puntutik :num puntu lortu duzu" - }, - { - "label": "Argibidea erabilgarri (ez da bistaratzen)", - "default": "Argibidea erabilgarri", - "description": "Irakurgailuetarako erabilerraztasun testua" - }, - { - "label": "Feedbacka erabilgarri (ez da bistaratzen)", - "default": "Feedbacka erabilgarri", - "description": "Irakurgailuetarako erabilerraztasun testua" - }, - { - "label": "Irakurri feedbacka (ez da bistaratzen)", - "default": "Irakurri feedbacka", - "description": "Irakurgailuetarako erabilerraztasun testua" - }, - { - "label": "Erantzun Okerra (ez da erakusten)", - "default": "Erantzun okerra", - "description": "Irakurgailuetarako erabilerraztasun testua" - }, - { - "label": "Erantzun zuzena (ez da bistaratzen)", - "default": "Erantzun zuzena", - "description": "Irakurgailuetarako erabilerraztasun testua" - }, - { - "label": "Aukera egiaztatu beharko zenuke", - "default": "Egiaztatu beharko zenuke" - }, - { - "label": "Aukera hau ez zen markatu behar", - "default": "Ez zen markatu behar" - }, - { - "label": "\"Erantzuna behar du\" mezuaren testua", - "default": "Erantzun soluzioa bistaratu aurretik" - }, - { - "label": "\"Egiaztatu\" botoiaren laguntza-teknologientzako etiketa", - "default": "Egiaztatu erantzunak. Erantzunak zuzen, oker edo erantzun gabe gisa markatuko dira." - }, - { - "label": "\"Erakutsi erantzuna\" botoiaren laguntza-teknologientzako etiketa", - "default": "Erakutsi erantzun zuzena. Zereginaren erantzun zuzena markatuko da." - }, - { - "label": "\"Saiatu berriro\" botoiaren laguntza-teknologientzako etiketa", - "default": "Zeregina berriz egiten saiatu. Berrabiarazi erantzun guztiak eta hasi zeregina berriz." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Portaeraren ezarpenak", - "description": "Aukera hauek lanaren portaera kontrolatzea ahalbidetzen dizute.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Gaitu \"Berriz saiatu\" botoia" - }, - { - "label": "Aktibatu \"Erakutsi Erantzuna\" botoia" - }, - { - "label": "Aktibatu \"Egiaztatu\" botoia" - }, - { - "label": "Galdera mota", - "description": "Aukeratu galderaren itxura eta portaera.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatikoa" - }, - { - "label": "Aukera anitza (kontrol-laukiak)" - }, - { - "label": "Aukera bakarra (Aukera botoia edo botoi borobila)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Eman puntu bat ataza osoarentzat", - "description": "Aktibatu ematea denetara puntu bat aukera anitzeko galdera guztiak zuzen emanez gero. Aukera hau ez dago \"Aukera bakarra\" motan." - }, - { - "label": "Erantzunak ausazko ordenan", - "description": "Aktibatu ausazko ordena pantailako erantzunentzat." - }, - { - "label": "Erantzun behar da soluzioa ikusi ahal izateko" - }, - { - "label": "Erakutsi \"Egiaztatu\" botoirako baieztapen-mezua" - }, - { - "label": "Erakutsi \"Berriz saiatu\" botoirako baieztapen-mezua" - }, - { - "label": "Egiaztatu erantzunak automatikoki", - "description": "Aukera hau aktibatuta erabilerraztasuna kaltetuko da, ziurtatu badakizula zer egiten ari zaren." - }, - { - "label": "Asmatutakoen ehunekoa", - "description": "Ezarpen honek sarritan ez du inolako efekturik izango. Zifra honek puntuazio osotik zein ehuneko eduki behar den lortzeko puntu oso bat atazan aktibatuta badago, eta xAPI sailkapenetan postu ona izateko." - }, - { - "label": "Erakutsi puntuazioa", - "description": "Erantzun bakoitzeko irabazten diren puntuak erakutsi. Honek ez du funtzionatuko 'Aukera bakarra' motako galderetan edo 'Eman puntu bat ataza osoarentzat' aukera hautatuta badago." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Egiaztatu baieztapen elkarrizketa", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Goiburuaren testua", - "default": "Bukatu?" - }, - { - "label": "Gorputzaren testua", - "default": "Ziur zaude bukatu nahi duzula?" - }, - { - "label": "Utzi botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Utzi" - }, - { - "label": "Berretsi botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Bukatu" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Saiatu berriro baieztatzeko elkarrizketa", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Goiburuaren testua", - "default": "Saiatu berriro?" - }, - { - "label": "Gorputzaren testua", - "default": "Ziur zaude berriro saiatu nahi duzula?" - }, - { - "label": "Utzi botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Utzi" - }, - { - "label": "Berretsi botoiaren etiketa", - "default": "Berretsi" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fa.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fa.json deleted file mode 100644 index 90e597b..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fa.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "رسانه", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "نوع", - "description": "رسانه اختیاری برای نمایش در بالای سؤال." - }, - { - "label": "غیرفعال‌سازی بزرگنمایی تصویر" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "سؤال" - }, - { - "label": "تنظیمات در دسترس", - "entity": "گزینه", - "field": { - "label": "گزینه", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "متن" - }, - { - "label": "صحیح" - }, - { - "label": "نکات و بازخورد", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "متن نکته", - "description": "راهنمایی برای کاربر. این پیش از اینکه کاربر پاسخ/پاسخ‌هایش را بررسی کند نمایش داده می‌شود." - }, - { - "label": "پیامی که در صورت انتخاب پاسخ نمایش داده می‌شود", - "description": "اگر پاسخ انتخاب شود، به محض «بررسی»، پیام در زیر پاسخ نمایش داده خواهد شد." - }, - { - "label": "پیامی که در صورت عدم انتخاب پاسخ نمایش داده می‌شود", - "description": "اگر پاسخ انتخاب شود، به محض «بررسی»، پیام در زیر پاسخ نمایش داده خواهد شد." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "بازخورد کلی", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "پیش‌فرض" - } - ], - "label": "تعریف بازخورد سفارشی برای هر بازه نمره", - "description": "برای افزودن هر تعداد بازه‌ای که نیاز دارید، دکمه \"افزودن بازه\" را کلیک کنید. مثال: ۰-۲۰٪ نمره بد، ۲۱-۹۱٪ نمره متوسط، ۹۱-۱۰۰٪ نمره عالی!", - "entity": "بازه", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "بازه نمره" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "بازخورد برای بازه نمره تعریف شده", - "placeholder": "پر کردن بازخورد" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "ترجمه‌های رابط کاربری برای سؤال چندگزینه‌ای", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه بررسی پاسخ", - "default": "بررسی" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه نمایش پاسخ صحیح", - "default": "نمایش پاسخ صحیح" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه تلاش مجدد", - "default": "تلاش مجدد" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب نکته", - "default": "نمایش نکته" - }, - { - "label": "بازنمایی متنی نوار نمره برای کسانی که از مبدل متن به گفتار استفاده می‌کنند", - "description": "متغیرهای در دسترس ‎:num و ‎:total هستند", - "default": "شما از ‎:total امتیاز، ‎:num امتیاز دریافت کردید" - }, - { - "label": "نکته موجود (عدم نمایش)", - "default": "نکته موجود", - "description": "متن دسترس‌پذیری مورد استفاده برای مبدل متن به گفتار" - }, - { - "label": "بازخورد موجود (عدم نمایش)", - "default": "بازخورد موجود", - "description": "متن دسترس‌پذیری مورد استفاده برای مبدل متن به گفتار" - }, - { - "label": "خواندن بازخورد (عدم نمایش)", - "default": "خواندن بازخورد", - "description": "متن دسترس‌پذیری مورد استفاده مبدل متن به گفتار" - }, - { - "label": "پاسخ غلط (عدم نمایش)", - "default": "پاسخ غلط", - "description": "متن دسترس‌پذیری مورد استفاده مبدل متن به گفتار" - }, - { - "label": "پاسخ صحیح (عدم نمایش)", - "default": "پاسخ صحیح", - "description": "متن دسترس‌پذیری مورد استفاده مبدل متن به گفتار" - }, - { - "label": "گزینه باید تیک می‌خورد", - "default": "باید تیک می‌خورد" - }, - { - "label": "گزینه نباید تیک می‌خورد", - "default": "نباید تیک می‌خورد" - }, - { - "label": "متن برای پیام پاسخ لازم است", - "default": "لطفاً پیش از دیدن پاسخ صحیح، پاسخ دهید" - }, - { - "label": "توصیف تکنولوژی کمکی برای دکمه بررسی", - "default": "بررسی پاسخ‌ها. پاسخ‌ها به عنوان صحیح، غلط، یا پاسخ داده نشده علامت‌گذاری می‌شوند." - }, - { - "label": "توصیف تکنولوژی کمکی برای دکمه نمایش پاسخ صحیح", - "default": "نمایش پاسخ صحیح. تکلیف با پاسخ صحیح آن علامت‌گذاری خواهد شد." - }, - { - "label": "توصیف تکنولوژی کمکی برای دکمه تلاش مجدد", - "default": "تلاش مجدد. بازنشانی همه پاسخ‌ها و شروع مجدد تکلیف." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "تنظیمات عملکرد", - "description": "این تنظیمات به شما اجازه خواهد داد اینکه چطور تکلیف رفتار می‌کند را کنترل کنید.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "فعال‌سازی دکمه تلاش مجدد" - }, - { - "label": "فعال‌سازی دکمه نمایش پاسخ صحیح" - }, - { - "label": "فعال‌سازی دکمه بررسی" - }, - { - "label": "نوع سؤال", - "description": "ظاهر و رفتار سؤال را انتخاب کنید.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "خودکار" - }, - { - "label": "چندگزینه‌ای (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "تک گزینه‌ای (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "برای کل تکلیف یک امتیاز بده", - "description": "فعال‌سازی دادن یک امتیاز کل برای چندین پاسخ صحیح. این گزینه در حالت «پاسخ منفرد» وجود نخواهد داشت." - }, - { - "label": "تصادفی کردن پاسخ‌ها", - "description": "فعال‌سازی تصادفی کردن ترتیب پاسخ‌ها بر صفحه نمایش." - }, - { - "label": "الزام به پاسخ پیش از اینکه پاسخ صحیح را بتوان دید" - }, - { - "label": "نمایش دیالوگ تأیید به محض بررسی" - }, - { - "label": "نمایش دیالوگ تأیید به محض تلاش مجدد" - }, - { - "label": "بررسی خودکار پاسخ‌ها", - "description": "فعال‌سازی این گزینه باعث می‌شود دسترس‌پذیری آسیب ببیند، مطمئن شوید می‌دانید چه می‌کنید." - }, - { - "label": "درصد قبولی", - "description": "این تنظیم معمولاً تأثیری نخواهد داشت. این تنظیم درصد از نمره کل مورد نیاز برای دریافت یک امتیاز است، وقتی یک امتیاز برای کل تکلیف فعال شده باشد، و برای اینکه نتیجه.موفقیت را در گزاره‌های xAPI بگیریم." - }, - { - "label": "نمایش امتیازات نمره", - "description": "نمایش امتیازات کسب شده برای هر پاسخ. این گزینه در حالت «پاسخ منفرد» یا اگر «برای کل تکلیف یک امتیاز بده» فعال باشد، موجود نخواهد بود." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "دیالوگ تأیید بررسی", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "متن سرصفحه", - "default": "پایان ؟" - }, - { - "label": "متن بدنه", - "default": "آیا از خاتمۀ کار اطمینان دارید؟" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه لغو", - "default": "لغو" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه تأیید", - "default": "پایان" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "دیالوگ تأیید تلاش مجدد", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "متن سرصفحه", - "default": "تلاش مجدد ؟" - }, - { - "label": "متن بدنه", - "default": "آیا دوباره تلاش می‌کنید؟" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه لغو", - "default": "لغو" - }, - { - "label": "برچسب دکمه تأیید", - "default": "تأیید" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fi.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fi.json deleted file mode 100644 index a2a5f20..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tyyppi", - "description": "Valinnainen kuva tai video, joka näkyy kysymyksen yläpuolella." - }, - { - "label": "Älä salli kuvan suurentamista" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Kysymys" - }, - { - "label": "Vaihtoehdot", - "entity": "Vaihtoehto", - "field": { - "label": "Vaihtoehto", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Teksti" - }, - { - "label": "Oikein" - }, - { - "label": "Vihjeet ja palaute", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Vihjeteksti", - "description": "Vihje käyttäjälle. Tämä näkyy ennen kuin käyttäjä tarkistaa vastauksensa." - }, - { - "label": "Palaute valittuun vastaukseen", - "description": "Palaute ilmestyy vastauksen alle, kun vastaus tarkistetaan ja vastaus on valittuna." - }, - { - "label": "Palaute vastaukseen, joka ei ole valittuna", - "description": "Palaute ilmestyy vastauksen alle, kun vastaus tarkistetaan ja vastaus ei ole valittuna." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Yleinen palaute", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Oletus" - } - ], - "label": "Määritä muokattu palaute pisterajojen mukaan.", - "description": "Klikkaa \"Lisää alue\" painiketta lisätäksesi niin monta pisterajaa kuin tarvit. Esimerkiksi: 0-20% Huono tulos, 21-91% Kelpo tulos, 91-100% Mahtava tulos!", - "entity": "alue", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Pisteraja" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Palaute määritellylle pisterajalle", - "placeholder": "Kirjoita palaute" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Muokkaa käännöksiä", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Painikkeen \"Tarkista\" nimi", - "default": "Tarkista" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen \"Katso vastaus\" nimi", - "default": "Katso vastaus" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen \"Yritä uudelleen\" nimi", - "default": "Yritä uudelleen" - }, - { - "label": "Teksti \"Näytä vihje\"", - "default": "Näytä vihje" - }, - { - "label": "Tekstimuotoinen esitys pistepalkista niille jotka käyttävät ruudunlukijasovellusta", - "description": "Käytettävissä olevat muuttujat ovat :num ja :total", - "default": "Sait :num pistettä :total pisteestä" - }, - { - "label": "Vihje saatavilla", - "default": "Vihje saatavilla", - "description": "Esteettömyysteksti ruudunlukijoille" - }, - { - "label": "Palaute saatavilla", - "default": "Palaute saatavilla", - "description": "Esteettömyysteksti ruudunlukijoille" - }, - { - "label": "Lue palaute", - "default": "Lue palaute", - "description": "Esteettömyysteksti ruudunlukijoille" - }, - { - "label": "Väärä vastaus", - "default": "Väärä vastaus", - "description": "Esteettömyysteksti ruudunlukijoille" - }, - { - "label": "Oikea vastaus", - "default": "Oikea vastaus", - "description": "Esteettömyysteksti ruudunlukijoille" - }, - { - "label": "Vaihtoehdon olisi pitänyt olla valittuna", - "default": "Vaihtoehdon olisi pitänyt olla valittuna" - }, - { - "label": "Vaihtoehdon ei olisi pitänyt olla valittuna", - "default": "Vaihtoehdon ei olisi pitänyt olla valittuna" - }, - { - "label": "Viestin \"Pakollinen vastaus\" teksti", - "default": "Vastaa ennen kuin katsot ratkaisun" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Yleisasetukset", - "description": "Näillä valinnoilla voit ohjailla tehtävän toimintoja.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Salli painike \"Yritä uudelleen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Salli painike \"Katso vastaus\"" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Kysymystyyppi", - "description": "Valitse kysymystyyppi ja ominaisuudet.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automaattinen valinta" - }, - { - "label": "Monivalinta (valintaruudut)" - }, - { - "label": "Yksi oikein (valintanapit)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Anna yksi piste koko tehtävästä", - "description": "Oikeista monivalintavastauksista kokonaisuudessaan yksi piste. Ei koske yksi oikein -tehtäviä." - }, - { - "label": "Sekoita vastaukset", - "description": "Vastaukset sekoitetaan näkymään satunnaisessa järjestyksessä." - }, - { - "label": "Vaadi vastaus ennen kuin ratkaisun saa katsoa" - }, - { - "label": "Näytä varmistusdialogi, kun käyttäjä klikkaa \"Tarkista\"" - }, - { - "label": "Näytä varmistusdialogi, kun käyttäjä klikkaa \"Yritä uudelleen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tarkista vastaukset automaattisesti", - "description": "Tämä saattaa heikentää esteettömyyttä, varmista mitä olet tekemässä." - }, - { - "label": "Läpäisyprosentti", - "description": "Kuinka monta prosenttia maksimipisteistä vaaditaan tehtävän läpäisyyn." - }, - { - "label": "Näytä pisteet", - "description": "Näytä ansaitut pisteet joka vastaukselle." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen \"Tarkista\" varmistusdialogi", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Otsikkoteksti", - "default": "Valmis?" - }, - { - "label": "Leipäteksti", - "default": "Haluatko tarkistaa?" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen Ei teksti", - "default": "En" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen Kyllä teksti", - "default": "Kyllä" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen \"Yritä uudelleen\" varmistusdialogi", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Otsikkoteksti", - "default": "Yritätkö uudelleen?" - }, - { - "label": "Leipäteksti", - "default": "Haluatko yrittää uudelleen?" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen Ei teksti", - "default": "En" - }, - { - "label": "Painikkeen Kyllä teksti", - "default": "Kyllä" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fr.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fr.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3af2c6f..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/fr.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Média", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Média à afficher au-dessus de la question (facultatif)." - }, - { - "label": "Désactiver le zoom sur image pour l'image de la question" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Options disponibles", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Réponse" - }, - { - "label": "Réponse correcte" - }, - { - "label": "Aide et feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Indice", - "description": "Indication pour l'utilisateur. Ce texte s'affiche avant que l'utilisateur ne valide la/les réponse(s)." - }, - { - "label": "Commentaire (si cette réponse a été sélectionnée)", - "description": "Cette indication s'affiche sous la réponse quand l'utilisateur clique sur Vérifier." - }, - { - "label": "Commentaire (si cette réponse n'a pas été sélectionnée)", - "description": "Après vérification par l'utilisateur, s'affiche sous la réponse si celle-ci n'a pas été sélectionnée." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Feedback général", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Par défaut" - } - ], - "label": "Définissez des feedbacks pour différents intervalles de scores", - "description": "Cliquez sur le bouton \"Ajouter Intervalle\" pour ajouter autant d'intervalles de score que vous souhaitez. Exemple: 0-20% Mauvais score, 21-91% Score moyen, 91-100% Score excellent !", - "entity": "intervalle", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Fourchette de score" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback pour cet intervalle de scores", - "placeholder": "Remplissez le feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Apparence", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Le texte qui apparaît sur le bouton Vérifier", - "default": "Vérifier" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Soumettre" - }, - { - "label": "Le texte qui apparaît sur votre bouton dans le champ Afficher la solution", - "default": "Afficher la solution" - }, - { - "label": "Le texte qui apparaît sur votre bouton dans le champ Réessayer", - "default": "Recommencer" - }, - { - "label": "Le texte qui apparaît sur le bouton Afficher les indices", - "default": "Afficher les indices" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Indice disponible (ne s'affiche pas)", - "default": "Indice disponible", - "description": "Le texte de vocalisation du contenu utilisé par la synthèse vocale" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback disponible (ne s'affiche pas)", - "default": "Feedback disponible", - "description": "Le texte de vocalisation du contenu utilisé par la synthèse vocale" - }, - { - "label": "Lire le commentaire (ne s'affiche pas)", - "default": "Lire le commentaire", - "description": "Le texte de vocalisation du contenu utilisé par la synthèse vocale" - }, - { - "label": "Mauvaise réponse (ne s'affiche pas)", - "default": "Mauvaise réponse", - "description": "Le texte de vocalisation du contenu utilisé par la synthèse vocale" - }, - { - "label": "Bonne réponse (ne s'affiche pas)", - "default": "Bonne réponse", - "description": "Le texte de vocalisation du contenu utilisé par la synthèse vocale" - }, - { - "label": "L'option aurait dû être cochée", - "default": "Il fallait cocher ici" - }, - { - "label": "Cette option n'aurait pas dû être cochée", - "default": "Il ne fallait pas cocher ici !" - }, - { - "label": "Le texte pour le message \"Réponse requise\" ", - "default": "Répondez s'il vous plait avant de visionner la solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Paramètres comportementaux", - "description": "Ces options vous permettent de gérer le comportement de l'activité.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Activer le bouton \"Recommencer\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activer le bouton \"Afficher la Solution\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activer le bouton \"Vérifier\"" - }, - { - "label": "Type de Question", - "description": "Selectionner l'apparence et le comportement de la question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatique" - }, - { - "label": "Choix multiples (Cases à cocher)" - }, - { - "label": "Choix unique (Bouton radio)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Donner un point pour l'activité complète", - "description": "Permet de donner un total d'un point pour les réponses multiples correctes. Ce ne sera pas une option en mode \"Réponse unique\"." - }, - { - "label": "Mélanger les réponses", - "description": "Permet d'afficher les réponses dans un ordre aléatoire." - }, - { - "label": "Réponse requise avant que la solution puisse être affichée" - }, - { - "label": "Afficher le message de confirmation sur \"Vérifier\"" - }, - { - "label": "Afficher le message de confirmation sur \"Recommencer\"" - }, - { - "label": "Vérifier automatiquement les réponses", - "description": "L'accessibilité pourrait être pénalisée si vous activez cette option. Utilisez la avec précaution." - }, - { - "label": "Pourcentage de réussite", - "description": "Pourcentage du score total requis pour obtenir 1 point quand l'option \"Donner un point pour l'activité complète\" est activée, et pour obtenir la propriété result.success dans les Statements xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Afficher le score en points", - "description": "Afficher les points obtenus pour chaque réponse." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Fenêtre de confirmation de fin", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Titre", - "default": "Terminer ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du contenu", - "default": "Etes vous sûr de vouloir terminer ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du bouton d'annulation", - "default": "Annuler" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du bouton de confirmation", - "default": "Terminer" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Fenêtre de confirmation de recommencer", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Titre", - "default": "Recommencer?" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du contenu", - "default": "Etes vous sûr de vouloir recommencer ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du bouton Annuler", - "default": "Annuler" - }, - { - "label": "Texte du bouton Confirmer", - "default": "Confirmer" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ga.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ga.json deleted file mode 100644 index 96bc0d8..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ga.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Seiceáil" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Taispeáin an freagra" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Triail arís" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Taispeáin nod" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "Scóráil tú :num as :total phointe" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Freagra mícheart", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Freagra ceart", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Triail arís\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Taispeáin an freagra\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Seiceáil\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Seiceáil\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Triail arís\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Críochnaigh ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil tú críochnaithe?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cealaigh" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Dearbhaigh" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Triail arís?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil tú ag iarraidh é a thriail arís?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cealaigh" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Dearbhaigh" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/gl.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/gl.json deleted file mode 100644 index d11ee5d..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/gl.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medios", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipo", - "description": "Medios adicionais amosados enriba da pregunta." - }, - { - "label": "Desactivar zoom da imaxe" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pregunta" - }, - { - "label": "Opcións dispoñibles", - "entity": "opción", - "field": { - "label": "Opción", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto" - }, - { - "label": "Correcto" - }, - { - "label": "Pistas e retroalimentación", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto da pista", - "description": "Axuda para o usuario. Aparecerá antes de que o usuario comprobe a(s) súa(s) resposta(s)." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaxe amosada cando se selecciona a resposta", - "description": "A mensaxe aparecerá baixo a resposta en \"comprobar\" ao seleccionar esta resposta." - }, - { - "label": "Mensaxe amosada se non se selecciona a resposta", - "description": "A mensaxe aparecerá baixo a esposta en \"comprobar\" se non se selecciona esta resposta." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación xeral", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Por defecto" - } - ], - "label": "Define a retroalimentación por defecto para calquera rango de puntuación", - "description": "Preme o botón \"Engadir rango\" para engadir tantos rangos como precises. Exemplo: 0-20% Mala Puntuación, 21-91% Puntuación Media, 91-100% Puntuación Xenial!", - "entity": "rango", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rango de Puntuación" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación para rango de puntuación definido", - "placeholder": "Escribe a retroalimentación" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traducións da interface de usuario para a escolla múltiple", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botón comprobar resposta", - "default": "Comprobar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para o botón enviar resposta", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botón amosar resposta", - "default": "Amosar Resposta" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botón reintentar", - "default": "Reintentar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para pista", - "default": "Amosar Pista" - }, - { - "label": "Representación textual da barra de puntuación cando se usa un lector de pantalla", - "description": "Variables dispoñibles :num e :total", - "default": "Conseguiches :num puntos de :total" - }, - { - "label": "Pista dispoñible (non amosada)", - "default": "Pista Dispoñible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidade usado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Retroalimentación dispoñible (non amosada)", - "default": "Retroalimentación dispoñible", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidade usado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Ler Retroalimentación (non amosada)", - "default": "Ler retroalimentación", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidade usado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta Incorrecta (non amosada)", - "default": "Resposta Incorrecta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidade usado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta Correcta (non amosada)", - "default": "Resposta Correcta", - "description": "Texto de accesibilidade usado para lectores de pantalla" - }, - { - "label": "Deberíase ter marcado a opción", - "default": "Deberíase ter marcado" - }, - { - "label": "Non se debería ter marcado", - "default": "Non se debería ter marcado" - }, - { - "label": "Texto para a mensaxe \"Resposta requirida\"", - "default": "Por favor, responde antes de ver a solución" - }, - { - "label": "Descrición asistida para o botón \"Comprobar\"", - "default": "Comproba as túas respostas. As respostas marcaranse como correctas, incorrectas ou non contestadas." - }, - { - "label": "Descrición asistida para o botón \"Amosar solución\"", - "default": "Amosar a solución. A tarefa marcarase coa súa resposta correcta." - }, - { - "label": "Descrición asistida para o botón \"Reintentar\"", - "default": "Reintentar a tarefa. Borrar todas as respostas e empezar a tarefa de novo." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Configuración de comportamento", - "description": "Estas opcións permiten controlar o comportamento da tarefa.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Activar botón \"Reintentar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activar o botón \"Amosar Solución\"" - }, - { - "label": "Activar o botón \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo de Pregunta", - "description": "Selecciona o aspecto e comportamento da pregunta.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automática" - }, - { - "label": "Escolla Múltiple (Caixas de selección)" - }, - { - "label": "Escolla Simple (Botóns de Radio)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Dar un punto pola tarefa completa", - "description": "Activa a posibilidade de dar un total dun punto por múltiples respostas correctas. Esta opción non estará dispoñible en modo \"Reposta única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Facer as respostas aleatorias", - "description": "Permite facer aleatoria a orde das preguntas amosadas." - }, - { - "label": "Requirir unha resposta antes de poder ver a solución" - }, - { - "label": "Amosar diálogo de confirmación ao premer en \"Comprobar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Amosar diálogo de confirmación ao premer en \"Reintentar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Comprobar respostas automaticamente", - "description": "A activación desta opción perxudicará a accesibilidade; ollo co que fas." - }, - { - "label": "Porcentaxe para aprobar", - "description": "Esta opción non ten efecto a miúdo. É a porcentaxe da puntuación total requirida para obter 1 punto cando se activa a opción de obter 1 punto pola tarefa completa, e para obter result.success en sentenzas xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Amosar a puntuación", - "description": "Amosar os puntos obtidos por cada resposta. Opción non dispoñible se está activado o modo 'Resposta única' ou se está activada a opción 'Dar un punto pola tarefa completa'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación da comprobación", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto da cabeceira", - "default": "Rematado ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto do corpo", - "default": "Seguro que queres rematar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botón Confirmar", - "default": "Rematar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmación de reintento", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto da cabeceira", - "default": "Reintentar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto do corpo", - "default": "Seguro que queres reintentar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botón Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botón Confirmar", - "default": "Confirmar" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/he.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/he.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4488201..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/he.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "מדיה", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "סוג", - "description": "ניתן להוסיף תמונה אשר תוצג מעל השאלה." - }, - { - "label": "ביטול האפשרות להגדלת תמונה" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "שאלה" - }, - { - "label": "אפשרויות זמינות", - "entity": "אפשרויות", - "field": { - "label": "אפשרויות", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "תוכן" - }, - { - "label": "נכון" - }, - { - "label": "רמזים ומשוב", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "רמז ל", - "description": "רמז למשתמש. פעולה זו תופיע לפני שהמשתמש יבדוק את תשובתו / תשובותיו." - }, - { - "label": "ההודעה המוצגת אם התשובה נבחרה", - "description": "ההודעה תופיע מתחת לתשובה בעת סימונה, במידה ונבחרה." - }, - { - "label": "ההודעה המוצגת אם התשובה לא נבחרה", - "description": "ההודעה תופיע מתחת לתשובה שלא סומנה במידה ולא נבחרה." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "משוב כללי", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "בררת מחדל" - } - ], - "label": "הגדרת משוב מותאם אישית לכל טווח נקודות שהוא", - "description": "לחצו על כפתור \"הוספת טווח\" להוספת טווחים לפי הצורך. לדוגמה: 0-20% ניקוד גרוע, 21-91% ניקוד ממוצע, 91-100% ניקוד מצוין!", - "entity": "תחום", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "תחום ציונים" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "משוב לטווח ניקוד מוגדר", - "placeholder": "מלאו את המשוב" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "תרגומי ממשק משתמש עבור שאלה מרובת תשובות", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "סמנו את תווית כפתור הבחירה/תשובה", - "default": "סמנו" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "הציגו את תווית כפתור הפתרונות", - "default": "הציגו פתרונות" - }, - { - "label": "נסו שוב את תווית הכפתור", - "default": "נסו שוב" - }, - { - "label": "תווית עצה", - "default": "הצגת עצה" - }, - { - "label": "תצוגה מילולית של סרגל הניקוד עבור אלה המשתמשים ב\"קורא מסך\"", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "עצה זמינה (לא מוצגת)", - "default": "עצה זמינה", - "description": "נגיש למשמשים ב \"קורא מסך\"" - }, - { - "label": "משוב זמין (לא מוצג)", - "default": "משוב זמין", - "description": "נגיש למשמשים ב \"קורא מסך\"" - }, - { - "label": "משוב קריא (לא מוצג)", - "default": "משוב קריא", - "description": "נגיש למשמשים ב \"קורא מסך\"" - }, - { - "label": "תשובה לא נכונה (לא מוצגת)", - "default": "תשובה לא נכונה", - "description": "נגיש למשמשים ב \"קורא מסך\"" - }, - { - "label": "תשובה נכונה (לא מוצגת)", - "default": "תשובה נכונה", - "description": "נגיש למשמשים ב \"קורא רמקול\"" - }, - { - "label": "האפשרות היתה אמורה להיות מסומנת", - "default": "אמורה היתה להיות מסומנת" - }, - { - "label": "האפשרות לא היתה אמורה להבחר", - "default": "לא היתה אמורה להבחר" - }, - { - "label": "נוסח עבור הודעת \"נדרשת תשובה\"", - "default": "אנא השיבו לפני הצגת הפתרון" - }, - { - "label": "תיאור טכנולוגיה מסייעת עבור כפתור \"בדיקה\"", - "default": "בדקו את התשובות. המענים יסומנו כנכון, לא נכון, או ריק." - }, - { - "label": "תיאור טכנולוגיה מסייעת עבור כפתור \"הצגת פתרון\"", - "default": "הצגת הפתרון. המשימה תסומן עם פתרונה הנכון." - }, - { - "label": "תיאור טכנולוגיה מסייעת עבור כפתור \"ניסיון חוזר\"", - "default": "ניסיון חוזר של המשימה. איפוס כל התשובות והתחלת המשימה מחדש." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "הגדרות התנהגות", - "description": "אפשרויות אלה יתנו לך לשלוט בהתנהגות המשימה.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "הפעלת כפתור \"נסה שוב\"" - }, - { - "label": "הפעלת כפתור \"הצג פתרון\"" - }, - { - "label": "הפעלת כפתור \"נבחר\"" - }, - { - "label": "סוג שאלה", - "description": "בחר את המראה וההתנהגות של השאלה.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "אוטומטי" - }, - { - "label": "ריבוי אפשרויות (תיבות סימון)" - }, - { - "label": "אפשרות אחת (כפתור רדיו)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "מתן נקודה אחת עבור כל המשימה", - "description": "אפשרו לתת נקודה אחת עבור ריבוי תשובות נכונות . זו לא תהיה אפשרות במצב של \"תשובה יחידה \"." - }, - { - "label": "תשובות אקראיות", - "description": "אפשרו הצגת סדר התשובות באופן אקראי." - }, - { - "label": "דירשו תשובה לפני שיהייה ניתן לצפות בפתרון" - }, - { - "label": "הציגו תיבת דו-שיח בסימון \"נבחר\"" - }, - { - "label": "הציגו תיבת דו-שיח בסימון \"נסו שוב\"" - }, - { - "label": "סמנו תשובות באופן אוטומטי", - "description": "הפעלת אפשרות זו תגרום לנגישות לא תקינה. ודאו שאתם יודעים מה שאתם עושים." - }, - { - "label": "אחוז הנחשב כעובר", - "description": "להגדרה זו ,לעתים קרובות,לא תהיה השפעה כלשהי. זהו אחוז של הציון הכללי הנדרש לקבלת נקודה אחת כאשר הנקודה האחת היא עבור כל המשימה במצב מופעל, ועל קבלת תוצאה." - }, - { - "label": "הציגו נקודות", - "description": "\"הציגו נקודות שנצברו עבור כל תשובה, זו לא תהיה אפשרות במצב ש 'תשובה אחת'או 'תן נקודה אחת עבור כל המשימה' מופעלות.\"." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "סמנו את תיבת הדו-שיח", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "כותרת", - "default": "סיימתם?" - }, - { - "label": "תוכן", - "default": "האם אתם בטוחים שמעוניינים לסיים?" - }, - { - "label": "תווית כפתור ביטול", - "default": "ביטול" - }, - { - "label": "תווית כפתור אישור", - "default": "סיום" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "נסו בשנית תיבת דו שיח", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "נוסח כותרת", - "default": "לנסות בשנית?" - }, - { - "label": "נוסח התוכן", - "default": "האם אתם בטוחים שמעוניינים לנסות בשנית?" - }, - { - "label": "לבטל תווית כפתור", - "default": "ביטול" - }, - { - "label": "אישור תווית כפתור", - "default": "אישור" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hi.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hi.json deleted file mode 100644 index c70d3bf..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "साधन (मीडिया)", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "प्रकार", - "description": "प्रश्न के ऊपर प्रदर्शित करने के लिए वैकल्पिक साधन (मीडिया)।" - }, - { - "label": "छवि को बड़ा करना अक्षम करें" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "प्रश्न" - }, - { - "label": "उपलब्ध विकल्प", - "entity": "विकल्प", - "field": { - "label": "विकल्प", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "सही है" - }, - { - "label": "सुझाव एवं प्रतिक्रिया", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "सुझाव पाठ", - "description": "उपयोगकर्ता के लिए सहायक-सूचना। उपयोगकर्ता को यह उत्तर जांचने से पहले दिखाई देगी।" - }, - { - "label": "उत्तर चयनित होने पर प्रदर्शित संदेश", - "description": "यदि यह उत्तर चयनित है तो यह संदेश \"जांचने\" पर उत्तर के नीचे दिखाई देगा।" - }, - { - "label": "उत्तर चयनित नहीं होने पर प्रदर्शित संदेश", - "description": "यदि यह उत्तर चयनित नहीं है तो यह संदेश \"जांचने\" पर उत्तर के नीचे दिखाई देगा।" - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "समग्र प्रतिक्रिया", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "डिफॉल्ट" - } - ], - "label": "अंक विस्तार के लिए प्रतिक्रिया को परिभाषित करें", - "description": "उदाहरण: ०-२०% बहुत कम अंक, २१-९०% औसत अंक, ९१-१००% बहुत अच्छे अंक!", - "entity": "विस्तार", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "अंक विस्तार" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "परिभाषिता अंक विस्तार के लिए प्रतिक्रिया", - "placeholder": "प्रतिक्रिया भरें" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न के उपयोगकर्ता इंटरफेस का अनुवाद", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "उत्तर जाँचने के बटन का नाम-पत्र", - "default": "जांचें" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "समाधान दिखाने के बटन का नाम-पत्र", - "default": "समाधान दिखाएं" - }, - { - "label": "पुन: प्रयास बटन का नाम-पत्र", - "default": "पुन: प्रयास करें" - }, - { - "label": "सुझाव का नाम-पत्र", - "default": "सुझाव दिखाएं" - }, - { - "label": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता का उपयोग करने वालों के लिए अंक पट्टी का शाब्दिक निरूपण", - "description": ":num तथा :total उपलब्ध चर हैं", - "default": "आपको :total में से :num अंक मिले" - }, - { - "label": "सुझाव उपलब्ध है (प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया)", - "default": "सुझाव उपलब्ध है", - "description": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिगम्यता पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "प्रतिक्रिया उपलब्ध है (प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया)", - "default": "प्रतिक्रिया उपलब्ध है", - "description": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिगम्यता पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "प्रतिक्रिया पढ़ें (प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया)", - "default": "प्रतिक्रिया पढ़ें", - "description": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिगम्यता पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "गलत उत्तर (प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया)", - "default": "गलत उत्तर", - "description": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिगम्यता पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "सही उत्तर (प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया)", - "default": "सही उत्तर", - "description": "पटल पढ़ने वाले वक्ता के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिगम्यता पाठ" - }, - { - "label": "विकल्प चुना जाना चाहिए था", - "default": "चुना जाना चाहिए था" - }, - { - "label": "विकल्प नहीं चुना जाना चाहिए था", - "default": "नहीं चुना जाना चाहिए था" - }, - { - "label": "\"उत्तर की आवश्यकता है\" संदेश के लिए पाठ", - "default": "कृपया समाधान देखने से पहले उत्तर दें" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "व्यवहार सम्बंधित विन्यास", - "description": "ये विकल्प आपको यह नियंत्रित करने देंगे कि कार्य कैसे व्यवहार करता है।", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "\"पुन: प्रयास करें\" बटन सक्षम करें" - }, - { - "label": "\"समाधान दिखाएं\" बटन सक्षम करें" - }, - { - "label": "\"जांचें\" बटन सक्षम करें" - }, - { - "label": "प्रश्न का प्रकार", - "description": "प्रश्न का रूप और व्यवहार चुनें।", - "options": [ - { - "label": "स्वचालित" - }, - { - "label": "बहुविकल्पी (चेक बॉक्स)" - }, - { - "label": "एकल विकल्प (रेडियो बटन)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "संपूर्ण कार्य के लिए एक अंक दें", - "description": "कई सही उत्तरों के लिए कुल एक अंक देने के लिए इसे सक्षम। \"एकल उत्तर\" प्रणाली में यह विकल्प उपलब्ध नहीं होगा।" - }, - { - "label": "उत्तरों को अनियमित करें", - "description": "उत्तरों के क्रम को अनियमित करने के लिए सक्षम करें।" - }, - { - "label": "समाधान देखने से पहले उत्तर की आवश्यकता है" - }, - { - "label": "\"चयन करने पर\" पुष्टि संवाद दिखाएं" - }, - { - "label": "\"पुन: प्रयास करने पर\" पुष्टि संवाद दिखाएं" - }, - { - "label": "स्वचालित रूप से उत्तरों की जाँच करें", - "description": "इस विकल्प को सक्षम करने से अभिगम्यता में दिक्कत होगी। अत: आप क्या कर रहे हैं यह अच्छी तरह से समझ लें।" - }, - { - "label": "उत्तीर्ण प्रतिशत", - "description": "जब संपूर्ण कार्य के लिए एक अंक देना सक्षम होता है तब यह १ अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक कुल अंकों का प्रतिशत होता है। तथा यह xAPI statements में result.success के लिए भी प्रयुक्त होता है।" - }, - { - "label": "प्राप्तांक दिखाएं", - "description": "प्रत्येक उत्तर के लिए अर्जित अंक दिखाएं।" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "पुष्टि संवाद की जाँच", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "शीर्षक पाठ", - "default": "समाप्त करें ?" - }, - { - "label": "मुख्य पाठ", - "default": "क्या आप सचमुच समाप्त करना चाहते हैं ?" - }, - { - "label": "रद्द बटन का लेबल", - "default": "रद्द करें" - }, - { - "label": "पुष्टि बटन का लेबल", - "default": "समाप्त करें" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "पुन: पुष्टि संवाद", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "शीर्षक पाठ", - "default": "पुन: प्रयास करें ?" - }, - { - "label": "मुख्य पाठ", - "default": "क्या आप सचमुच पुन: प्रयास करना चाहते हैं ?" - }, - { - "label": "रद्द बटन का लेबल", - "default": "रद्द करें" - }, - { - "label": "पुष्टि बटन का लेबल", - "default": "पुष्टि करें" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hu.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hu.json deleted file mode 100644 index 05de7dc..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/hu.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Média", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Típus", - "description": "Lehetséges Média ami a kérdés felett jelenik meg." - }, - { - "label": "Kép ráközelítés tiltása" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Kérdés" - }, - { - "label": "Elérehtő lehetőségek", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Lehetőség", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Szöveg" - }, - { - "label": "Helyes" - }, - { - "label": "Tippek és visszajelzések", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipp szövege", - "description": "Célzás a felhasználó számára. Megjelnik mielőtt választ/válaszokat bejelölné." - }, - { - "label": "Megjelenített szöveg, ha megjelölte a választ", - "description": "Ez az üzenet jelenik meg a válasz alatt az \"Ellenőrzés\"-nél ha megjelölte a választ." - }, - { - "label": "Megjelenített szöveg, ha nem megjelölte meg a választ", - "description": "Ez az üzenet jelenik meg a válasz alatt az \"Ellenőrzés\"-nél ha nem jelölte meg a választ." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Átfogó visszajelzés", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Alapértelmezett" - } - ], - "label": "Határozza meg a visszajelzést bármelyik pontszámhoz", - "description": "Klikkeljen az \"Tartomány hozzáadása\" gombra a tartományok megadásához. Például: 0-20% Rossz eredmény, 21-91% Átlagos eredmény, 91-100% Nagyszerű eredmény!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Pontszámok" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Visszajelzés a pontszámokhoz", - "placeholder": "Töltes ki a visszajelzést" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Felhasználói interface fordítások", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ellenőrzés gomb címkéje", - "default": "Ellenőrzés" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Mutasd a megoldást gomb címkéje", - "default": "Mutasd a megoldást" - }, - { - "label": "Újra gomb címkéje", - "default": "Újra" - }, - { - "label": "Tipp megmutatása címkéje", - "default": "Tipp megmutatása" - }, - { - "label": "Elért pontok száma azoknak, akik readspeaker-t használnak", - "description": "Elérhető változók :num és összesen :total", - "default": "Ön :num pontot szerzett a elérhető maximális :total pontból" - }, - { - "label": "Elérhető tipp (nincs megjelenítve)", - "default": "Elérhető tipp", - "description": "Hozzáférhető szöveg readspeaker-ek számára" - }, - { - "label": "Visszajelzés elérhető (nincs megjelenítve)", - "default": "Visszajelzés elérhető", - "description": "Hozzáférhető szöveg readspeaker-ek számára" - }, - { - "label": "Visszajelzés olvasása (nincs megjelenítve)", - "default": "Visszajelzés olvasása", - "description": "Hozzáférhető szöveg readspeaker-ek számára" - }, - { - "label": "Helytelen válasz (nincs megjelenítve)", - "default": "Helytelen válasz", - "description": "Hozzáférhető szöveg readspeaker-ek számára" - }, - { - "label": "Helyes válasz (nincs megjelenítve)", - "default": "Helyes válasz", - "description": "Hozzáférhető szöveg readspeaker-ek számára" - }, - { - "label": "Be kellett volna jelölni", - "default": "Be kellett volna jelölni" - }, - { - "label": "Nem kellett volna bejelölni", - "default": "Nem kellett volna bejelölni" - }, - { - "label": "Kérjük válaszoljon üzenet szövege", - "default": "Kérjük válaszoljon, mielőtt a megoldás megjelenne!" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Viselkedéssel kapcsolatos beállítások", - "description": "Ezek a lehetőségek megengedik az Ön számára, hogy a feladatok hogyan viselkedjenek.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Újra gomb engedélyezése" - }, - { - "label": "Mutasd a megoldást gomb engedélyezése" - }, - { - "label": "Ellenőrzés gomb engedélyezése" - }, - { - "label": "Kérdés típusok", - "description": "Válassza ki a kérdés kinézetét és viselkedését.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatikus" - }, - { - "label": "Több válasz lehetséges (Checkbox-ok)" - }, - { - "label": "Csak 1 válasz lehetséges (Radio Button-ök)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "A teljes feladatra egy pontot ad", - "description": "Több helyes válasz estén 1 pontot ad összesen. Ez a lehetőség nem működik ha a Csak 1 válasz lhetőséget választotta." - }, - { - "label": "Véletlen válaszok", - "description": "Ezzel engedélyezi, hogy a lehetséges válaszok véletlen sorrendben jelenjenek meg." - }, - { - "label": "Válasz adása a megoldás megmutatása előtt" - }, - { - "label": "Megerősítést kérő dialógus megjelenítése \"Ellenőrzés\" esetén" - }, - { - "label": "Megerősítést kérő dialógus megjelenítése \"Újra\" estén" - }, - { - "label": "Automatikus válasz ellenőrzés", - "description": "Ennek az opciónak az engedélyezése veszélyekkel járhat! Legyen biztos benne, hogy mit csinál." - }, - { - "label": "Szükséges százalék", - "description": "Ennek a beállításnak gyakran nincs hatása. Ez a százalék a 'teljes feladtért kapható 1 pont' egnedélyezésénél lehetséges, és a result.success eléréséhez az xAPI statement-eknél." - }, - { - "label": "Elért eredmény pontok mutatása", - "description": "Megmutatja az egyes válaszokért kapott pontokat. Nem választható opció '1 válasz' módban vagy ha 'Az egész feladatra 1 pont' opció engedélyezett." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ellenőrző dialógus", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Fejléc szövege", - "default": "Végzett ?" - }, - { - "label": "Szöveg törzs", - "default": "Biztos benne, hogy befejezi ?" - }, - { - "label": "Mégsem gomb felirat", - "default": "Mégsem" - }, - { - "label": "Vége gomb felirat", - "default": "Vége" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Újra dialógus", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Fejléc szövege", - "default": "Újra ?" - }, - { - "label": "Szöveg törzs", - "default": "Biztos benne, hogy újra megpróbálja ?" - }, - { - "label": "Mégsem gomb felirata", - "default": "Mégsem" - }, - { - "label": "Elküld gomb felirata", - "default": "Elküld" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/it.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/it.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5d6f049..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/it.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipo", - "description": "Media facoltativo da mostrare sopra la domanda" - }, - { - "label": "Disabilita lo zoom dell'immagine" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Domanda" - }, - { - "label": "Opzioni disponibili", - "entity": "opzione", - "field": { - "label": "Opzione", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Testo" - }, - { - "label": "Corretto" - }, - { - "label": "Suggerimenti e feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Testo del suggerimento", - "description": "Suggerimento per l'utente. Apparirà prima l'utente verifichi le sue risposte." - }, - { - "label": "Messaggio visualizzato se la risposta è selezionata", - "description": "Su \"Verifica\", apparirà un messaggio sotto la risposta se questa è selezionata" - }, - { - "label": "Messaggio visualizzato se la risposta non è selezionata", - "description": "Su \"Verifica\", apparirà un messaggio sotto la risposta se questa non è selezionata" - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Feedback generale", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Predefinito" - } - ], - "label": "Definisci un feedback personalizzato per ogni intervallo di punteggio", - "description": "Clicca sul pulsante \"Aggiungi intervallo\" per aggiungere gli intervalli che ti servono. Per esempio: 0-20%, Punteggio scarso; 21-90%, Punteggio medio; 91-100% Punteggio ottimo!", - "entity": "Intervallo", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Intervallo di punteggio" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traduzioni dell'interfaccia utente per scelta multipla", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante \"Verifica risposta\"", - "default": "Verifica" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante \"Mostra soluzione\"", - "default": "Mostra la soluzione" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante \"Riprova\"", - "default": "Riprova" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del suggerimento", - "default": "Mostra suggerimento" - }, - { - "label": "Rappresentazione testuale sulla barra del punteggio per chi usa un lettore vocale", - "description": "Le variabili disponibili sono :num e :total", - "default": "Il tuo punteggio è :num su :total" - }, - { - "label": "Suggerimento disponibile (non visualizzato)", - "default": "Suggerimento disponibile", - "description": "Testo di accessibilità per riproduttori vocali" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback disponibile (non visualizzato)", - "default": "Feedback disponibile", - "description": "Testo di accessibilità utilizzato per riproduttori vocali" - }, - { - "label": "Leggi il feedback (non visualizzato)", - "default": "Leggi il feedback", - "description": "Testo di accessibilità utilizzato per riproduttori vocali" - }, - { - "label": "Risposta sbagliata (non visualizzato)", - "default": "Risposta sbagliata", - "description": "Testo di accessibilità utilizzato per riproduttori vocali" - }, - { - "label": "Risposta corretta (non visualizzato)", - "default": "Risposta corretta", - "description": "Testo di accessibilità utilizzato per riproduttori vocali" - }, - { - "label": "L'opzione avrebbe dovuto essere verificata", - "default": "Avrebbe dovuto essere verificato" - }, - { - "label": "L'opzione non avrebbe dovuto essere verificata", - "default": "Non avrebbe dovuto essere verificato" - }, - { - "label": "Testo per il messaggio \"Richiede una risposta\"", - "default": "Per favore rispondi prima di vedere la soluzione" - }, - { - "label": "Descrizione delle tecnologie assistive per il pulsante \"Verifica\"", - "default": "Verifica" - }, - { - "label": "Descrizione delle tecnologie assistive per il pulsante \"Mostra soluzione\"", - "default": "Mostra soluzione" - }, - { - "label": "Descrizione delle tecnologie assistive per il pulsante \"Riprova\"", - "default": "Riprova" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Impostazioni di esecuzione", - "description": "Queste opzioni permettono di controllare l'andamento del compito", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Attiva il pulsante Riprova" - }, - { - "label": "Attiva il pulsante Mostra soluzione" - }, - { - "label": "Attiva il pulsante \"Verifica\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo di domanda", - "description": "Seleziona l'aspetto e il comportamento della domanda.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatico" - }, - { - "label": "Scelta multipla (caselle di controllo)" - }, - { - "label": "Scelta singola (pulsanti di opzione)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Assegna un punto per l'intero compito", - "description": "Attiva per assegnare un punto a risposte multiple corrette. Questa non è un'opzione in modalità \"Risposta singola\"." - }, - { - "label": "Risposte in ordine casuale", - "description": "Attiva per rendere casuale l'ordine delle domande visualizzate." - }, - { - "label": "Richiede una risposta prima che la soluzione possa essere vista" - }, - { - "label": "Mostra la finestra di dialogo di conferma su \"Verifica\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostra la finestra di dialogo di conferma su \"Riprova\"" - }, - { - "label": "Controlla automaticamente le risposte", - "description": "Attivare questa opzione renderà difficoltosa l'accessibilità. Assicurati di cosa stai facendo." - }, - { - "label": "Percentuale di superamento della prova", - "description": "Questa impostazione spesso non avrà alcun effetto. È la percentuale del punteggio totale necessario per ottenere un punto in caso di attività che valgano complessivamente un punto, e per ottenere result.success in dichiarazioni xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Visualizza punteggio", - "description": "Visualizza i punti guadagnati per ogni risposta" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Finestra di conferma per la verifica", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Testo dell'intestazione", - "default": "Finito?" - }, - { - "label": "Corpo del testo", - "default": "Sei sicuro di voler concludere?" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante di annullamento", - "default": "Annulla" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante di conferma", - "default": "Finito" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Finestra di conferma per \"Riprova\"", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Testo dell'intestazione", - "default": "Vuoi riprovare?" - }, - { - "label": "Testo del corpo", - "default": "Sei sicuro di voler riprovare?" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante di annullamento", - "default": "Annulla" - }, - { - "label": "Etichetta del pulsante di conferma", - "default": "Conferma" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ja.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ja.json deleted file mode 100644 index f635c15..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ja.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "メディア", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "タイプ", - "description": "設問の上に表示するオプションのメディア。" - }, - { - "label": "画像のズーム機能を無効化" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "設問" - }, - { - "label": "使用可能なオプション", - "entity": "オプション", - "field": { - "label": "オプション", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "テキスト" - }, - { - "label": "正解" - }, - { - "label": "ヒントとフィードバック", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "ヒントのテキスト", - "description": "ユーザーのためのヒント。これはユーザーが答えをチェックする前に表示されます。" - }, - { - "label": "答えを選択した場合に表示されるメッセージ", - "description": "この答えが選択された場合、「チェック」した答えの下にメッセージが表示されます。" - }, - { - "label": "答えが選択されなかった場合に表示されるメッセージ", - "description": "この答えが選択されなかった場合、「チェック」した答えの下にメッセージが表示されます。" - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "全体のフィードバック", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "デフォルト" - } - ], - "label": "ある得点範囲に対して、カスタムフィードバックを定義します。", - "description": "[範囲の追加]ボタンをクリックして、必要な数の範囲を追加します。 例:0〜20%の悪いスコア、21〜91%の平均スコア、91〜100%の素晴らしいスコア!", - "entity": "範囲", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "得点範囲" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "多肢選択のユーザーインターフェイスの翻訳", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "答えをチェックするボタンのラベル", - "default": "チェック" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "解を表示ボタンのラベル", - "default": "解を表示" - }, - { - "label": "リトライボタンのラベル", - "default": "リトライ" - }, - { - "label": "ヒントラベル", - "default": "ヒントを表示" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "ヒント利用可能 (表示されません)", - "default": "ヒント利用可能", - "description": "Readspeakerに使用するアクセシビリティテキスト" - }, - { - "label": "フィードバック利用可能 (表示されません)", - "default": "フィードバック利用可能", - "description": "Readspeakerに使用するアクセシビリティテキスト" - }, - { - "label": "読みフィードバック(表示されません)", - "default": "読みフィードバック", - "description": "Readspeakerに使用するアクセシビリティテキスト" - }, - { - "label": "不正解(表示されません)", - "default": "不正解", - "description": "Readspeakerに使用するアクセシビリティテキスト" - }, - { - "label": "正解 (表示されません)", - "default": "正解", - "description": "readspeakerに使用するアクセシビリティテキスト" - }, - { - "label": "オプションがチェックされている必要があります", - "default": "チェックされている必要があります" - }, - { - "label": "オプションがチェックされていない必要があります", - "default": "チェックされていない必要があります" - }, - { - "label": "「答えが必要」メッセージのテキスト", - "default": "解を表示する前に答えてください" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "動作設定", - "description": "これらのオプションでタスクがどのように動作するかを制御できます。", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "「リトライ」ボタンを有効化" - }, - { - "label": "「解を表示」ボタンを有効化" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "問題タイプ", - "description": "外観と問題の動作を選択します。", - "options": [ - { - "label": "自動" - }, - { - "label": "複数選択(チェックボックス)" - }, - { - "label": "択一 (ラジオボタン)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "タスク全体に1点を与える", - "description": "複数の正解にトータルで1点与えることを有効化します。これは「択一解答」モードのオプションではありません。" - }, - { - "label": "答えをランダム化", - "description": "表示される設問の順序をランダム化します。" - }, - { - "label": "解を表示する前にユーザーの答えが必要" - }, - { - "label": "「チェック」の確認ダイアログを表示" - }, - { - "label": "「リトライ」の確認ダイアログを表示" - }, - { - "label": "自動的に答えをチェック", - "description": "このオプションを有効にすると、アクセシビリティが損なわれます、行っていることを確認してください。" - }, - { - "label": "合格パーセンテージ", - "description": "この設定は、多くの場合効果はありません。これは、タスク全体の1ポイントが有効になっているときに1ポイントを取得し、xAPIステートメントでresult.successを取得するために必要な合計得点の割合です。" - }, - { - "label": "得点ポイントを表示", - "description": "それぞれの解答で得られたポイントを表示" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "チェック確認ダイアログ", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "ヘッダーテキスト", - "default": "完了 ?" - }, - { - "label": "本文テキスト", - "default": "本当に終了しますか ?" - }, - { - "label": "キャンセルボタンのラベル", - "default": "キャンセル" - }, - { - "label": "確認ボタンのラベル", - "default": "完了" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "リトライ確認ダイアログ", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "ヘッダーテキスト", - "default": "リトライ ?" - }, - { - "label": "本文テキスト", - "default": "本当にリトライしますか ?" - }, - { - "label": "キャンセルボタンのラベル", - "default": "キャンセル" - }, - { - "label": "確認ボタンのラベル", - "default": "確認" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/km.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/km.json deleted file mode 100644 index ef49ca6..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/km.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "ពិនិត្យចម្លើយ" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "បង្ហាញចម្លើយត្រឹមត្រូវ" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "សាកម្តងទៀត" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "បង្ហាញគន្លឹះ" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "អ្នកទទួលបានពិន្ទុ :num លើ :total" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "មានគន្លឹះ", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "មូលវិចារណ៍ដែលមាន", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "អានមូលវិចារណ៍", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "ចម្លើយខុស", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "ចម្លើយត្រូវ", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "គួរតែត្រូវបានជ្រើសរើស" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "មិនគួរត្រូវបានជ្រើសរើស" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "សូមឆ្លើយសិនមិននឹងមើលចម្លើយត្រឹមត្រូវ" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "បញ្ចប់ ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "តើអ្នកប្រាកដជាចង់បញ្ចប់មែនទេ ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "បោះបង់" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "បញ្ចប់" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "សាកល្បង ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "តើអ្នកពិតជាចង់សាកម្តងទៀតមែនទេ ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "បោះបង់" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "អះអាង" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ko.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ko.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0235b5c..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ko.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "미디어", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "유형", - "description": "(선택사항) 문제 위에 표시할 미디어." - }, - { - "label": "이미지 확대 비활성화" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "질문" - }, - { - "label": "이용가능한 옵션", - "entity": "옵션", - "field": { - "label": "옵션", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "정답" - }, - { - "label": "팁과 피드백", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "팁 텍스트", - "description": "사용자를 위한 힌트. 이는 사용자가 그의 답을 확인하기 전에 나타날 것이다." - }, - { - "label": "답변을 선택한 경우 표시되는 메시지", - "description": "이 답변을 선택하면 \"check\"의 답변 아래에 메시지가 나타난다" - }, - { - "label": "응답이 선택되지 않은 경우 표시되는 메시지", - "description": "이 답변이 선택되지 않은 경우 \"check\"의 답변 아래에 메시지가 나타난다." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "전반적인 피드백", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "초기값" - } - ], - "label": "점수 범위별 사용자 정의 피드백 정의", - "description": "\"Add range\" (범위 추가) 버튼을 이용해 범위를 추가하세요. 예: 0-20% 분발해야 할 점수, 21-91% 평균점수, 91-100% 훌륭한 점수!", - "entity": "범위", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "점수 범위" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "정의된 점수 범위에 대한 피드백", - "placeholder": "피드백 작성" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "멀티초이스에 대한 사용자 인터페이스 언어 설정", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "정답 버튼 라벨", - "default": "정답 확인" - }, - { - "label": "답 제출하기 버튼 라벨", - "default": "답 제출하기" - }, - { - "label": "해답 보기 버튼 라벨", - "default": "해답보이기" - }, - { - "label": "재시도 버튼 라벨", - "default": "재시도" - }, - { - "label": "팁 라벨", - "default": "팁 보이기" - }, - { - "label": "자동 읽어주기를 위한 점수 막대의 텍스트 표현", - "description": "이용가능한 변수, :num 과 :total", - "default": "총 :total 에서 :num 획득" - }, - { - "label": "이용가능한 팁 (표시 안됨)", - "default": "팁 이용가능", - "description": "자동 읽어주기 기능을 위한 접근성 텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "이용가능한 피드백 (표시 안됨)", - "default": "이용가능한 피드백", - "description": "자동 읽어주기 기능을 위한 접근성 텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "피드백 읽기 (표시 안됨)", - "default": "피드백 읽기 ", - "description": "자동 읽어주기 기능을 위한 접근성 텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "오답 (표시 안됨)", - "default": "오답", - "description": "자동 읽어주기 기능을 위한 접근성 텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "정답 (표시 안됨)", - "default": "정답", - "description": "자동 읽어주기 기능을 위한 접근성 텍스트" - }, - { - "label": "선택사항이 체크되었어야 합니다.", - "default": "체크되었어야 합니다." - }, - { - "label": "선택사항이 체크되지 않았어야 합니다.", - "default": "체크되지 않았어야 합니다" - }, - { - "label": "\"Requires answer\" (답 필수) 메시지 텍스트", - "default": "해답 보기에 앞서 답을 해야 합니다" - }, - { - "label": "\"Check\" 버튼에 대한 보조 기술 설명", - "default": "정답을 체크하세요. 답변은 정답, 오답 혹은 미답변으로 표기될 것입니다." - }, - { - "label": "\"Show Solution\" 버튼에 대한 보조 기술 설명", - "default": "해답 보이기. 올바른 해답과 함께 표기될 것입니다." - }, - { - "label": "\"Show Solution\" 버튼에 대한 보조 기술 설명", - "default": "해답 보이기. 올바른 해답과 함께 표기될 것입니다." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "과제가 수행되는 방법 설정.", - "description": "이 옵션은 과제가 어떻게 수행될 지 환경을 설정합니다.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "\"Retry\"(재시도) 버튼 활성화" - }, - { - "label": "\"Show Solution\" (해답 보기) 버튼 활성화" - }, - { - "label": "\"Check\" (확인) 버튼 활성화" - }, - { - "label": "질문 유형", - "description": "질문의 모양과 행동 선택.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "자동" - }, - { - "label": "선다형 (체크박스)" - }, - { - "label": "단답형 (라디오 버튼)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "전체 과제에 대해 1점", - "description": "여러 정답에 대해 총 1점을 부여할 수 있음. \"Single answer\" (단답형) 모드에서는 이 옵션이 선택되지 않을 것이다." - }, - { - "label": "답변 무작위화", - "description": "표시된 답의 순서를 임의로 변경할 수 있음." - }, - { - "label": "솔루션을 보기 전에 답변 필요" - }, - { - "label": "\"Check\"에 확인 대화상자 표시" - }, - { - "label": "\"Retry\"에 확인 대화 상자 표시" - }, - { - "label": "자동으로 정답을 확인", - "description": "이 옵션을 활성화하면 접근성이 저하될 수 있으므로, 이 선택이 의미하는 바 확인 요망." - }, - { - "label": "통과 퍼센트", - "description": "이 설정은 종종 아무런 효과도 없을 겁니다. 전체 과제에 대해 1점이 활성화된 경우 1점을 획득하고 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 총점수의 백분율이다. xAPI 문장에서의 성공." - }, - { - "label": "점수 표시", - "description": "각 답변에 대해 획득한 점수를 표시하십시오. 이것은 '단답형' 모드 또는 '전체 작업에 대해 1점 부여' 옵션이 활성화된 경우 선택할 수 없음" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "확인 대화창", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "머릿말 텍스트", - "default": "완료?" - }, - { - "label": "본문 텍스트", - "default": "정말 끝내시겠습니까?" - }, - { - "label": "취소 버튼 라벨", - "default": "취소" - }, - { - "label": "확인 버튼 라벨", - "default": "완료" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "재시도 확인 대화창", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "머릿말 텍스트", - "default": "재시도?" - }, - { - "label": "본문 텍스트", - "default": "다시 시도하시겠습니까?" - }, - { - "label": "취소 버튼 라벨", - "default": "취소" - }, - { - "label": "확인버튼 라벨", - "default": "확인" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/lv.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/lv.json deleted file mode 100644 index b38be2e..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/lv.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tips", - "description": "Papildu multimedijs, kuru atspoguļot virs jautājuma." - }, - { - "label": "Atspējot attēla tālummaiņu" - } - ], - "label": "Multivide" - }, - { - "label": "Jautājums" - }, - { - "label": "Pieejamās izvēles", - "entity": "izvēle", - "field": { - "label": "Izvēle", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Teksts" - }, - { - "label": "Pareizi" - }, - { - "label": "Padomi un atgriezeniskā saite", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Padoma teksts", - "description": "Padoms lietotājam. Tas parādīsies, pirms lietotājs pārbaudīs savu atbildi/atbildes." - }, - { - "label": "Ziņa, kas tiek parādīta ja atbilde izvēlēta", - "description": "Ziņa, kas tiks parādīta zem atbildes pie \"Pārbaudīt\", ja šī atbilde ir izvēlēta." - }, - { - "label": "Ziņa, kas tiek parādīta ja atbilde nav izvēlēta", - "description": "Ziņa, kas tiks parādīta zem atbildes pie \"Pārbaudīt\", ja šī atbilde nav izvēlēta." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Kopējā atgriezeniskā saite", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Pēc noklusējuma" - } - ], - "entity": "diapazons", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rezultātu diapazons" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Norādītā diapazona atgriezeniskā saite", - "placeholder": "Aizpildiet atgriezenisko saiti" - } - ] - }, - "label": "Iestatiet pielāgotu atgriezenisko saiti katram rezultātu diapazonam", - "description": "Klikšķiniet pogu \"Pievienot diapazonu\", lai pievienotu tik diapazonus cik vēlaties. Piemēram, 0-20% Slikts rezultāts, 21-91% Viduvējs rezultāts, 91-100% Lielisks rezultāts!" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Lietotāja saskarnes tulkojumi vairāku atbilžu pārbaudījumam", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Atbilžu pārbaudes pogas etiķete", - "default": "Pārbaudīt" - }, - { - "label": "Atbildes iesniegšanas pogas etiķete", - "default": "Iesniegt" - }, - { - "label": "Rādīt risinājumu pogas etiķete", - "default": "Rādīt risinājumu" - }, - { - "label": "Mēģināt vēlreiz pogas etiķete", - "default": "Mēģināt vēlreiz" - }, - { - "label": "Padoma etiķete", - "default": "Parādīt padomu" - }, - { - "label": "Rezultātu skalas tekstuālais atspoguļojums tiem, kas izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas", - "description": "Pieejamie mainīgie ir :num un :total", - "default": "Tu saņēmi :num no :total punktiem" - }, - { - "label": "Pieejams padoms (netiek rādīts)", - "default": "Pieejams padoms", - "description": "Pieejamības teksts, ko izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas" - }, - { - "label": "Pieejama atgriezeniskā saite (netiek rādīts)", - "default": "Pieejama atgriezeniskā saite", - "description": "Pieejamības teksts, ko izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas" - }, - { - "label": "Lasīt atgriezenisko saiti (netiek rādīts)", - "default": "Lasīt atgriezenisko saiti", - "description": "Pieejamības teksts, ko izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas" - }, - { - "label": "Nepareiza atbilde (netiek rādīts)", - "default": "Nepareiza atbilde", - "description": "Pieejamības teksts, ko izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas" - }, - { - "label": "Pareiza atbilde (netiek rādīts)", - "default": "Pareiza atbilde", - "description": "Pieejamības teksts, ko izmanto asistīvās tehnoloģijas" - }, - { - "label": "Izvēli vajadzēja atzīmēt", - "default": "Vajadzēja atzīmēt" - }, - { - "label": "Izvēli nevajadzēja atzīmēt", - "default": "Nevajadzēja atzīmēt" - }, - { - "label": "Teksts ziņojumam “Nepieciešama atbilde”", - "default": "Lūdzu, atbildiet pirms risinājuma skatīšanas" - }, - { - "label": "Pogas \"Pārbaudīt\" apraksts asistīvajām tehnoloģijām", - "default": "Pārbaudīt atbildes. Sniegtās atbildes tiks atzīmētas kā pareizas, nepareizas, vai neatbildētas." - }, - { - "label": "Pogas \"Rādīt risinājumu\" apraksts asistīvajām tehnoloģijām", - "default": "Rādīt risinājumu. Uzdevums tiks atzīmēts ar tā pareizo risinājumu." - }, - { - "label": "Pogas \"Mēģināt vēlreiz\" apraksts priekš asistīvajām tehnoloģijām", - "default": "Mēģiniet uzdevumu vēlreiz. Dzēst visas iesniegtās atbildes un sākt uzdevumu no sākuma." - } - ] - }, - { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Atļaut pogu \"Mēģināt vēlreiz\"" - }, - { - "label": "Atļaut pogu \"Rādīt risinājumu\"" - }, - { - "label": "Atļaut pogu \"Pārbaudīt\"" - }, - { - "label": "Jautājuma veids", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automātiski" - }, - { - "label": "Vairākas izvēles iespējas (izvēles rūtiņas)" - }, - { - "label": "Viena izvēle (radiopogas)" - } - ], - "description": "Izvēlieties jautājuma izskatu un uzvedību." - }, - { - "label": "Par visu uzdevumu piešķirt vienu punktu", - "description": "Iespējot, lai par vairākām pareizām atbildēm kopā piešķirtu vienu punktu. Režīmā \"Viena atbilde\" šī opcija nebūs pieejama." - }, - { - "label": "Atbilžu variantus izkārtot jaukti", - "description": "Iespējot, lai nejauši sakārtotu redzamo atbilžu secību." - }, - { - "label": "Pieprasīt atbildi pirms atļauts skatīt risinājumu" - }, - { - "label": "Rādīt apstiprinājuma dialogu pēc \"Pārbaudīt\"" - }, - { - "label": "Rādīt apstiprinājuma dialogu pēc \"Mēģināt vēlreiz\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automātiski pārbaudīt atbildes", - "description": "Ja opcija iespējota, cietīs pieejamība. Pārliecinieties, ka zināt, ko darāt." - }, - { - "label": "Nokārtošanas procents", - "description": "Šim iestatījumam bieži nebūs nekādas ietekmes. Tā ir procentuālā daļa no kopējā rezultāta, kas nepieciešams, lai iegūtu 1 punktu, ja ir iespējota viena punkta piešķiršana par visu uzdevumu. Tiek izmantots arī lai iegūtu result.success xAPI ziņojumos." - }, - { - "label": "Rādīt punktus", - "description": "Rādīt par katru atbildi nopelnītos punktus. Šī opcija nebūs pieejama režīmā \"Viena atbilde\" vai tad, ja ir iespējota opcija \"Piešķirt vienu punktu par visu uzdevumu\"." - } - ], - "label": "Uzvedības iestatījumi", - "description": "Šie iestatījumi ļaus jums kontrolēt uzdevuma uzvedību." - }, - { - "label": "Pārbaudīšanas apstiprinājuma dialogs", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Galvenes teksts", - "default": "Beigt?" - }, - { - "label": "Pamatteksts", - "default": "Vai esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties beigt ?" - }, - { - "label": "Atcelšanas pogas etiķete", - "default": "Atcelt" - }, - { - "label": "Apstiprinājuma pogas etiķete", - "default": "Beigt" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Atkārtota mēģinājuma apstiprināšanas dialogs", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Galvenes teksts", - "default": "Mēģināt vēlreiz ?" - }, - { - "label": "Pamatteksts", - "default": "Esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties mēģināt vēlreiz ?" - }, - { - "label": "Atcelšanas pogas etiķete", - "default": "Atcelt" - }, - { - "label": "Apstiprinājuma pogas etiķete", - "default": "Apstiprināt" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/mk.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/mk.json deleted file mode 100644 index 428eb22..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/mk.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Медиии", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Тип", - "description": "Незадолжителни медии за приказ над прашањето." - }, - { - "label": "Оневозможи зголемување на слика" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Прашање" - }, - { - "label": "Достапни опции", - "entity": "опција", - "field": { - "label": "Опција", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст" - }, - { - "label": "Точно" - }, - { - "label": "Совети и повратна информација", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст за савет", - "description": "Савет за корисникот. Ова ќе се појави пред корисникот да го потврди одговорот." - }, - { - "label": "Порака која се прикажува доколку одговорот е избран", - "description": "Пораката ќе се појави под одговорот на \"провери\" ако одговорот е избран." - }, - { - "label": "Порака која се прикажува доколку одговорот не е избран", - "description": "Пораката ќе се појави под одговорот на \"провери\" ако одговорот не е избран." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Целокупна повратна информација", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Вообичаено" - } - ], - "label": "Дефинирање на прилагодена повратна информација за било кој опсег на резултатот", - "description": "Кликнете на копчето \"Додај опсег\" за додавање онолку опсези колку ви е потребно. Пример: 0-20% Лош резултат, 21-91% Просечен резултат, 91-100% Одличен резултат!", - "entity": "опсег", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Распон на резултати" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Повратна информација за дефиниран опсег на резултати", - "placeholder": "Пополнете ја повратната информација" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Превод на корисничкиот интерфејс за прашања со повеќе избори", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Провери одговор", - "default": "Провери" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Поднеси одговор", - "default": "Поднеси" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Прикажи решение", - "default": "Прикажи решение" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Обиди се повторно", - "default": "Обиди се повторно" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Совет", - "default": "Прикажи совет" - }, - { - "label": "Текстуален приказ на траката со поени за тие кои користат читач на говор", - "description": "Достапни варијабли се :num и :total", - "default": "Освоивте :num од :total поени" - }, - { - "label": "Достапни совети (не е прикажан)", - "default": "Савет е достапен", - "description": "Текст за пристапност кој се користи за читач на говор" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Опцијата не требаше да се провери", - "default": "Не требаше да се провери" - }, - { - "label": "Текст за пораката \"Прикажи решение\" ", - "default": "Ве молиме одговорете пред да го погледнете решението" - }, - { - "label": "Опис на помошна технологија за копчето \"Провери\" ", - "default": "Проверете ги одговорите. Одговорите ќе бидат означени како точни, неточни или неодговорени." - }, - { - "label": "Опис на помошна технологија за копчето \"Прикажи решение\" ", - "default": "Покажете го решението. Задачата ќе биде означена со нејзиното правилно решение." - }, - { - "label": "Опис на помошна технологија за копчето \"Повторен обид\" ", - "default": "Обидете се повторно со задачата. Ресетирајте ги сите одговори и започнете ја задачата одново." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Поставки за однесување", - "description": "Овие опции ќе ви овозможат да контролирате како се однесува задачата.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Овозможи го копчето \"Повторен обид\" " - }, - { - "label": "Овозможи го копчето \"Прикажи решение\" " - }, - { - "label": "Овозможи го копчето \"Провери\" " - }, - { - "label": "Тип на прашање", - "description": "Изберете го изгледот и однесувањето на прашањето.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Автоматски" - }, - { - "label": "Повеќекратен избор (полиња за потврда)" - }, - { - "label": "Поединечен избор (радио копче)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Дајте еден поен за целата задача", - "description": "Овозможете да дадете вкупно еден поен за повеќе точни одговори. Ова нема да биде опција во режимот \"Поединечен избор\"." - }, - { - "label": "Рандомизирајте ги одговорите", - "description": "Овозможете случаен редослед на прикажаните одговори." - }, - { - "label": "Побарајте одговор пред да може да се види решението" - }, - { - "label": "Прикажи дијалог за потврда на \"Провери\"" - }, - { - "label": "Прикажи дијалог за потврда на \"Повторен обид\"" - }, - { - "label": "Автоматска проверка на одговорите", - "description": "Овозможувањето на оваа опција ќе ја влоши пристапноста, проверете дали знаете што правите." - }, - { - "label": "Процен на помин", - "description": "Оваа поставка често нема да има никаков ефект. Тоа е процентот од вкупниот резултат потребен за добивање 1 поен кога е овозможен еден поен за целата задача и за добивање на result.success во xAPI изјавите." - }, - { - "label": "Покажи поени", - "description": "Покажете ги поените за секој одговор. Ова нема да биде опција во режимот 'Еден одговор' или ако е овозможена опцијата 'Дајте еден поен за целата задача'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Проверете го дијалогот за потврда", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст на заглавие", - "default": "Заврши ?" - }, - { - "label": "Тело на текстот", - "default": "Да ли сте сигурни дека сакате да завршите ?" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Откажи", - "default": "Откажи" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Потврди", - "default": "Потврди" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Дијалог за потврда на опцијата Обиди се повторно", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст на заглавие", - "default": "Обиди се повторно ?" - }, - { - "label": "Тело на текстот", - "default": "Да ли сте сигурни дека сакате да се обидете повторно ?" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Откажи", - "default": "Откажи" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за копчето Потврди", - "default": "Потврди" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nb.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nb.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0fa23fe..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nb.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medieelement", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Valgfritt medieelement. Elementet vil bli plassert over spørsmålet." - }, - { - "label": "Deaktiver zoomingfunksjon." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Spørsmål" - }, - { - "label": "Tilgjengelige valg", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipstekst", - "description": "Hint for brukeren. Dette vil vises før brukeren sjekker sine svar." - }, - { - "label": "Melding som vises hvis alternativet er valgt", - "description": "Melding som vises under svaret på \"check\" hvis svaret er valgt." - }, - { - "label": "Melding som vises hvis alternativet ikke er valgt", - "description": "Melding som vises under svaret på \"check\" hvis andre svar er valgt." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Tilbakemelding på hele oppgava", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Forhandsinnstilling" - } - ], - "label": "Opprett poengområder og legg inn tilbakemeldinger.", - "description": "Klikk på knappen \"Legg til poengområde\" og legg til så mange poengområder du trenger. Eksempel: 0–40 % Svakt resultat, 41–80 % Gjennomsnittlig resultat, 81–100 % Flott resultat!", - "entity": "Område", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Poengområde" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Tilbakemelding for definert poengområde", - "placeholder": "Skriv inn tilbakemelding." - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Sjekk" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Vis svar" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Prøv igjen" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Vis tips" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "Du fikk :num av :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tips tilgjengelig", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tilbakemelding tilgjengelig", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Feil svar", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Skulle ha vært krysset av" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Skulle ikke ha vært krysset av" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Du må svare på denne før du kan se løsningen" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tittel", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst", - "default": "Er du sikker på at du er ferdig?" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett for \"Avbryt\"-knapp", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett for \"Bekreft\"-knapp", - "default": "Bekreft" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Prøv igjen?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Er du sikker på at du vil prøve igjen?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Bekreft" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nl.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nl.json deleted file mode 100644 index aee4e67..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nl.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optionele media, die boven de vraag wordt getoond." - }, - { - "label": "Beeld zoomen uitschakelen" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Vraag" - }, - { - "label": "Beschikbare opties", - "entity": "optie", - "field": { - "label": "Optie", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Juist" - }, - { - "label": "Tips en feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst voor tip", - "description": "Tip voor de gebruiker. Deze zal verschijnen voordat de gebruiker zijn antwoord(en) controleert." - }, - { - "label": "Getoond bericht als het antwoord is geselecteerd", - "description": "Bericht zal onder het antwoord verschijnen bij \"Controleer\" als dit antwoord is geselecteerd." - }, - { - "label": "Getoond bericht als het antwoord niet is geselecteerd", - "description": "Bericht zal onder het antwoord verschijnen bij \"Controleer\" als dit antwoord niet is geselecteerd." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Algehele feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Standaard" - } - ], - "label": "Definieer aangepaste feedback voor elke scorereeks", - "description": "Druk op de \"Voeg scorereeks\"-knop om zoveel reeksen toe te voegen als nodig. Voorbeeld: 0-20% Onvoldoende, 21-91% Gemiddelde score, 91-100% Uitstekende score!", - "entity": "reeks", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Scorereeks" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback voor de gedefinieerde scorereeks", - "placeholder": "Vul de feedback in" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Vertalingen van gebruikersinterface voor meerkeuze", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Label voor \"Controleer\"-knop", - "default": "Controleer" - }, - { - "label": "Label voor \"Verzend\"-knop", - "default": "Verzend" - }, - { - "label": "Label voor \"Toon oplossing\"-knop", - "default": "Toon oplossing" - }, - { - "label": "Label voor \"Opnieuw\"-knop", - "default": "Opnieuw" - }, - { - "label": "Label voor tip", - "default": "Toon tip" - }, - { - "label": "Tekstuele weergave van de scorebalk voor de gebruikers van de schermlezer", - "description": "Beschikbare variabelen zijn :num en :total", - "default": "Je hebt :num van de :total punten" - }, - { - "label": "Tip beschikbaar (niet getoond)", - "default": "Tip beschikbaar", - "description": "Toegankelijkheidstekst voor schermlezers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback beschikbaar (niet getoond)", - "default": "Feedback beschikbaar", - "description": "Toegankelijkheidstekst voor schermlezers" - }, - { - "label": "Lees feedback (niet getoond)", - "default": "Lees feedback", - "description": "Toegankelijkheidstekst voor schermlezers" - }, - { - "label": "Onjuist antwoord (niet getoond)", - "default": "Onjuist antwoord", - "description": "Toegankelijkheidstekst voor schermlezers" - }, - { - "label": "Juist antwoord (niet weergegeven)", - "default": "Juist antwoord", - "description": "Toegankelijkheidstekst voor schermlezers" - }, - { - "label": "Optie zou gekozen moeten zijn", - "default": "Zou gekozen moeten zijn" - }, - { - "label": "Optie zou niet gekozen moeten zijn", - "default": "Zou niet gekozen mogen zijn" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst van \"Antwoord vereist\"-bericht", - "default": "Beantwoord voor je de oplossing bekijkt" - }, - { - "label": "Ondersteunende technologie beschrijving voor \"Controleer\"-knop", - "default": "Controleer de antwoorden. De antwoorden worden gemarkeerd als correct, incorrect, of niet-beantwoord." - }, - { - "label": "Ondersteunende technologie beschrijving voor \"Toon oplossing\"-knop", - "default": "Toon de oplossing. De taak wordt gemarkeerd met de juiste oplossing." - }, - { - "label": "Ondersteunende technologie beschrijving voor \"Opnieuw\"-knop", - "default": "Probeer de taak opnieuw. Reset alle antwoorden en start de taak opnieuw." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Gedragsinstellingen", - "description": "Met deze opties kun je bepalen hoe de taak zich gedraagt.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Schakel \"Opnieuw\"-knop in" - }, - { - "label": "Schakel \"Toon oplossing\"-knop in" - }, - { - "label": "Schakel \"Controleer\"-knop in" - }, - { - "label": "Vraagtype", - "description": "Selecteer het uiterlijk en het gedrag van de vraag.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatisch" - }, - { - "label": "Meermeerkeuze (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Enkele keuze (Radio-knoppen)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Geef één punt voor de hele taak", - "description": "Schakel in om een totaal van één punt te geven voor meerdere juiste antwoorden. Dit is geen optie bij \"Enkele keuze\" modus." - }, - { - "label": "Randomiseer de antwoorden", - "description": "Schakel in om de volgorde van de antwoorden te randomiseren." - }, - { - "label": "Antwoord is vereist voordat de oplossing kan worden getoond" - }, - { - "label": "Toon bevestigingsvenster bij \"Controleer\"" - }, - { - "label": "Toon bevestigingsdialoog bij \"Opnieuw\"" - }, - { - "label": "Controleer antwoorden automatisch", - "description": "Deze optie inschakelen zorgt voor moeilijke toegankelijkheid. Zorg ervoor dat je zeker bent van je keuze." - }, - { - "label": "Slagingspercentage", - "description": "Deze instelling heeft vaak geen effect. Dit is het percentage van de totale score die vereist is om 1 punt te krijgen voor een hele taak wanneer dit is ingeschakeld alsook om een result.success te krijgen in de xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Toon scorepunten", - "description": "Toon verdiende punten voor elk antwoord. Dit is geen optie bij 'enkel antwoord'-modus of wanneer 'geef één punt voor gehele taak'-optie is ingeschakeld." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bevestigingsdialoog bij \"Controleer\"", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Koptekst", - "default": "Stoppen?" - }, - { - "label": "Hoofdtekst", - "default": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt stoppen?" - }, - { - "label": "Label van \"Annuleer\"-knop", - "default": "Annuleer" - }, - { - "label": "Label van \"Bevestig\"-knop", - "default": "Stoppen" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bevestigingsdialoog voor \"Opnieuw\"", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Koptekst", - "default": "Opnieuw?" - }, - { - "label": "Hoofdtekst", - "default": "Weet je zeker dat je het opnieuw wilt proberen?" - }, - { - "label": "Label van \"Annuleer\"-knop", - "default": "Annuleer" - }, - { - "label": "Label van \"Bevestig\"-knop", - "default": "Bevestig" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nn.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nn.json deleted file mode 100644 index f1a3b3b..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/nn.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medieelement", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Valfritt medieelement. Elementet vil bli plassert over spørsmålet." - }, - { - "label": "Deaktiver zoomingfunksjon." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipstekst", - "description": "Hint for brukaren. Dette vil visast før brukaren sjekkar svara sine." - }, - { - "label": "Melding som visast hvis svaret er valgt", - "description": "Melding som visast under svaret på \"check\" om svaret er valt." - }, - { - "label": "Melding som visast hvis svaret ikkje er valgt", - "description": "Melding som visast under svaret på \"check\" om andre svar er valt." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Tilbakemelding på heile oppgåva", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Førehandsinnstilling" - } - ], - "label": "Opprett poengområde og legg inn tilbakemeldingar.", - "description": "Klikk på knappen \"Legg til poengområde\" og legg til så mange poengområde du treng. Døme: 0–40 % Svakt resultat, 41–80 % Gjennomsnittleg resultat, 81–100 % Flott resultat!", - "entity": "Område", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Poengområde" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Tilbakemelding for definert poengområde", - "placeholder": "Skriv inn tilbakemelding." - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Sjekk" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Vis svar" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Prøv igjen" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Vis tips" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "Du fekk :num av :total poeng" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tips tilgjengeleg", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tilbakemelding tilgjengeleg", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Les tilbakemelding", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Feil svar", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Riktig svar", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Skulle ha vore haka av" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Skulle ikkje ha vore haka av" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Du må svare på denne før du ser løysinga" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tittel", - "default": "Ferdig?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst", - "default": "Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte?" - }, - { - "label": "Avbryt etikett", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Bekreft etikett", - "default": "Ferdig" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Prøv igjen?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Er du sikker på at du vil prøve igjen?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Stadfest" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pl.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pl.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4a002fb..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pl.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Typ", - "description": "Opcjonalne zdjęcie lub wideo ponad treścią pytania." - }, - { - "label": "Zablokuj możliwość powiększania zdjęcia" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pytanie" - }, - { - "label": "Dostępne odpowiedzi", - "entity": "Odpowiedź", - "field": { - "label": "Odpowiedź", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst" - }, - { - "label": "Odpowiedź poprawna" - }, - { - "label": "Wskazówki", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Treść wskazówki", - "description": "Wskazówki dla użytkownika. Wskazówki pojawią się przed sprawdzeniem odpowiedzi przez użytkownika." - }, - { - "label": "Komunikat wyświetlany, gdy użytkownik zaznaczy tę odpowiedź", - "description": "Komunikat pojawi się pod odpowiedzią, po wybraniu akcji \"Sprawdź\", jeżeli dana odpowiedź była zaznaczona." - }, - { - "label": "Komunikat wyświetlany, gdy użytkownik nie zaznaczy tej odpowiedzi", - "description": "Komunikat pojawi się pod odpowiedzią po wybraniu akcji \"Sprawdź\", jeżeli dana odpowiedź nie była zaznaczona." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Podsumowanie odpowiedzi", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Domyślne" - } - ], - "label": "Określ własne kryteria oceny dla wybranych zakresów poprawnych odpowiedzi", - "description": "Przykład: 0-20% Słaby wynik, 21-91% Przeciętny wynik, 91-100% Bardzo dobry wynik!", - "entity": "Zakres", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Zakres" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Komunikat dla danego zakresu", - "placeholder": "Wprowadź komunikat" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Tłumaczenie interfejsu użytkownika dla obiektu typu multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Sprawdź", - "default": "Sprawdź" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Pokaż odpowiedź", - "default": "Pokaż odpowiedź" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Powtórz", - "default": "Powtórz" - }, - { - "label": "Podpowiedź", - "default": "Pokaż podpowiedź" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Dodatkowe wskazówki (niewyświetlane)", - "default": "Dostępne są dodatkowe wskazówki", - "description": "Tekst na potrzeby systemów czytających tekst (readspeakers)" - }, - { - "label": "Podsumowanie odpowiedzi (niewyświetlane)", - "default": "Dostępne jest podsumowanie odpowiedzi", - "description": "Tekst na potrzeby systemów czytających tekst (readspeakers)" - }, - { - "label": "Przeczytaj podsumowanie odpowiedzi (niewyświetlane)", - "default": "Przeczytaj podsumowanie odpowiedzi", - "description": "Tekst na potrzeby systemów czytających tekst (readspeakers)" - }, - { - "label": "Odpowiedź niepoprawna (niewyświetlane)", - "default": "Odpowiedź niepoprawna", - "description": "Tekst na potrzeby systemów czytających tekst (readspeakers)" - }, - { - "label": "Odpowiedź poprawna (niewyświetlane)", - "default": "Odpowiedź poprawna", - "description": "Tekst na potrzeby systemów czytających tekst (readspeakers)" - }, - { - "label": "Odpowiedź powinna być wybrana", - "default": "Odpowiedź powinna być wybrana" - }, - { - "label": "Odpowiedź nie powinna być wybrana", - "default": "Odpowiedź nie powinna być wybrana" - }, - { - "label": "Komunikat w przypadku \"Odpowiedź wymagana\"", - "default": "Podaj odpowiedź przed sprawdzeniem rozwiązania" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ustawienia zachowania", - "description": "Poniższe opcje pozwalają określić zachowanie się obiektu.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Pokaż przycisk \"Powtórz\"" - }, - { - "label": "Pokaż przycisk \"Pokaż rozwiązanie\"" - }, - { - "label": "Pokaż przycisk \"Sprawdź\"" - }, - { - "label": "Typ pytania", - "description": "Wybierz wygląd i sposób działania dla pytania.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatyczny" - }, - { - "label": "Wielokrotnego wyboru (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Jedna poprawna odpowiedź (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Przyznaj jeden punkt za całe zadanie", - "description": "Przyznaj jeden punkt za wiele poprawnych odpowiedzi. Ta opcja nie będzie miała zostosowania w przypadku pytań typu \"Jedna poprawna odpowiedź\"." - }, - { - "label": "Losowa kolejność odpowiedzi", - "description": "Pokazuj dostępne odpowiedzi w losowej kolejności." - }, - { - "label": "Wymagaj podania odpowiedzi przed pokazaniem poprawnego rozwiązania" - }, - { - "label": "Pokazuj prośbę o potwierdzenie akcji \"Sprawdź\"" - }, - { - "label": "Pokazuj prośbę o potwierdzenie akcji \"Powtórz\"" - }, - { - "label": "Sprawdzaj odpowiedzi automatycznie", - "description": "Użycie tej opcji zakłóci działanie mechanizmów dostępności dla osób z ograniczeniami. Upewnij się, że na pewno znasz konsekwencje użycia tej opcji." - }, - { - "label": "Procent wymagany do zaliczenia", - "description": "Ta opcja bardzo często nie będzie miała żadnego efektu. Jest to minimalny procent poprawnych odpowiedzi wymagany, aby przyznać jeden punkt, w przypadku gdy dla danego pytania wybrana jest opcja Przyznaj jeden punkt za całe zadanie oraz w celu przekazania danych result.success poprzez xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Pokaż przyznane punkty", - "description": "Pokaż punkty przyznane za każdą z odpowiedzi." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Tekst potwierdzenia zakończenia", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst nagłówka", - "default": "Zakończyć?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst komunikatu", - "default": "Czy na pewno chcesz zakończyć?" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Anuluj", - "default": "Anuluj" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Zakończ", - "default": "Zakończ" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Tekst potwierdzenia powtórzenia", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tekst nagłówka", - "default": "Powtórzyć?" - }, - { - "label": "Tekst komunikatu", - "default": "Czy na pewno chcesz powtórzyć?" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Anuluj", - "default": "Anuluj" - }, - { - "label": "Etykieta przycisku Potwierdź", - "default": "Zatwierdź" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt-br.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt-br.json deleted file mode 100644 index 948fc7d..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt-br.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Mídia", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipo", - "description": "Mídia opcional para exibir acima da pergunta." - }, - { - "label": "Desativar o zoom da imagem" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Questão" - }, - { - "label": "Opções disponíveis", - "entity": "opção", - "field": { - "label": "Opção", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto" - }, - { - "label": "Correto" - }, - { - "label": "Dicas e feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto da dica", - "description": "Dica para o usuário. Isto aparecerá antes do usuário marcar sua(s) resposta(s)." - }, - { - "label": "Mensagem mostrada se a resposta for selecionada", - "description": "A mensagem aparecerá abaixo da resposta em \"verificar\" se esta resposta for selecionada." - }, - { - "label": "Mensagem mostrada se resposta não for selecionada", - "description": "A mensagem aparecerá abaixo da resposta em \"verificar\" se esta resposta não for selecionada." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Geral", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Padrão" - } - ], - "label": "Definir feedback personalizado para qualquer faixa de pontuação", - "description": "Clique no botão \"Adicionar faixa\" para adicionar quantos intervalos você precisar. Exemplo: 0-20% Pontuação Ruim, 21-91% Pontuação Média, 91-100% Pontuação Ótima!", - "entity": "faixa", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Faixa de Pontuação" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback para a faixa de pontuação definida", - "placeholder": "Preencha o feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Tradução da interface de usuário para múltipla escolha", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão de verificar resposta", - "default": "Verificar" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão Enviar resposta", - "default": "Enviar" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão de mostrar solução", - "default": "Mostrar solução" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão de tentar novamente", - "default": "Tentar Novamente" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo da dica", - "default": "Mostrar dica" - }, - { - "label": "Representação textual da barra de pontuação para aqueles que usam leitores de telas", - "description": "As variáveis disponíveis são :num e :total", - "default": "Você conseguiu :num de :total pontos possíveis" - }, - { - "label": "Dica disponível (não exibida)", - "default": "Dica disponível", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade para leitores de telas" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback disponível (não exibido)", - "default": "Feedback disponível", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade para leitores de telas" - }, - { - "label": "Ler Feedback (não exibido)", - "default": "Ler feedback", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade para leitores de telas" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta Incorreta (não exibido)", - "default": "Resposta incorreta", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade para leitores de telas" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta Correta (não exibido)", - "default": "Resposta correta", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade para leitores de telas" - }, - { - "label": "A opção deveria ter sido verificada", - "default": "Deveria ter sido verificado" - }, - { - "label": "A opção não deveria ter sido marcada", - "default": "Não deveria ter sido marcado" - }, - { - "label": "Texto para a mensagem \"Requer resposta\"", - "default": "Por favor, responda antes de visualizar a solução" - }, - { - "label": "Descrição da tecnologia de assistência para o botão \"Verificar\"", - "default": "Confira as respostas. As respostas serão marcadas como corretas, incorretas ou não respondidas." - }, - { - "label": "Descrição da tecnologia de assistência para o botão \"Mostrar solução\"", - "default": "Mostrar a solução. A tarefa será marcada com sua solução correta." - }, - { - "label": "Descrição da tecnologia de assistência para o botão \"Tentar Novamente\"", - "default": "Repita a tarefa. Redefina todas as respostas e inicie a tarefa novamente." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Configurações comportamentais", - "description": "Estas opções lhe permitirão controlar como a tarefa se comporta.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Tentar Novamente\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Mostrar Solução\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Verificar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo de Questão", - "description": "Selecione a aparência e o comportanto da questão.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automático" - }, - { - "label": "Múltipla escolha (Caixas de seleção)" - }, - { - "label": "Escolha única (Botão de opção)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Dar um ponto para toda a tarefa", - "description": "Ativa para dar um ponto para respostas múltiplas corretas. Isso não será uma opção no modo \"Escolha única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Ordem aleatória das respostas", - "description": "Ativa a ordem aleatória das respostas exibidas." - }, - { - "label": "Requer resposta antes da visualização da solução" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar diálogo de confirmação em \"Verificar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar diálogo de confirmação em \"Tentar Novamente\"" - }, - { - "label": "Verificação automática das respostas", - "description": "Ativar esta opção prejudicará a acessibilidade. Tenha certeza que deseja usar esta opção." - }, - { - "label": "Porcentagem para aprovação", - "description": "Esta configuração frequentemente não terá nenhum efeito. Isto é a porcentagem da pontuação total requerida quando a opção de um ponto para toda a questão estiver habilitada." - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar pontuação", - "description": "Mostrar pontos ganhos para cada resposta. Esta não será uma opção no modo 'Resposta única' ou se a opção 'Dar um ponto para toda a tarefa' estiver ativada." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmação de verificação de resposta", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto do cabeçalho", - "default": "Finalizar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Corpo do texto", - "default": "Você tem certeza que deseja finalizar ?" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão Confirmar", - "default": "Finalizar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmação para nova tentativa", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto do cabeçalho", - "default": "Tentar Novamente ?" - }, - { - "label": "Corpo do texto", - "default": "Você tem certeza que deseja tentar novamente ?" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Rótulo do botão de Confirmar", - "default": "Confirmar" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt.json deleted file mode 100644 index b8df153..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/pt.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pergunta" - }, - { - "label": "Opções disponíveis", - "entity": "opção", - "field": { - "label": "Opção", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto" - }, - { - "label": "Correto" - }, - { - "label": "Dicas e feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto da dica", - "description": "Dica para o utilizador. Aparecerá antes que o utilizador verifique as suas respostas." - }, - { - "label": "Mensagem a exibir se for selecionada a resposta", - "description": "A mensagem aparecerá abaixo da resposta ao \"verificar\" se foi selecionada a resposta." - }, - { - "label": "Mensagem a exibir se não for selecionada a resposta", - "description": "A mensagem aparecerá abaixo da resposta ao \"verificar\" se não foi selecionada a resposta." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Feedback global", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Padrão" - } - ], - "label": "Defina o feedback personalizado para qualquer faixa de pontuação", - "description": "Clique em \"Adicionar faixa\" e adicione quantas faixas forem necessárias. Exemplo: 0-20% Insuficiente, 21-91% Suficiente, 91-100% Excelente!", - "entity": "faixa", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Faixa de pontuação" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback para determinada faixa de pontuação", - "placeholder": "Preencha o feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Traduções da interface do utilizador para escolha múltipla", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão de verificar resposta", - "default": "Verificar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta para botão Enviar resposta", - "default": "Enviar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão de mostrar solução", - "default": "Mostrar solução" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão de tentar de novo", - "default": "Repetir" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta da dica", - "default": "Mostrar dica" - }, - { - "label": "Representação textual da barra de pontuação para aqueles que usam um leitor de ecrã", - "description": "As variáveis disponíveis são :num e :total", - "default": "Obteve :num de :total pontos" - }, - { - "label": "Dica disponível (não mostrada)", - "default": "Dica disponível", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade usado nos leitores de ecrã" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback disponível (não mostrado)", - "default": "Feedback disponível", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade usado nos leitores de ecrã" - }, - { - "label": "Ler feedback (não mostrado)", - "default": "Ler feedback", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade usado nos leitores de ecrã" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta incorreta (não mostrado)", - "default": "Resposta incorreta", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade usado nos leitores de ecrã" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta correta (não mostrado)", - "default": "Resposta correta", - "description": "Texto de acessibilidade usado nos leitores de ecrã" - }, - { - "label": "A opção devia ter sido marcada", - "default": "Devia ter sido marcada" - }, - { - "label": "A opção não devia ter sido marcada", - "default": "Não devia ter sido marcada" - }, - { - "label": "Texto para a mensagem \"Resposta obrigatória\"", - "default": "Por favor, responda antes de visualizar a solução" - }, - { - "label": "Descrição de tecnologia assistiva para o botão \"Verificar\"", - "default": "Verifique as respostas. Estas serão marcadas como corretas, incorretas, ou não respondidas." - }, - { - "label": "Descrição de tecnologia assistida para o botão \"Mostrar Solução\"", - "default": "Mostrar a solução. A atividade será marcada com a respetiva solução correta." - }, - { - "label": "Descrição de tecnologia assistida para o botão \"Tentar novamente\"", - "default": "Repetir a atividade. Apagar todas as respostas e reiniciar a atividade." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Configurações gerais", - "description": "Estas opções permitem que controle o comportamento da atividade.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Tentar de novo\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Mostrar solução\"" - }, - { - "label": "Ativar o botão \"Verificar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tipo de pergunta", - "description": "Selecione a aparência e o comportamento da pergunta.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automático" - }, - { - "label": "Escolha múltipla (Caixas de verificação)" - }, - { - "label": "Resposta única (Botões rádio)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Atribuir um ponto para toda a tarefa", - "description": "Ativar a opção para atribuir um total de um ponto para várias respostas corretas. Esta opção não será mostrada no modo \"Resposta única\"." - }, - { - "label": "Baralhar respostas", - "description": "Baralhar a ordem das respostas em exibição." - }, - { - "label": "Exigir resposta antes que a solução seja mostrada" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar caixa de diálogo de confirmação ao \"Verificar\"" - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar caixa de diálogo de confirmação ao \"Repetir\"" - }, - { - "label": "Verificar respostas automaticamente", - "description": "A ativação desta opção provocará alterações da acessibilidade. Verifique o que pretende fazer." - }, - { - "label": "Percentagem para aprovação", - "description": "Esta configuração geralmente não tem efeito. É a percentagem da pontuação total necessária para obter 1 ponto quando está ativada a opção de um ponto para toda a tarefa e para obter um resultado positivo nas afirmações xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Mostrar pontuação", - "description": "Mostrar pontos obtidos por cada resposta. Não será uma opção no modo 'Resposta única' ou se estiver ativada a opção 'Atribuir um ponto para toda a tarefa'." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo de confirmação de verificar resposta", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto do cabeçalho", - "default": "Terminar?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto do corpo", - "default": "Tem a certeza de que pretende terminar?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão Confirmar", - "default": "Terminar" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Diálogo da confirmação de tentar de novo", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Texto do cabeçalho", - "default": "Tentar novamente?" - }, - { - "label": "Texto do corpo", - "default": "Tem a certeza de que pretende tentar de novo?" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão Cancelar", - "default": "Cancelar" - }, - { - "label": "Etiqueta do botão Confirmar", - "default": "Confirmar" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ru.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ru.json deleted file mode 100644 index cf60564..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/ru.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Медиа", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Тип", - "description": "Дополнительное медиа для отображения над вопросом." - }, - { - "label": "Отключить масштабирование изображения" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Вопрос" - }, - { - "label": "Доступные варианты", - "entity": "вариант", - "field": { - "label": "Вариант", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст" - }, - { - "label": "Правильный" - }, - { - "label": "Подсказки и обратная связь", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст подсказки", - "description": "Подсказка для пользователя. Она появится до того, как пользователь проверит ответ/ответы." - }, - { - "label": "Сообщение отобразится, если выбран ответ", - "description": "Под ответом появится сообщение \"Проверить\", если этот ответ выбран." - }, - { - "label": "Отображаемое соощение, если ответ не выбран", - "description": "Под ответом появится сообщение \"Проверить\", если этот ответ не выбран." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Полная обратная связь", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "По умолчанию" - } - ], - "label": "Определите собственную обратную связь для любого диапазона оценок", - "description": "Нажмите \"Добавить диапазон\" чтобы добавить столько диапазонов, сколько вам нужно. Например: 0-20% Плохая оценка, 21-91% Средняя оценка, 91-100% Отличная оценка!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Диапазон баллов" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Обратная связь для указанного диапазона оценок", - "placeholder": "Заполните отзыв" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Перевод пользовательского интерфейса для множественного выбора", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки проверки ответа", - "default": "Проверить" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки показа решения", - "default": "Показать решение" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки повтора", - "default": "Повторить" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись подсказки", - "default": "Показать подсказку" - }, - { - "label": "Текстовое представление шкалы очков для тех, кто использует readspeaker", - "description": "Доступные переменные :num и :total", - "default": "Вы получили :num из :total баллов" - }, - { - "label": "Подсказка доступна (не отображается)", - "default": "Подсказка доступна", - "description": "Текст досупности, используемый для readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Доступна обратная связь (не отображается)", - "default": "Доступна обратная связь", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Прочитать отзыв (не отображается)", - "default": "Прочитать отзыв", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Неверный ответ (не отображается)", - "default": "Неправильный ответ", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Правильный ответ (не отображается)", - "default": "Правильный ответ", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Вариант должен был быть отмечен", - "default": "Должен был быть отмечен" - }, - { - "label": "Вариант не должен был быть отмечен", - "default": "Не должен был быть отмечен" - }, - { - "label": "Текст для сообщения \"Требуется ответ\"", - "default": "Пожалуйста, ответьте перед просмотром решения" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Настройки поведения", - "description": "Эти параметры позволят вам контролировать поведение задачи.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Включить кнопку \"Повторить\"" - }, - { - "label": "Включить кнопку \"Показать решение\"" - }, - { - "label": "Включить кнопку \"Проверить\"" - }, - { - "label": "Тип вопроса", - "description": "Выберите внешний вид и поведение вопроса.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Авто" - }, - { - "label": "Множественный выбор (Чекбоксы)" - }, - { - "label": "Одиночный выбор (Радио-кнопки)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Давать один балл за всю задачу", - "description": "Включите, чтобы дать один балл за несколько правильных ответов. Этот вариант не будет работать в режиме \"Одиночный выбор\"." - }, - { - "label": "Перемешивать ответы", - "description": "Включить для отображения случайного порядка ответов." - }, - { - "label": "Требовать ответ, прежде чем решение может быть просмотрено" - }, - { - "label": "Показать диалог подтверждения для \"Проверить\"" - }, - { - "label": "Показать диалог подтверждения для \"Повторить\"" - }, - { - "label": "Автоматически проверять ответы", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "Этот параметр часто не будет иметь никакого эффекта. Это процент от общего балла, необходимого для получения 1 балла при включении одного балла за всю задачу и для получения result.success в операторах xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Показать баллы", - "description": "Показать баллы, заработанные за каждый ответ." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Диалог подтверждения проверки", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заголовка", - "default": "Завершить ?" - }, - { - "label": "Основной текст", - "default": "Вы уверены, что хотите закончить ?" - }, - { - "label": "Текст кнопки отмены", - "default": "Отменить" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки подтверждения", - "default": "Завершить" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Диалог подтверждения повтора", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заголовка", - "default": "Повторить ?" - }, - { - "label": "Основной текст", - "default": "Вы уверены, что хотите повторить ?" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки отмены", - "default": "Отменить" - }, - { - "label": "Надпись кнопки подтверждения", - "default": "Подтвердить" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sl.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sl.json deleted file mode 100644 index d7bca3a..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sl.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Mediji", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip", - "description": "Neobvezna nastavitev dodatnega medija za prikaz nad vprašanjem." - }, - { - "label": "Onemogoči povečavo slike" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Vprašanje" - }, - { - "label": "Razpoložljivi odgovori", - "entity": "odgovor", - "field": { - "label": "Odgovor", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Besedilo" - }, - { - "label": "Pravilen" - }, - { - "label": "Namig in povratna informacija", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Besedilo namiga", - "description": "Namig udeležencem, ki se pokaže pred preverjanjem pravilnosti odgovora." - }, - { - "label": "Sporočilo, ko je bil odgovor izbran", - "description": "Povratna informacija udeležencu ob izbiri odgovora. Informacija se prikaže po potrdivi z gumbom \"Preveri\"." - }, - { - "label": "Sporočilo, ko odgovor ni bil izbran", - "description": "Povratna informacija udeležencu, ko odgovor ni izbran. Informacija se prikaže po potrdivi z gumbom \"Preveri\"." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Splošna povratna informacija", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Privzeto" - } - ], - "label": "Določi ločeno povratno informacijo za vsak razpon rezultatov", - "description": "Kliknite gumb \"Dodaj razpon\" za dodajanje dodatnih razponov. Primer: 0-20 % Slab rezultat, 21-91 % Povprečen rezultat, 91-100 % Odličen rezultat!", - "entity": "razpon", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Razpon rezultatov" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Povratna informacija za definiran razpon rezultatov", - "placeholder": "Vnesite povratno informacijo" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Prevodi uporabniškega vmesnika", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Besedilo za gumb \"Preveri\"", - "default": "Preveri" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo za gumb \"Prikaži rešitev\"", - "default": "Prikaži rešitev" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo za gumb \"Poskusi ponovno\"", - "default": "Poskusi ponovno" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo namiga za odgovor", - "default": "Namig" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo, ki ga bralnik zaslona uporabi za izražanje napredka", - "description": "Spremenljivki sta :num in :total", - "default": "Napredek :num od :total" - }, - { - "label": "Na voljo je namig (ni prikazan)", - "default": "Na voljo je namig", - "description": "Besedilo za bralnik zaslona" - }, - { - "label": "Na voljo je povratna informacija (ni prikazana)", - "default": "Na voljo je povratna informacija", - "description": "Besedilo za bralnik zaslona" - }, - { - "label": "Preveri povratno informacijo (ni prikazana)", - "default": "Preveri povratno informacijo", - "description": "Besedilo za bralnik zaslona" - }, - { - "label": "Nepravilen odgovor (ni prikazan)", - "default": "Nepravilen odgovor", - "description": "Besedilo za bralnik zaslona" - }, - { - "label": "Pravilen odgovor (ni prikazan)", - "default": "Pravilen odgovor", - "description": "Besedilo za bralnik zaslona" - }, - { - "label": "Odgovor bi moral biti izbran", - "default": "Odgovor bi moral biti izbran" - }, - { - "label": "Odgovor ne bi smel biti izbran", - "default": "Odgovor ne bi smel biti izbran" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo za manjkajoč odgovor", - "default": "Pred ogledom rešitve je potrebno odgovoriti na vprašanje" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Nastavitve interakcije", - "description": "Nastavitve omogočajo nadzor nad interakcijo aktivnosti za udeležence.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Omogoči gumb \"Poskusi ponovno\"" - }, - { - "label": "Omogoči gumb \"Prikaži rešitev\"" - }, - { - "label": "Omogoči gumb \"Preveri\"" - }, - { - "label": "Tip vprašanja", - "description": "Ureditev videza okenca za podajanje odgovorov.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Določi samodejno" - }, - { - "label": "Potrditveno polje za več odgovorov (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Izbirni gumb za en odgovor (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Aktivnost oceni kot celoto", - "description": "Aktivnost se oceni z 1 točko kot celota. Nastavitev je smiselna predvsem ob tipu vprašanja z več možnimi odgovori (Checkboxes)." - }, - { - "label": "Premešaj odgovore", - "description": "Naključen prikaz odgovorov." - }, - { - "label": "Pred ogledom rešitve je potrebno podati vse odgovore" - }, - { - "label": "Pred zaključkom aktivnosti zahtevaj potrditev" - }, - { - "label": "Pred ponovitvijo aktivnosti zahtevaj potrditev" - }, - { - "label": "Sprotno preverjaj vnesene odgovore", - "description": "Nastavitev lahko obremenjuje delovanje spletne strani." - }, - { - "label": "Prag za napredovanje", - "description": "Odstotek, ki je potreben za uspešen zaključek naloge oz. prejeto 1 točko. Nastavitev ima učinek zgolj pri izbiri \"Aktivnost oceni kot celoto\"." - }, - { - "label": "Dosežene točke prikaži sproti", - "description": "Udeležencem prikaže dosežene točke pri vsakem podanem odgovoru. Nastavitev nima učinka pri izbiri \"Izbirni gumb za en odgovor (Radio Buttons)\" ali \"Aktivnost oceni kot celoto\"." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pogovorno okno pred oddajo odgovora", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Naslov", - "default": "Zaključi?" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo telesa pogovornega okna", - "default": "Ste prepričani, da želite zaključiti?" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo gumba Prekliči", - "default": "Prekliči" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo gumba Potrdi", - "default": "Potrdi" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Pogovorno okno pred ponovitvijo aktivnosti", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Naslov", - "default": "Poskusi ponovno?" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo telesa pogovornega okna", - "default": "Ste prepričani, da želite poskusiti ponovno?" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo gumba Prekliči", - "default": "Prekliči" - }, - { - "label": "Besedilo gumba Potrdi", - "default": "Potrdi" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sma.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sma.json deleted file mode 100644 index 08cbc91..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sma.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sme.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sme.json deleted file mode 100644 index 08cbc91..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sme.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/smj.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/smj.json deleted file mode 100644 index 08cbc91..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/smj.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sr.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sr.json deleted file mode 100644 index 10aee40..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sr.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Медији", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Тип", - "description": "Необвезни медији за приказ изнад питања." - }, - { - "label": "Онемогући увеличавање слике" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Питање" - }, - { - "label": "Доступне опције", - "entity": "опција", - "field": { - "label": "Опција", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст" - }, - { - "label": "Тачно" - }, - { - "label": "Савети и повратне информације", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст савета", - "description": "Савет за корисника. Ово ће се појавити пре него што корисник провери своје одговоре / одговоре." - }, - { - "label": "Порука се приказује ако је одабран одговор", - "description": "Порука ће се појавити испод одговора на \"провери\" ако је одабран овај одговор." - }, - { - "label": "Порука се приказује ако одговор није изабран", - "description": "Порука ће се појавити испод одговора на \"провери\" ако овај одговор није изабран." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Укупне повратне информације", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Уобичајено" - } - ], - "label": "Дефинишите прилагођене повратне информације за било који опсег резултата", - "description": "Кликните на \"Додај опсег\" дугме за додавање онолико опсега колико вам је потребно. Пример: 0-20% Лош резултат, 21-91% Просечан резултат, 91-100% Одличан резултат!", - "entity": "опсег", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Распон резултата" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Повратне информације за дефинисани опсег резултата", - "placeholder": "Попуните повратне информације" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Преводи корисничког интерфејса за више избора", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Ознака за дугме Провери одговор", - "default": "Провери" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за дугме Прикажи решења", - "default": "Прикажи решења" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за дугме Покушај поново", - "default": "Покушај поново" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака за дугме Савет", - "default": "Прикажи савет" - }, - { - "label": "Текстуални приказ бодовне траке за оне који користе говор за читање", - "description": "Доступне променљиве су :num и :total", - "default": "Освојили сте :num од :total поена" - }, - { - "label": "Доступни савет (није приказан)", - "default": "Савет доступан", - "description": "Текст приступачности који се користи за звучнике за читање" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Опцију је требало проверити", - "default": "Није требало да буде проверено" - }, - { - "label": "Текст за \"Прикажи решења\" порука", - "default": "Одговорите пре прегледа решења" - }, - { - "label": "Опис помоћне технологије за \"Провери\" дугме", - "default": "Проверите одговоре. Одговори ће бити означени као тачни, нетачни или без одговора." - }, - { - "label": "Опис помоћне технологије за \"Прикажи решења\" дугме", - "default": "Покажите решење. Задатак ће бити означен својим тачним решењем." - }, - { - "label": "Опис помоћне технологије за \"Врати\" дугме", - "default": "Покушајте поново са задатком. Ресетујте све одговоре и покрените задатак поново." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Поставке понашања", - "description": "Ове опције ће вам омогућити да контролишете понашање задатка.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Омогући \"Врати\" дугме" - }, - { - "label": "Омогући \"Прикажи решења\" дугме" - }, - { - "label": "Омогући \"Провери\" дугме" - }, - { - "label": "Врста питања", - "description": "Изаберите изглед и понашање питања.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Аутоматски" - }, - { - "label": "Вишеструки избор (поља за потврду)" - }, - { - "label": "Појединачни избор (радио дугмад)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Дајте један поен за цео задатак", - "description": "Омогућите да бисте дали више бодова за више тачних одговора. Ово неће бити опција у \"Појединачни одговор\" моду." - }, - { - "label": "Рандомизирајте одговоре", - "description": "Омогућите случајни редослед приказаних одговора." - }, - { - "label": "Захтевајте одговор пре него што се решење може погледати" - }, - { - "label": "Прикажи дијалог за потврду на \"Провери\"" - }, - { - "label": "Прикажи дијалог за потврду на \"Врати\"" - }, - { - "label": "Аутоматски провери одговоре", - "description": "Омогућавање ове опције ће патити од приступачности, пазите да знате шта радите." - }, - { - "label": "Проценат пролазности", - "description": "Ова поставка често неће имати ефекта. То је проценат укупне оцене потребне за добијање 1 бода када је омогућен један поен за цео задатак и за добијање ресулт.суццесс у кАПИ изјавама." - }, - { - "label": "Покажи бодове", - "description": "Покажите бодове за сваки одговор. То неће бити опција у режиму „Један одговор“ или ако је опција „Дај један поен за цео задатак“ омогућена." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Проверите дијалог за потврду", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заглавља", - "default": "Заврши ?" - }, - { - "label": "Тело текст", - "default": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да завршите ?" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака дугмета Откажи", - "default": "Откажи" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака дугмета Потврди", - "default": "Заврши" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Покушајте поново дијалог за потврду", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заглавља", - "default": "Врати ?" - }, - { - "label": "Тело текст", - "default": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да покушате поново ?" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака дугмета Откажи", - "default": "Откажи" - }, - { - "label": "Ознака дугмета Потврди", - "default": "Потврди" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sv.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sv.json deleted file mode 100644 index c640499..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/sv.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Typ", - "description": "Valfri media att visa ovanför frågan." - }, - { - "label": "Inaktivera zoomning i bild" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Fråga" - }, - { - "label": "Tillgängliga val", - "entity": "val", - "field": { - "label": "Val", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Rätt" - }, - { - "label": "Tips och feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipstext", - "description": "Ledtråd för användaren. Detta kommer visas innan användaren klickar på \"Svara\"." - }, - { - "label": "Meddelande visas om svar är valt", - "description": "Meddelande som visas under svaret när användaren väljer \"svara\", om detta svarsalternativ är valt." - }, - { - "label": "Meddelande visas om svar inte är valt", - "description": "Meddelande som visas under svaret när användaren väljer \"svara\", om detta svarsalternativ inte är valt." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Allmän feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Standard" - } - ], - "label": "Ange specifik feedback för valfritt poängintervall", - "description": "Klicka på knappen \"Lägg till intervall\" för att lägga till så många intervall du behöver. Exempel: 0-20 % Inte så bra, 21-91 % Medel, 91-100 % Jättebra!", - "entity": "intervall", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Poängintervall" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback för specifikt poängintervall", - "placeholder": "Fyll i din feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Översättningar i gränssnitt för flervalsfråga", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Etikett för knappen \"Svara\"", - "default": "Svara" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett för knapp för visa lösning", - "default": "Visa lösning" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett för försök igen-knapp", - "default": "Försök igen" - }, - { - "label": "Tipsetikett", - "default": "Visa tips" - }, - { - "label": "Text som används vid skärmläsare för att läsa upp poäng", - "description": "Tillgängliga variabler är :num och :total", - "default": "Du fick :num av :total poäng" - }, - { - "label": "Tips tillgängligt (visas inte)", - "default": "Tips tillgängligt", - "description": "Text för tillgänglighet, används av skärmläsare" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback tillgänglig (visas inte)", - "default": "Feedback tillgänglig", - "description": "Text för tillgänglighet, används av skärmläsare" - }, - { - "label": "Läs feedback (visas inte)", - "default": "Läs feedback", - "description": "Text för tillgänglighet, används av skärmläsare" - }, - { - "label": "Fel svar (visas inte)", - "default": "Fel svar", - "description": "Text för tillgänglighet, används av skärmläsare" - }, - { - "label": "Rätt svar (visas inte)", - "default": "Rätt svar", - "description": "Text för tillgänglighet, används av skärmläsare" - }, - { - "label": "Detta val skulle ha bockats i", - "default": "Skulle ha bockats i" - }, - { - "label": "Detta val skulle inte ha bockats i", - "default": "Skulle inte ha bockats i" - }, - { - "label": "Text för \"Svar krävs \" meddelande", - "default": "Svara innan du visar lösningen" - }, - { - "label": "Text för knappen \"Svara\" i tillgänglighetshjälpmedel", - "default": "Granska svaren. Svaren kommer att markeras som korrekta, felaktiga eller obesvarade." - }, - { - "label": "Beskrivning för knappen \"Visa lösning\" i tillgänglighetshjälpmedel", - "default": "Visa lösningen. Uppgiften kommer att markeras med dess rätta lösning." - }, - { - "label": "Beskrivning för knappen \"Försök igen\" i tillgänglighetshjälpmedel", - "default": "Försök igen med uppgiften. Nollställer alla svar och startar om uppgiften." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Beteende-inställningar", - "description": "Dessa val låter dig kontrollera hur uppgiften beter sig.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Aktivera knappen \"Försök igen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Aktivera knappen \"Visa lösning\"" - }, - { - "label": "Aktivera knappen \"Svara\"" - }, - { - "label": "Frågetyp", - "description": "Välj utseende och beteende för frågan.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatiskt" - }, - { - "label": "Flerval (checkrutor)" - }, - { - "label": "Enval (radioknappar)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Ge ett poäng för hela uppgiften", - "description": "Aktivera för att ge totalt ett poäng för flera rätta svar. Detta är inte möjligt i läget \"Ett svar\" ." - }, - { - "label": "Slumpmässiga svarsalternativ", - "description": "Aktivera för att få slumpmässig ordning på svarsalternativ som visas." - }, - { - "label": "Kräv svar innan lösningen kan visas" - }, - { - "label": "Visa bekräftelse-dialog vid \"Svara\"" - }, - { - "label": "Visa bekräftelse-dialog vid \"Försök igen\"" - }, - { - "label": "Kontrollera svar automatiskt", - "description": "Aktivering av detta val försämrar tillgänglighet, du bör vara säker på att du vet vad du gör." - }, - { - "label": "Procent för godkänt", - "description": "Denna inställning har ofta ingen påverkan. Det är procenten av total poäng somn krävs för att få 1 poäng, när ett poäng för hela uppgiften är aktiverat, och för att få result.success i xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Visa poäng", - "description": "Visa poäng som uppnåtts för varje svar. Detta är inte möjligt vid 'Ett svar' eller om 'Ge ett poäng för hela uppgiften' har aktiverats." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bekräftelsedialog för avsluta", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rubriktext", - "default": "Avsluta?" - }, - { - "label": "Text", - "default": "Är du säker på att du vill avsluta?" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett på avbryt-knapp", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett på knappen Bekräfta", - "default": "Avsluta" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bekräftelsedialog för försök igen", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Rubriktext", - "default": "Försök igen?" - }, - { - "label": "Text", - "default": "Är du säker på att du vill försöka igen?" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett på avbryt-knapp", - "default": "Avbryt" - }, - { - "label": "Etikett på bekräfta-knapp", - "default": "Bekräfta" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/tr.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/tr.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3c0be16..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/tr.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Medya", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tipi", - "description": "Soru üzerinde görüntülenecek isteğe bağlı medya." - }, - { - "label": "Görsel yakınlaştırmasını devre dışı bırakın" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Soru" - }, - { - "label": "Kullanılabilir seçenekler", - "entity": "seçenek", - "field": { - "label": "Seçenek", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Metin" - }, - { - "label": "Doğru" - }, - { - "label": "İpuçları ve geri bildirim", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "İpucu metni", - "description": "Kullanıcı için ipucu. Kullanıcı cevabını/cevaplarını kontrol etmeden önce bu görünecektir." - }, - { - "label": "Cevap seçilirse görüntülenecek ileti", - "description": "Bu cevap seçilirse \"kontrol et\" üzerindeki cevabın altında ileti görünecek." - }, - { - "label": "Cevap seçilmezse görüntülenecek ileti", - "description": "Bu cevap seçilmezse \"kontrol et\" üzerindeki cevabın altında ileti görünecek." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Toplam Geribildirim", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Varsayılan" - } - ], - "label": "Herhangi bir puan aralığı için özel geri bildirim tanımlayın", - "description": "İstediğiniz kadar aralık eklemek için \"Aralık ekle\" düğmesini tıklayın. Örnek: %0-20 Kötü puan, %21-91 Ortalama Puan, %91-100 Büyük Puan!", - "entity": "Aralık", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Puan Aralığı" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Tanımlanmış puan aralığı için geri bildirim", - "placeholder": "Geri bildirimi doldurun" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Çokluseçim için arayüz çevirileri", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Cevabı kontrol et düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Kontrol Et" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Çözümü göster düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Çözümü Göster" - }, - { - "label": "Yeniden dene düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Yeniden Dene" - }, - { - "label": "İpucu etiketi", - "default": "İpucu Göster" - }, - { - "label": "Ekran okuma kullananlar için puan cetvelinin yazıyla gösterimi", - "description": "Mevcut değişkenler: :num and :total", - "default": "Toplam :total puan üzerinden :num puan aldınız" - }, - { - "label": "İpucu Mevcut (gösterilmez)", - "default": "İpucu mevcut", - "description": "Ekran okuyucular için erişilebilirlik metni" - }, - { - "label": "Geribildirim Mevcut (gösterilmez)", - "default": "Geribildirim mevcut", - "description": "Ekran okuyucular için erişilebilirlik metni" - }, - { - "label": "Geribildirimi Oku (gösterilmez)", - "default": "Geribildirimi oku", - "description": "Ekran okuyucular için erişilebilirlik metni" - }, - { - "label": "Yanlış Cevap (gösterilmez)", - "default": "Yanlış cevap", - "description": "Ekran okuyucular için erişilebilirlik metni" - }, - { - "label": "Doğru Cevap (gösterilmez)", - "default": "Doğru cevap", - "description": "Ekran okuyucular için erişilebilirlik metni" - }, - { - "label": "Seçeneğin seçilmesi gerekirdi", - "default": "Seçilmesi gerekirdi" - }, - { - "label": "Seçeneğin seçilmemesi gerekirdi", - "default": "Seçilmemesi gerekirdi" - }, - { - "label": "\"Cevap Gerekir\" mesajı metni", - "default": "Lütfen çözümü görüntülemeden önce cevap verin" - }, - { - "label": "\"Kontrol Et\" düğmesi için yardımcı teknoloji açıklaması", - "default": "Cevapları kontrol edin. Cevaplar doğru, yanlış veya cevapsız olarak işaretlenecektir." - }, - { - "label": "\"Çözüm Göster\" düğmesi için yardımcı teknoloji açıklaması", - "default": "Çözümü göster. Görev, doğru çözümü ile işaretlenecektir." - }, - { - "label": "\"Yeniden Dene\" düğmesi için yardımcı teknoloji açıklaması", - "default": "Görevi yeniden deneyin. Tüm yanıtları sıfırlayın ve görevi yeniden başlatın." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Etkinlik Ayarları", - "description": "Bu seçenekler, etkinliğin nasıl davranacağını kontrol etmenizi sağlar.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "\"Yeniden Dene\" düğmesini etkinleştir" - }, - { - "label": "\"Çözümü Göster\" düğmesini etkinleştir" - }, - { - "label": "\"Kontrol Et\" düğmesini etkinleştir" - }, - { - "label": "Soru Tipi", - "description": "Sorunun görünüşünü ve davranışını seçin.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Otomatik" - }, - { - "label": "Çoktan Seçmeli (Onay kutuları)" - }, - { - "label": "Tekli Seçim (Radyo Düğmeleri)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Bütün görev için bir puan verin", - "description": "Birden çok doğru cevap için toplam bir puan vermek iüzere etkinleştirin. \"Tek cevap\" kipinde böyle bir seçenek olmayacak." - }, - { - "label": "Cevapları rastgele dizin", - "description": "Gösterimde cevapları rastgele dizmek için etkinleştirin." - }, - { - "label": "Çözüm görüntülenmeden önce cevap gereksin" - }, - { - "label": "\"Kontrol Et\" diyalog kutunuda teyit iste" - }, - { - "label": "\"Yeniden Dene\" diyalog kutunuda teyit iste" - }, - { - "label": "Cevapları otomatik olarak kontrol et", - "description": "Bu seçeneği etkinleştirmek erişilebilirlik açısından iyi değildir, ne yaptığınızı bildiğinizden emin olun." - }, - { - "label": "Geçme Puanı (%)", - "description": "Bu ayarın çoğu zaman herhangi bir etkisi olmaz. Tüm görev için bir puan etkinleştirildiğinde 1 puan almak ve eğitim yönetim sisteminde (Ör: EBA) sonucun başarılı olması için gereken toplam puanın yüzdesidir." - }, - { - "label": "Puanları göster", - "description": "Her bir cevap için kazanılan puanları göster." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Kontrol etme teyit diyalog kutusu", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Başlık Metni", - "default": "Bitir" - }, - { - "label": "Gövde Metni", - "default": "Bitirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?" - }, - { - "label": "İptal et düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Hayır" - }, - { - "label": "Onay düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Evet" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Yeniden dene teyit diyalog kutusu", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Başlık metni", - "default": "Yeniden Dene" - }, - { - "label": "Gövde metni", - "default": "Yeniden denemek istediğinize emin misiniz?" - }, - { - "label": "İptal düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Hayır" - }, - { - "label": "Onay düğmesi etiketi", - "default": "Evet" - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/uk.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/uk.json deleted file mode 100644 index 29d1510..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/uk.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Медіа", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Тип", - "description": "Необов'язкове медіа для відображення над запитанням." - }, - { - "label": "Вимкнути масштабування зображення" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Питання" - }, - { - "label": "Доступні параметри", - "entity": "параметр", - "field": { - "label": "параметр", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст" - }, - { - "label": "Правильно" - }, - { - "label": "Поради та відгуки", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст підказки", - "description": "Підказка для користувача. Вона з'явиться перед тим, як користувач перевірить свою відповідь/відповіді." - }, - { - "label": "Повідомлення відображається, якщо вибрано відповідь", - "description": "Повідомлення з'явиться під відповіддю при перевірці, якщо ця відповідь вибрана." - }, - { - "label": "Повідомлення відображається, якщо відповідь не вибрано", - "description": "Повідомлення з'явиться під відповіддю при перевірці, якщо ця відповідь не вибрана." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Загальний відгук", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "За замовчуванням" - } - ], - "label": "Визначте спеціальний відгук для будь-якого діапазону балів", - "description": "Натисніть кнопку \"Додати діапазон\", щоб додати стільки діапазонів, скільки вам потрібно. Приклад: 0-20% поганий бал, 21-91% середній бал, 91-100% чудовий бал!", - "entity": "діапазон", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Діапазон результатів" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Відгук для визначеного діапазону балів", - "placeholder": "Заповнити відгук" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Переклад інтерфейсу користувача для кількох варіантів", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Перевірити мітку кнопки відповіді", - "default": "Перевірка" - }, - { - "label": "Надіслати мітку кнопки відповіді", - "default": "Надіслати" - }, - { - "label": "Показати мітку кнопки рішщення", - "default": "Показати рішення" - }, - { - "label": "Мітка кнопки повтору", - "default": "Повторити" - }, - { - "label": "Мітка підказки", - "default": "Показати підказку" - }, - { - "label": "Текстове представлення панелі результатів для тих, хто користується динаміком", - "description": "Доступні змінні :num і :total", - "default": "Ви отримали :num із :total балів" - }, - { - "label": "Порада доступна (не відображається)", - "default": "Доступна підказка", - "description": "Текст доступності, який використовується для читачів" - }, - { - "label": "Відгук доступний (не відображається)", - "default": "Зворотній зв'язок доступний", - "description": "Текст доступності, який використовується для читачів" - }, - { - "label": "Прочитати відгук (не відображається)", - "default": "Прочитати відгук", - "description": "Текст доступності, який використовується для читачів" - }, - { - "label": "Неправильна відповідь (не відображається)", - "default": "Неправильна відповідь", - "description": "Текст доступності, який використовується для читачів" - }, - { - "label": "Правильна відповідь (не відображається)", - "default": "Правильна відповідь", - "description": "Текст доступності, який використовується для читачів" - }, - { - "label": "Опція повинна бути позначена", - "default": "Треба було перевірити" - }, - { - "label": "Опція не повинна бути позначена", - "default": "Не слід було перевіряти" - }, - { - "label": "Текст для повідомлення \"Потрібна відповідь\"", - "default": "Будь ласка, дайте відповідь перед переглядом рішення" - }, - { - "label": "Опис допоміжної технології для кнопки \"Перевірити\"", - "default": "Перевірте відповіді. Відповіді будуть позначені як правильні, неправильні або без відповіді." - }, - { - "label": "Опис допоміжної технології для кнопки \"Показати рішення\"", - "default": "Показати рішення. Завдання буде позначено правильним рішенням." - }, - { - "label": "Опис допоміжної технології для кнопки \"Повторити\"", - "default": "Повторити завдання. Скинути всі відповіді та почати завдання знову." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Параметри поведінки", - "description": "Ці параметри дозволять вам контролювати, як поводиться завдання.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Увімкнути кнопку \"Повторити\"" - }, - { - "label": "Увімкнути кнопку \"Показати рішення\"" - }, - { - "label": "Увімкнути кнопку \"Перевірити\"" - }, - { - "label": "Тип запитання", - "description": "Виберіть вигляд і поведінку запитання.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Автоматично" - }, - { - "label": "Багато варіантів (чекбокси)" - }, - { - "label": "Єдиний вибір (радіокнопки)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Дайте один бал за все завдання", - "description": "Увімкніть нарахування одного бала за кілька правильних відповідей. Ця опція недоступна в режимі \"Одна відповідь\"." - }, - { - "label": "Рандомізуйте відповіді", - "description": "Увімкнути випадковий порядок відповідей на екрані." - }, - { - "label": "Вимагати відповіді, перш ніж можна буде переглянути рішення" - }, - { - "label": "Показати діалогове вікно підтвердження \"Перевірити\"" - }, - { - "label": "Показати діалогове вікно підтвердження \"Повторити\"" - }, - { - "label": "Автоматично перевіряти відповіді", - "description": "Увімкнення цієї опції погіршить доступність. Переконайтеся, що ви знаєте, що робите." - }, - { - "label": "Відсоток проходження", - "description": "Цей параметр часто не матиме жодного ефекту. Це відсоток від загальної кількості балів, необхідний для отримання 1 бала, коли ввімкнено один бал для всього завдання, і для отримання result.success в операторах xAPI." - }, - { - "label": "Показати бали", - "description": "Показати бали, отримані за кожну відповідь. Ця опція не буде доступна в режимі \"Одна відповідь\" або якщо ввімкнено опцію \"Надати один бал за все завдання\"." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Діалогове вікно підтвердження перевірки", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заголовка", - "default": "Завершити?" - }, - { - "label": "Основний текст", - "default": "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте завершити?" - }, - { - "label": "Скасувати мітку кнопки", - "default": "Скасувати" - }, - { - "label": "Підтвердити мітку кнопки", - "default": "Готово" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Повторне діалогове вікно підтвердження", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Текст заголовка", - "default": "Повторити?" - }, - { - "label": "Основний текст", - "default": "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте повторити спробу?" - }, - { - "label": "Скасувати мітку кнопки", - "default": "Скасувати" - }, - { - "label": "Підтвердити мітку кнопки", - "default": "Підтвердити" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/vi.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/vi.json deleted file mode 100644 index 08cbc91..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/vi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "Media", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Type", - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "label": "Disable image zooming" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Question" - }, - { - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "field": { - "label": "Option", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Text" - }, - { - "label": "Correct" - }, - { - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Tip text", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected." - }, - { - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Check answer button label", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "Show solution button label", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "Retry button label", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "Tip label", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "Question Type", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode." - }, - { - "label": "Randomize answers", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display." - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"" - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"" - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hans.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hans.json deleted file mode 100644 index 071a694..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hans.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "媒体", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "类型", - "description": "在问题的上方显示额外的媒体。" - }, - { - "label": "停用题目上图片的放大功能" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "问题" - }, - { - "label": "可用的所有选项", - "entity": "选项", - "field": { - "label": "类型", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "文字" - }, - { - "label": "正确答案" - }, - { - "label": "提示或回馈", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "讯息文字", - "description": "给用户的提示或回馈讯息,核对答案前可显示。" - }, - { - "label": "给已选项目的讯息", - "description": "如果用户已经选择这个项目,核对答案后会出现。" - }, - { - "label": "给未选项目的讯息", - "description": "如果用户没有选择这个项目,核对答案后会出现。" - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "结果回馈", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "预设" - } - ], - "label": "为不同分数区间的用户分别回馈讯息", - "description": "点击「添加范围」按钮,加入你想要的范围,例如 0%-59% 请加油、60%-79% 再努力、80%-100% 太棒了。", - "entity": "范围", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "分数区间" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "自订区间回馈讯息", - "placeholder": "填入回馈讯息" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "用户界面显示文字 多选", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "核对答案按钮文字", - "default": "核对答案" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "显示正确答案按钮文字", - "default": "显示正确答案" - }, - { - "label": "再试一次按钮文字", - "default": "再试一次" - }, - { - "label": "显示提示按钮文字", - "default": "显示提示" - }, - { - "label": "报读器得分条文本", - "description": "可用变量是 :num 和 :total", - "default": "你得到 :num 分,共 :total 分。" - }, - { - "label": "报读器可用提示文本", - "default": "有可用提示", - "description": "用于报读器的辅助文本,非显示用。" - }, - { - "label": "报读器可用回馈文本", - "default": "有可用的回馈", - "description": "用于报读器的辅助文本,非显示用。" - }, - { - "label": "报读器总体回馈文本", - "default": "报读回馈内容", - "description": "用于报读器的辅助文本,非显示用。" - }, - { - "label": "报读器错误答案文本", - "default": "答案不正确", - "description": "用于报读器的辅助文本,非显示用。" - }, - { - "label": "报读器正确答案文本", - "default": "答案正确", - "description": "用于报读器的辅助文本,非显示用。" - }, - { - "label": "已选选项显示文字", - "default": "已选择的项目" - }, - { - "label": "未选选项显示文字", - "default": "未选择的项目" - }, - { - "label": "需要回答显示文字", - "default": "观看正确答案前请先回答" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "行为设置", - "description": "这些设定可以让你控制任务的行为。", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "启用「再试一次」按钮" - }, - { - "label": "启用「显示正确答案」按钮" - }, - { - "label": "启用「核对答案」按钮" - }, - { - "label": "题型", - "description": "挑选问题的类型(选项的样式)", - "options": [ - { - "label": "自动" - }, - { - "label": "复选(勾选方块)" - }, - { - "label": "单选(单选按钮)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "整个任务只给一分", - "description": "预设在复选情况下,答对一个加一分,答错一个扣一分;若勾选此设定,在作答完全正确时才会给一分。" - }, - { - "label": "随机排序选项", - "description": "勾选后,选项每次显示的顺序会随机排列。" - }, - { - "label": "显示解答前必须先回答" - }, - { - "label": "核对答案前弹出确认视窗" - }, - { - "label": "再试一次前弹出确认视窗" - }, - { - "label": "自动核对答案", - "description": "勾选后会导致无障碍功能失效" - }, - { - "label": "通过门槛(%)", - "description": "此设置在一般时无效,只有在启用「整个任务只给一份」时有效,还有用在获取 xAPI 中的 result.success 陈述句。" - }, - { - "label": "显示计分状态", - "description": "在每个项目旁显示加分或减分情形,若题型为单选,或是整个任务只给一分,就不会额外显示这个状态。" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "核对答案前的确认视窗", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "标题文字", - "default": "确定要核对吗?" - }, - { - "label": "内文文字", - "default": "完成后记得再仔细检查,避免粗心!" - }, - { - "label": "取消按钮显示文字", - "default": "取消" - }, - { - "label": "确定按钮显示文字", - "default": "确定" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "再试一次前的确认视窗", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "标题文字", - "default": "确定要重试吗?" - }, - { - "label": "内文文字", - "default": "准备好了?挑战吧!" - }, - { - "label": "取消按钮显示文字", - "default": "取消" - }, - { - "label": "确定按钮显示文字", - "default": "确定" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hant.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hant.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e69000..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-hant.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "媒體", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "類型", - "description": "在問題的上方顯示額外的媒體。" - }, - { - "label": "停用題目上圖片的放大功能" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "問題" - }, - { - "label": "可用的所有選項", - "entity": "選項", - "field": { - "label": "類型", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "文字" - }, - { - "label": "正解" - }, - { - "label": "提示或回饋", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "訊息文字", - "description": "給用戶的提示或回饋訊息,核對答案前可顯示。" - }, - { - "label": "給已選項目的訊息", - "description": "如果用戶已經選擇這個項目,核對答案後會出現。" - }, - { - "label": "給未選項目的訊息", - "description": "如果用戶沒有選擇這個項目,核對答案後會出現。" - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "結果回饋", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "預設" - } - ], - "label": "為不同分數區間的用戶分別回饋訊息", - "description": "點擊「添加範圍」按鈕,加入你想要的範圍,例如 0%-59% 請加油、60%-79% 再努力、80%-100% 太棒了。", - "entity": "範圍", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "分數區間" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "自訂區間回饋訊息", - "placeholder": "填入回饋訊息" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "用戶介面顯示文字 多選", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "核對答案按鈕文字", - "default": "核對答案" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "顯示正解按鈕文字", - "default": "顯示正解" - }, - { - "label": "再試一次按鈕文字", - "default": "再試一次" - }, - { - "label": "顯示提示按鈕文字", - "default": "顯示提示" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器得分條文本", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "你得到 :num 分,共 :total 分。" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器可用提示文本", - "default": "有可用提示", - "description": "用於報讀器的輔助文本,非顯示用。" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器可用回饋文本", - "default": "有可用的回饋", - "description": "用於報讀器的輔助文本,非顯示用。" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器總體回饋文本", - "default": "報讀回饋內容", - "description": "用於報讀器的輔助文本,非顯示用。" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器錯誤答案文本", - "default": "答案不正確", - "description": "用於報讀器的輔助文本,非顯示用。" - }, - { - "label": "報讀器正確答案文本", - "default": "答案正確", - "description": "用於報讀器的輔助文本,非顯示用。" - }, - { - "label": "已選選項顯示文字", - "default": "已選擇的項目" - }, - { - "label": "未選選項顯示文字", - "default": "未選擇的項目" - }, - { - "label": "需要回答顯示文字", - "default": "觀看正解前請先回答" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "行為設置", - "description": "這些設定可以讓你控制任務的行為。", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "啟用「再試一次」按鈕" - }, - { - "label": "啟用「顯示正解」按鈕" - }, - { - "label": "啟用「核對答案」按鈕" - }, - { - "label": "題型", - "description": "挑選問題的類型(選項的樣式)", - "options": [ - { - "label": "自動" - }, - { - "label": "複選(勾選方塊)" - }, - { - "label": "單選(單選按鈕)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "整個任務只給一分", - "description": "預設在複選情況下,答對一個加一分,答錯一個扣一分;若勾選此設定,在作答完全正確時才會給一分。" - }, - { - "label": "隨機排序選項", - "description": "勾選後,選項每次顯示的順序會隨機排列。" - }, - { - "label": "顯示解答前必須先回答" - }, - { - "label": "核對答案前彈出確認視窗" - }, - { - "label": "再試一次前彈出確認視窗" - }, - { - "label": "自動核對答案", - "description": "勾選後會導致無障礙功能失效" - }, - { - "label": "通過門檻(%)", - "description": "此設置在一般時無效,只有在啟用「整個任務只給一分」時有效,還有用在獲取 xAPI 中的 result.success 陳述句。" - }, - { - "label": "顯示計分狀態", - "description": "在每個項目旁顯示加分或減分情形,若題型為單選,或是整個任務只給一分,就不會額外顯示這個狀態。" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "核對答案前的確認視窗", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "標題文字", - "default": "確定要核對嗎?" - }, - { - "label": "內文文字", - "default": "完成後記得再仔細檢查,避免粗心!" - }, - { - "label": "取消按鈕顯示文字", - "default": "取消" - }, - { - "label": "確定按鈕顯示文字", - "default": "確定" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "再試一次前的確認視窗", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "標題文字", - "default": "確定要重試嗎?" - }, - { - "label": "內文文字", - "default": "準備好了?挑戰吧!" - }, - { - "label": "取消按鈕顯示文字", - "default": "取消" - }, - { - "label": "確定按鈕顯示文字", - "default": "確定" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-tw.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-tw.json deleted file mode 100644 index bcebacc..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/language/zh-tw.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -{ - "semantics": [ - { - "label": "媒體", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "類型", - "description": "在問題上方顯示可選的媒體." - }, - { - "label": "針對圖片停用圖片縮放" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "問題" - }, - { - "label": "可用選項", - "entity": "選項", - "field": { - "label": "選項", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "文字" - }, - { - "label": "正確" - }, - { - "label": "提示和回饋", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "提示文字", - "description": "提示給使用者. 這將出現在使用者檢查他的答案之前." - }, - { - "label": "選擇答案時顯示訊息", - "description": "如果選擇此答案, 則會在 \"檢查\" 的答案下方顯示訊息." - }, - { - "label": "未選擇答案時顯示訊息", - "description": "如果未選擇此答案, 則會在 \"檢查\" 的答案下方顯示訊息." - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "fields": [ - { - "widgets": [ - { - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "field": { - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Score Range" - }, - {}, - { - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "複選題的使用者界面翻譯", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "檢查答案按鈕標籤", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "label": "顯示解決方案按鈕標籤", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "label": "重試按鈕標籤", - "default": "Retry" - }, - { - "label": "提示標籤", - "default": "Show tip" - }, - { - "label": "正確答案回饋", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points" - }, - { - "label": "接近正確答案回饋", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "不正確的答案回饋", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "分數欄標籤", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers" - }, - { - "label": "可用的提示 (不顯示)", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "用於閱讀器的輔助功能文字" - }, - { - "label": "可用的回饋 (不顯示)", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "用於閱讀器的輔助功能文字" - }, - { - "label": "閱讀回饋 (不顯示)", - "default": "Should have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "錯誤答案 (不顯示)", - "default": "Should not have been checked" - }, - { - "label": "正確答案 (不顯示)", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution" - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution." - }, - { - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "行為設定", - "description": "這些選項將允許您控制任務的行為", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "啟用 \"重試\" 按鈕" - }, - { - "label": "啟用 \"顯示解決方案\" 按鈕" - }, - { - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button" - }, - { - "label": "問題類型", - "description": "選擇問題的外觀和行為.", - "options": [ - { - "label": "自動" - }, - { - "label": "複選題 (勾選框)" - }, - { - "label": "單選題 (單選按鈕)" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "給整個任務一分", - "description": "啟用可以給出多個正確答案總分的一分. 這將不會是 \"單一答案\" 模式中的選項." - }, - { - "label": "隨機回答", - "description": "啟用隨機顯示的問題順序." - }, - { - "label": "在解決方案可被檢視之前要求回答" - }, - { - "label": "顯示確認對話框 \"檢查\"" - }, - { - "label": "顯示確認對話框 \"重試\"" - }, - { - "label": "自動檢查答案", - "description": "啟用此選項將使輔助功能受阻, 確保您知道您在做什麼." - }, - { - "label": "通過率", - "description": "這個設定通常不會有任何影響. 當啟用整個任務的一個點,在xAPI語句中獲得result.success時,得到1分佔總分的百分比." - }, - { - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled." - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "檢查確認對話框", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "標題文字", - "default": "Finished?" - }, - { - "label": "內容文字", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "取消按鈕標籤", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "確認按鈕標籤", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "重試確認對話框", - "fields": [ - { - "label": "標題文字", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "內容文字", - "default": "Are you sure you want to retry?" - }, - { - "label": "取消按鈕標籤", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "確認按鈕標籤", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/library.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/library.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5e17f88..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/library.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"title":"Multiple Choice","contentType":"Question","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":16,"patchVersion":5,"runnable":1,"embedTypes":["iframe"],"machineName":"H5P.MultiChoice","author":"Joubel","license":"MIT","coreApi":{"majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":19},"preloadedJs":[{"path":"js/multichoice.js"}],"preloadedCss":[{"path":"css/multichoice.css"}],"preloadedDependencies":[{"machineName":"FontAwesome","majorVersion":4,"minorVersion":5},{"machineName":"H5P.JoubelUI","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":3},{"machineName":"H5P.Question","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":5}],"editorDependencies":[{"machineName":"H5PEditor.RangeList","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":0},{"machineName":"H5PEditor.ShowWhen","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":0}]} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/presave.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/presave.js deleted file mode 100644 index a20ed43..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/presave.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -var H5PPresave = H5PPresave || {}; - -/** - * Resolve the presave logic for the content type Multi Choice - * - * @param {object} content - * @param finished - * @constructor - */ -H5PPresave['H5P.MultiChoice'] = function (content, finished) { - var presave = H5PEditor.Presave; - var score = 0; - var correctAnswers = 0; - - if (isContentInvalid()) { - throw new presave.exceptions.InvalidContentSemanticsException('Invalid Multi Choice Error'); - } - - if (isSinglePoint()) { - score = 1; - } - else { - correctAnswers = content.answers.filter(function (answer) { - return answer.correct === true; - }); - score = Math.max(correctAnswers.length, 1); - } - - presave.validateScore(score); - - finished({maxScore: score}); - - /** - * Check if required parameters is present - * @return {boolean} - */ - function isContentInvalid() { - return !presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.answers') || !Array.isArray(content.answers); - } - - /** - * Check if content gives one point for all - * @return {boolean} - */ - function isSinglePoint() { - return (presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.behaviour.singlePoint') && content.behaviour.singlePoint === true) || - (presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.behaviour.type') && content.behaviour.type === 'single'); - } -}; diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/semantics.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/semantics.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4da2009..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/semantics.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,576 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "name": "media", - "type": "group", - "label": "Media", - "importance": "medium", - "fields": [ - { - "name": "type", - "type": "library", - "label": "Type", - "importance": "medium", - "options": [ - "H5P.Image 1.1", - "H5P.Video 1.6", - "H5P.Audio 1.5" - ], - "optional": true, - "description": "Optional media to display above the question." - }, - { - "name": "disableImageZooming", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Disable image zooming", - "importance": "low", - "default": false, - "optional": true, - "widget": "showWhen", - "showWhen": { - "rules": [ - { - "field": "type", - "equals": "H5P.Image 1.1" - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "question", - "type": "text", - "importance": "medium", - "widget": "html", - "label": "Question", - "enterMode": "p", - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "sub", - "sup", - "h2", - "h3", - "pre", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "name": "answers", - "type": "list", - "importance": "high", - "label": "Available options", - "entity": "option", - "min": 1, - "defaultNum": 2, - "field": { - "name": "answer", - "type": "group", - "label": "Option", - "importance": "high", - "fields": [ - { - "name": "text", - "type": "text", - "importance": "medium", - "widget": "html", - "label": "Text", - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "sub", - "sup", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "name": "correct", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Correct", - "importance": "low" - }, - { - "name": "tipsAndFeedback", - "type": "group", - "label": "Tips and feedback", - "importance": "low", - "optional": true, - "fields": [ - { - "name": "tip", - "type": "text", - "widget": "html", - "label": "Tip text", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Hint for the user. This will appear before user checks his answer/answers.", - "optional": true, - "tags": [ - "p", - "br", - "strong", - "em", - "a", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "name": "chosenFeedback", - "type": "text", - "widget": "html", - "label": "Message displayed if answer is selected", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is selected.", - "optional": true, - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "sub", - "sup", - "a", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "name": "notChosenFeedback", - "type": "text", - "widget": "html", - "label": "Message displayed if answer is not selected", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Message will appear below the answer on \"check\" if this answer is not selected.", - "optional": true, - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "sub", - "sup", - "a", - "code" - ] - } - ] - } - ] - } - }, - { - "name": "overallFeedback", - "type": "group", - "label": "Overall Feedback", - "importance": "low", - "expanded": true, - "fields": [ - { - "name": "overallFeedback", - "type": "list", - "widgets": [ - { - "name": "RangeList", - "label": "Default" - } - ], - "importance": "high", - "label": "Define custom feedback for any score range", - "description": "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!", - "entity": "range", - "min": 1, - "defaultNum": 1, - "optional": true, - "field": { - "name": "overallFeedback", - "type": "group", - "importance": "low", - "fields": [ - { - "name": "from", - "type": "number", - "label": "Score Range", - "min": 0, - "max": 100, - "default": 0, - "unit": "%" - }, - { - "name": "to", - "type": "number", - "min": 0, - "max": 100, - "default": 100, - "unit": "%" - }, - { - "name": "feedback", - "type": "text", - "label": "Feedback for defined score range", - "importance": "low", - "placeholder": "Fill in the feedback", - "optional": true - } - ] - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "UI", - "type": "group", - "label": "User interface translations for multichoice", - "importance": "low", - "common": true, - "fields": [ - { - "name": "checkAnswerButton", - "type": "text", - "label": "Check answer button label", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Check" - }, - { - "name": "submitAnswerButton", - "type": "text", - "label": "Submit answer button label", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Submit" - }, - { - "name": "showSolutionButton", - "type": "text", - "label": "Show solution button label", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Show solution" - }, - { - "name": "tryAgainButton", - "type": "text", - "label": "Retry button label", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Retry", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "tipsLabel", - "type": "text", - "label": "Tip label", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Show tip", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "scoreBarLabel", - "type": "text", - "label": "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker", - "description": "Available variables are :num and :total", - "importance": "low", - "default": "You got :num out of :total points", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "tipAvailable", - "type": "text", - "label": "Tip Available (not displayed)", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Tip available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "feedbackAvailable", - "type": "text", - "label": "Feedback Available (not displayed)", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Feedback available", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "readFeedback", - "type": "text", - "label": "Read Feedback (not displayed)", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Read feedback", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers", - "optional": true, - "deprecated": true - }, - { - "name": "wrongAnswer", - "type": "text", - "label": "Wrong Answer (not displayed)", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Wrong answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers", - "optional": true, - "deprecated": true - }, - { - "name": "correctAnswer", - "type": "text", - "label": "Correct Answer (not displayed)", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Correct answer", - "description": "Accessibility text used for readspeakers", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "shouldCheck", - "type": "text", - "label": "Option should have been checked", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Should have been checked", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "shouldNotCheck", - "type": "text", - "label": "Option should not have been checked", - "importance": "low", - "default": "Should not have been checked", - "optional": true - }, - { - "label": "Text for \"Requires answer\" message", - "importance": "low", - "name": "noInput", - "type": "text", - "default": "Please answer before viewing the solution", - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "a11yCheck", - "type": "text", - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button", - "default": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", - "importance": "low", - "common": true - }, - { - "name": "a11yShowSolution", - "type": "text", - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button", - "default": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", - "importance": "low", - "common": true - }, - { - "name": "a11yRetry", - "type": "text", - "label": "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button", - "default": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", - "importance": "low", - "common": true - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "behaviour", - "type": "group", - "label": "Behavioural settings", - "importance": "low", - "description": "These options will let you control how the task behaves.", - "optional": true, - "fields": [ - { - "name": "enableRetry", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Enable \"Retry\" button", - "importance": "low", - "default": true, - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "enableSolutionsButton", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Enable \"Show Solution\" button", - "importance": "low", - "default": true, - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "enableCheckButton", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Enable \"Check\" button", - "widget": "none", - "importance": "low", - "default": true, - "optional": true - }, - { - "name": "type", - "type": "select", - "label": "Question Type", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Select the look and behaviour of the question.", - "default": "auto", - "options": [ - { - "value": "auto", - "label": "Automatic" - }, - { - "value": "multi", - "label": "Multiple Choice (Checkboxes)" - }, - { - "value": "single", - "label": "Single Choice (Radio Buttons)" - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "singlePoint", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Give one point for the whole task", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Enable to give a total of one point for multiple correct answers. This will not be an option in \"Single answer\" mode.", - "default": false - }, - { - "name": "randomAnswers", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Randomize answers", - "importance": "low", - "description": "Enable to randomize the order of the answers on display.", - "default": true - }, - { - "label": "Require answer before the solution can be viewed", - "importance": "low", - "name": "showSolutionsRequiresInput", - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "optional": true - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmCheckDialog", - "type": "boolean", - "default": false - }, - { - "label": "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmRetryDialog", - "type": "boolean", - "default": false - }, - { - "label": "Automatically check answers", - "importance": "low", - "name": "autoCheck", - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Enabling this option will make accessibility suffer, make sure you know what you're doing." - }, - { - "label": "Pass percentage", - "name": "passPercentage", - "type": "number", - "description": "This setting often won't have any effect. It is the percentage of the total score required for getting 1 point when one point for the entire task is enabled, and for getting result.success in xAPI statements.", - "min": 0, - "max": 100, - "step": 1, - "default": 100 - }, - { - "name": "showScorePoints", - "type": "boolean", - "label": "Show score points", - "description": "Show points earned for each answer. This will not be an option in 'Single answer' mode or if 'Give one point for the whole task' option is enabled.", - "importance": "low", - "default": true - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Check confirmation dialog", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmCheck", - "type": "group", - "common": true, - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "importance": "low", - "name": "header", - "type": "text", - "default": "Finish ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "importance": "low", - "name": "body", - "type": "text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?", - "widget": "html", - "enterMode": "p", - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "del", - "u", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "importance": "low", - "name": "cancelLabel", - "type": "text", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmLabel", - "type": "text", - "default": "Finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "label": "Retry confirmation dialog", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmRetry", - "type": "group", - "common": true, - "fields": [ - { - "label": "Header text", - "importance": "low", - "name": "header", - "type": "text", - "default": "Retry ?" - }, - { - "label": "Body text", - "importance": "low", - "name": "body", - "type": "text", - "default": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?", - "widget": "html", - "enterMode": "p", - "tags": [ - "strong", - "em", - "del", - "u", - "code" - ] - }, - { - "label": "Cancel button label", - "importance": "low", - "name": "cancelLabel", - "type": "text", - "default": "Cancel" - }, - { - "label": "Confirm button label", - "importance": "low", - "name": "confirmLabel", - "type": "text", - "default": "Confirm" - } - ] - } -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/upgrades.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/upgrades.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8d1d243..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.MultiChoice-1.16/upgrades.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ -var H5PUpgrades = H5PUpgrades || {}; - -H5PUpgrades['H5P.MultiChoice'] = (function () { - return { - 1: { - 1: { - contentUpgrade: function (parameters, finished) { - // Moved all behavioural settings into "behaviour" group. - parameters.behaviour = { - enableRetry: parameters.tryAgain === undefined ? true : parameters.tryAgain, - enableSolutionsButton: parameters.enableSolutionsButton === undefined ? true : parameters.enableSolutionsButton, - singleAnswer: parameters.singleAnswer === undefined ? true : parameters.singleAnswer, - singlePoint: parameters.singlePoint === undefined ? true : parameters.singlePoint, - randomAnswers: parameters.randomAnswers === undefined ? true : parameters.randomAnswers, - showSolutionsRequiresInput: parameters.showSolutionsRequiresInput === undefined ? true : parameters.showSolutionsRequiresInput - }; - if (parameters.UI === undefined) { - parameters.UI = {}; - } - parameters.UI.checkAnswerButton = 'Check'; - delete parameters.tryAgain; - delete parameters.enableSolutionsButton; - delete parameters.singleAnswer; - delete parameters.singlePoint; - delete parameters.randomAnswers; - delete parameters.showSolutionsRequiresInput; - - finished(null, parameters); - } - }, - 3: { - contentUpgrade: function (parameters, finished) { - parameters.answers.forEach(function (answer) { - // Add new place for variable and delete old. - if (answer.tipsAndFeedback === undefined) { - answer.tipsAndFeedback = {}; - } - - answer.tipsAndFeedback.tip = answer.tip !== undefined ? answer.tip : ''; - answer.tipsAndFeedback.chosenFeedback = answer.chosenFeedback !== undefined ? answer.chosenFeedback : ''; - answer.tipsAndFeedback.notChosenFeedback = answer.notChosenFeedback !== undefined ? answer.notChosenFeedback : ''; - delete answer.tip; - delete answer.chosenFeedback; - delete answer.notChosenFeedback; - }); - - finished(null, parameters); - } - }, - - /** - * Asynchronous content upgrade hook. - * Upgrades content parameters to support MC 1.4. - * - * Replaces the single answer checkbox with a select field. - * - * @params {Object} parameters - * @params {function} finished - */ - 4: function (parameters, finished) { - // Determine number of correct choices - var numCorrect = 0; - if (parameters.answers) { - for (var i = 0; i < parameters.answers.length; i++) { - if (parameters.answers[i].correct) { - numCorrect++; - } - } - } - - if (!parameters.behaviour) { - parameters.behaviour = {}; - } - if (parameters.behaviour.singleAnswer) { - parameters.behaviour.type = (numCorrect === 1 ? 'auto' : 'single'); - } - else { - parameters.behaviour.type = (numCorrect > 1 ? 'auto' : 'multi'); - } - delete parameters.behaviour.singleAnswer; - - finished(null, parameters); - }, - - /** - * Asynchronous content upgrade hook. - * Upgrades content parameters to support Multiple Choice 1.5. - * - * Replaces the task image with a media object. - * Makes it possible to add a video above the task. - * - * @params {object} parameters - * @params {function} finished - */ - 5: function (parameters, finished) { - if (parameters.image) { - parameters.media = { - library: 'H5P.Image 1.0', - params: { - file: parameters.image - } - }; - delete parameters.image; - } - - finished(null, parameters); - }, - - /** - * Asynchronous content upgrade hook. - * Upgrades content parameters to support Multiple Choice 1.10. - * - * Move old feedback message to the new overall feedback system. - * Do not show the new score points for old content being upgraded. - * - * @params {object} parameters - * @params {function} finished - */ - 10: function (parameters, finished) { - - if (parameters && parameters.UI) { - if (parameters.UI.correctText) { - if (parameters.UI.almostText) { - if (parameters.UI.wrongText) { - // All specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.wrongText - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.almostText - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.correctText - } - ]; - } - else { - // Only correct and almost specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.almostText - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.correctText - } - ]; - } - } - else { - if (parameters.UI.wrongText) { - // Only correct and wrong pecified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.wrongText - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.correctText - } - ]; - } - else { - // Only correct specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.correctText - } - ]; - } - } - } - else { - if (parameters.UI.almostText) { - if (parameters.UI.wrongText) { - // Only almost and wrong specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.wrongText - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.almostText - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - } - ]; - } - else { - // Only almost specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 99, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.almostText - }, - { - 'from': 100, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - } - ]; - } - } - else { - if (parameters.UI.wrongText) { - // Only wrong specified - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 0, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.wrongText - }, - { - 'from': 1, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback || '' - } - ]; - } - else { - // None specified - if (parameters.UI.feedback) { - parameters.overallFeedback = [ - { - 'from': 0, - 'to': 100, - 'feedback': parameters.UI.feedback - } - ]; - } - } - } - } - - // Remove old feedback messages - delete parameters.UI.correctText; - delete parameters.UI.almostText; - delete parameters.UI.wrongText; - delete parameters.UI.feedback; - } - - finished(null, parameters); - }, - - 13: function (parameters, finished, extras) { - var title; - - if (parameters && parameters.question) { - title = parameters.question; - } - - extras = extras || {}; - extras.metadata = extras.metadata || {}; - extras.metadata.title = (title) ? title.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, '') : ((extras.metadata.title) ? extras.metadata.title : 'Multiple Choice'); - - finished(null, parameters, extras); - }, - /** - * Move disableImageZooming from behaviour to media - * - * @param {object} parameters - * @param {function} finished - */ - 14: function (parameters, finished) { - // If image has been used, move it down in the hierarchy and add disableImageZooming - if (parameters && parameters.media) { - parameters.media = { - type: parameters.media, - disableImageZooming: (parameters.behaviour && parameters.behaviour.disableImageZooming) ? parameters.behaviour.disableImageZooming : false - }; - } - - // Delete old disableImageZooming - if (parameters && parameters.behaviour) { - delete parameters.behaviour.disableImageZooming; - } - finished(null, parameters); - } - } - }; -})(); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/minus-one.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/minus-one.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 688eaaa..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/minus-one.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/plus-one.svg b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/plus-one.svg deleted file mode 100644 index be4d5f7..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/images/plus-one.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/library.json b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/library.json deleted file mode 100644 index a9bedce..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/library.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"title":"Question","machineName":"H5P.Question","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":5,"patchVersion":2,"runnable":0,"license":"MIT","author":"Joubel","coreApi":{"majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":7},"preloadedCss":[{"path":"styles/question.css"},{"path":"styles/explainer.css"}],"preloadedJs":[{"path":"scripts/question.js"},{"path":"scripts/explainer.js"},{"path":"scripts/score-points.js"}],"preloadedDependencies":[{"machineName":"FontAwesome","majorVersion":4,"minorVersion":5},{"machineName":"H5P.JoubelUI","majorVersion":1,"minorVersion":3}]} diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/explainer.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/explainer.js deleted file mode 100644 index d9ab077..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/explainer.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -H5P.Question.Explainer = (function ($) { - /** - * Constructor - * - * @class - * @param {string} title - * @param {array} explanations - */ - function Explainer(title, explanations) { - var self = this; - - /** - * Create the DOM structure - */ - var createHTML = function () { - self.$explanation = $('
    ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-container' - }); - - // Add title: - $('
    ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-title', - role: 'heading', - html: title, - appendTo: self.$explanation - }); - - var $explanationList = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-list', - appendTo: self.$explanation - }); - - for (var i = 0; i < explanations.length; i++) { - var feedback = explanations[i]; - var $explanationItem = $('
    • ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-item', - appendTo: $explanationList - }); - - var $content = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-status' - }); - - if (feedback.correct) { - $('', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-correct', - html: feedback.correct, - appendTo: $content - }); - } - if (feedback.wrong) { - $('', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-wrong', - html: feedback.wrong, - appendTo: $content - }); - } - $content.appendTo($explanationItem); - - if (feedback.text) { - $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-text', - html: feedback.text, - appendTo: $explanationItem - }); - } - } - }; - - createHTML(); - - /** - * Return the container HTMLElement - * - * @return {HTMLElement} - */ - self.getElement = function () { - return self.$explanation; - }; - } - - return Explainer; - -})(H5P.jQuery); diff --git a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/question.js b/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/question.js deleted file mode 100644 index c9e99a5..0000000 --- a/LETReview-GenEd-Math-001-OLD/H5P.Question-1.5/scripts/question.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1744 +0,0 @@ -H5P.Question = (function ($, EventDispatcher, JoubelUI) { - - /** - * Extending this class make it alot easier to create tasks for other - * content types. - * - * @class H5P.Question - * @extends H5P.EventDispatcher - * @param {string} type - */ - function Question(type) { - var self = this; - - // Inheritance - EventDispatcher.call(self); - - // Register default section order - self.order = ['video', 'image', 'audio', 'introduction', 'content', 'explanation', 'feedback', 'scorebar', 'buttons', 'read']; - - // Keep track of registered sections - var sections = {}; - - // Buttons - var buttons = {}; - var buttonOrder = []; - - // Wrapper when attached - var $wrapper; - - // Click element - var clickElement; - - // ScoreBar - var scoreBar; - - // Keep track of the feedback's visual status. - var showFeedback; - - // Keep track of which buttons are scheduled for hiding. - var buttonsToHide = []; - - // Keep track of which buttons are scheduled for showing. - var buttonsToShow = []; - - // Keep track of the hiding and showing of buttons. - var toggleButtonsTimer; - var toggleButtonsTransitionTimer; - var buttonTruncationTimer; - - // Keeps track of initialization of question - var initialized = false; - - /** - * @type {Object} behaviour Behaviour of Question - * @property {Boolean} behaviour.disableFeedback Set to true to disable feedback section - */ - var behaviour = { - disableFeedback: false, - disableReadSpeaker: false - }; - - // Keeps track of thumb state - var imageThumb = true; - - // Keeps track of image transitions - var imageTransitionTimer; - - // Keep track of whether sections is transitioning. - var sectionsIsTransitioning = false; - - // Keep track of auto play state - var disableAutoPlay = false; - - // Feedback transition timer - var feedbackTransitionTimer; - - // Used when reading messages to the user - var $read, readText; - - /** - * Register section with given content. - * - * @private - * @param {string} section ID of the section - * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} [content] - */ - var register = function (section, content) { - sections[section] = {}; - var $e = sections[section].$element = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-' + section, - }); - if (content) { - $e[content instanceof $ ? 'append' : 'html'](content); - } - }; - - /** - * Update registered section with content. - * - * @private - * @param {string} section ID of the section - * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content - */ - var update = function (section, content) { - if (content instanceof $) { - sections[section].$element.html('').append(content); - } - else { - sections[section].$element.html(content); - } - }; - - /** - * Insert element with given ID into the DOM. - * - * @private - * @param {array|Array|string[]} order - * List with ordered element IDs - * @param {string} id - * ID of the element to be inserted - * @param {Object} elements - * Maps ID to the elements - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container - * Parent container of the elements - */ - var insert = function (order, id, elements, $container) { - // Try to find an element id should be after - for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { - if (order[i] === id) { - // Found our pos - while (i > 0 && - (elements[order[i - 1]] === undefined || - !elements[order[i - 1]].isVisible)) { - i--; - } - if (i === 0) { - // We are on top. - elements[id].$element.prependTo($container); - } - else { - // Add after element - elements[id].$element.insertAfter(elements[order[i - 1]].$element); - } - elements[id].isVisible = true; - break; - } - } - }; - - /** - * Make feedback into a popup and position relative to click. - * - * @private - * @param {string} [closeText] Text for the close button - */ - var makeFeedbackPopup = function (closeText) { - var $element = sections.feedback.$element; - var $parent = sections.content.$element; - var $click = (clickElement != null ? clickElement.$element : null); - - $element.appendTo($parent).addClass('h5p-question-popup'); - - if (sections.scorebar) { - sections.scorebar.$element.appendTo($element); - } - - $parent.addClass('h5p-has-question-popup'); - - // Draw the tail - var $tail = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-tail' - }).hide() - .appendTo($parent); - - // Draw the close button - var $close = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-close', - 'tabindex': 0, - 'title': closeText, - on: { - click: function (event) { - $element.remove(); - $tail.remove(); - event.preventDefault(); - }, - keydown: function (event) { - switch (event.which) { - case 13: // Enter - case 32: // Space - $element.remove(); - $tail.remove(); - event.preventDefault(); - } - } - } - }).hide().appendTo($element); - - if ($click != null) { - if ($click.hasClass('correct')) { - $element.addClass('h5p-question-feedback-correct'); - $close.show(); - sections.buttons.$element.hide(); - } - else { - sections.buttons.$element.appendTo(sections.feedback.$element); - } - } - - positionFeedbackPopup($element, $click); - }; - - /** - * Position the feedback popup. - * - * @private - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element Feedback div - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $click Visual click div - */ - var positionFeedbackPopup = function ($element, $click) { - var $container = $element.parent(); - var $tail = $element.siblings('.h5p-question-feedback-tail'); - var popupWidth = $element.outerWidth(); - var popupHeight = setElementHeight($element); - var space = 15; - var disableTail = false; - var positionY = $container.height() / 2 - popupHeight / 2; - var positionX = $container.width() / 2 - popupWidth / 2; - var tailX = 0; - var tailY = 0; - var tailRotation = 0; - - if ($click != null) { - // Edge detection for click, takes space into account - var clickNearTop = ($click[0].offsetTop < space); - var clickNearBottom = ($click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() > $container.height() - space); - var clickNearLeft = ($click[0].offsetLeft < space); - var clickNearRight = ($click[0].offsetLeft + $click.width() > $container.width() - space); - - // Click is not in a corner or close to edge, calculate position normally - positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft - popupWidth / 2 + $click.width() / 2; - positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight - space; - tailX = positionX + popupWidth / 2 - $tail.width() / 2; - tailY = positionY + popupHeight - ($tail.height() / 2); - tailRotation = 225; - - // If popup is outside top edge, position under click instead - if (popupHeight + space > $click[0].offsetTop) { - positionY = $click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() + space; - tailY = positionY - $tail.height() / 2 ; - tailRotation = 45; - } - - // If popup is outside left edge, position left - if (positionX < 0) { - positionX = 0; - } - - // If popup is outside right edge, position right - if (positionX + popupWidth > $container.width()) { - positionX = $container.width() - popupWidth; - } - - // Special cases such as corner clicks, or close to an edge, they override X and Y positions if met - if (clickNearTop && (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight)) { - positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() : -popupWidth); - positionY = $click[0].offsetTop + $click.height(); - disableTail = true; - } - else if (clickNearBottom && (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight)) { - positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() : -popupWidth); - positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight; - disableTail = true; - } - else if (!clickNearTop && !clickNearBottom) { - if (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight) { - positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight / 2 + $click.width() / 2; - positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() + space : -popupWidth + -space); - // Make sure this does not position the popup off screen - if (positionX < 0) { - positionX = 0; - disableTail = true; - } - else { - tailX = positionX + (clickNearLeft ? - $tail.width() / 2 : popupWidth - $tail.width() / 2); - tailY = positionY + popupHeight / 2 - $tail.height() / 2; - tailRotation = (clickNearLeft ? 315 : 135); - } - } - } - - // Contain popup from overflowing bottom edge - if (positionY + popupHeight > $container.height()) { - positionY = $container.height() - popupHeight; - - if (popupHeight > $container.height() - ($click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() + space)) { - disableTail = true; - } - } - } - else { - disableTail = true; - } - - // Contain popup from ovreflowing top edge - if (positionY < 0) { - positionY = 0; - } - - $element.css({top: positionY, left: positionX}); - $tail.css({top: tailY, left: tailX}); - - if (!disableTail) { - $tail.css({ - 'left': tailX, - 'top': tailY, - 'transform': 'rotate(' + tailRotation + 'deg)' - }).show(); - } - else { - $tail.hide(); - } - }; - - /** - * Set element max height, used for animations. - * - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element - */ - var setElementHeight = function ($element) { - if (!$element.is(':visible')) { - // No animation - $element.css('max-height', 'none'); - return; - } - - // If this element is shown in the popup, we can't set width to 100%, - // since it already has a width set in CSS - var isFeedbackPopup = $element.hasClass('h5p-question-popup'); - - // Get natural element height - var $tmp = $element.clone() - .css({ - 'position': 'absolute', - 'max-height': 'none', - 'width': isFeedbackPopup ? '' : '100%' - }) - .appendTo($element.parent()); - - // Need to take margins into account when calculating available space - var sideMargins = parseFloat($element.css('margin-left')) - + parseFloat($element.css('margin-right')); - var tmpElWidth = $tmp.css('width') ? $tmp.css('width') : '100%'; - $tmp.css('width', 'calc(' + tmpElWidth + ' - ' + sideMargins + 'px)'); - - // Apply height to element - var h = Math.round($tmp.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().height); - var fontSize = parseFloat($element.css('fontSize')); - var relativeH = h / fontSize; - $element.css('max-height', relativeH + 'em'); - $tmp.remove(); - - if (h > 0 && sections.buttons && sections.buttons.$element === $element) { - // Make sure buttons section is visible - showSection(sections.buttons); - - // Resize buttons after resizing button section - setTimeout(resizeButtons, 150); - } - return h; - }; - - /** - * Does the actual job of hiding the buttons scheduled for hiding. - * - * @private - * @param {boolean} [relocateFocus] Find a new button to focus - */ - var hideButtons = function (relocateFocus) { - for (var i = 0; i < buttonsToHide.length; i++) { - hideButton(buttonsToHide[i].id); - } - buttonsToHide = []; - - if (relocateFocus) { - self.focusButton(); - } - }; - - /** - * Does the actual hiding. - * @private - * @param {string} buttonId - */ - var hideButton = function (buttonId) { - // Using detach() vs hide() makes it harder to cheat. - buttons[buttonId].$element.detach(); - buttons[buttonId].isVisible = false; - }; - - /** - * Shows the buttons on the next tick. This is to avoid buttons flickering - * If they're both added and removed on the same tick. - * - * @private - */ - var toggleButtons = function () { - // If no buttons section, return - if (sections.buttons === undefined) { - return; - } - - // Clear transition timer, reevaluate if buttons will be detached - clearTimeout(toggleButtonsTransitionTimer); - - // Show buttons - for (var i = 0; i < buttonsToShow.length; i++) { - insert(buttonOrder, buttonsToShow[i].id, buttons, sections.buttons.$element); - buttons[buttonsToShow[i].id].isVisible = true; - } - buttonsToShow = []; - - // Hide buttons - var numToHide = 0; - var relocateFocus = false; - for (var j = 0; j < buttonsToHide.length; j++) { - var button = buttons[buttonsToHide[j].id]; - if (button.isVisible) { - numToHide += 1; - } - if (button.$element.is(':focus')) { - // Move focus to the first visible button. - relocateFocus = true; - } - } - - var animationTimer = 150; - if (sections.feedback && sections.feedback.$element.hasClass('h5p-question-popup')) { - animationTimer = 0; - } - - if (numToHide === sections.buttons.$element.children().length) { - // All buttons are going to be hidden. Hide container using transition. - hideSection(sections.buttons); - // Detach buttons - hideButtons(relocateFocus); - } - else { - hideButtons(relocateFocus); - - // Show button section - if (!sections.buttons.$element.is(':empty')) { - showSection(sections.buttons); - setElementHeight(sections.buttons.$element); - - // Trigger resize after animation - toggleButtonsTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - self.trigger('resize'); - }, animationTimer); - } - - // Resize buttons to fit container - resizeButtons(); - } - - toggleButtonsTimer = undefined; - }; - - /** - * Allows for scaling of the question image. - */ - var scaleImage = function () { - var $imgSection = sections.image.$element; - clearTimeout(imageTransitionTimer); - - // Add this here to avoid initial transition of the image making - // content overflow. Alternatively we need to trigger a resize. - $imgSection.addClass('animatable'); - - if (imageThumb) { - - // Expand image - $(this).attr('aria-expanded', true); - $imgSection.addClass('h5p-question-image-fill-width'); - imageThumb = false; - - imageTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - self.trigger('resize'); - }, 600); - } - else { - - // Scale down image - $(this).attr('aria-expanded', false); - $imgSection.removeClass('h5p-question-image-fill-width'); - imageThumb = true; - - imageTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - self.trigger('resize'); - }, 600); - } - }; - - /** - * Get scrollable ancestor of element - * - * @private - * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element - * @param {Number} [currDepth=0] Current recursive calls to ancestor, stop at maxDepth - * @param {Number} [maxDepth=5] Maximum depth for finding ancestor. - * @returns {H5P.jQuery} Parent element that is scrollable - */ - var findScrollableAncestor = function ($element, currDepth, maxDepth) { - if (!currDepth) { - currDepth = 0; - } - if (!maxDepth) { - maxDepth = 5; - } - // Check validation of element or if we have reached document root - if (!$element || !($element instanceof $) || document === $element.get(0) || currDepth >= maxDepth) { - return; - } - - if ($element.css('overflow-y') === 'auto') { - return $element; - } - else { - return findScrollableAncestor($element.parent(), currDepth + 1, maxDepth); - } - }; - - /** - * Scroll to bottom of Question. - * - * @private - */ - var scrollToBottom = function () { - if (!$wrapper || ($wrapper.hasClass('h5p-standalone') && !H5P.isFullscreen)) { - return; // No scroll - } - - var scrollableAncestor = findScrollableAncestor($wrapper); - - // Scroll to bottom of scrollable ancestor - if (scrollableAncestor) { - scrollableAncestor.animate({ - scrollTop: $wrapper.css('height') - }, "slow"); - } - }; - - /** - * Resize buttons to fit container width - * - * @private - */ - var resizeButtons = function () { - if (!buttons || !sections.buttons) { - return; - } - - var go = function () { - // Don't do anything if button elements are not visible yet - if (!sections.buttons.$element.is(':visible')) { - return; - } - - // Width of all buttons - var buttonsWidth = { - max: 0, - min: 0, - current: 0 - }; - - for (var i in buttons) { - var button = buttons[i]; - if (button.isVisible) { - setButtonWidth(buttons[i]); - buttonsWidth.max += button.width.max; - buttonsWidth.min += button.width.min; - buttonsWidth.current += button.isTruncated ? button.width.min : button.width.max; - } - } - - var makeButtonsFit = function (availableWidth) { - if (buttonsWidth.max < availableWidth) { - // It is room for everyone on the right side of the score bar (without truncating) - if (buttonsWidth.max !== buttonsWidth.current) { - // Need to make everyone big - restoreButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth); - } - return true; - } - else if (buttonsWidth.min < availableWidth) { - // Is it room for everyone on the right side of the score bar with truncating? - if (buttonsWidth.current > availableWidth) { - removeButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth); - } - else { - restoreButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth); - } - return true; - } - return false; - }; - - toggleFullWidthScorebar(false); - - var buttonSectionWidth = Math.floor(sections.buttons.$element.width()) - 1; - - if (!makeButtonsFit(buttonSectionWidth)) { - // If we get here we need to wrap: - toggleFullWidthScorebar(true); - buttonSectionWidth = Math.floor(sections.buttons.$element.width()) - 1; - makeButtonsFit(buttonSectionWidth); - } - }; - - // If visible, resize right away - if (sections.buttons.$element.is(':visible')) { - go(); - } - else { // If not visible, try on the next tick - // Clear button truncation timer if within a button truncation function - if (buttonTruncationTimer) { - clearTimeout(buttonTruncationTimer); - } - buttonTruncationTimer = setTimeout(function () { - buttonTruncationTimer = undefined; - go(); - }, 0); - } - }; - - var toggleFullWidthScorebar = function (enabled) { - if (sections.scorebar && - sections.scorebar.$element && - sections.scorebar.$element.hasClass('h5p-question-visible')) { - sections.buttons.$element.addClass('has-scorebar'); - sections.buttons.$element.toggleClass('wrap', enabled); - sections.scorebar.$element.toggleClass('full-width', enabled); - } - else { - sections.buttons.$element.removeClass('has-scorebar'); - } - }; - - /** - * Remove button labels until they use less than max width. - * - * @private - * @param {Number} buttonsWidth Total width of all buttons - * @param {Number} maxButtonsWidth Max width allowed for buttons - */ - var removeButtonLabels = function (buttonsWidth, maxButtonsWidth) { - // Reverse traversal - for (var i = buttonOrder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - var buttonId = buttonOrder[i]; - var button = buttons[buttonId]; - if (!button.isTruncated && button.isVisible) { - var $button = button.$element; - buttonsWidth -= button.width.max - button.width.min; - - // Remove label - button.$element.attr('aria-label', $button.text()).html('').addClass('truncated'); - button.isTruncated = true; - if (buttonsWidth <= maxButtonsWidth) { - // Buttons are small enough. - return; - } - } - } - }; - - /** - * Restore button labels until it fills maximum possible width without exceeding the max width. - * - * @private - * @param {Number} buttonsWidth Total width of all buttons - * @param {Number} maxButtonsWidth Max width allowed for buttons - */ - var restoreButtonLabels = function (buttonsWidth, maxButtonsWidth) { - for (var i = 0; i < buttonOrder.length; i++) { - var buttonId = buttonOrder[i]; - var button = buttons[buttonId]; - if (button.isTruncated && button.isVisible) { - // Calculate new total width of buttons with a static pixel for consistency cross-browser - buttonsWidth += button.width.max - button.width.min + 1; - - if (buttonsWidth > maxButtonsWidth) { - return; - } - // Restore label - button.$element.html(button.text); - button.$element.removeClass('truncated'); - button.isTruncated = false; - } - } - }; - - /** - * Helper function for finding index of keyValue in array - * - * @param {String} keyValue Value to be found - * @param {String} key In key - * @param {Array} array In array - * @returns {number} - */ - var existsInArray = function (keyValue, key, array) { - var i; - for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - if (array[i][key] === keyValue) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; - }; - - /** - * Show a section - * @param {Object} section - */ - var showSection = function (section) { - section.$element.addClass('h5p-question-visible'); - section.isVisible = true; - }; - - /** - * Hide a section - * @param {Object} section - */ - var hideSection = function (section) { - section.$element.css('max-height', ''); - section.isVisible = false; - - setTimeout(function () { - // Only hide if section hasn't been set to visible in the meantime - if (!section.isVisible) { - section.$element.removeClass('h5p-question-visible'); - } - }, 150); - }; - - /** - * Set behaviour for question. - * - * @param {Object} options An object containing behaviour that will be extended by Question - */ - self.setBehaviour = function (options) { - $.extend(behaviour, options); - }; - - /** - * A video to display above the task. - * - * @param {object} params - */ - self.setVideo = function (params) { - sections.video = { - $element: $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-video' - }) - }; - - if (disableAutoPlay && params.params.playback) { - params.params.playback.autoplay = false; - } - - // Never fit to wrapper - if (!params.params.visuals) { - params.params.visuals = {}; - } - params.params.visuals.fit = false; - sections.video.instance = H5P.newRunnable(params, self.contentId, sections.video.$element, true); - var fromVideo = false; // Hack to avoid never ending loop - sections.video.instance.on('resize', function () { - fromVideo = true; - self.trigger('resize'); - fromVideo = false; - }); - self.on('resize', function () { - if (!fromVideo) { - sections.video.instance.trigger('resize'); - } - }); - - return self; - }; - - /** - * An audio player to display above the task. - * - * @param {object} params - */ - self.setAudio = function (params) { - params.params = params.params || {}; - - sections.audio = { - $element: $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-audio', - }) - }; - - if (disableAutoPlay) { - params.params.autoplay = false; - } - else if (params.params.playerMode === 'transparent') { - params.params.autoplay = true; // false doesn't make sense for transparent audio - } - - sections.audio.instance = H5P.newRunnable(params, self.contentId, sections.audio.$element, true); - // The height value that is set by H5P.Audio is counter-productive here. - if (sections.audio.instance.audio) { - sections.audio.instance.audio.style.height = ''; - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Will stop any playback going on in the task. - */ - self.pause = function () { - if (sections.video && sections.video.isVisible) { - sections.video.instance.pause(); - } - if (sections.audio && sections.audio.isVisible) { - sections.audio.instance.pause(); - } - }; - - /** - * Start playback of video - */ - self.play = function () { - if (sections.video && sections.video.isVisible) { - sections.video.instance.play(); - } - if (sections.audio && sections.audio.isVisible) { - sections.audio.instance.play(); - } - }; - - /** - * Disable auto play, useful in editors. - */ - self.disableAutoPlay = function () { - disableAutoPlay = true; - }; - - /** - * Add task image. - * - * @param {string} path Relative - * @param {Object} [options] Options object - * @param {string} [options.alt] Text representation - * @param {string} [options.title] Hover text - * @param {Boolean} [options.disableImageZooming] Set as true to disable image zooming - */ - self.setImage = function (path, options) { - options = options ? options : {}; - sections.image = {}; - // Image container - sections.image.$element = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-image h5p-question-image-fill-width' - }); - - // Inner wrap - var $imgWrap = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-image-wrap', - appendTo: sections.image.$element - }); - - // Image element - var $img = $('', { - src: H5P.getPath(path, self.contentId), - alt: (options.alt === undefined ? '' : options.alt), - title: (options.title === undefined ? '' : options.title), - on: { - load: function () { - self.trigger('imageLoaded', this); - self.trigger('resize'); - } - }, - appendTo: $imgWrap - }); - - // Disable image zooming - if (options.disableImageZooming) { - $img.css('maxHeight', 'none'); - - // Make sure we are using the correct amount of width at all times - var determineImgWidth = function () { - - // Remove margins if natural image width is bigger than section width - var imageSectionWidth = sections.image.$element.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width; - - // Do not transition, for instant measurements - $imgWrap.css({ - '-webkit-transition': 'none', - 'transition': 'none' - }); - - // Margin as translateX on both sides of image. - var diffX = 2 * ($imgWrap.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left - - sections.image.$element.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left); - - if ($img.get(0).naturalWidth >= imageSectionWidth - diffX) { - sections.image.$element.addClass('h5p-question-image-fill-width'); - } - else { // Use margin for small res images - sections.image.$element.removeClass('h5p-question-image-fill-width'); - } - - // Reset transition rules - $imgWrap.css({ - '-webkit-transition': '', - 'transition': '' - }); - }; - - // Determine image width - if ($img.is(':visible')) { - determineImgWidth(); - } - else { - $img.on('load', determineImgWidth); - } - - // Skip adding zoom functionality - return; - } - - var sizeDetermined = false; - var determineSize = function () { - if (sizeDetermined || !$img.is(':visible')) { - return; // Try again next time. - } - - $imgWrap.addClass('h5p-question-image-scalable') - .attr('aria-expanded', false) - .attr('role', 'button') - .attr('tabIndex', '0') - .on('click', function (event) { - if (event.which === 1) { - scaleImage.apply(this); // Left mouse button click - } - }).on('keypress', function (event) { - if (event.which === 32) { - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour; page scroll down - scaleImage.apply(this); // Space bar pressed - } - }); - sections.image.$element.removeClass('h5p-question-image-fill-width'); - - sizeDetermined = true; // Prevent any futher events - }; - - self.on('resize', determineSize); - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Add the introduction section. - * - * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content - */ - self.setIntroduction = function (content) { - register('introduction', content); - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Add the content section. - * - * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content - * @param {Object} [options] - * @param {string} [options.class] - */ - self.setContent = function (content, options) { - register('content', content); - - if (options && options.class) { - sections.content.$element.addClass(options.class); - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Force readspeaker to read text. Useful when you have to use - * setTimeout for animations. - */ - self.read = function (content) { - if (!$read) { - return; // Not ready yet - } - - if (readText) { - // Combine texts if called multiple times - readText += (readText.substr(-1, 1) === '.' ? ' ' : '. ') + content; - } - else { - readText = content; - } - - // Set text - $read.html(readText); - - setTimeout(function () { - // Stop combining when done reading - readText = null; - $read.html(''); - }, 100); - }; - - /** - * Read feedback - */ - self.readFeedback = function () { - var invalidFeedback = - behaviour.disableReadSpeaker || - !showFeedback || - !sections.feedback || - !sections.feedback.$element; - - if (invalidFeedback) { - return; - } - - var $feedbackText = $('.h5p-question-feedback-content-text', sections.feedback.$element); - if ($feedbackText && $feedbackText.html() && $feedbackText.html().length) { - self.read($feedbackText.html()); - } - }; - - /** - * Remove feedback - * - * @return {H5P.Question} - */ - self.removeFeedback = function () { - - clearTimeout(feedbackTransitionTimer); - - if (sections.feedback && showFeedback) { - - showFeedback = false; - - // Hide feedback & scorebar - hideSection(sections.scorebar); - hideSection(sections.feedback); - - sectionsIsTransitioning = true; - - // Detach after transition - feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - // Avoiding Transition.onTransitionEnd since it will register multiple events, and there's no way to cancel it if the transition changes back to "show" while the animation is happening. - if (!showFeedback) { - sections.feedback.$element.children().detach(); - sections.scorebar.$element.children().detach(); - - // Trigger resize after animation - self.trigger('resize'); - } - sectionsIsTransitioning = false; - scoreBar.setScore(0); - }, 150); - - if ($wrapper) { - $wrapper.find('.h5p-question-feedback-tail').remove(); - } - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Set feedback message. - * - * @param {string} [content] - * @param {number} score The score - * @param {number} maxScore The maximum score for this question - * @param {string} [scoreBarLabel] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar - * @param {string} [helpText] Help text that describes the score inside a tip icon - * @param {object} [popupSettings] Extra settings for popup feedback - * @param {boolean} [popupSettings.showAsPopup] Should the feedback display as popup? - * @param {string} [popupSettings.closeText] Translation for close button text - * @param {object} [popupSettings.click] Element representing where user clicked on screen - */ - self.setFeedback = function (content, score, maxScore, scoreBarLabel, helpText, popupSettings, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) { - // Feedback is disabled - if (behaviour.disableFeedback) { - return self; - } - - // Need to toggle buttons right away to avoid flickering/blinking - // Note: This means content types should invoke hide/showButton before setFeedback - toggleButtons(); - - clickElement = (popupSettings != null && popupSettings.click != null ? popupSettings.click : null); - clearTimeout(feedbackTransitionTimer); - - var $feedback = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-container' - }); - - var $feedbackContent = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-content' - }).appendTo($feedback); - - // Feedback text - $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-content-text', - 'html': content - }).appendTo($feedbackContent); - - var $scorebar = $('
      ', { - 'class': 'h5p-question-scorebar-container' - }); - if (scoreBar === undefined) { - scoreBar = JoubelUI.createScoreBar(maxScore, scoreBarLabel, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel); - } - scoreBar.appendTo($scorebar); - - $feedbackContent.toggleClass('has-content', content !== undefined && content.length > 0); - - // Feedback for readspeakers - if (!behaviour.disableReadSpeaker && scoreBarLabel) { - self.read(scoreBarLabel.replace(':num', score).replace(':total', maxScore) + '. ' + (content ? content : '')); - } - - showFeedback = true; - if (sections.feedback) { - // Update section - update('feedback', $feedback); - update('scorebar', $scorebar); - } - else { - // Create section - register('feedback', $feedback); - register('scorebar', $scorebar); - if (initialized && $wrapper) { - insert(self.order, 'feedback', sections, $wrapper); - insert(self.order, 'scorebar', sections, $wrapper); - } - } - - showSection(sections.feedback); - showSection(sections.scorebar); - - resizeButtons(); - - if (popupSettings != null && popupSettings.showAsPopup == true) { - makeFeedbackPopup(popupSettings.closeText); - scoreBar.setScore(score); - } - else { - // Show feedback section - feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - setElementHeight(sections.feedback.$element); - setElementHeight(sections.scorebar.$element); - sectionsIsTransitioning = true; - - // Scroll to bottom after showing feedback - scrollToBottom(); - - // Trigger resize after animation - feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () { - sectionsIsTransitioning = false; - self.trigger('resize'); - scoreBar.setScore(score); - }, 150); - }, 0); - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Set feedback content (no animation). - * - * @param {string} content - * @param {boolean} [extendContent] True will extend content, instead of replacing it - */ - self.updateFeedbackContent = function (content, extendContent) { - if (sections.feedback && sections.feedback.$element) { - - if (extendContent) { - content = $('.h5p-question-feedback-content', sections.feedback.$element).html() + ' ' + content; - } - - // Update feedback content html - $('.h5p-question-feedback-content', sections.feedback.$element).html(content).addClass('has-content'); - - // Make sure the height is correct - setElementHeight(sections.feedback.$element); - - // Need to trigger resize when feedback has finished transitioning - setTimeout(self.trigger.bind(self, 'resize'), 150); - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Set the content of the explanation / feedback panel - * - * @param {Object} data - * @param {string} data.correct - * @param {string} data.wrong - * @param {string} data.text - * @param {string} title Title for explanation panel - * - * @return {H5P.Question} - */ - self.setExplanation = function (data, title) { - if (data) { - var explainer = new H5P.Question.Explainer(title, data); - - if (sections.explanation) { - // Update section - update('explanation', explainer.getElement()); - } - else { - register('explanation', explainer.getElement()); - - if (initialized && $wrapper) { - insert(self.order, 'explanation', sections, $wrapper); - } - } - } - else if (sections.explanation) { - // Hide explanation section - sections.explanation.$element.children().detach(); - } - - return self; - }; - - /** - * Checks to see if button is registered. - * - * @param {string} id - * @returns {boolean} - */ - self.hasButton = function (id) { - return (buttons[id] !== undefined); - }; - - /** - * @typedef {Object} ConfirmationDialog - * @property {boolean} [enable] Must be true to show confirmation dialog - * @property {Object} [instance] Instance that uses confirmation dialog - * @property {jQuery} [$parentElement] Append to this element. - * @property {Object} [l10n] Translatable fields - * @property {string} [l10n.header] Header text - * @property {string} [l10n.body] Body text - * @property {string} [l10n.cancelLabel] - * @property {string} [l10n.confirmLabel] - */ - - /** - * Register buttons for the task. - * - * @param {string} id - * @param {string} text label - * @param {function} clicked - * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - * @param {Object} [options] Options for button - * @param {Object} [extras] Extra options - * @param {ConfirmationDialog} [extras.confirmationDialog] Confirmation dialog - * @param {Object} [extras.contentData] Content data - * @params {string} [extras.textIfSubmitting] Text to display if submitting - */ - self.addButton = function (id, text, clicked, visible, options, extras) { - if (buttons[id]) { - return self; // Already registered - } - - if (sections.buttons === undefined) { - // We have buttons, register wrapper - register('buttons'); - if (initialized) { - insert(self.order, 'buttons', sections, $wrapper); - } - } - - extras = extras || {}; - extras.confirmationDialog = extras.confirmationDialog || {}; - options = options || {}; - - var confirmationDialog = - self.addConfirmationDialogToButton(extras.confirmationDialog, clicked); - - /** - * Handle button clicks through both mouse and keyboard - * @private - */ - var handleButtonClick = function () { - if (extras.confirmationDialog.enable && confirmationDialog) { - // Show popups section if used - if (!extras.confirmationDialog.$parentElement) { - sections.popups.$element.removeClass('hidden'); - } - confirmationDialog.show($e.position().top); - } - else { - clicked(); - } - }; - - const isSubmitting = extras.contentData && extras.contentData.standalone - && (extras.contentData.isScoringEnabled || extras.contentData.isReportingEnabled); - - if (isSubmitting && extras.textIfSubmitting) { - text = extras.textIfSubmitting; - } - - buttons[id] = { - isTruncated: false, - text: text, - isVisible: false - }; - // The button might be