gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=key.json
When managing more then one project, you can list and select projects with:
$ gcloud projects list
compute-engine-6969 jsosic-foobar1 429052673518
compute-engine-6970 jsosic-foobar2 249042524163
gcloud config set project compute-engine-6969
gcloud compute instances --project <projectname> start <instance1> <instance2>
Physical servers usually have some kind of remote console, like KVM, iLO,
iDRAC ... Google offers Virtual Serial Console
, which is currently still
in beta. It is not as powerfull as iDRAC and relatives, but it does help.
To access it, you need to enable it first:
gcloud compute instances add-metadata [INSTANCE_NAME] --metadata=serial-port-enable=1
Now, create files:
These files represent keys that are set in project metadata for an user present over there.
Afterwards you can connect to it by running:
gcloud beta compute connect-to-serial-port [USER]@[INSTANCE_NAME]
To disconnect from the serial console:
Press the ENTER key.
Type ~. (tilde, followed by a period).
Download keyfile and use it to log in:
docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat keyfile.json)" https://gcr.io