Releases: jhipster/jhipster-console
JHipster Console 2.1.0 Release
This release was marked by a big refactoring to use the official elastic docker images as advised in the elasticsearch docs. Huge thanks to @ygokirmak for his work ! This helped us remove a lot of hacks and makes the code cleaner and easier to maintain.
We have also upgraded to the latest version of the Elastic stack (v5.4.0), Zipkin (v1.26) and Elastalert (v0.1.14). Big thanks to @anjia0532 who helped with the upgrade.
This release also introduce the jhipster-import-dashboards sidekick that separate the dashboard import in its own container which means that it is now easier to load dashboards to an external Elasticsearch instance.
JHipster Console 2.0.1 Release
Fix a problem with JHipster Zipkin docker image
JHipster Console 2.0.0 Release
- Based on Elastic v5
- Add distributed tracing with Zipkin and the Zipkin UI with linking to the Kibana log dashboard for a given trace ID.
- Some dashboards improvement
- Improved Timelion, more powerful to visualize metrics, do metrics aggregation, derivatives, etc...
JHipster Console 2.0.0
- Migrate to Elastic Stack v5.0
- Add some new dashboards
JHipster Console 1.3.2
Bug fix release:
- Correct Elastalert configuration
JHipster Console 1.3.1
- Upgrade Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana to latest versions
- Allow the Elasticsearch URL to be specified with an environment variable: #39
JHipster Console 1.3.0
This release introduce a reorganisation of the project to simplify setup and version management.
To achieve this goal, we have created 3 new images at Docker Hub:
- jhipster/jhipster-elasticsearch: based on the official elasticsearch image
- jhipster/jhipster-logstash: based on the official logstash image with the default logstash configuration file already available in the image itself
- jhipster/jhipster-alerter: custom build image based on python:2.7-wheezy on which Elastalert is installed
The main benefits of the new release:
- The simple "bootstrap" setup now works out of the box (no volumes needs to be setup)
- The console can be more easily deployed to docker in production
- Version management is also simpler (just specify the same version of the jhipster-elasticsearch, jhipster-logstash and jhipster-console images)
- This release also update versions of all dependencies.
JHipster Console 1.2.1
- Upgraded Elasticsearch, Logstash and Elastalert
- Fixed the link to start Timelion
JHipster Console 1.2.0
- Fixed a bug with Elastalert. Thanks @NOTtardy.
- Added bootstrap instructions to setup the JHipster-Console more quickly (by using the official
docker image instead of building it locally).
JHipster Console 1.1.0
- Upgraded Kibana (4.5.0), Logstash (2.3.0-1) and Elasticsearch (2.3.1)
- Added a bootstrap installer to set up the JHipster Console using the jhipster/jhipster-console image from the Docker Hub