index f319bce2..429d910d 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-= master
+= 3.86.0 (2024-11-12)
 * Add conditional_sessions plugin, for using the sessions plugin for only a subset of requests (jeremyevans)
diff --git a/doc/release_notes/3.86.0.txt b/doc/release_notes/3.86.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8153b0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/release_notes/3.86.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+= New Features
+* A conditional_sessions plugin has been added.  This allows you to
+  only support sessions for a subset of the application's requests.
+  You pass a block when loading the plugin, and sessions are only
+  supported if the block returns truthy.  The block is evaluated
+  in request scope.
+  As an example, if you do not want to support sessions for request
+  paths starting with /static, you could use:
+    plugin :conditional_sessions, secret: ENV["SECRET"] do
+      !path_info.start_with?('/static')
+    end
+  With this example, if the request path starts with /static:
+  * The request methods +session+, +session_created_at+, and
+    +session_updated_at+ all raise an exception.
+  * The request +persist_session+ and route scope +clear_session+
+    methods do nothing and return nil.
+  Options passed when loading the plugin are passed to the sessions
+  plugin.
+* In the content_security_policy plugin, you can now call
+  response.skip_content_security_policy! to skip the setting of the
+  response header.
+* In the permissions_policy plugin, you can now call
+  response.skip_permissions_policy! to skip the setting of the
+  response header.
+= Other Improvements
+* When using the autoload_hash_branches and/or autoload_named_routes
+  plugins, Roda.freeze now works correctly if the Roda class is
+  already frozen.
diff --git a/lib/roda/version.rb b/lib/roda/version.rb
index a44c911c..386947a2 100644
--- a/lib/roda/version.rb
+++ b/lib/roda/version.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class Roda
   RodaMajorVersion = 3
   # The minor version of Roda, updated for new feature releases of Roda.
-  RodaMinorVersion = 85
+  RodaMinorVersion = 86
   # The patch version of Roda, updated only for bug fixes from the last
   # feature release.