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93 lines (79 loc) · 2.68 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (79 loc) · 2.68 KB

Github Repo

Before Use You need to do

  1. Download or clone the code.
  2. Download node, if you don't have it.
  3. Add environment variable on your laptop(C:\Program Files\nodejs)
  4. Open the codes.
  5. Locate yourself to where package.json is located.
  6. Open cmd, type npm I, and wait for download.
  7. NPM link on cmd



  1. create-ssg --version(-v) :
    it will show you application name and version
  $ create-ssg  --version
  $ create-ssg  -v 
  1. create-ssg --help(-h) :
    it will give you all the instructions that you need to use this application.
 $ create-ssg  --help
 $ create-ssg  -h 
  1. create-ssg --input [filename/foldername](-i [filename/foldername]) :
    it will automatically create a website for you using a file that you put in the command line
    or if you put folder name then it will automatically get all the txt files from the folder and create a website for you.
  $ create-ssg  --input [filename/foldername]
  $ create-ssg  -i[filename/foldername] 
  1. create-ssg --styledInput [filename/foldername] [external css link] (-s [filename/foldername] [external css link]):
    it will automatically generate website \n \t with beautiful external CSS"
  $ create-ssg  --steyledInput [filename/foldername] [external css link]<br>
  $ create-ssg  -s [filename/foldername] [external css link]<br>

  1. create-ssg --config [filename] :
    it will take the string data for input file and stylesheet URL and run it through SSG.
  $ create-ssg  --config ssg-config.json

How to use prettier and eslint

  1. Prettier - "npm run prittier" or "npx prettier --write [filename]"
  • It will format your code with following:
  1. Set all tab width by 3

  2. Add TrailingComma

  3. Add semicolon

  4. Eslint - "npm run eslint" or "npx eslint [filename]"

  • It will help you to optimize your code with following:
    1. Double quotes for String
    2. Semicolon is required

IDE Integration

- Settings for IDE is written in the .vscode/settings.json
"angular.experimental-ivy": true,
"javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
"[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true


### Testing plan Created

- test plan for convert text and md files to html file is created.
- end to end for all the features are created
  - help
  - version
  - input
  - json file
  - styled input