Simple example of grafana alerting to telegram and telegram bot command.
Clone repository:
Start Influxdb and Grafana
cd grafana
docker-compose up -d
Create database
curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE testdb"
Add values to the database
sh grafana/
Create a telegram bot Search for @BotFather /newbot Chose a name and username Ej: GrafanaAlerting grafanaalerting_bot BotFather bot show the URL to access the bot and access token.
Token example: token: 732375761:AAGNBmRWGDyIZb-i9evBbZ1N9JJqNoNxjdE name: GrafanaAlerting username: @Grafanaalerting_bot
For grafana integration we also need a bot ID.
The URL allows to get messages updates including other metadata information
Send a dummy mensaje to a bot example: /start Get bot id Example URL:
Example of curl response:
Get bot ID In this case: "id":7801555555
To get a telegram group ID the procedure is the same. Adding a bot to a group and excecute an URL call. The negative ID is asociated to a group. The group ID is used to allow access to a telegram bot only for group members. This restrictions need to be programmend using the telemgram bot API.
Create an alert in grafana Grafana alert creation
With a telegram bot created grafana can be configured to send notification selecting a telegram channel. Configure telegram notification channel in grafana grafana notification channel whith telegram
Linking alerts trigered with a notification channel is a simple example that use a grafana api to get an image pannel and save it in a tmp location. Take /tmp/ saved image and send to a telegram bot with the programmed bot command.
Issues Persisting grafana data: Set permissions to grafana volume to 472 in order to allow write
sudo chown 472:472 grafana/data/grafana