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Knative Install on OpenShift

This guide walks you through the installation of the latest version of Knative Serving on an OpenShift using pre-built images and demonstrates creating and deploying an image of a sample "hello world" app onto the newly created Knative cluster.

You can find guides for other platforms here.

Minishift setup

# returns minishift v1.26.1+1e20f27
minishift version

Configure and start minishift

The following details the bare minimum configuration required to setup minishift for running Knative:

# make sure you have  a profile is set correctly, e.g. knative
minishift profile set knative

# minimum memory required for the minishift VM
minishift config set memory 8GB

# the minimum required vCpus for the minishift vm
minishift config set cpus 4

# extra disk size for the vm, default is 20GB
minishift config set disk-size 50GB

# caching the images that will be downloaded during app deployments
minishift config set image-caching true

# Add new user called admin with password admin having role cluster-admin
minishift addons enable admin-user

# Allow the containers to be run with uid 0
minishift addons enable anyuid

# start minishift
minishift start
  • The above configuration ensures that Knative gets created in its own minishift profile called knative with 8GB of RAM, 4 vCpus and 50GB of hard disk. The image-caching helps in re-starting up the cluster faster every time.

  • The addon admin-user creates a user called admin with password admin having the role of cluster-admin. The user gets created only after the addon is applied, that is usually after successful start of Minishift

  • The addon anyuid allows the default service account to run the application with uid 0

  • The command minishift profile set knative is required every time you start and stop minishift to make sure that you are on right knative minishift profile that was configured above.

Configuring oc (openshift cli)

Running the following command make sure that you have right version of oc and have configured the DOCKER daemon to be connected to minishift docker.

# configures the host talk to DOCKER daemon of minishift
minishift docker-env
# Adds the right version of openshift cli binary to $PATH
minishift oc-env

Preparing Knative Deployment

Enable Admission Controller Webhook

To be able to deploy and run serverless Knative applications, its required that you must enable the Admission Controller Webhook.

Run the following command to make OpenShift (run via minishift) to be configured for Admission Controller Webhook:

# Enable admission controller webhooks
# The configuration stanzas below look weird and are just to workaround for:
minishift openshift config set --target=kube --patch '{
    "admissionConfig": {
        "pluginConfig": {
            "ValidatingAdmissionWebhook": {
                "configuration": {
                    "apiVersion": "",
                    "kind": "WebhookAdmission",
                    "kubeConfigFile": "/dev/null"
            "MutatingAdmissionWebhook": {
                "configuration": {
                    "apiVersion": "",
                    "kind": "WebhookAdmission",
                    "kubeConfigFile": "/dev/null"

# wait until the kube-apiserver is restarted
until oc login -u admin -p admin; do sleep 5; done;

Configuring a OpenShift project

  1. Set up the project myproject for use with Knative applications.

    oc project myproject
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default
    oc label namespace myproject istio-injection=enabled

    The oc adm policy adds the privileged Security Context Constraints(SCCs) to the default Service Account. The SCCs are the precursor to the PSP (Pod Security Policy) mechanism in Kubernetes, as isito-sidecars required to be run with privileged permissions you need set that here.

    Its is also ensured that the project myproject is labelled for Istio automatic sidecar injection, with this istio-injection=enabled label to myproject each of the Knative applications that will be deployed in myproject will have Istio sidecars injected automatically.

IMPORTANT: Avoid using default project in OpenShift for deploying Knative applications. As OpenShift deploys few of its mission critical applications in default project, it's safer not to touch it to avoid any instabilities in OpenShift.

Installing Istio

Knative depends on Istio. The does run the required commands to configure necessary privileges to the service accounts used by Istio.

curl -s | bash
  1. Run the following to install Istio:

    kubectl apply --filename && \
    oc apply -f

    Note: the resources (CRDs) defined in the istio-crds.yamlfile are also included in the istio.yaml file, but they are pulled out so that the CRD definitions are created first. If you see an error when creating resources about an unknown type, run the second kubectl apply command again.

  2. Ensure the istio-sidecar-injector pods runs as privileged:

    oc get cm istio-sidecar-injector -n istio-system -oyaml | sed -e 's/securityContext:/securityContext:\\n      privileged: true/' | oc replace -f -
  3. Monitor the Istio components until all of the components show a STATUS of Running or Completed: shell while oc get pods -n istio-system | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done

    NOTE: It will take a few minutes for all the components to be up and running.

Install Knative Serving

The following section details on deploying Knative Serving to OpenShift.

The runs the required commands to configure necessary privileges to the service accounts used by Knative.

curl -s | bash

You can safely ignore the warnings:

  • Warning: ServiceAccount 'build-controller' not found cluster role "cluster-admin" added: "build-controller"
  • Warning: ServiceAccount 'controller' not found cluster role "cluster-admin" added: "controller"
  1. Install Knative serving:

    oc apply -f \
    oc apply -f
  2. Monitor the Knative components until all of the components show a STATUS of Running or Completed:

    while oc get pods -n knative-build | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done
    while oc get pods -n knative-serving | grep -v -E "(Running|Completed|STATUS)"; do sleep 5; done

    The first command watches for all pod status in knative-build and the second command will watch for all pod status in knative-serving.

    NOTE: It will take a few minutes for all the components to be up and running.

  3. Set route to access the OpenShift ingress CIDR, so that services can be accessed via LoadBalancerIP

    # Only for macOS
    sudo route -n add -net $(minishift openshift config view | grep ingressIPNetworkCIDR | awk '{print $NF}') $(minishift ip)
    # Only for Linux
    sudo ip route add $(minishift openshift config view | grep ingressIPNetworkCIDR | sed 's/\r$//' | awk '{print $NF}') via $(minishift ip)

Deploying an app

Now that your cluster has Knative installed, you're ready to deploy an app.

  1. Deploy sample HelloWorld app:
oc project myproject
echo '
apiVersion: # Current version of Knative
kind: Service
  name: helloworld-go # The name of the app
            image: # The URL to the image of the app
            - name: TARGET # The environment variable printed out by the sample app
              value: "Go Sample v1"
' | oc create -f -
# Wait for the hello pod to enter its `Running` state
oc get pod --watch

# In Knative 0.2.x and prior versions, the `knative-ingressgateway` service was used instead of `istio-ingressgateway`.

# The use of `knative-ingressgateway` is deprecated in Knative v0.3.x.
# Use `istio-ingressgateway` instead, since `knative-ingressgateway`
# will be removed in Knative v0.4.
if kubectl get configmap config-istio -n knative-serving &> /dev/null; then

# Call the service
export IP_ADDRESS=$(oc get svc $INGRESSGATEWAY -n istio-system -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
# This should output 'Hello World: Go Sample v1!'
curl -H "Host:" http://$IP_ADDRESS

If you'd like to view the available sample apps and deploy one of your choosing, head to the sample apps repository.

Cleaning up

There are two ways to clean up, either deleting the entire minishift profile or only the respective projects.

  1. Delete just Istio and Knative projects and applications:

     oc delete all --all  -n knative-build
     oc delete all --all  -n knative-serving
     oc delete all --all  -n istio-system
     oc delete all --all  -n myproject
     oc delete project knative-build
     oc delete project knative-serving
     oc delete project istio-system
  2. Delete your test cluster by running:

    minishift stop
    minishift profile delete knative

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