This library allows you to pass multiple regular expressions and a string and get values back.
Let's say you have a text that is:
Del 5 av 6. Shakespeare är mycket nöjd med sin senaste pjäs, Så tuktas en argbigga. Men av någon anledning uppskattas inte berättelsen om hur en stark kvinna förnedras av en man av kvinnorna i Shakespeares närhet.
Originaltitel: Upstart Crow.
Produktion: BBC 2017.
First we would split the text into an array based on \n
and .
so that we can loop over the long text, as our matches only returns the first match back.
Then you would do:
|> StringMatcher.add_regexp(
|> StringMatcher.add_regexp(~r/Originaltitel: (?<original_title>.*)\./i, %{})
|> StringMatcher.add_regexp(
~r/Produktion: (?<production_company>.*?) (?<production_year>[0-9]+)\./i,
|> StringMatcher.match_captures(string)
This should return a tuple with a map. The map is returned value of the regular expressions.
If no match is found you will receive {:error, "no match"}
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding string_matcher
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:string_matcher, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
Currently the tests are failing for some reason, the library is working though and is stable. It's used in production.