Here's some miscellaneous documentation about using and developing Quidem.
Make sure that ./mvnw clean install site
runs on JDK 11, 17 and 21
on Linux, macOS and Windows.
Upgrade dependencies to their latest release: run
./mvnw versions:update-properties
and commit the modified pom.xml
Update the release history, the version number at the bottom of README, and the copyright date in NOTICE.
./mvnw clean
./mvnw release:clean
git clean -nx
git clean -fx
./mvnw -Prelease -Dgpg.passphrase=${GPG_PASSPHRASE} release:prepare
./mvnw -Prelease -Dgpg.passphrase=${GPG_PASSPHRASE} release:perform
Then go to Sonatype, log in, close the repository, and release.
Make sure that the site has been updated.