diff --git a/lib/roda/plugins/render.rb b/lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
index 81edcbb9..3d17d969 100644
--- a/lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
+++ b/lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
@@ -148,6 +148,19 @@ module RodaPlugins
# inject the content into the output. To get similar behavior with Roda, you have
# a few different options you can use.
+ # == Use Erubi::CaptureBlockEngine
+ #
+ # Roda defaults to using Erubi for erb template rendering. Erubi 1.13.0+ includes
+ # support for an erb variant that supports blocks in <%= and <%==
+ # tags. To use it:
+ #
+ # require 'erubi/capture_block'
+ # plugin :render, template_opts: {engine_class: Erubi::CaptureBlockEngine}
+ #
+ # See the Erubi documentation for how to capture data inside the block. Make sure
+ # the method call (+some_method+ in the example) returns the output you want added
+ # to the rendered body.
+ #
# == Directly Inject Template Output
# You can switch from a <%= tag to using a <% tag: