Simple Android UI&IO Utility
- Auto cannceled http request
- simple callback
- auto canceled
- auto cached
//the http request will be canceled after activity finished
//and auto paused after the activity is paused when the task is pauseable.
Cancelable task = UIO.get(new Callback<MyClass>(){
//http stream will be auto parsed and mapping to you standard javabean object.
public void callback(MyClass javabean){
public void error(Throwable ex, boolean callbackError){
// and you can cancel it any time by yourself
// task.cancel();
- auto binded image view and image url
- simple bind method
- auto counting and gc
- auto gif movie support
//the image url will auto load and parse and set as the drawable for the imageView
//if the image url is a animated gif,then it is show as a movie!
//you can set the drawableFactory for the image process(such as radious, shawdown....)
//and set the loading drawable, fallback drawable for the action
auto http stream to java object
define your java class and the json convert to java object automatic
some network check and listener registroy unitity
Get your context whenever and wherever possible
get your current application Context or current Activity(top Activity)
some simple UI static method
show toast with simple static mathod
and other
- automatic lifecycle management