Experimental Tic Tac Toe game implementation that runs on the console and using a simple decision tree to make informed decisions for the computer "AI".
Developed with Python 3.10 but should work fine on older versions.
How to play:
- Run main.py as entrypoint
- The playfield is 3 by 3 and X can be put using coordinates 0,1,2 for X and the same 0,1,2 for Y
- Computer will then take a turn
- Repeat.. until stalemate or win situation is reached
- Game ends
- - -
- - -
- - -
Your next move X,Y? [0-2],[0-2] or QUIT
- - -
- X -
- - -
Computer is thinking ...
- - O
- X -
- - -
Your next move X,Y? [0-2],[0-2] or QUIT