Validators are used to determine whether an action should be triggered. We provide a variety of preset validators, such as checking if the post starts with, contains or matches a certain string, or was posted by a specific user. Moreover, the package allows for the creation of custom validators per your requirement.
- Logical Validator
- Generic Validators
- Posts
- Follow
- Like
- Repost
- Testing
Validator factories enable you to instantiate factories quickly and easily
All validators included here have a static make
TestValidator.make(true); // Returns an instance of TestValidator that will return true
Is the same as
new TestValidator(true);
But with the factory, you're able to easily chain the not
function to negate the output
TestValidator.make(true).not(); // Returns an instance of TestValidator that will return false
Validators are fairly simple, it should extend AbstractValidator
and have constructor
and handle
functions. (optionally a make
The handle
function is what's called to check if it passes, and must return a boolean
export class ExampleValidator extends AbstractValidator {
constructor() {
async handle(
handlerAgent: HandlerAgent,
...args: any
): Promise<boolean> {
// Perform validation
// must return a boolean
Any additional parameters you may need for the action can be passed into the constructor and used within the handle function as needed, like so:
export class ExampleValidator extends AbstractValidator {
constructor(private shouldPass: boolean) {
async handle(handlerAgent: HandlerAgent, messsage: JetstreamEventCommit): Promise<boolean> {
// This example takes in a boolean, and returns it from should trigger.
return message.commit.operation === 'create' && this.shouldPass;
The SimpleFunctionValidator class provides a way to create a validator by passing a single function that accepts the HandlerAgent and returns a boolean indicating whether to trigger the action or not.
SimpleFunctionValidator.make((handlerAgent) => { return true; });
If it's being used for a message handler, you can expect the message parameter in the function as well
SimpleFunctionValidator.make((handlerAgent, message) => {
// perform validation with message
The OrValidator class allows you to pass in multiple validators. If any of these validators return true, it will trigger the action.
OrValidator.make([validator1, validator2, validator3]); // replace with actual validator instances
The ActionTakenByUserValidator class checks if the action (post, repost, etc.) was taken by a specified user.
The PostedByUserValidator checks if a post was created by a specific user.
The ReplyingToBotValidator checks if a post is a reply to the bot.
The IsReplyValidator checks if a post is a reply.
The IsNewPost validator checks if a post was created in the past 24 hours, this helps to skip posts that are imported from twitter with an import tool.
The InputIsCommandValidator checks if a post starts with a specific command trigger.
InputIsCommandValidator.make('triggerKey', true); // strict mode
The InputStartsWithValidator checks if a post starts with a specific string.
InputStartsWithValidator.make('triggerKey', true); // strict mode
The InputContainsValidator checks if a post contains a specific string.
InputContainsValidator.make('triggerKey', true); // strict mode
The InputEqualsValidator checks if a post equals a specific string.
The IsGoodBotValidator checks if a post responds positively to the bot.
The IsBadBotValidator checks if a post responds negatively to the bot.
The NewFollowerForUserValidator checks if a user has a new follower.
The NewFollowFromUserValidator checks if a user has followed someone.
The UserFollowedValidator (alias for NewFollowFromUserValidator) checks if a user has followed someone. (To be deprecated in next major release)
The PostLikesValidator
checks if a post's like count matches certain criteria, such as being equal to, greater than, less than, or between specified values.
postUri: string,
comparisonType: 'equal' | 'greaterThan' | 'lessThan' | 'between',
likeCount?: number, // Required for 'equal', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan'
likeCountMin?: number, // Required for 'between'
likeCountMax?: number // Required for 'between'
- postUri: The URI of the post to be checked.
- comparisonType: The type of comparison to perform (
). - likeCount: The like count to compare against (optional for
). - likeCountMin: The minimum like count for the
comparison. - likeCountMax: The maximum like count for the
// Validate if the number of likes on a post is exactly 100
PostLikesValidator.make('postUri', 'equal', 100);
// Validate if the number of likes on a post is greater than 50
PostLikesValidator.make('postUri', 'greaterThan', 50);
// Validate if the number of likes on a post is less than 10
PostLikesValidator.make('postUri', 'lessThan', 10);
// Validate if the number of likes on a post is between 20 and 30
PostLikesValidator.make('postUri', 'between', undefined, 20, 30);
The LikeByUser
validator checks if a specified user has liked a particular post. It can be configured to either validate likes from the bot user or a specific user if a user DID is provided.
// Validate if a specific user liked a specific post
import { LikeByUser } from './LikeUserValidators';
LikeByUser.make('userDid123', 'postUri');
// Validate if the current handlerAgent user liked a specific post
LikeByUser.make(undefined, 'postUri');
// This is the same behavior as above
LikeByUser.make(handlerAgent.getDid, 'postUri')
The LikeOfUser
validator ensures that a post liked by someone is from a specified user.
// Validate if a post from a specific user was liked
LikeOfUser.make('userDid123', undefined);
// Validate if a specific post from any user was liked
LikeOfUser.make(undefined, 'postUri');
The LikeOfPost
validator checks if the event is a like on a specific post.
// Validate if a specific post has been liked
The RepostByUser
validator checks if a specified user has reposted a particular post.
// Validate if a specific user reposted a specific post
RepostByUser.make('userDid123', 'postUri');
// Validate if the bot user reposted a specific post
RepostByUser.make(undefined, 'postUri'); // same as make(handlerAgent.getDid, 'postUri')
The RepostOfUser
validator ensures that the reposted post is from a specific user
// Validate if a post from a specific user was reposted
RepostOfUser.make('userDid123', undefined);
// Validate if a specific post from the bot user was reposted
RepostOfUser.make(undefined, 'postUri');
The RepostOfPost
validator checks if reposts are directed towards a specific post
// Validate if a specific post has been reposted
The TestValidator is used for unit testing your validator logic.
TestValidator.make(true); // Returns an instance that will pass
The IsSpecifiedTimeValidator checks if the current time matches any specified times.
IsSpecifiedTimeValidator.make('HH:MM', 'HH:MM');
The IsFourTwentyValidator checks if the current time is 4:20 AM or PM in any timezone.