Code for measuring and displaying the conductivity, TDS and salinity of any aqueous solution.
Here is the code for this meter written in Arduino IDE.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
const int buttonPin = 7 ;
int buttonState = 0 ;
int lastButtonState = 0 ;
float S = 0.00, Tds = 0.00, Sal = 0.00;
int ch = 1 ;
boolean edge1 ;
boolean edge2 ;
boolean edge3 ;
boolean edge4 ;
LiquidCrystal lcd (12 , 11 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ) ;
//----------------------------------------------setup function--------------------------------------------//
void setup ( )
pinMode ( buttonPin , INPUT) ;
lcd.begin (16, 2) ;
lcd.print ( "TO BEGIN MEASURE" ) ;
lcd.setCursor(0, 1) ;
lcd.print( "USE CHANNEL ONE " ) ;
lcd.setCursor(0, 0) ;
delay (4000) ;
lcd.clear( ) ;
lcd.setCursor (0, 0) ;
lcd.print ( " PRESS MEASURE " ) ;
lcd.setCursor ( 0, 1 ) ;
lcd.print ( "BUTTON 2 MEASURE" ) ;
int trigger ( ) //for sensing the external trigger by user
buttonState = digitalRead ( buttonPin ) ;
if ( buttonState != lastButtonState )
if ( buttonState == HIGH)
return HIGH;
else if ( buttonState == LOW)
return LOW;
delay ( 50 ) ;
lastButtonState = buttonState ;
void displayVol ( float v1 , float v2 ) //for displaying measured VOLTAGE
lcd.clear ( ) ;
lcd.print ( "V1=" ) ;
lcd.print ( v1 , 3 ) ; //LCD prints upto 3 decimal places
lcd.print ( " " ) ;
lcd.setCursor ( 0, 1 ) ;
lcd.print ( "V2= " ) ;
lcd.print ( v2 , 3 ) ; //LCD prints upto 3 decimal places
lcd.print ( " Volt" ) ;
delay ( 3000 ) ;
lcd.setCursor (0, 0) ;
void displayS ( float s ) //for displaying CONDUCTIVITY
lcd.clear( ) ;
lcd.print ( "S= " ) ;
lcd.print ( s , 3) ; //LCD prints upto 3 decimal places
lcd.print ( " uS/cm" ) ;
delay ( 3000 ) ;
lcd.setCursor (0, 0) ;
void displayTDS ( float tds ) //for displaying TDS
lcd.clear( ) ;
lcd.print ( "TDS= " ) ;
lcd.print ( tds , 3) ; //LCD prints upto 3 decimal places
lcd.print ( " ppm" ) ;
delay ( 3000 ) ;
lcd.setCursor (0, 0) ;
void displaySal ( float sal ) //for displaying SALINITY
lcd.clear( ) ;
lcd.print ( "Salinity= " ) ;
lcd.print ( sal , 3) ; //LCD prints upto 3 decimal places
lcd.print ( " ppm" ) ;
delay ( 3000 ) ;
lcd.setCursor (0, 0) ;
//-------------------------------------------------loop function--------------------------------------------------//
void loop ( )
float pi = 3.14159;
switch ( ch )
case 1 :
edge1 = trigger ( ) ;
if ( edge1 == HIGH )
int sensorValue1 = analogRead (A1 ) ;
int sensorValue2 = analogRead (A2 ) ;
float voltage1 = sensorValue1 * ( 5.0 / 1023.0 ) ;
float voltage2 = sensorValue2 * ( 5.0 / 1023.0 ) ;
float x = voltage1 / voltage2;
if (voltage2 == 5.000)
S = 0.00;
Tds = 0.00;
Sal = 0.00;
S = (1.110 * x * x * x) - (11.70 * x * x) + (63.23 * x) - 19.38;
Tds = 0.965 * S - 0.522;
Sal = 0.829 * S + 9.899;
displayVol ( voltage1 , voltage2 ) ;
delay ( 2000 ) ;
displayS ( S ) ;
delay ( 2000 ) ;
displayTDS ( Tds ) ;
delay ( 2000 ) ;
displaySal ( Sal ) ;
break ;