{ "hand": {"cards": [ {"title": "refactor", "id": 9}, {"title": "predict", "id": 10} ] }, "inPlay": {"cards": []}, "opponentInPlay": {"cards": []}, "score": { "name": "Ted", "passingTests": 0, "riskLevel": 0 }, "opponentScore": {"passingTests": 0, "riskLevel": 0} }
- 2 Players, each player has
- Passing Tests (Score)
- Risk Level
- Cards in Hand
- Cards in Play
- Playing Card Deck
- Test Results Deck
- Start Game: creates deck, players fill their hand
- Results in: Playing deck initialized with cards
- Each of 2 players draw 5 cards
- Player 1 has 5 cards
- Player 2 has 5 cards
- Deck has 53 cards remaining