SMART Reference Implementation - NodeJS (supports v0.2)
https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/bulk-data-server (code)
https://bulk-data.smarthealthit.org (online)
HL7 (supports v0.1)
Cerner (supports v0.1)
ONC (supports v0.1) (open) (registration)
SMART Reference Implementation - NodeJS (supports v0.2)
Python client application to stream data from a Bulk FHIR API into BigQuery, determining schema on the fly (supports v0.2)
Python client with auth support that converts a bulk data server into a generator for lightweight iteration through bulk resources returned (supports v0.2)
https://github.com/plangthorne/python-fhir (code)
https://github.com/plangthorne/python-fhir/blob/master/demo/BulkDataDemo.ipynb (demo notebook)
Go client that fetches data and stores to local FS, google cloud storage and/or export to bigquery (supports v0.1)