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Apply solutions to target

Jack Radcliffe edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

Apply solutions to target (apply_target)

This final step is fairly simple and will apply all of the previously generated calibration tables to the target field, split this field out and can optionally image this field. Remember that the vp_gaintables.json file specifies what tables will be applied.


                "run": false, #if true, run CASA task statwt (see documentation) to rescale weights based upon noise characteristics 
                "timebin"   :  "10s", #see statwt documentation
                "chanbin"   :  "spw",
                "statalg"   :  "classic",
                "fitspw"    :  ""
                "run": false #Not available currently
        "backup_caltables"  : true, #Make a tar bundle of the calibration tables (format <project_code>_caltables.tar)
        "image_target"      : true, #Make 1024,1024 pixel image of the target field
            "partition"     :  "default",
            "walltime"      :  "default",
            "nodes"         :    -1,
            "cpus"          :    -1,
            "mpiprocs"      :    -1,
            "nodetype"      :  "default"

Recommended use: The default parameters shown here are normally ok for 99% of observations. However, you may want to do the "statistical_reweigh" for heterogeneous arrays to ensure that the naturally weighted image is at the best sensitivity.

Expected inputs

  • Measurement set (<project_code>.ms)
  • Calibration tables (specified in the vp_gaintables.json)

Expected outputs

  • Calibrated measurement set (<project_code>.ms)
  • Split target field (format <target_field>
  • (if "image_target":true) - image of the target field (format <target_field>-initimage.image)