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PowerModelsITD.jl Change Log


  • none.


  • Updated to use the new NonlinearExpr syntax introduced in JuMP v1.15. In most cases, there should be no user-visible changes. Breaking change: PowerModels v0.21.2+, PowerModelsDistribution v0.16+, and JuMP v1.23.2+ should be used to support new compatibility (enforced in Project.toml). This upgrade signifcantly decreases the time to build large-scale models.
  • Added a new problem formulation opfitd_storage_linear.jl that removes the complementary_nl constraint by making rs=0 and xs=0, allows the use of a linear storage model for T&D co-optimization using nonlinear formulations.
  • Fixed issue with functions in objective_storage.jl not transforming correctly the cost.


  • Fixed issues (and removed unnecessary constraints) in pfitd.jl formulations.


  • Added support for multinetwork ITD power flows using solve_mn_pfitd(...).


  • Refactored code in ref.jl function _ref_filter_transmission_integration_loads! to allow connecting multiple distro. systems to same trans. system bus.
  • Refactored /prob/ formulations to avoid unnecessary loops when deciding KCL contraints for boundary buses vs. regular buses.
  • This refactor significantly reduces loops and should reduce time to build ITD JuMP models.
  • This refactor also allows building ITD models where multiple distro. systems can be connected to same trans. system bus and KCL constraints are not duplicated.
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of PMD to the latest version (i.e., v0.15.2).
  • Updated with minor revisions.


  • Added multiple functions to objetive_helpers.jl adapted from the implementation in PowerModels <= v0.19 due to their removal from >= v0.20.


  • Added eng2math_passthrough parameter to all instantiate_model(..) and solve_X(...) functions.
  • Added unit tests to opftid_storage.jl that test the correct operation of the eng2math_passthrough both in single network and multinetwork applications.
  • Added test cases files for the opftid_storage.jl unit tests.
  • Added new problem specifications build_opfitd_storage and build_mn_opfitd_storage to prob/opfitd_storage.jl that perform opf optimization taking into account storage costs.
  • Added new objective functions to objective_storage.jl that consider energy storage costs in the objective function for the opf optimization.
  • Added unit tests to opftid_storage.jl that test the new costs functions with energy storage costs added.
  • Added functions _compute_default_strg_cost_transmission and _compute_default_strg_cost_distribution to data.jl that compute default costs for storage devices based on dafault parameters. Users are encouraged to use their own costs.
  • Added code to common.jl functions parse_power_distribution_file and parse_power_transmission_file that adds default costs to distribution and transmission system(s) storage devices when parsing their individual files.
  • Modified solve_opfitd_storage and solve_mn_opfitd_storage functions in opfitd_storage.jl, so that the eng2math_passthrough = Dict("storage"=>["cost"]) is done automatically. PMITD assumes that if an user is running the solve_opfitd_storage(...) function, then storage costs should be passed from ENG to MATH models.
  • Added the required variables and constraints for Transmission system-related storage devices to all problem specifications in opfitd_storage.jl.
  • Fixed storage variables and constraints being used in opfitd and opfitd_oltc.jl where the versions used were the _mi mixed integer versions.
  • Modified all objectives in objective_storage.jl to take into account the cost of discharging the storage devices in the transmission system. Also, added in-situ conversion for the PMD cost that converts the $/kWh -&gt; $/pu cost, so that the user can provide the $/kWh in the ENG model, avoiding confusions.
  • Added the option to parse files and use the parsed structure solve directly the optimization problem using solve_opfitd_storage(..) and solve_mn_opfitd_storage(..). This allows users to parse the data, modify costs (or other parameters) and then run the solve functions without using the solve_model(..) function which requires users to explicitly use the eng2math_passthrough = Dict("storage"=>["cost"]).
  • Added option to parse files and use the parsed structure directly into any solve_x(..) functions.
  • Added documentation of the new problem formulation that considers storage costs.
  • Updated BeginnersGuide.jl Pluto Notebook to latest versions.
  • Updated DOCs dependencies and fixed minor issues.
  • Replaced the BeginnersGuide.jl Pluto notebook in the DOCs with a simple HTML file (with markdown) that presents the beginner guide in a more concise and simpler way.



  • Fixed implementation of polynomial nl costs above quadratic in objective.jl.
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of IM, PMD and PM to the latest versions (i.e., V0.7.7, v0.14.9, and v0.19.9).
  • Added functions and capabilitites that automatically initialize the boundary power flow variables (i.e., pbound_fr, pbound_to, qbound_fr, and qbound_to).
  • p/qbound_fr variables are initialized based on the data parsed from the transmission system data.
  • p/qbound_to variables are initialized by adding all the loads in the respective distribution systems and dividing them by 3 (assuming the initial state of the distribution system is balanced).
  • Refactored multiple functions in ref.jl to avoid unnecessary loops. These unnecessary loops were making the refs processes unnecessary long.


  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of PMD to the latest versions (i.e., v0.14.7).
  • Added journal citing information to
  • Added journal citing information to index in docs.
  • Added ITD boundary network mathematical formulations to docs.


  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of PMD and PM to the latest versions (i.e., v0.14.5, and v0.19.8).
  • Added new unit tests that test SOC-based formulations with transformers (SOC transformers constraints were added to PMD).
  • Added new function calc_transmission_branch_flow_ac! to data.jl that computes the branch power flows for transmission system when solving PFITD.
  • Refactored SOCBF-SOCNLUBF voltage and angle boundary constraints.
  • Refactored SOCBFConic-SOCUBFConic voltage and angle boundary constraints.
  • Refactored SOCWRConic-SOCConicUBF voltage and angle boundary constraints.
  • Refactored SDPWRM-SOCConicUBF voltage and angle boundary constraints.


  • Fixed issue that caused crbound_fr, cibound_fr, cibound_to, and crbound_to values to not be shown in the results["solution"]["it"]["pmitd"] dictionary.(Issue: #8)
  • Updated PowerModels and InfrastructureModels dependencies versions.


  • Fixed issue caused by JuMP+ v1.2.1 where non-linear (NL) objectives in objective_dmld.jl and objective_dmld_simple.jl were causing a major error. Changed to @objective.


  • Added PowerModelsITD logo.
  • Revised


  • Fixed issue in function _rename_network_components!(...) that was not allowing problems where transformers have multiple windings connections to be solved. (Issue: #6)
  • Updated PowerModels, PowerModelsDistribution, and InfrastructureModels dependencies versions.
  • Disabled large scale unit test case due to the test failing in CI nightly windows-latest run (ipopt memory fail: Problem with integer stack size).
  • Updated PowerModelsITD.jl version in Beginners Guide.jl Pluto notebook available in /examples


  • Added Issue and Feature request templates to .github.
  • Added Pull request template to .github.
  • Fixed major bug in transform_pmitd_solution_to_eng! function that was causing boundary power flow values to be the same for all nw in multinetwork problems.
  • Added unit test to opfitd_mn (and new data files) that test that boundary power flow solution values differ when solving a multinetwork problem with different loading conditions.


  • Refactored the renaming function _rename_network_components! to rename components of a distribution system based on the name of the circuit (ckt).
  • Added new renaming structure cktname.element.
  • Changed names of circuits in distribution system test cases (OpenDSS files) to avoid collisions and test new renaming function.
  • Refactored function _assign_boundary_buses in data.jl such that boundary buses can be assigned using the new naming convention.
  • Added error message alerting the user that distribution system names must be unique to avoid name collisions.
  • Added option for user to allow the automatic renaming auto_rename=true of the circuits (for cases when the user wants PowerModelsITD.jl to handle the renaming sequentially).
  • Added new function _check_and_rename_circuits! that checks that the names of distribution system circuits are unique when passing multiple distribution systems. If auto_rename=true is not specified, an error will be displayed.
  • Added new function _correct_boundary_names! that corrects the boundary names passed in the JSON file based on the auto generated circuit names. A warning is displayed informing the user that the naming will be done sequentially (in case this may not be what the user wants).
  • Added new function _clean_pmd_base_data! that removes/cleans components from pmd dictionary for its subsequent renaming.
  • Added new function _remove_network_components! that performs the removal of dictionary keys needed by the _clean_pmd_base_data! function.
  • Added descriptive docstrings to newly added functions.
  • Refactored parse_files and parse_power_distribution_file to support new naming conventions for pmd data.
  • Added auto_rename option to all solve_X functions that require the option.
  • Added a new dictionary key "belongs_to_ckt" to every component renamed by the _rename_network_components! function. This will help knowing (and mapping back) to what circuit(network) each component in pmd belongs to.
  • Added new function _add_file_name! that makes sure that the file path/name of the distribution system being parsed-in is added to the "files" dictionary of "pmd".
  • Fixed issues identified by unit tests related to new naming format for JSON files.
  • Added new JSON files with specific distribution system names to test/json folder.
  • Added autorename.jl unit tests designed to test errors that must appear when the new naming convention is not followed and auto_rename=false.
  • Added documentation to /docs that explains in detail the new 'ideal' format for the boundary linking JSON files.
  • Updated documentation guides and README.
  • Added a new transformation function to solution.jl called transform_pmitd_solution_to_eng! in charge of converting the pmitd solution from MATH to ENG model.
  • Added option solution_model="eng" and solution_model="math" to all solve_X functions that allows the user to get the solution in either ENG or MATH models.
  • Refactored examples/Beginners Guide.jl to be compatible with the new version of PowerModelsITD.jl.


  • Added Pluto Notebook Beginners Guide.jl to Docs based on Pluto v0.15.1 (Note: Higher Pluto versions break the integration).
  • Removed @smart_constraint from docs.
  • Added support for JuMP v1.0


  • First released version.


  • Performed file formatting that trims trailing whitespaces and inserts a final newline to all files.
  • Removed @smart_constraint and _has_nl_expressions functions. These are now being imported from PMD.
  • Added LinearAlgebra package as dependency.
  • Refactored import statements in src/PowerModelsITD.jl.
  • Refactored Float64 type in _scale_loads function to Real type.
  • Refactored Dict{String,Any} -> Dict{String,<:Any}.
  • Refactored Vector{Function}([]) -> Function[].
  • Fixed Doc problem in reference of the paper.
  • Removed unnecessary kwargs from variable.jl
  • Removed unnecessary kwargs from objective_X.jl
  • Refactored solve_model and problem specification functions to receive explicit parameters instead of kwargs.
  • Fixed bug related to make_si not being propagated through solve_model functions.


  • Fixed problem related to private functions being displayed in the Documentation in docs/.
  • Fixed problem related to run_ functions not updated to solve_ when being displayed in the Documentation in docs/.
  • Added reference to sol_data_model! function to the Documentation.


  • Updated Project.toml by replacing >= with ~.
  • Updated Project.toml by moving Ipopt and SCS from deps to extras.
  • Moved transformations.jl to a new folder src/data_model.
  • Replaced all references to master branch with main branch.
  • Updated paper information and License in
  • Updated and with License and Acknowledgments.
  • Updated Beginners_Guide.jl with the release version of PMITD.
  • Replaced all explicit paths in /testfiles with pre-defined paths in runtests.jl.
  • Fixed issue with new path of transformations.jl (src/data_model) in PowerModelsITD.jl file.
  • Removed unnecessary comments.
  • Added function signatures to all public and private functions inside src/core.
  • Added function signatures to all public and private functions inside src/data_model.
  • Added function signatures to all public and private functions inside src/io.
  • Added function signatures to all public and private functions inside src/form.
  • Refactored constraint_transmission_power_balance and constraint_distribution_power_balance in linear.jl to receive _PM.AbstractActivePowerModel and _PMD.AbstractUnbalancedActivePowerModel respectively, instead of DCP and DCPU.
  • Added function signatures to all public and private functions inside src/prob.
  • Refactored and added Github badges (Badges may not work in Gitlab).
  • Added ci.yml and documentation.yml to .github/workflows. (Need to be checked when deployed to Github)


  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of IM, PMD, and PM to the latest versions (i.e., v0.7.3, v0.14.2, and v0.19.4). (Issue: #60)
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of JuMP to version >= v0.23. (Issue: #60)
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of Ipopt to version >= v1.0.1. (Issue: #60)
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of SCS to version >= v1.1.0. (Issue: #60)
  • Increased Julia lower bound to v1.6. (Issue: #60)
  • Changed all instances of Int64 to Int for better compatibility. (Issue: #60)
  • Updated versions of Packages used in Beginners_Guide.jl.


  • Refactored run_model(...) (new solve_model(...)) functions in base.jl to support solution_processors. (Issue: #58)
  • Added function sol_data_model!(...) processor in solution.jl that converts both transmission and distribution system(s) solutions. (Issue: #58)
  • Added new unit tests to opfitd_solution.jl that evaluate the new sol_data_model!(...) processor.
  • Corrected testset names for runtests.jl.
  • Renamed run_* methods to solve_*. (Issue: #59)


  • Added support SCS solver (as dependency for conic formulations).
  • Added support for SOCBFConic-SOCConicUBFPowerModel model.
  • Added support for SOCWRConic-SOCConicUBFPowerModel model.
  • Added support for SDPWRM-SOCConicUBFPowerModel model.
  • Refactored models passed in as parameters in wmodels.jl to cover all W models.
  • IMPORTANT: The voltage (w) boundary constraints of the three new formulations (on wmodels.jl) have not been thoroughly verified as correct. Future work will explore the correct voltage (w) boundary constraints.
  • Added new unit tests (opfitd.jl and opfitd_hybrids) that evaluate the solution for the three new formulations.


  • Add support for BFA-LinDist3FlowPowerModel model. (Issue: #57)
  • Added new type to BFPowerModels Union in types.jl.
  • Added new w voltage constraints to lindist3flow.jl.
  • Added new unit tests (pfitd and opfitd) that evaluate the solution for the new BFA-LinDist3FlowPowerModel formulation.
  • Fixed issue related to not needing w variables boundary voltage constraints for SOCBF-LinDist3FlowPowerModel formulation (see lindist3flow.jl). (Issue: #43)
  • Added new formulation type to
  • Fixed multinetwork unit tests related to SOCBF-LinDist3FlowPowerModel that changed objective cost value when the new w variables boundary voltage constraints were introduced.


  • Remove MathOptInterface dependency.
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of PMD, and IM to the latest versions (i.e., v0.14.0 and v0.7.2).


  • Added multinetwork multisystem opfitd example to Beginners_Guide.jl.
  • Added CaseLV reduced version and 1kw loads version. The reduced version gives same results (x10e-4) with around 80 percent less computational time resources.
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of PM and PMD to the latest versions (i.e., v0.19.1 and v0.13.1+). Other dependencies such as Ipopt were also updated.
  • Refactored solution.jl functions for compatibility with new PMD version.
  • Fixed isapprox(...) solutions for many unit test cases. Some results slightly changed due to new PMD version.
  • Added back the duals unit test (in opfitd_duals.jl) that was failing in previous versions. This was fixed in the PMD version.
  • Removed ACR-ACR and ACP-ACP pfitd unit test cases for IEEE-13 bus, since they are not FEASIBLE (problem that comes from the new version of PMD).
  • Added support for opfitd_dmld (optimal power flow at transmission and minimum load delta at distribution system(s)). (Issue: #54, #55)
  • Added objectives for OPF-dmld and OPF-dmld_simple in src/core/objective_dmld.jl and src/core/objective_dmld_simple.jl
  • The added objectives support pwl, linquad, and non-linear objectives in the transmission side.
  • Important Notice: a version of the constraint_mc_power_balance_shed(...) as constraint_distribution_power_balance_boundary_shed(...) is not implemented because having sheddable loads at the boundary between T&Ds may not make much sense. Buses at the boundary are not allowed to shed specific loads.
  • Current PMD formulations not supported by dmld (distribution-only): FOTP, FOTR, FBS, IVR, SOCBF.
  • Added multinetwork support to opfitd_dmld.jl by adding the respective problem specifications. (Issue: #54)


  • Added multinetwork (mn) support to PMITD. (Issue: #53)
  • Refactored functions to support the multinetwork parameter in base.jl, solution.jl, data.jl, among others.
  • Added run_mn_opfitd() function to run PMITD multinetwork problems.
  • Added build_mn_opfitd() functions for the ACR-ACR, ACP-ACP, and NFA-NFA formulations.
  • Added unit tests to /test/opfitd_mn.jl that validate running multinetwork problems.
  • Fixed issue related to PMITD multinetwork problems not being feasible. Fixed by validating _PM.parse_file(pm_file; validate = true).
  • Fixed/Added support for multinetwork (mn) multisystem (ms) test cases. Function _rename_components!() in helpers.jl was modified to support multinetwork structures.
  • Added a new helper function for renaming components called _rename_network_components_network!() in helpers.jl.
  • Added unit tests to /test/opfitd_mn.jl that validate running multinetwork multisystem problems.
  • Added build_mn_opfitd() function for the IVR-IVR formulation.
  • Added unit tests that validate the solution of the IVR-IVR multinetwork formulation.
  • Added build_mn_opfitd() function for the SOCBF-SOCUBF formulation (BF types).
  • Added unit tests that validate the solution of the SOCBF-SOCUBF multinetwork formulation.
  • Added unit tests that validate the solution of the ACR-FOTR, ACP-FOTP, and SOCBF-LinDist3Flow multinetwork formulations.
  • Added build_mn_opfitd() function for the L/NL-BF type formulations.
  • Added unit tests that validate the solution of the L/NL-BF type multinetwork formulations.
  • Added build_mn_opfitd_oltc() functions for the ACR-ACR, ACP-ACP, NFA-NFA, ACR-FOTR, ACP-FOTP, ACR-FBS, and SOCBF-LinDist3Flow formulations.
  • Added unit tests that validate the solution of all the supported multinetwork opfitd oltc formulations.
  • Added new constraints from PMD (constraint_mc_ampacity_from, constraint_mc_ampacity_to, and constraint_mc_switch_ampacity) to respective build problem specifications.
  • Modified some test cases to increase line capacities so they are feasible. The new ampacity constraints made some cases unfeasible.
  • Added silence function description to docs.
  • Updated Beginners_Guide.jl to the latest version.
  • Updated docs/manual/ to include example case that explains how to run multinetwork multisystem opfitd.


  • Added silence!() function that suppresses information and warning messages output by PowerModels and PowerModelsDistribution. (Issue: #51)
  • Removed the warning messages from test cases (i.e., runtests.jl) using the newly created silence!() function.
  • Replaced docstrings of non-accessible functions (e.g., _funcname) with comments to avoid warnings when creating documentation with Documenter.jl.
  • Bumped PMITD compatibility of IM, PM, and PMD to the latest versions (i.e., v0.6.1, v0.18.3, and v0.12.0).
  • Fixed breaking problem related to the SOCBF-LinDist3FlowPowerModel, where 'KeyError: key :Wr not found'. Problem related to Lin3DistFlow and definitions of constraints. (Issue: #52)
  • Refactor types used in lindist3flow.jl and wmodels.jl constraints to avoid confusion between different formulations. (Issue: #52)


  • Added documentation for PowerModelsITD package generated by Documenter.jl. (Issue: #49)
  • Modified/Added a few docstrings that were missing.
  • Renamed many test cases data files to make them simpler. Mostly removed strings such as _mod_, _modmw_, _balanced_. Changes reflected in unit test cases.
  • Removed redundant unit test cases that were not needed to test the operation of PMITD. These test cases were making the unit test case process to last too long.
  • Commented out lines in .dss files that were generating unnecessary warning messages. (Issue: #50)
  • Modified the initial voltage setpoints for all the case5 test cases in order to avoid PowerModels warning related to setpoint mismatch in unit test cases. (Issue: #50)
  • Refactored io/common.jl so that the per_unit=false field is added as default to data being updated by the function _IM.update_data(...) from InfrastructureModels.jl. This refactor removes unnecessary warning message from IM.


  • Fixed breaking issue with IVR-IVR formulation. The IVR-IVR boundary current equality constraint is incorrect. (Issue: #46)
  • Added support to make sure both pm and pmd are in the same per unit bases. function: resolve_units!(...). (Issue: #1)
  • Added support to make results in PMITD solution structure not to be presented in pu when nothing is specified (i.e., make_si=true). (Issue: #47)
  • Added support for reporting duals in the results/solutions (pm, pmd and pmitd buses). (Issue: #23)


  • Refactored/Removed not needed multi-network code (i.e., n1 and n2) in boundary constraints functions. Only n is needed for the pmitd model.
  • Refactored/Changed the names pm_type and pmd_type to pm_model and pmd_model. Code is clearer to read.
  • Refactored/Change the names pm_model to pm_cost_model and pmd_model to pmd_cost_model in objective.jl. Code is clearer to read.
  • Removed other unnecessary code.
  • Removed need to define PowerModels and PowerModelsDistribution modeling types in pmitd_type as NLPowerModelITD{_PM.ACRPowerModel, _PMD.ACRUPowerModel}, by exporting the modeling types in export.jl. Now the type can be defined as NLPowerModelITD{ACRPowerModel, ACRUPowerModel} (i.e., without _PM. and _PMD.).
  • Bump compatibility requirements for PowerModels (>=v0.18.2) and PowerModelsDistribution (>=v0.11.7).


  • Added oltc test case and unit test cases for 500bus-caseLV in src/core/opfitd_oltc.jl.
  • Added new types (i.e., ACR-FBS, ACR-FOTR, ACP-FOTP) to Beginners_Guide.jl.
  • Minor fixes in functions docstrings (left aligned).


  • Added Integrated T&D Optimal Power Flow with on-load tap-changer (opfitd_oltc) problem specification. (Issue: #44)
  • Added unit test cases for opfitd_oltc in src/core/opfitd_oltc.jl and added the test case file for oltc distribution test system test/data/distribution/case3_balanced_modmw_oltc.dss.
  • Added descriptive documentation info. to functions that did not had appropriate string docs.
  • Fixed minor typos in


  • Fixed breaking compatibility issue of PMITD ACP solver(s) (for PMD section) and the new version of PMD (v0.11.6). (Issue: #42)
  • The fixed breaking issue was related to problems related on how the slack bus was being modified in the function _ref_filter_distribution_slack_generators!(). The va and vm vectors have been commented out and the problem was solved.
  • Renamed types in types.jl. RelaxedPowerModelITD was renamed to BFPowerModelITD. (Breaking change)
  • Added new 'hybrid' types designed to represent different types of formulations that combine Linear (L), Non-linear(NL), Branch-Flow (BF), Current-Voltage rectangular (IVR) formulations.
  • Added ACR-FBS formulation. (Issue: #41)
  • Added First-order Taylor (FOT) rectangular and polar formulations pairs with respective non-linear formulations (ACR-FOTR, ACP-FOTP). (Issue: #41)
  • Added SOCBF-LinDist3Flow formulation. (Issue: #41)


  • Added support to specify if solution for both transmission and distribution system(s) are to be given in pu or SI units. (Issue: #40)
  • Support for units specification added via the use of make_si=false/true(default).
  • Added unit tests to opfitd.jl and opfitd_ms.jl that demonstrate how to use this new feature, while evaluating the solutions outputted.
  • All internal functions described has been added to src/core/solution.jl.
  • Added support for renaming missing components (storage, switch, solar, generators, shunts) in function _rename_components!(...) that exists in helpers.jl. (Issue: #31)
  • Fixed issue were linecode for lines renamed was not being renamed, and in cases with lines without linecode and error was presented.
  • Added unit tests (and respective .dss file cases) where the new added components (switch, solar, etc) exist in the distribution systems solved as a multi-system (opfitd_ms.jl).
  • Modified case500_case34.json and unit tests so that they support renaming capacitors (previously, it was not being solved with capacitors correctly in all distribution systems).


  • Added support for transforming the PMD result "solution" from MATH to ENG. (Issue: #39)
  • The transformation is facilitated by the PMD function: _PMD.transform_solution(...). See src/core/base.jl - run_model(...)


  • Added Unit test cases for test cases with 500+ nodes in transmission-side and 1200+ nodes in distribution-side. (Issue: #36).
  • Added test cases: pglib_opf_500_goc, pglib_opf_case118_ieee, case3, case30, caseieee34, LVTestcase (and modified versions),
  • Added multiple boundary linking files, to test/data/json, that link some of the T and D files added.
  • Added unit tests to test/largescale_opfitd.jl that test ACR-ACR, ACP-ACP, IVR-IVR, and NFA-NFA formulations with 5+ distribution systems.
  • Refactored parse_files() function so that PMD data is given as ENG model and not MATH model (as previously was given) (Issue: #37).
  • Transformation to MATH model now occurs in instantiate_model() just before instantiation and running. User can now interact with ENG model for PMDs.
  • Quality of life update of boundaries linking files format (JSON files), where distribution boundary only needs the name source and not voltage_source.source.
  • Updated all JSON boundary linking files with new format.
  • Updated some unit tests that needed to comply with the new format.
  • The procedure to apply transformations and bounds to the combined pmd structure has been refactored so that it is the same procedure as the one existing in PMD. (Issue: #38).
  • The new procedure for applying transformations/bounds is the same procedure that exists in PMD, i.e., just pass in the parsed data to the corresponding transformation functions.
  • The Beginners_Guide.jl has been updated to reflect the new changes.
  • has been updated.


  • Added support for adding voltage bounds and performing certain transformations to pmd file(s) provided by the user. (Issue: #34).
  • Added function to apply voltage bounds to all buses in pmd file(s) provided by the user. Function apply_voltage_bounds()
  • Added function to apply voltage angle difference bounds to all buses in pmd file(s) provided by the user. Function apply_voltage_angle_difference_bounds()
  • Added function to remove all bounds to all buses in pmd file(s) provided by the user. Function remove_all_bounds()
  • Added function to apply kron reduction to distribution system(s) provided in pmd file(s). Function apply_kron_reduction()
  • Added function to apply phase projection to provided pmd file(s). Function apply_phase_projection()
  • Added function to apply phase projection delta to provided pmd file(s). Function apply_phase_projection_delta()
  • Added function to make distribution system(s) provided in pmd file(s) lossless. Function make_lossless().
  • Important: all the previously described functions require an empty config dictionary that will be filled with the provided options that then needs to be passed in when parsing or running the models.
  • Added function _apply_pmd_transformations() to core/transformations.jl that is in charge of applying all required transformations.
  • Modified all parse_files(), run_model(), run_pfitd(), and run_opfitd(), etc. functions so now they can accept an optional Dictionary parameter that specifies which transformations/bounds need to be applied to the pmd model(s).
  • Added unit test cases to transformations_opfitd.jl that demonstrate how to use these new features (i.e., transformations, bounds, etc.) and then running opfitd studies.


  • Added support for PSSE raw files (Issue: #33).
  • Added case5 as PSSE raw file format to /test/data/transmission folder.
  • Added unit test cases for ACR-ACR and ACP-ACP formulations using PSSE file (cost is different from .m due to PSSE file not having gen costs).
  • Added Pluto.jl Beginners_Guide.jl notebook that explains how to use the current version of PowerModelsITD.jl. (Issue: #32).


  • Added to support to handle multiple distribution systems at different transmission-system buses. (multiple-systems: ms) (Issue: #25)
  • Added support for parsing multiple distribution system files (dss or m files) in common.jl
  • Modified the function parse_power_distribution_file(...) to allow it to rename components of distribution systems that are not the first distribution system inputted.
  • Modified parse_files(...) to allow the combination of multiple distribution systems under the same it=>pmd=>data structure.
  • Created helper function _rename_components!(...) in helpers.jl that renames all the components of additional distribution systems that need to be added to the pmd structure.
  • Fixed major issues in ref_connect_transmission_distribution!(...) - (ref.jl) that were not allowing the creation of multiple arcs... references for all boundary connections.
  • Added new instantiate_model() function that can handle a vector of multiple distribution system files.
  • Added support for handling a single distribution system file in instantiate_model() function (maintain support for previous input format).
  • Added support for handling a multiple distribution system files in run_model() function (also maintain support for previous input format of a single file).
  • Modified opfitd.jl and pfitd.jl problem formulations so that they are able to handle multiple distribution systems connected at different transmission system buses.
  • Fixed issues related to constraints being repeated for buses that were both in the boundary and transmission/distribution sets.
  • Modified Bus KCL Constraints (current and power) at both transmission and distribution system levels so that they comply with the new format.
  • Added unit test cases for a 1 transmission - 2 distribution systems test case. The unit test cases test both balance and unbalanced scenarios. They can be found at opfitd_ms.jl and pfitd_ms.jl.
  • Minor modifications to the json file data to comply with the new input formats.
  • Added case5_mod_with2loads.m transmission system test case data.
  • Removed some unit test cases (DCP-DCP and ACR) that failed due to issues in PMD. In the future, unit test cases for these formulations will be included.
  • Moved to version to 0.3.0 of PMITD.


  • Added Second Order Cone (SOC-SOC) Relaxation formulation and the corresponding boundary constraints and models for the Optimal Power Flow ITD (opfitd) problem. (Issue: #28)
  • Added Power Flow ITD (pfitd) problem for SOC-SOC formulation and corresponding unit tests.


  • Added unit tests for opfitd that test the approximation to the individual PM-PMD optimal solution for the IVR, ACP, ACR, and NFA formulations.
  • Corrected some small errors (deprecated) code that was introducing a very small dist. generator. The corrections were made in dss files. All unit tests objective values have been corrected.
  • Corrected major bug in ivr.jl related to the constraint_boundary_voltage_magnitude() function. (Issue: #27)


  • Added lambda values for boundary buses both at the Transmission and Distribution levels. These values are saved in pmitd structure. (Issue: #13)
  • Fixed issue related to constraint_boundary_power() for LPowerModelITD. (Issue: #24)
  • Fixed issue related to constraint_boundary_voltage_magnitude() for ACR models. (Issue: #26)


  • Fixed issues related to (some) ACP models not being able to be solved. (Issue: #22)


  • Added power flow ITD (pfitd) problem formulations.
  • Added the build_pfitd() function problem formulation for AbstractPowerModelITD.
  • Added the build_pfitd() function problem formulation for AbstractIVRPowerModelITD.
  • Added unit test cases for different formulations (i.e., ACR, ACP, IVR, etc.) solving the pfitd problem.


  • Added abstract types and PowerModelsITD types (types.jl) (Issue: #16).
  • New abstract types: AbstractNLPowerModelITD (Non-linear), AbstractLPowerModelITD (Linear), AbstractIVRPowerModelITD (IVR), and AbstractRelaxedPowerModelITD (Relaxations).
  • New PowerModelsITD types: NLPowerModelITD (Non-linear), LPowerModelITD (Linear), IVRPowerModelITD (IVR), RelaxedPowerModelITD (Relaxations).
  • Added NFA Formulation (Issue: #17).
  • Added IVR Formulation (Issue: #18).
  • Added DCP Formulation (has problems getting a correct result that may be related to PMD issue) (Issue: #19).
  • Added balanced and unbalanced unit test cases for all formulations currently available. (with and without distributed generators and different cost models).
  • Renamed a few files to make them more general (for example relaxed.jl became boundary.jl)


  • Added new test cases, both balanced and unbalanced - with and without distributed generation. Only balanced cases are currently being solved correctly.
  • Added Integrated Transmission-Distribution (ITD) Optimal Power Flow (OPF) for ACP-ACP formulation
  • Fixed issues related to boundary power constraints (not being negative) and cases when no gen is in dist. system and no objective function was being referenced (Issues: #15, #11).
  • Version 0.2.+ will reflect all original formulations additions to PMITD.


  • Initial working 1 Transmission- 1 Distribution release
  • Added Integrated Transmission-Distribution (ITD) Optimal Power Flow (OPF) for ACR-ACR formulation
  • Created base concept of the PMITD (PowerModelsIntegratedTransmissionDistribution) Package
  • Created first ITD test case by combining case5 single-phase (T) with balanced three-phase case3 (D).


  • Initial release