This is a small go-based project to craft an API
Backend which persist to Redis
. It can be run on bare-metal computer as well
in containerized environment with Docker
and Docker-Compose
. Keep watching for more features updates like redis-based pubsub
async event for persisting data to file-like storage such as BoltDB
and authenticate & authorize with JWT (Json Web Token)
and log monitoring with Loki/Grafana
and metrics monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana
and tracing with OpenTelemetry/Tempo
. The project mimic a DDD approach but in order to keep it minimal (avoid folders/packages) - I crafted it with some flat contextual files. Based on each file name, you can easily restructure to packages-based style.
You can run this project directly on your host machine (windows or linux or macos) or inside containerized environment (with docker-compose). I will be adding K8s manifest files soon. You can use the Make Tool for common tasks (check the Makefile
for available actions). Make sure, you have git
or git bash
and make
tools installed along with docker
or docker desktop
and docker-compose
. All these tools could be installed even on windows-based machine. i.e install make tool on windows. You can use a hybrid approach like running some services (especially Redis
container) inside a linux-based virtual machine and the golang app
on your local machine. Feel free to use whatever approach that better suit to your setup. Finally you can always download golang from official page.
[Step 1] - Clone or download the repository on your local machine
$ git clone
$ cd demo-redis
[Step 2] - Open and check the config.yml
and config.env
Update the content (especially the redis and app host & port values) based on your setup or leave it like it is.
[Step 3] - Build and/or run the project
- Method 1: Use docker-compose to build and spin up the project
$ make
$ make
- Method 2: Run the Redis in docker and the App locally
Go inside the config.yml
file and change the server host value to host: ""
Then change the redis host
value to the exact IP address
of the host where it is running.
Finally do the same changes inside the config.env
file for both server host
and redis host
create volume and start redis instance from your docker host
$ docker volume create $ docker run -d --name db.demo.redis -v -p 6379:6379 redis redis-server --requirepass "<secret>"
start the server on your local machine (depending if you have make or/and git tools)
$ make
$ go run -ldflags "-X 'main.GitCommit=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)' -X 'main.GitTag=$(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)' -X 'main.BuildTime=$(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p GMT')'" .
$ go run .
delete the container and volume created before for redis on your docker host
$ docker rm -f db.demo.redis $ docker volume rm
connect to redis server from another temporary redis-cli container (on your docker host)
$ docker run --rm -it --link db.demo.redis:redis-cli --name redis-cli redis sh $ redis-cli -h db.demo.redis $ auth default <secret>
Step 4: Check by performing basics requests (from curl
or postman
or browser
## example of basic app checking
$ http://<server-address>:8080/
## example of fetching app status info
$ http://<server-address>:8080/status
## example of all books listing request
$ http://<server-address>:8080/v1/books
## example of pulling in-use app settings
$ http://<server-address>:8080/internal/configs
## example of book creation request
$ curl -X POST http://<server-address>:8080/v1/books \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
-d '{"title": "golang programming", "description": "Pratical golang exercices", "author": "Jerome Amon", "price": "10$"}'
Feel free to reach out to me before any action. Feel free to connect on Twitter or linkedin