Building platform game using an HTML5 game framework that helps developers build cross-browser games quickly.
- JavaScript
- Jest for testing
- postman for API KEY Generation
To play the game you need keyboard(up-down and left-right arrows) and browser.
- Move to right using -> arrow
- Move to left using <- arrow
- Jump using up arrow
The objective of the game is to collect the stars, each time you collect 16 stars, a bomb enters the game, you have to continue collecting stars avoiding the bombs that will be appearing every 16 bombs collected. Once player reaches the end of the game or is hit by bomb the game is over and they submit there name and score to be updated on LeaderBoard. The board is ranked based on the highest score.
To get this project up and running locally, you must already have node.js plus the necessary packages installed on your computer
simple steps set up on your local machine
- $ git clone `$ git clone`
- $ git checkout develop
- Run `cd platform-game`
Tests for modules written using Jest
$ npm run test
or$ yarn test
or$ npx jest --coverage
👤 Sharon Jebitok
- Github: jebitok-dev
- Twitter: @jsebitok
- LinkedIn: Sharon Jebitok
Contributions, issues and feature requests are always welcome!
I love meeting other developers, especially ones that give me advice on how to improve my work.
Feel free to check the issues page.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Fork the repository
- git clone
- git checkout develop
- git checkout -b branch name
- git remote add upstream
- git pull upstream develop
- git commit -m "commit message"
- git push -u origin HEAD
Finally, if you've read this far, don't forget to give this repo a ⭐️. They're free . . . I think.