wget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh
(installs heroku toolbelt, assumes you have wget which you can install via homebrew if needed)heroku login
(will log you into your apps, prompts heroku info)git push heroku-test next-release:master
(this will deploy from branch next-release to branch master, where heroku-test is your server for deployment)heroku certs:update --app app-name STAR_example_com.crt private.pem
(updates Heroku SSL certificate for a given environment, after --app flag, app-name, cert-file, key-file in that order)heroku git:remote -a your-environment-name-here -r custom-environment-name-here
(adds a heroku remote to your repo, -a flag is server name, -r is custom name for the server)heroku restart -a app_name
(restarts your app dyno, very quickly)