- Install Docker
- Create a docker image from docker file
docker build -t apiserver:one .
- run
docker image ls
in terminal to see the listed images - Give the image a tag by run
docker tag [image name] [tagname]
- login to azure
az login
- create a azure group
az group create --name [registory name] --location westus
- create azure container registory
az acr create --resource-group [registory name] --name
- login to azure container registry
az acr login --name [registory name]
- tag image by docker
docker tag apiserver:one [registory name].azurecr.io/[image name]:[tag name]
- push image to azure
docker push [image]/[image]:[tag]
- list all the container images
az acr repository list --name [registory name] --output table
- write up a yaml file
- create the pod in kubernetes using the yaml you just created
kubectl create -f testpod.yaml
- test if the pod has created correctly, run
kubectl get pods
to see all the current pods
- create another yaml file using the same values and run
kubectl create -f otherpod.yaml
- inspect target pod IP address by
kubectl describe pods testpod
- test out pod to pod communication
kubectl exec other -- curl http://[ip address get from previous step]:8080/apps
install linkerd
inject linkerd
kubectl get deployments -n [namespace name] -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
apply the authrization policy with https://github.com/jonathan34c/apiServer/blob/main/linker_auth_policy.yaml https://github.com/jonathan34c/apiServer/blob/main/linker_server.yaml https://github.com/jonathan34c/apiServer/blob/main/linker_service_account.yaml
replace pod policy by adding server to pod yaml file
kubectl delete pod nginx2
kubectl run nginx2 --image=nginx --port=80 --overrides='{ "spec": { "serviceAccount": "curl-meshtls-test" } }'
kubectl get pods -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl replace --force -f -
- install nginx ingress controller
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--create-namespace \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz
- follow step to get the secret using cli driver
- obtain xxx.crt and xxx.key by
export CERT_NAME=aks-ingress-cert
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-out aks-ingress-tls.crt \
-keyout aks-ingress-tls.key \
-subj "/CN=demo.azure.com/O=aks-ingress-tls"
openssl pkcs12 -export -in aks-ingress-tls.crt -inkey aks-ingress-tls.key -out $CERT_NAME.pfx
use cli to get the certificate
az keyvault certificate import --vault-name $AKV_NAME -n $CERT_NAME -f $CERT_NAME.pfx
- after obtain the crtificate and key, create your secret by
kubectl create secret tls ingress-cert --namespace [namespace] --key=[keyname].key --cert=[certname].crt -o yaml
- double check if the scret has created correctly
kubectl get secret
apply secret to your ingress controller. remember to add secret name in "secrectname" part
apply changes, and see ithe external ip by
kubectl get services -n [namespace]
- finally, check the coonection by
curl -v -k --resolve [your difine address]:443:[external ip from last step] https://[your difine address]
- get resource group name by
kubectl --namespace ingress-basic get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-controller
- create public static ip
az network public-ip create --resource-group MC_myResourceGroup_myAKSCluster_eastus --name myAKSPublicIP --sku Standard --allocation-method static --query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv
- set the domain name
helm upgrade ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-dns-label-name"=$DNS_LABEL \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=$STATIC_IP
- visit your set domaing by http://[domain name].westus3.cloudapp.azure.com
- follows these steps before you start https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/csi-secrets-store-driver https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/csi-secrets-store-identity-access https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/csi-secrets-store-nginx-tls
- create a secret provider class https://github.com/jonathan34c/apiServer/blob/main/ingress_secret_provider.yaml
- make sure you have keyvault yaml as well https://github.com/jonathan34c/apiServer/blob/main/keyvault.yaml
- make sure to include "userAssignedIdentityID:", the tutorial has left out this part.
- folow instruction to create secret for tls
- note that since the helm has updated, the secret type will be "helm.sh/release.v1" instead of kubernetes.io/tls
- add the secret to tls secret
- apply ingress.yaml
- visit the dns domain to test it out
- create certificate authority``` openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -days 356 -nodes -subj '/CN=My Cert Authority''''
- apply CA as secret
kubectl create secret generic ca-secret --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt -n [namespace]
- create cert sigiing request
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key -out client.csr -nodes -subj ‘/CN=My Client’
- add following to ingress.yaml
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "true" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: default/ca-secret nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-client: "on" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-depth: "1"
- test tout by first visit the domain, it would request a certificate
curl -k https://aroga.westus3.cloudapp.azure.com/ga
- add certificate to the curl
curl -k https://aroga.westus3.cloudapp.azure.com/ga --key client.key --cert client.crt
you will be able to visit the pod
- Setup using Manage Cluster or [Locally] (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/istio-deploy-addon)
- Register AKS feature preview
az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "AzureServiceMeshPreview"
- Verify register correctly
az feature show --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "AzureServiceMeshPreview"
,az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
az aks mesh enable --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${CLUSTER}
- Verify successful Installation
az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${CLUSTER} --query 'serviceMeshProfile.mode'
- Get credential for the cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${CLUSTER} --admin
- Can Also see the istio pod by running
kubectl get pods -n aks-istio-system
- label the namespace
kubectl label namespace jonachang istio-injection=enabled --overwrite=true
- Deploy sample application Product Page to namespace
kubectl apply -f productpage.yaml -n jonachang
- Verify deployment
kubectl get deployment -n jonachang
- Notice that the Ready number is 2/2 not 1/1, the extra copy is the sidecar, so make sure you have 2/2 here
- enable aks mesh gateway
az aks mesh enable-ingress-gateway --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTER --ingress-gateway-type external
- check the loadbalancer is installed and IP address
kubectl get svc aks-istio-ingressgateway-external -n aks-istio-ingress
- apply the gateway yaml
kubectl apply -f gateway-product.yaml -n jonachang
- Verify the VM and gate way has been applied
kubectl get gateway.networking.istio.io -n jonachang
kubectl get virtualservice.networking.istio.io -n jonachang
- Obtained gateway address and port
export INGRESS_NAME=istio-ingressgateway
export INGRESS_NS=istio-system
export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n "$INGRESS_NS" get service "$INGRESS_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n "$INGRESS_NS" get service "$INGRESS_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].port}')
export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n "$INGRESS_NS" get service "$INGRESS_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].port}')
export TCP_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n "$INGRESS_NS" get service "$INGRESS_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="tcp")].port}')
if encounter
error for pod. Remember need to verified your docker image on azure usingaz aks update -n [resource-group name] -g [registry name] --attach-acr [registry name]
if you had configured the azure key vault certificate wrong, you will get a secret like this. #DO NOT use this kind of secret
sh.helm.release.v1.ingress-nginx.v4 helm.sh/release.v1 1 15h
- https://devopscube.com/kubernetes-ingress-tutorial/
- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-linkerd-with-kubernetes
- https://blog.baeke.info/2020/12/07/certificates-with-azure-key-vault-and-nginx-ingress-controller/
- https://blog.devops.dev/linkerd-authorization-policies-authorization-as-a-microservice-d48675512c0a
- https://snyk.io/blog/setting-up-ssl-tls-for-kubernetes-ingress/