Growing applications in fertile SQL.
This repository holds three sub projects. The main application is featex
a feature extraction as a service application.
In order to build this application, there are two reusable projects that are bundled as dependencies.
The garden
module which contains all the code for managing collections of queries for service over web protocols,
and the querygen
program, which is a command line tool for generating queries from template specifications.
See querygen/ and featex/ for more.
This project requires Go to be installed. On OS X with Homebrew you can just run brew install go
Dependencies are handled by glide so you will need to go get
in order to download the dependencies and vendor them.
The dependencies can also be installed manually by reading the glide file and installing them globally.
You can build the featex application using the makefile like so:
$ make build
building featex 0.1.0
cd featex && go build -ldflags "-X main.GitCommit=be2e20c0b4b4dc9650cf0c0b84d036e8d13c5285+CHANGES -X main.VersionPrerelease=DEV" -o bin/featex
$ export DBSTRING="postgres://username:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable"
$ cd featex && ./bin/featex
INFO[0000] resultsSchema=results_mimic
INFO[0000] Loading queries
INFO[0000] The keys are: [drugs milenial_features bulk_drugs demographics bulk_condition bulk_procedure condition demographics_historical cohortpatients drug_era bulk_demographics features]
INFO[0000] ./sql
INFO[0000] Database connected
INFO[0000] Read Templates Templates="; defined templates are: "queries.html.tmpl", "query.html.tmpl", "index.html.tmpl", "404.html.tmpl""
INFO[0000] Serving on address: :8080
See featex/ for more details about the featex application.
If you have any questions please open an issue! I am happy to help you get set up running this project.