- The installer where missing database updates for 3.4 to 3.7 changes.
- imdbphp 8.1.0
- RedBeanPHP 5.7.4
- Smarty 4.3.1
- Smarty 4.3.0
- The installer no longer adds a closing php-tag to the configuration file
- The installer had an invisible space that generated a longer scrollbar
- The installer used incorrect database structure, so an upgrade where automatically run
- Updated requirements to PHP 7.4 and MySQL (5.7 / 8.0) or MariaDB 10.6
- EditorConfig for Markdown
- RedBeanPHP 5.7.3
- bulletproof 4.0.1 with local patches for PHP 8.1 support
- Smarty 4.2.1
- Change default dates to "null" instead of "0000-00-00"
- Support for PHP 8.0
- password_compat
- random_compat
- hash_equals
- imdbphp 7.3.1
- imdbphp 7.2.0
- Portuguese language by @cnovoa #64
- imdbphp 6.5.1
- RedBeanPHP 5.7
- Smarty 3.1.39
- French language by @maxlefou #55
- Czech language by @Ajtak #51
- Filter movies by rating exactly pg-0 #50
- Spelling of the configuration option
by @Bloodsoul #49 - PHP 7.3 - FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED are now deprecated
- cdcovers.cc are no longer available
- TV icon displayed incorrect title
- imdbphp 6.3.0
- RedBeanPHP 5.4
- Updated random_compat to 2.0.18
- JavaScript Cookie 2.2.1
- Always downloaded a high res photo
- imdbphp 6.1.3
- Bulletproof 4.0.1
- imdbphp 6.1.0
- RedBeanPHP 5.2.0
- Smarty 3.1.33
- JQuery Validation Plugin 1.18.0
- JQuery 3.3.1
- bootstrap-slider 10.2.3
- Hungarian/Magyar language by @PoLaKoSz #41
- You can now utilize "Download from IMDb" on Title -> Edit -> Update #42
- Images are automatically downloaded from IMDb in case there aren't one stored #42
- imdbphp 6.0.4
- Added a new confirmation box
- You can now toggle Own/Seen from your collection #19
- Czech language by @jakub96124124 #26
- Incorrect protocol on load balancers #27
- urlTitle() should ignore non-ansi characters
- bootstrap-slider 10.0.0
- JavaScript Cookie 2.2.0
- imdbphp 5.2.5
- New field: IMDb number of votes #29
- Italian language by @Pajaura #17
- Incorrect username regex
- Only load javascript when needed
- Update posters from IMDb #23
- You can now change your preferred language from IMDb. #15
- Username can't start or end with a dot (".")
- Username can only have one dot as a separation; forename...surname turns into forename.surname
- imdbphp 5.2.4
- The password is saved even though it was empty. (My profile)
- Users could change into a already used email address.
- Only allow a-z, 0-9 and dot (".") in usernames. Between 5-50 characters.
- BulletProof 3.2.0
- jQuery Validation Plugin 1.17.0
- jQuery 3.2.1
- RedBeanPHP 5.0
- XSS attacks
- Trailer URLs where never validated
- imdbid; if it's possible with 20 characters
- Do not trust imdbphp
- Handle pagination with jQuery
- MoviePosterDB have been down for a while. Adding CineMaterial instead.
- Duration: Move "minutes" to the right
- Escape all translated strings
- Searching for trailers and posters didn't work with: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
- Support for West Germany (Parental Guidance) by @Bloodsoul #12
- imdbphp 5.2.3
- Screenshots
- Code cleanup
- Search field got extra border when focused
- Parental Guidance
- Let the user decide the maximum age
- If maximum age have been lowered; allow users too se movies added before 3.6.0
- Only run queries if it have been activated
- Parental Guidance #7
- Keyboard Shortcuts for search
- CTRL+F, CMD+F and F3: focus search field
- END: deletes selected filters #9
- German language by @Bloodsoul
- Remove logo from mobile
- Updated imdbphp to 5.2.2
- Filter by: Movie | TV-Series | Own | Seen | Favorites
- Icons added in movie collection: TV-Series | Not Own | Not Seen | Favorites
- Configuration added to disable icons on posterview (poster, postertitle)
- Updated imdbphp to 5.2.1
- Layouts (posterlist, list, listplot): Only two languages are now shown in movie collection
- Search field closed automatic on Android
- Seen and Own removed from "Sort by" in movie collection
- Remove old authentication(s)
- Updated random_compat to 2.0.10
- Updated imdbphp to 5.2.0
- Various UTF-8 encoding problems
- Sorting without 'The' prefix #4
- Searching on media types/format
- Combining CSS/JS
- Sidebar should scroll on small mobile devices
- Typos
- Upadted imdbphp to 5.1.1
- You can now flag your movies/series as favourite(s)
- Updated imdbphp to 5.0.4 RC1
- Moved favourite/seen/own to the right of genres and right on poster on mobile
- Genres are now separate buttons (not grouped together)
- Download cover moved from navigation on top of poster
- 1h 0min (on 60min runtime)
- Cover images should have reversed width/height limitations
- You can now force php4dvd to use HTTPS
- getValidId() validates that a correct id have been specified
- Upgrading charset and collation
- Changing database into utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
- MySQL 5.6+ and mysqlnd 5.0.9+
- Changing database into utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_ci
- MySQL 5.5.3+ and mysqlnd 5.0.9+
- Database fallback into utf8 and utf8_unicode_ci
- Changing database into utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
- "Update all" now waits for 2 seconds, so that you can cancel update
- Removed weak typing comparisons
- Remove rememberme cookie after 1 second, fix for wrong browser clocks
- If user where removed and valid auth where specified, auth where never removed from database
- Everybody could search on imdb with $_GET['imdbid']
- Removed unwanted characters from url (movie.html)
- Some languages broke the menu up in two rows
- Search now match categories if "Search..." have been specified
- Spelling
- PHP 7.1 throws warning on "A non-numeric value encountered"
- Passwords could be changed even though they didn't match (PHP)
- You can now add TV-Series (Seasons)
- Updated AdminLTE to 2.3.11
- Blu-ray are now the standard video format
- Add from IMDb now includes Direct-to-video
- setlocale uses ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-1
- Wrong character encoding on table.auth
- Installer ran last database update too
- Validation of photos (jpeg|jpg)
- "Remember me" on log in
- Updated imdbphp to 5.0.3
- Updated BulletProof to 2.0.2
- Resize high-res image only when it's saved
- Missing id tag on input/textarea
- Plots author mistaken for next plot
- Ignore author if longer then 75 chars
- Navigation no longer indented on moviecolletion (mobile)
- Check if Youtube API key is available
- Compability with PHP 5.3.7+. Youtube API requires PHP 5.5.0+
- Added rel="noreferrer noopener" on target="_blank" links
- Remove version number after installation (visible for admin)
- No longer store password in Smarty $User (for real this time).
- Added ability to change amount of cast shown
- Downloading high resolution images from IMDb (enable in settings)
- Moved movie specific variables from common.inc into movie.inc
- Renamed language names to match ISO 639-1 codes
- WARNING! This will break your site. You must change defaultlanguage inside your config.php file.
- Removed myUcfirst() and fixed translation instead
- Moved "Personal notes" into it's own box
- Movieplots are no longer an ordered list. #2
- Added ability to toggle "Plots" on Movies
- Updated imdbphp to 5.0.1
- Updated fontawsome to 4.7.0
- Updated AdminLTE to 2.3.8
- Updated all JavaScript dependencies
- Removed "results per page" from dropdown
- Display all movies by default
- Layouts highlight not remembered
- Loading icon not working
- Updated polish translation from tmseth
- Results per page: Dropdown will now adapt for changes made to $settings["results_per_page"]
- Fetch trailers automatic from YouTube
- Can delete search query with "delete"-button
- Added four more layouts.
- Posters
- Posters with title (default)
- Posters with movie information
- List
- List with movie information
- All posters are now loaded with lazyloading
- Search movies for director/writer/producer/cast (click on name, and all his/her movies will show)
- Added the ability to change "results per page"-dropdown
- Mobile friendly pagination
- 404-page (not translated)
- Installer now ignores configuration if config/config.php exits
- Installer now ignores database upgrade if already latest version
- Light skin had wrong CSS applied to menu
- Installer and adding movies broke on NO_ZERO_IN_DATE
- Missing /movie/covers folder
- Searching for movies on IMDb only worked if SEO Friendly URL where activated
- Searching for director... changed into htmlspecialchars to support foreign characters
- New mobile first theme with multiple colors.
- Swedish and Polish (Cred: tmseth) translation.
- Ability to turn off NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and/or STRICT_ALL_TABLES. Fix for SQL ERROR 1292 (0000-00-00).
- Specify min/max upload size for images.
- Specify max width/height for images (in pixels).
- Settings for default admin username. So that you can't delete the first admin, if you changed your name in the database.
- Can activate pretty/clean/friendly URLs.
- Can change the default number of movies shown.
- Can change how many pages that are shown in pagination.
- Added "No direct script access allowed" in all php4dvd files.
- Search query, sort, category, amount and page is now validated against default values.
- Add your own poster, now you can change out the default one from IMDb.
- Can convert movies duration from 90 minutes into 1h 30min.
- Your position is saved. So then you go back, you will return to the same spot. (Cred: Tonza)
- You can now click on categories inside movies, to search for that category.
- Updated code to PHP 5.3.7+.
- Updated to the latest RedBeanPhp (4.3.2), Smarty (3.1.30), imdbphp (4.1.1) and BulletProof (2.0.0).
- Changed maxwidth for thumbnails/posters to better correspond with new theme.
- You can only export movies, if you are logged in.
- How language.inc check for available languages.
- Number of results changed from (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32) into (20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
- Pagination defaults to 6 instead of 8.
- Only fetch image from IMDb once.
- Changing password are now validated in PHP (before only in JavaScript).
- Rewrote some SQL queries, using getRow() instead of load() for information that don't need updating.
- search() only returns the following columns: ('
') if you don't use export to CSV - User.class now changed into Users.model (RedBeanPhp)
- .htaccess updated with newer Options tag for compatibility with newer versions of Apache
- addMovieFormat()
- removeMovieFormat()
- generateRandomPassword()
- isIE()
- isIE6()
- isIE7()
- isIE8()
- isIE9()
- findExtention()
- mkpath()
- $baseurl returned wrong value on multiple sub folders.
- Export function generated wrong characters.
- Only run statistics and movie collection ones.
- Installer overrides users choice of language in step 2 (configuration).
- Some functions didn't return https if activated.
- Password is now stored using password_hash. Reset password with MD5.
- No longer store password in $_SESSION or Smarty $user.
- Validate against illegal characters in install database configuration.
- Validation for updating users e-mailaddress and permissions.
- search() now uses query bindings instead of addslashes.
- Removed phpinfo.php.
- New theme which is HTML5 compatible.
- Updated code to PHP5.3.
- Updated to the latest imdbphp2 class (v2.1.0).
- Revisited database model and increased database fields.
- Multiple languages introduced.
- Updated to the latest imdbphp2 class (v1.9.9).
- Fixed apple trailer library (www.apple.com -> trailers.apple.com).
- Empty movie formats are no longer allowed.
- 'Score' changed into 'Rating' at the movie update page.
- IMDb plot text broken. Fixed by upgrading to imdbphp2 (pre-release 1.9.8).
- Searching for cover link fixed when adding new movie.
- Add a link to an (Apple) trailer #13.
- YouTube link added to the movie details.
- By default, the guest login is set to false.
- Updated to the latest imdbphp class (v1.1.4).
- Search also supports year.
- Some graphical restyling.
- Sorting by loaned out.
- Default 30 movies per page.
- Supports customizable movie formats.
- Movie, audio and subtitles added to movie information #14.
- Export to CSV #15.
- FIX: IMDb movie information is downloaded with correct characters and stored as UTF-8 text.
- php4dvd can be installed or upgraded with the web installer.
- More information is added to the movie: format, personal notes, if you have seen it, if you own it and if you loaned it out.
- Sort by drop down box to sort by more criteria.
- Added paging, so you can select how many movies you want to view per page to speed up the site.
- Added user login with guest, editor and admin users.
- Your search is saved, so when going back to the search page, the same search results appear.
- Code split up into include files for easier development.
- Added delete button when showing movie information.
- Updated to the latest imdbphp class (v1.0.3)
- Fixed the check for JPG covers only, any other format is not supported.
- When downloading the cover, the file generated will get the name of the movie instead of the id of the movie.
- Added path of the movie images and covers to the config. This location can be adjusted.
- Removed double plotline from the movie overview.
- Loading screen when building the list of movies.
- Initial release, including ajax search, sorting by name and year, adding movies, searching on IMDb, searching for covers, adding covers.