- Download or clone the code.
- Download node, if you don't have it.
- Add environment variable on your laptop(C:\Program Files\nodejs)
- Open the codes.
- Locate yourself to where package.json is located.
- Open cmd, type npm I, and wait for download.
- NPM link on cmd
- create-ssg --version(-v) :
it will show you application name and version
$ create-ssg --version
$ create-ssg -v
- create-ssg --help(-h) :
it will give you all the instructions that you need to use this application.
$ create-ssg --help
$ create-ssg -h
- create-ssg --input [filename/foldername](-i [filename/foldername]) :
it will automatically create a website for you using a file that you put in the command line
or if you put folder name then it will automatically get all the txt files from the folder and create a website for you.
$ create-ssg --input [filename/foldername]
$ create-ssg -i[filename/foldername]
- create-ssg --styledInput [filename/foldername] [external css link] (-s [filename/foldername] [external css link]):
it will automatically generate website \n \t with beautiful external CSS"
$ create-ssg --steyledInput [filename/foldername] [external css link]<br>
$ create-ssg -s [filename/foldername] [external css link]<br>
- create-ssg --config [filename] :
it will take the string data for input file and stylesheet URL and run it through SSG.
$ create-ssg --config ssg-config.json
- Prettier - "npm run prittier" or "npx prettier --write [filename]"
- It will format your code with following:
Set all tab width by 3
Add TrailingComma
Add semicolon
Eslint - "npm run eslint" or "npx eslint [filename]"
- It will help you to optimize your code with following:
- Double quotes for String
- Semicolon is required
- Settings for IDE is written in the .vscode/settings.json
"angular.experimental-ivy": true,
"javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
### Testing plan Created
- test plan for convert text and md files to html file is created.
- end to end for all the features are created
- help
- version
- input
- json file
- styled input