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Greengrass Machine Learning Inference (MLI) with pre-trained model uploaded to S3

This document describe the steps in setting up Greengrass Machine Learning Inference, using a pre-trained model uploaded to S3.

Design Pattern

MLI S3 Models Solution Diagram

The common design patterns of using a pre-trained model in S3 bucket:

  1. When the Greengrass configuration is being deployed, the Greengrass Core will download the model from the S3 bucket as configured in the Machine Learning Resources, to the local disk, and extract the files from the compressed .tar.gz or .zip.
  2. Data acquisition - This function periodically acquire the raw data inputs from a image source. In this example, we are using static images to simulate image sources.
  3. Data preprocessor - This function pre-process the image by resize to the images used to train the model.
  4. Estimator - This function predict the data input with data loaded in MXNet runtime
  5. The MXNet runtime loads the model from the local path
  6. The process will handle the prediction result, with object detected and confidence level.
  7. The result can be used to trigger an action, or send it back to the cloud for further processing.

How to Deploy the Accelerator

To launch this accelerator, there are a few prerequisites and steps to complete. It is assumed you have basic experience with AWS IoT via the console and CLI.

The main steps for deployment are:

  1. Complete prerequisites. Ensure there is an AWS IoT certificate and private key created and accessible locally for use.
  2. Generate and launch the CloudFormation stack. This will create the Lambda functions, the Greengrass resources, and an AWS IoT thing to be used as the Greengrass Core. The certificate will be associated with the newly created Thing. At the end, a Greengrass deployment will be created and ready to be pushed to the Greengrass core hardware.
  3. Create the config.json file, using the outputs from the CloudFormation. Then place all files into the /greengrass/certs and /greengrass/config directories.
  4. Deploy to Greengrass. From the AWS Console, perform a Greengrass deployment that will push all resources to the Greengrass Core and start the MLI operations.

Verify Prerequisites

The following is a list of prerequisites to deploy the accelerator:

  • AWS Cloud

    • Ensure you have an AWS user account with permissions to manage iot, greengrass, lambda, cloudwatch, and other services during the deployment of the CloudFormation stack.
    • Create an AWS IoT Certificate and ensure it is activated and the certificate and private key files are saved locally. This certificate will be associated with an AWS IoT thing created by the CloudFormation stack. Copy the certificates Certificate ARN, which will be used as a parameter for the CloudFormation stack. The Certificate ARN will look similar to this: arn:aws:iot:REGION:ACCOUNTNAME:cert/27b42xxxxxxx120017a, and the Certificate ID is the trailing alphanumerics, such as 27b42xxxxxxx120017a
      • You can use this AWS CLI command to create new certificate. The output value from the CLI, Certificate ID will be needed to create the CloudFormation stack.
      aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --certificate-pem-outfile "mli.cert.pem" --public-key-outfile "mli.public.key" --private-key-outfile "mli.private.key" --set-as-active --query certificateId --output text
    • In the same region where CloudFormation resources will be created, create S3 bucket to hold the packaged files. Please see this link for more details. This bucket needs to have read and write access by the IAM role that is running the CloudFormation package and deploy.
    • In the same region where Greengrass Core will be connecting to, create S3 bucket to hold the pre-trained model. If you are using the managed policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy, you need to have either Greengrass or SageMaker in your bucket name in order for the Greengrass core to access the S3 bucket, for example, ${AWS Account ID}-us-east-1-greengrass-ml
  • Local Environment (where running the accelerator)

    • From the certificate creation step above, note the location of the X.509 certificate and private key registered and activated with AWS IoT.
    • Ensure a recent version of the AWS CLI is installed and a user profile with permissions mentioned above is available for use.
  • Greengrass Core

Pre-trained model

There are pre-trained models available from model zoo. Inception-BN is one of them, which can be downloaded from

  1. Download the symbol.json, synset.txt and the params from
wget \
&& wget \
&& wget -O Inception-BN-0000.params
  1. Create a zip file that contains the 3 artifacts
zip Inception-BN-symbol.json synset.txt Inception-BN-0000.params
  1. Upload the model to the S3 bucket created to hold the pre-trained model, such as the example bucket ${AWS Account ID}-us-east-1-greengrass-ml.

Launch the CloudFormation Stack

Prior to launching the accelerator locally, a CloudFormation package needs to be created, and then the CloudFormation stack launched from the Template. Follow the steps below to create the package via the command line, and then launch the stack via the CLI or AWS Console.

The CloudFormation template does most of the heavy lifting. Prior to running, each input template needs to be processed to an output template that is actually used. The package process uploads the Lambda functions to the S3 bucket and creates the output template with unique references to the uploaded assets.

To create or overwrite the templates, perform the following steps from a command line or terminal session:

  1. Clone the repository git clone and change to aws-iot-greengrass-accelerators/accelerators/machine_learning_inference, where this s3_models.MD file is located.

  2. Create the CloudFormation output file using the AWS CLI. Using the commands below, you can either preset the $AWS_PROFILE, $REGION, $CFN_S3_BUCKET, $ML_S3_BUCKET_URI, $THINGNAME and $CERTIFICATE_ID variables, or reference those directly via the aws cloudformation package command. The result of that command will be an OUTPUT CloudFormation template file, along with the packaged Lambda functions being copied to the S3 bucket. The AWS_PROFILE contains the credentials, account details, and optionally region to create the CloudFormation stack.

    Complete list of commands to create the CloudFormation template file, upload assets, and create a stack (note the changes for the --parameter-overrides section).

    # BASH commands (replace exports with your AWSCLI profile, region, and S3 bucket settings)
    # AWS_PROFILE contains permissions to fully create and launch the CloudFormation package and template
    export AWS_PROFILE=<your-profile-here>
    export AWS_REGION=<your-region>
    export CFN_S3_BUCKET=<your_s3_bucket_that_holds_cloudformation>         # Needs to be located in same region as where the CloudFormation stack is created.
    export ML_S3_BUCKET_URI=<s3 uri of the model, such as s3://[s3 bucket]/[model in .tar.gz or .zip]> 
    export CORENAME=<Thing name of the device to be the GreenGrass Core>
    export CERTIFICATE_ID=<Certificate ID>
    # Clean up any previously created files
    rm *-OUTPUT.yaml
    aws cloudformation package \
    --template-file cfn/mli_accelerator_s3_models-INPUT.cfn.yaml \
    --output-template-file mli_accelerator_s3_models-OUTPUT.yaml \
    --s3-bucket ${CFN_S3_BUCKET} --profile ${AWS_PROFILE} --region ${AWS_REGION}
    # If using the AWS Console, upload the mli_accelerator_s3_models-OUTPUT.yaml and continue with the parameters.
    # Below are the steps to deploy via the command line.
    # To deploy back-end stack from CLI (change --stack-name and --parameter-overrides to expected values)
    aws cloudformation deploy \
      --profile ${AWS_PROFILE} \
      --region ${AWS_REGION} \
      --stack-name greengrass-mli-accelerator \
      --template mli_accelerator_s3_models-OUTPUT.yaml \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
      --parameter-overrides \
        CoreName=${CORENAME} \
        CertIdParam=${CERTIFICATE_ID} \

At this point, all resources have been created and an initial Greengrass deployment has also been created and ready to be sent to the device.

Configure and Starts the Greengrass Core

With the stack deployed, we use one output from the CloudFormation stack, the GreengrassConfig value, along with the certificate and private key to complete the config.json so that Greengrass Core can connect and authenticate.

  1. In the local computer, create a temporary folder, such as greengrass/.

  2. Make 2 folders in the temporary folder, certs/ and config/.

  3. Change into certs folder

    1. Download to certs directory the Amazon Root CA1 root certificate authority file used to verify the AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass endpoints. If the link opens with the contents in your browser, use alt-click and Save As… instead and save as certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem.
    2. Copy the certificate and private key files into the certs/ folder
  4. Change into config/ folder

    1. Retrieve the config.json created from the CloudFormation, using the AWS CLI command
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name greengrass-mli-accelerator \
    --output text \  
    --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`GreengrassConfig`].OutputValue' 

    or you can pipe through a Python json tool for pretty print:

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name greengrass-mli-accelerator \
    --output text \  
    --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`GreengrassConfig`].OutputValue' 
    | python -m json.tool 
    1. Paste the output to file config.json in the config/ folder
    2. Open config.json file and replace CERTIFICATE_NAME_HERE with the file name and extension of your certificate (e.g., 123beef-certificate.pem.crt).
    3. Do the same replacing PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME_HERE with the name of your private key (e.g., 123beef-private.pem.key).
    4. Save the file.
  5. Change into the temporary folder, the parent folder of both certs/ and config/

  6. Compress both certs/ and config/ into a single file, such as zip -r certs/* config/*

  7. Copy the to the Greengrass Core machine, such as using command scp

  8. Remote access to the Greengrass Core machine, such as using command ssh

  9. Go to the folder where Greengrass was installed, such as /greengrass

  10. Unzip the contents from the 2 folders in into certs/ and config/ folders respectively, using the command sudo unzip -o -d /greengrass

  11. Verify that all certificates are in the certs/ folder, and config.json is in the config/ folder.

  12. Restart the Greengrass software, such as using the command sudo /greengrass/ggc/core/greengrassd restart, or sudo systemctl restart greengrass if Greengrass Core is under systemctl management.

  13. Monitor the log file of the Greengrass software to make sure that Greengrass software started properly, such as using the command sudo tail -F /greengrass/ggc/var/log/system/runtime.log.

  14. If the Greengrass software started properly, you should see these in the log file

    [2019-08-18T01:14:55.69-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Version: 1.9.2-RC4
    [2019-08-18T01:14:55.69-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Root: /greengrass
    [2019-08-18T01:14:55.69-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Write Directory: /greengrass/ggc
    [2019-08-18T01:14:55.69-07:00][INFO]-Group File Directory: /greengrass/ggc/deployment/group
    [2019-08-18T01:14:56.739-07:00][INFO]-All topics subscribed.    {"clientId": "<THING NAME>"}
  15. From the Greengrass Console, navigate to your created Greengrass Group and perform Actions->Deploy to deploy to the Greengrass Core machine.

    1. Alternatively, Greengrass deployment command can be found in from the CloudFormation stack, using the command below:
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name greengrass-mli-accelerator \
    --output text \
    --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`CommandToDeployGroup`].OutputValue' 

    The output will be the command that you can copy and run to deploy to the Greengrass core, for example,

    aws --region <AWS Region> greengrass create-deployment --group-id <Greengrass Group ID> --deployment-type NewDeployment --group-version-id $(cut -d'/' -f6 <<< arn:aws:greengrass:<AWS Region>:<AWS Account ID>:/greengrass/groups/<Greengrass Group ID>/versions/<Greengrass Group Version ID> )

AWS Greengrass Core on AWS EC2

To test out this accelererator without any hardware, you can install the Greengrass on an EC2 to simulate as a Greengrass Core

  1. Create a EC2 running Greengrass, using the Cloudformation template in cfn/greengrass_core_on_ec2-s3_models.cfn.yml, or with one of the following:
AWS Region Region CloudFormation
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 Launch Stack
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 Launch Stack
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 Launch Stack
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 Launch Stack
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 Launch Stack
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 Launch Stack
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 Launch Stack
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 Launch Stack
China (Beijing) cn-north-1 Launch Stack
EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 Launch Stack
EU (Ireland) eu-west-1 Launch Stack
EU (London) eu-west-2 Launch Stack
  1. Once the instance is created, copy the to the EC2
  2. In the EC2, extract into /greengrass folder using command sudo unzip -o -d /greengrass
  3. Restart the Greengrass daemon using the command sudo systemctl restart greengrass

Expected Output

The predictions will be published from the Greengrass Core to the cloud, via topic mli/predictions/<THING NAME>. The message can be observed using the MQTT Test client in AWS IoT Console

  1. Login to
  2. Change to the region where the Greengrass Core is connecting to
  3. In the Subscription topic, enter either the specific topic for the Greengrass Core mli/predictions/<THING NAME> or generic topic mli/predictions/#
  4. Select Subscribe
  5. The prediction messages should be shown in the console, such as
    "confidence": "0.21719395",
    "prediction": "n03983396 pop bottle, soda bottle"

FAQ and Help

Good reference of common issues can be found in

Model S3 bucket in different region

If you see the following error in the Greengrass Core log /greengrass/ggc/var/log/system/runtime.log, one of the reason could be that the S3 bucket holding the machine learning model is in the different region where the Greengrass Core is connecting to.

[2019-08-15T20:51:21.259-07:00][ERROR]-Greengrass deployment error: unable to download the artifact.	{"artifactId": "5a7a5480-661d-4f8a-9e5b-bbcf81943fcc", "errorString": "error while downloading: error while downloading the ML Model with arn: Error status code received while downloading file: /tmp/greengrass/artifacts/, status code: 400"}


Check the region of the Greengrass Core endpoint in the /greengrass/config/config.json and ensure that the S3 bucket holding the model is in the same region.

ML model resource download issue

If you encountered the follow error in var/logs/system/runtime.log, it is due to the isolation mode of the Lambda function that is associated with the ML resource.

We cannot deploy because the group definition is invalid or corrupted for the following reasons: {ErrorSet(errorSet=[ErrorModel(errorCode=RESOURCE_TYPE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, errorMsg=Function arn:aws:lambda:<AWS Region>:<AWS Account ID>:function:pinned-s3-mli2:GreenGrassAlias refers to resource of type 'ML_Model.S3_Object' that is not allowed in IsolationMode='NoContainer')])}


Either change the isolation mode of the lambda to GreengrassContainer, or check if the resources have accidentally associated to the wrong Lambda function

Missing MXNet libraries in the Greengrass Core

If you see the follow errors in /greengrass/ggc/var/log/user/<AWS REGION>/<AWS ACCOUNT>/pinned-ggc-mli-stack.log, you might be missing the mxnet libraries

[2019-08-28T16:21:01.581Z][FATAL],Failed to initialize Lambda runtime due to exception: No module named mxnet


Remote access to the Greengrass Core, and install the libraries following the steps in

  1. Download the correct library according to your hardware type to the Greengrass Core hardware
  2. Extract and run the installer


[2019-08-28T21:29:03.757Z][WARN]-Worker consumed all allocated memory! Memory Usage (KB).	{"workerId": "e544111a-03f5-40da-5e5c-23df2f6ced65", "funcArn": "arn:aws:lambda:<AWS Region>:<AWS Account ID>:function:pinned-ggc-mli-stack:6", "memSize": 120000, "memUsed": 165172}
[2019-08-28T21:29:03.757Z][ERROR]-Worker is ungracefully killed.	{"workerId": "e544111a-03f5-40da-5e5c-23df2f6ced65", "funcArn": "arn:aws:lambda:<AWS Region>:<AWS Account ID>:function:pinned-ggc-mli-stack:6", "state": "signal: killed"}


You need to increase the memory used for the Lambda function. In the example above, you need to increase it to at least 165MB