Create a fork of this repository and check it out.
To make everything work you need to symlink the src directory to the app folder once. You can do this manually or by running npm run link-mod
Once this is done you can run npm start
to start the development server.
If you implement a new feature it is always a good idea to also add an example of it to the demo application.
In general this repo tries to adhere to the angular commit guidelines.
There are several scripts defined in the package.json
npm start
: Starts the development server.
npm run
test-watch: Runs the unit tests via karma.
npm run
test: Runs the unit tests once.
npm run
test-coverage: Runs the unit tests with a coverage report.
npm run
build: Creates a compiled version of your library inside the dist folder.
npm run
Builds the demo app to demo/dist, copies the readme to it and publishes everything to github pages.
npm run
Creates a changelog based on the angular commit conventions.
npm run
link-mod: Creates a symlink to the module inside the demo/src folder. This is required for compiling the app with aot.
npm run
lint: Lints all demo and library files
npm run
e2e: Runs the end2end tests.