42 commits from 8 authors. Highlights include:
New Features:
- [CB-4761] Add cordova.platformId property
- [CB-4725] Export cordova version as "cordova.version"
- [CB-4420] Add a helper function for resolving relative URLs (cordova/urlutil)
- Initial FirefoxOS support
Other Changes:
- [CB-4149] Read version from VERSION when there is no .git/
- [android] Move non-plugin files out of plugins/ subdirectory.
- [android] Tweak the online bridge to tell native when an event has happened.
- Move bootstrap.js logic into a proper module "init.js"
- [all] Move some start-up logic from cordova.js -> bootstrap.js
- [CB-4418] Delete loadMatchingModules() and move modulemapping call into bootstrap.js (from platform.js)
- [all] Make pluginloader call a callback instead of firing a channel.
- [win8] Move commandProxy.js into windows8/
- [CB-4428] Delete Android storage plugin from cordova-js (moved into cordova-android repo as a plugin)
- [CB-4419] Remove non-CLI platforms from cordova-js.
- Make base64 tests work in browser as well as Node
- Change Gruntfile to auto-build before running tests
- [Windows8] remove all plugins
- [CB-4281] Moving echo to a plugin in mobilespec
- Fix grunt tests by deleting plugin-related and legacy BB tests