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Paper.js: Paper.js Reference, Paper.js Tutorial
Git: Git Book, Git Reference, Git Advanced Tricks
0. Add firction to the tank, slow down if no movement given. 1. Add bullets to the game (get the tank to shoot stuff)
2. Add bad guys to shoot at
3. Make buildings explode or be damaged when hit with a tank bullet
4. Add status updates in real time (score, kills, deaths, bullets left, ect...)
5. Add exposion graphic when something is hit with a tank bullet
6. Add sound effects to the game (moving, shooting, blowing up, ect...)
7. Add background music to the game
i. Create or download an image to use (I am using Gimp).
ii. Embed the image into the HTML file.
iii. Load the image with the Raster class.
iv. Draw the image on the center of the screen.
v. Put code in onFrame() to make the bullet move acrossed the screen.
i. Create a constructor that will spawn the bullet at an x and y position, an angle, and a speed.
ii. Create an action in the Bullet class to update the bullet's position called update().
iii. Use update() in onFrame() to show the bullet moving.
NOTE: onFrame() happens every 1/60th of a second. 30 Seconds will be 30 * 60 or 1800 onFrame() events.
i. Create an array to hold the bullets.
ii. Add a bullet every second with up to 5 bullets.
i. Delete the bullet when it leaves the screen.
ii. Continue spawning bullets with no limits.
i. All the bullets in the game will be contained in an Array class.
i. The space bar will spawn the bullet.
ii. The onFrame() event will update all the bullets' positions in the array.
i. Download a music track. DONE
ii. Get it to play by itself. DONE