"context": "Editor && (vim_mode == normal || vim_mode == visual) && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work in normal & visual mode
// 跳到行尾
"g l": "vim::EndOfLine",
// 跳到行首
"g h": "vim::FirstNonWhitespace",
// ge 文档底部
"g e": "vim::EndOfDocument"
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work only in normal mode
// gb 回到上一个位置
"g b": "pane::GoBack",
// gr 转到引用
"g r": "editor::FindAllReferences",
// gi 转到实现
"g i": "editor::GoToImplementation",
// 格式化
"space f m": "editor::Format",
// 全局搜索
"space f w": "pane::DeploySearch",
// 文件名搜索
"space f f": "file_finder::Toggle",
// 重命名
"space r": "editor::Rename",
// 保存
"space w": "workspace::Save",
// 关闭当前页
"space c": "pane::CloseActiveItem",
// 关闭所有页
"space g c": "pane::CloseAllItems",
// 退出
"space q": "workspace::CloseWindow",
// 上一个标签页
"H": "pane::ActivatePrevItem",
// 下一个标签页
"L": "pane::ActivateNextItem",
// 聚焦到文件树
"space e": "project_panel::ToggleFocus",
// 关闭左侧文件栏
"space b": "workspace::ToggleLeftDock",
// 切换右侧 AI Chat 栏
"space i": "workspace::ToggleRightDock",
// 快速修复 | 代码动作
"space .": "editor::ToggleCodeActions"
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == visual && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
// visual, visual line & visual block modes
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert && !menu",
"bindings": {
// put key-bindings here if you want them to work in insert mode
// e.g.
// "j j": "vim::NormalBefore" // remap jj in insert mode to escape.
"j k": ["vim::SwitchMode", "Normal"]
// netrw compatibility
"context": "ProjectPanel && not_editing",
"bindings": {
// 新建文件
"a": "project_panel::NewFile",
// 新建文件夹
"A": "project_panel::NewDirectory",
// 重命名
"r": "project_panel::Rename",
// 放到回收站
"d": "project_panel::Trash",
// 删除
"D": "project_panel::Delete",
// 复制
"y": "project_panel::Copy",
// 剪切
"x": "project_panel::Cut",
// 粘贴
"p": "project_panel::Paste",
// 在文件管理器中显示
"O": "project_panel::RevealInFinder"
"context": "Editor && (showing_code_actions || showing_completions)",
"bindings": {
// 使用 tab 键切换代码建议
"shift-tab": "editor::ContextMenuPrev",
"tab": "editor::ContextMenuNext"
"context": "Terminal",
"bindings": {
// 打开 / 关闭终端
"ctrl-`": "workspace::ToggleBottomDock"
"context": "ConversationEditor > Editor",
"bindings": {
// 给 AI 助手发送消息
"alt-enter": "assistant::Assist"