This is our task for potential new fullstack engineers. We expect this task to take less than a few hours of work
Please fork this repo and make a starting commit with the message 'start'. Commit your finished code and push to your forked repo when you are finished. Thanks 😄
Implement a simple backend web app that serves html. Please note that you must make a web server (eg, Express, Flask, Rails, etc), not just a pure front-end app.
Step 1
The app should load a form with the following fields
- City string input
- Checkin string input
- Checkout string input
- submit button
The 3 inputs will be string inputs. Do not worry about form validation and or any styling.
Step 2
When the form is submitted make 2 HTTP POST requests in parallel to '' with the following request body
city : city_string_input,
checkin : checkin_string_input,
checkout : checkout_string_input,
provider : 'snaptravel'
- The above returns SnapTravel rates for hotels in the city
city : city_string_input,
checkin : checkin_string_input,
checkout : checkout_string_input,
provider : 'retail'
- The above returns rates for hotels in the city
The responses will be in json and each response will have an array of hotels and prices.
id : 12,
hotel_name : 'Center Hilton',
num_reviews : 209,
address : '12 Wall Street, Very Large City',
num_stars : 4,
amenities : ['Wi-Fi', 'Parking'],
image_url : '',
price : 132.11
Make sure to cache these responses in the server (assume the endpoint is expensive to call) in whatever way that seems fit using whatever cache that seems fit (db, redis, in memory etc)
Step 3
After both these calls have returned take only the hotels that appear in both the responses and return an html table with the data. (you can display the data in anyway you wish as long as the data is in a table with a row for each entry)
For example, if the first call returned hotels with id [10,12] with SnapTravel prices 192.34 and 112.33 and the second call returned hotels [12,13] with prices 132.11 and 321.62 respectively, you would only render hotel 12 in the list with a SnapTravel price of 112.33 and a price of 132.11
- If you run into any technical difficulties contact [email protected] (obviously hidden)
- If you wish to write tests you can but it is not a strict requirement.