RETS syndication in Go
The attempt is to meet 2012-03 compliance.
Based on the
and Chris Ridenour's work mapping syndication (
Find us at
in := ioutil.NopCloser(...)
parser := xml.NewDecoder(in)
listings := Listings{}
// minidom isnt necessary but its crazy useful for massive streams
md := minidom.MiniDom{
StartFunc: func(start xml.StartElement) {
switch start.Name.Local {
attrs := map[string]string{}
for _, v := range start.Attr {
attrs[v.Name.Local] = v.Value
listings.ListingsKey = attrs["listingsKey"]
listings.Version = attrs["version"]
listings.VersionTimestamp = attrs["versionTimestamp"]
listings.Language = attrs["lang"]
// quit on the the xml tag
EndFunc: minidom.QuitAt("Listings"),
err := md.Walk(parser, "Listing", ToListing(func(l Listing, err error) error {
// .... process the listing here
return err