title: "CodeBook"
Subject subject variable is an integer dat type ranging from 1 -30.
Activity Activity variable has 6 values.
- WALKING : Person was walking.
- WALKING_UPSTAIRS : Person was walking upstairs.
- WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS : Person was walking downstairs.
- SITTING : Person was sitting.
- STANDING : Person was standing.
- Laying : Person was laying down.
- Time-domain signals
- Frequency-domain signals
- The training and test datasets were merged into one dataset.
- The measurements on mean and standard deviation were selected for each measurement and others were omitted.
- The activity identifiers were replaced with decriptive activity names.
- The variable names were replaced with descriptive variable names, expanded the names , removed the special characters (, -), intial f and t were expanded to frequency and time, several terms like acc, gyro etc were expanded.
- Final dataset was created with the mean of each varibale for each activity and each subject.