The purpose of this is to create a free or almost free reference guide to study towards SAS certification. I fully believe the SAS Certification Prep Guide is quite good at covering the SAS material, but sometimes you need some more background or more information.
Each topic will be listed as a heading and links to the reference documents will be underneath.
This is a work in progress that will be completed over time. If you have suggestions feel free to drop me a line at stat_geek
Still looking for a reference!
This one is a big issue and is such an important part of working iwth data that I'll separate this into a few different sections. This covers SQL in significant detail and not all items are relevant to joins/unions though it's useful to know.
In this case, the best reference I've come across is the documentation. The order isn't great, but it still goes over everything you need to know. I recommend reading this entire chapter.
Drop, Keep, & Where (note OUTPUT statement is not covered in this section).
This is a good reference on how to use LEAD/LAG and the gotcha's involved in working with these functions.