Crossfiltering user interactive workflow:
Looks at the periodic table and structure widget
Selects the structure widget
- updates the elements that can be selected get highlighted.
Selects the element widget (periodic table)
- updates the property choices, code, exchange that can be selected in the respective widgets
Selects the property widget
- updates the code widget (will remain the same mostly)
Selects the code widgets
- updates the exchange widget
Selects the exchange widgets
final selection, updates the plottables (mostly fixed)
- value vs. k-point density
- value_error vs
this means x = ['k-point density', 'value', 'value_error']
Selects the plottables for x-y, in future x-y-z
- options are values vs. k-point
- update what statistical tools can be used on the data
- update what plot types are available too
Selects plot type
- histogram for data in the database of the chosen specs
- scatter