Demo apps for test pinpoint. Also for skywalking and zipkin.
Only tested under linux. Cygwin needed for make under windows.
JDK 1.7 above is needed.
each sub-directory is an app based on java or nodejs.
Please run "mvn clean install" before run each app.
There is a Makefile for common usage under each app's dir.
PINPOINT_BASE should point to pinpoint source code which is using to detect pinpoint version and copy agent directory to each app.
Also some common chages for pinpoint.config
make copy will copy the agent files from PINPOINT_BASE.
make run will run app without agent.
make runa will run app with agent.
make curl will access common url provided by demo web app to start a transaction.
make debuglog set pinpoint agent log level from INFO to DEBUG
make logplugin write transactionId and spanId in app's log, set sampling rate to 50%.
Most app runs with another app, one provides service and another access it to make a call chain.
jumper calls echo using several client library, such as HttpClient, JDKHttp API, Hystrix, And Thrift etc.
Default using tomcat server, make jettya to use jetty.
make ggs start a transaction using google client sync call
make gga start a transaction using google client async call
make hc3 start a transaction using http client 3 sync call
make hc4s start a transaction using http client 4 sync call
make hc4a start a transaction using http client 4 async call
make jdk start a transaction using jdk httpConection
make ning start a transaction using ning client call
make oks start a transaction using ok http client sync call
make oka start a transaction using ok http client async call
make curl echo back service
make attack simulate shell injection attack
dubbo-echo-client and dubbo-echo-server, using multicast as registry.
dubbo-echo-client uses round-robin policy, copy dubbo-echo-server and un-commnet SLEEPLONG to simulate timeout.
spring-kafka-producer and spring-kafka-consumer. You should start a 0.10.x kafka server on localhost.
make curl2
rabbitmq-producer and rabbitmq-consumer. You should run a rabbitmq server on localhost without user/password to login.
some util formater to be used under hbase shell for pinpoint. Not include now.