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Source Code Deployment

Introduction: In the previous chapter Quick Start, you can quickly deploy the BMP platform using the official BMP image. The relevant images have been uploaded to the image repository. This chapter describes how to compile the corresponding images from the source code of each component and deploy the BMP platform. It is divided into two parts:

  1. For operations personnel: Through the [Source Code Deployment] chapter, understand the image creation process and complete the local containerized deployment of the BMP platform, including code pulling, environment preparation, component compilation, image creation, application deployment, etc.
  2. For R & D personnel: After running the complete BMP platform through the Quick Start or Source Code Deployment chapter, understand how to conduct customized development for a certain component and how to update the corresponding component after development through the [Customized Development and Deployment] chapter.

Table of Contents

Source Code Deployment

Overview of Source Code Deployment

bmp-framework.png As shown in the figure above, it is the overall architecture diagram of the BMP platform. The manager node in the figure refers to the management component node, and the bm node refers to the physical server to be installed with an operating system.

The overall deployment steps are divided into two parts:

  • Prepare the overall environment, including network environment preparation and server preparation. The ideas are as follows:
    • The manager node and the bm node are in a large Layer 2 network.
    • Install the CentOS 7.9 operating system on the manager node.
    • Configure the dhcp-relay address of the bm node's uplink ToR as the IP address of the manager node (this step can be skipped if you only want to experience the BMP platform and do not plan to experience the BMP bare metal installation process).
    • For more details, please refer to the Environment Preparation part.
  • Create container images through Docker on the manager node and deploy the BMP platform. The key steps are as follows:

Deployment Steps

First Step: Deployment Preparation for the Management Node

Second Step: Configure Environment Variables

Third Step: Component Image Creation

Fourth Step: Application Deployment

Fifth Step: Accessing BMP

Sixth Step: Managing the Platform to Incorporate Bare Metal Servers

First Step: Deployment Preparation for the Management Node

1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

  • Installation using yum (for CentOS 7.9 system):
yum install -y yum-utils
yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
systemctl start docker

For more installation methods, please refer to the Docker official website.

2. Download the BMP Source Code to the Manager Node Server

Before downloading, first clarify the deployment directory of the BMP. In this example, it is installed in the user's home directory by default. First:

# Navigate to the home directory and then execute the subsequent download commands.
cd ~

Find the 【Code】 button in the upper right corner of the home page, click on the drop-down menu, as shown in the figure: github.png

  • Method 1: Use the git clone command:
# Execute on the management node, clone the HTTPS link copied above. For example:
git clone
unzip -d Baremetal_Manage_Platform

Second Step: Configure Environment Parameters

  • Deployment Script Directory: The deployment scripts are located in the bmp-deploy directory. For the description of the files and directories in the directory: bmp-deploy File and Directory Description.

  • Modify the Configuration: Edit the .env file.

    • Modify BMP_HOST_IP to the IP address of the management network card of the manager node. In this example, it is If the server has multiple network cards, please configure one of the IP addresses. If a bond is configured, use the bond network card. Otherwise, try to choose a private network IP address network card. The example figure of the ifconfig command - bond0: ifconfig-bond0.png The example figure of the ifconfig command - eth0: ifconfig-eth0.png
    • Modify BASE_REGISTRY. The deployment requires the use of base container images such as MySQL, Redis, MQ, and Nginx. In this example, it defaults to pulling from the repository. If there are network restrictions, please modify it to other public or private image repositories.
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy/
# Check the server IP address, first check the IP address of bond0, and then check the IP address of eth0. If you are unsure, please consult the operations personnel.

# Edit the environment variables.
# It must be consistent with the IP address of the manager node server.

For more configurations, please refer to Configuration Management.

Third Step: Component Image Creation

1. Knowledge Points Related to Docker Image Creation

Docker image creation is based on a base image. Through the Dockerfile file, the application image is created. The Dockerfile file contains the construction process of the application image, including installing dependencies, compiling, and copying files. For example, the Dockerfile file of bmp-schedule is as follows:

FROM golang:1.17-alpine AS builder
WORKDIR /usr/src/bmp-scheduler
RUN go build -o /tmp/bmp-scheduler.

FROM alpine:3.16
WORKDIR /home/bmp/bmp-scheduler
COPY --from=builder /tmp/bmp-scheduler.
CMD ["./bmp-scheduler"]

In this Dockerfile, two build stages are defined:

  • In the first stage, the FROM instruction specifies the base image. FROM golang:1.17-alpine AS builder means using the golang:1.17-alpine image as the base image. Then, on the basis of this base image, the go build -o /tmp/bmp-scheduler. command is executed to compile the code into a binary file.
  • In the second stage, the FROM instruction specifies the base image. FROM alpine:3.16 means using the alpine:3.16 image as the base image. Then, on the basis of this base image, the COPY --from=builder /tmp/bmp-scheduler. command is executed to copy the binary file compiled in the first stage to the current directory, and then the CMD ["./bmp-scheduler"] command is executed to start the application.

Execute the compilation command:

docker build -f bmp-schedule.Dockerfile -t bmp-schedule:v1.0./

This means using bmp-schedule.Dockerfile as the Dockerfile, the source code in the ./ directory as the source code used for compilation, and generating the bmp-schedule image with the tag v1.0 after compilation.

2. Prepare the Base Images Required for Compilation

  • alpine:3.16
  • golang:1.17-alpine
  • nginx:1.22-alpine
  • node:16.19-alpine3.16
  • python:3.6-alpine

Pull the base images:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

If there are network restrictions, you can use the following method to use other image repositories and then modify the tags:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

# docker tag
docker tag alpine:3.16
docker tag golang:1.17-alpine
docker tag nginx:1.22-alpine
docker tag node:16.19-alpine3.16
docker tag python:3.6-alpine

After pulling the images, execute:

docker images

You will see the following newly added images locally, indicating that the image pulling is successful:

alpine         3.16                     d49a5025be10   11 months ago    5.54MB
nginx          1.22-alpine              88db8eea1453   21 months ago    41MB
node           16.19-alpine3.16         1e70b7adbb19   22 months ago    115MB
golang         1.17-alpine              270c4f58750f   2 years ago      314MB
python         3.6-alpine               3a9e80fa4606   3 years ago      40.7MB

3. Image Creation

All component images are divided into four categories:

  1. Use Open Source Images and Directly Pull Images
Application Component Category Language/Component Available Download Address
bmp-db Basic Component mysql
bmp-redis Basic Component redis
bmp-mq Basic Component rabbitmq
bmp-image Basic Component nginx
bmp-pushgateway Open Source Component pushgateway
bmp-alertmanager Open Source Component alertmanager
bmp-prometheus Open Source Component prometheus

These components use open source images and can be directly pulled. The default image source selected in the source code is For example, the command to pull an image:

docker pull

If using other image sources, you first need to modify the variable BASE_REGISTRY in the .env file. For example:, and then pull the image:

docker pull
  1. Create Customized Images Based on Open Source Images
Application Component Category Language/Component Dockerfile Path
bmp-rsyslog Open Source Component rsyslog bmp-deploy/dockerfile/bmp-rsyslog.Dockerfile
bmp-tftp Open Source Component tftp bmp-deploy/dockerfile/bmp-tftp.Dockerfile

The pre-made images of these components have been uploaded to the image repository. If you do not need to customize the creation, you can directly pull and use them:

docker pull
docker  pull

If you need to manually create them, you can choose either of the following two methods to create images:

  • Use scripts to create images:
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy
chmod +x
./ build bmp-tftp
./ build bmp-rsyslog
  • Manually create images:
# Set relevant environment variables. The.env and images.cfg files define the image repository and version number and other information.
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform
. bmp-deploy/.env
. bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg
docker build -f bmp-deploy/dockerfile/bmp-rsyslog.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_rsyslog_image}./
docker build -f bmp-deploy/dockerfile/bmp-tftp.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_tftp_image}./
  1. Create Images by Compiling from Source Code
Application Component Category Language/Component
bmp-console-web Front End vue
bmp-operation-web Front End vue
bmp-openapi Back End go
bmp-scheduler Back End go
bmp-openapi-console Back End go
bmp-driver Back End go
bmp-oob-agent Back End go
bmp-pronoea Back End go
bmp-monitor-proxy Back End go
bmp-dhcp-agent Back End python

You can choose either of the following two methods to create

Third Step: Component Image Creation

3. Image Creation (continued)


  • Use scripts to create images:
Usage: ./ build SERVICE...

    build       Build image

    all                 All SERVICES
# For example
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy
chmod +x
./ build bmp-console-web
./ build bmp-operation-web
./ build bmp-openapi
./ build bmp-openapi-console
./ build bmp-scheduler
./ build bmp-driver
./ build bmp-dhcp-agent
./ build bmp-oob-agent
./ build bmp-monitor-proxy
./ build bmp-pronoea
  • Manually create images: Each component directory has a corresponding Dockerfile file. For example, for the bmp-scheduler component:
# Set relevant environment variables. The.env and images.cfg files define the image repository and version number and other information.
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform
. bmp-deploy/.env
. bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg
docker build -f./bmp-console-web/bmp-console-web.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_console_web_image}./bmp-console-web
docker build -f./bmp-operation-web/bmp-operation-web.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_operation_web_image}./bmp-operation-web
docker build -f./bmp-openapi/bmp-openapi.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_openapi_image}./bmp-openapi
docker build -f./bmp-openapi-console/bmp-openapi-console.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_openapi_console_image}./bmp-openapi-console
docker build -f./bmp-scheduler/bmp-scheduler.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_scheduler_image}./bmp-scheduler
docker build -f./bmp-driver/bmp-driver.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_driver_image}./bmp-driver
docker build -f./bmp-dhcp-agent/bmp-dhcp-agent.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_dhcp_agent_image}./bmp-dhcp-agent
docker build -f./oob-log-agent/oob-log-agent.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_oob_agent_image}./oob-log-agent
docker build -f./bmp-monitor-proxy/bmp-monitor-proxy.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_monitor_proxy_image}./bmp-monitor-proxy
docker build -f./bmp-pronoea/bmp-pronoea.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_pronoea_image}./bmp-pronoea
  1. Create Images by Compiling from Source Code but Depending on Other Components
Application Component Category Language/Component Dependent Components
bmp-console-api Back End go bmp-openapi-console
bmp-operation-api Back End go bmp-openapi
bmp-oob-alert Back End go bmp-openapi

If customized development has been carried out on the bmp-openapi-console and bmp-openapi components, please repackage and redeploy the bmp-console-api, bmp-operation-api, or bmp-oob-alert components.

You can choose either of the following two methods to create images:

  • Use scripts to create images:
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy
chmod +x
./ build bmp-console-api 
./ build bmp-operation-api
./ build bmp-oob-alert
  • Manually create images:
cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform
. bmp-deploy/.env
. bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg

# Note that the last parameter of docker build is./ (i.e., the Baremetal_Manage_Platform directory)
docker build -f./bmp-console-api/bmp-console-api.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_console_api_image}./
docker build -f./bmp-operation-api/bmp-operation-api.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_operation_api_image}./
docker build -f./oob-log-alert/oob-log-alert.Dockerfile -t ${bmp_oob_alert_image}./

After the image creation is completed, execute:

docker images

You can check whether all the images have been created successfully.

Fourth Step: Application Deployment

After completing the above environment preparation and image creation steps, you can deploy the application components.

For example, for bmp-scheduler:

cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy
chmod +x./
./ start bmp-scheduler

If you want to start all applications:

cd ~/Baremetal_Manage_Platform/bmp-deploy
chmod +x./
./ start all
  • Check the status of each service:
./ status bmp-scheduler
# Check the status of all services
./ status all

Under normal circumstances, the status of all services should be running. If some services are not running, please refer to Troubleshooting. During the installation process, the relevant operating system images will be automatically downloaded from JD Object Storage. The download speed depends on the server's network speed. Please be patient. For more service management operations, please refer to Service Management.

Fifth Step: Access BMP

Note: The default account is admin and the password is df9Ydfd$c. The console: http://manager_ip:8080. In this example, it is

The operation platform: http://manager_ip:8081. In this example, it is

Sixth Step: Managing the Platform to Incorporate Bare Metal Servers

Log in to the bmp operation platform, enter the Device Management interface, and import the bmp node information.


  • For the IPv4 address of the internal network, the network subnet mask, and the gateway, please fill in the correct addresses to ensure that the PXEClient, LiveOS, and GuestOS running on the bm node can access the manager network normally.

Customized Development and Deployment

Overview of Customized Development and Deployment

Through Quick Start or Source Code Deployment, the BMP platform has been run locally. This chapter will introduce how to conduct customized development for a single component on this basis and update it. In the Component Introduction section, the functions and interrelationships of each component will be introduced. In the Customized Development section, how to conduct customized development for a single component will be introduced. In the Update Component Images section, how to update component images will be introduced. In the Redploying Components section, how to redeploy components will be introduced.

Component Introduction

Application Component Category Language/Component
bmp-image Basic Component nginx
bmp-tftp Basic Component tftp
bmp-db Basic Component mysql
bmp-redis Basic Component redis
bmp-mq Basic Component rabbitmq
bmp-console-web Front End vue
bmp-operation-web Front End vue
bmp-console-api Back End go
bmp-operation-api Back End go
bmp-openapi Back End go
bmp-scheduler Back End go
bmp-openapi-console Back End go
bmp-driver Back End go
bmp-oob-alert Back End go
bmp-oob-agent Back End go
bmp-pronoea Back End go
bmp-monitor-proxy Back End go
bmp-dhcp-agent Back End python
bmp-rsyslog Open Source Component rsyslog
bmp-pushgateway Open Source Component pushgateway
bmp-alertmanager Open Source Component alertmanager
bmp-prometheus Open Source Component prometheus
  • bmp-console-web: The front-end page of the console. Built using the Vue 3 scaffolding. It includes pages such as the login page, project management page, personal center page, and instance management page.
  • bmp-console-api: The API of the console. It is a back-end business in the Go language. It calls the OpenAPI interface to implement the console-related interfaces. It assembles various required data for bmp-console-web and needs to support multi-language adaptation.
  • bmp-operation-web: The front-end page of the operation platform. Built using the Vue 3 scaffolding. It includes pages such as the login page, computer room management page, machine type management page, image management page, equipment management page, role management page, and user management page.
  • bmp-operation-api: The API of the operation platform. It is a back-end business in the Go language. It calls the OpenAPI interface to implement the operation platform-related interfaces. It assembles various required data for bmp-operation-web and needs to support multi-language adaptation.
  • bmp-openapi: The core module of BMP. It implements the RESTful API format interfaces that meet the Swagger 2.0 specification. It provides all the basic functions of BMP externally. Internally, it performs database operations and calls bmp-scheduler to complete the relevant operations of the instance life cycle management.
  • bmp-scheduler: The installation scheduling module. It undertakes the instance life cycle management requests from bmp-openapi, converts the upper-layer requests into corresponding commands, and drives the commands to execute. It cooperates with the lower-layer bmp-driver and bmp-agent to complete functions such as installation, reinstallation, startup, and shutdown.
  • bmp-driver: A single computer room application. When there are multiple computer rooms, multiple sets of bmp-driver services need to be deployed. It receives messages from the message queue and performs operations such as starting up, shutting down, restarting, and setting PXE boot for the servers in this computer room.
  • bmp-dhcp-agent: A single computer room application. Before installation, it is necessary to update the DHCP configuration in advance and store the Mac-IP association relationship in the DHCP configuration. Only then can the LiveOS obtain an IP address from the DHCP.
  • bmp-db: Database.
  • bmp-redis: Redis cache.
  • bmp-mq: Message middleware.
  • bmp-tftp: TFTP server. It stores files required for PXE boot, including the PXE boot program, PXE boot configuration, the kernel and initramfs of the LiveOS.
  • bmp-image: HTTP server. It stores the GuestOS image.
  • bmp-rsyslog: Rsyslog log component.
  • bmp-oob-alert: Out-of-band alarm component.
  • bmp-oob-agent: Out-of-band monitoring information collection component.
  • bmp-monitor-proxy: In-band monitoring forwarding component.
  • bmp-prometheus: Monitoring data collection component.
  • bmp-pushgateway: It collects monitoring data from bmp-monitor-proxy and pushes it to Prometheus.
  • bmp-alertmanager: Alarm component.
  • bmp-pronoea: It receives alarm information from bmp-alertmanager, converts the format, and transmits it to bmp-openapi.

Installation Process


Installation Process Description

  1. The client (bmp-console-web) initiates an installation request, and bmp-console-api receives the request.
  2. bmp-console-api checks the request parameters. After passing the check, it forwards the request to bmp-openapi.
  3. bmp-openapi performs permission checks and other operations, generates installation parameters, and sends them to bmp-scheduler.
  4. bmp-scheduler schedules the installation task, generates a series of installation instructions, and sends them to bmp-dhcp-agent, bmp-driver, and bmp-agent through the bmp-mq service.
  5. bmp-dhcp-agent receives the instructions, sets the built-in DHCP server, so that the bm node can obtain the correct IP configuration and TFTP address (bmp-tftp address) during the PXE boot stage.
  6. bmp-driver receives the instructions, sets the bm node to PXE boot and restarts it.
  7. The bm node executes PXE boot. The PXEClient built into the network card starts, sends a DHCP request broadcast, and the DHCP server built into bmp-dhcp-agent receives the DHCP request and responds with the corresponding IP configuration and TFTP address.
  8. The PXEClient configures its own IP, then downloads the PXE boot program from bmp-tftp and executes it. The PXE boot program continues to obtain other boot parameters from bmp-tftp, downloads the kernel and initramfs, starts the in-memory operating system, and the bmp-agent service built into the in-memory operating system starts.
  9. bmp-agent receives the instructions and executes subsequent bm installation operations, such as setting RAID and partitioning.
  10. bmp-agent downloads the guest operating system image file from bmp-image, writes it to the disk of the bm node, and then initializes the guest operating system.
  11. bmp-agent executes a restart to complete the installation of the operating system.

Monitoring Process


  1. The monitoring probes collect the monitoring information of the host and summarize it to the bmp-monitor-proxy component.
  2. The bmp-monitor-proxy transfers the monitoring information to the bmp-pushgateway.
  3. bmp-prometheus regularly pulls the monitoring data from the bmp-pushgateway.
  4. When the alarm rules are triggered by bmp-prometheus, the alarm information is transferred to the bmp-alertmanager.
  5. The bmp-alertmanager transfers the alarm information to bmp-pronoea for format conversion.
  6. bmp-pronoea transfers it to bmp-api for alarm display and alarm handling.

Noun Explanation

  • Manager Node: The BMP management server, running all BMP components (except bmp-agent).
  • Bm Node: Bare metal server, a physical server used for normal work. It has no operating system before installation. During the installation stage, it runs LiveOS, and after installation, it runs GuestOS.
  • GuestOS: The normal operating system.
  • LiveOS: In-memory operating system, with bmp-agent pre-installed.
  • Out-of-Band Network Card: A special network card on the physical server used for communication with the BMC, also known as the IPMI network card.
  • Management Network Card: The standard network card of the physical server, located in the management network.
  • Management Network: A Layer 3 network. The management network card of the manager node and the management network card of the bm node communicate through the management network.

Customized Development

In the Component Introduction section, the functions and interrelationships of each component are introduced. The components that can be customized mainly include front-end and back-end components.

Application Component Category Language/Component
bmp-console-web Front End vue
bmp-operation-web Front End vue
bmp-console-api Back End go
bmp-operation-api Back End go
bmp-openapi Back End go
bmp-scheduler Back End go
bmp-openapi-console Back End go
bmp-driver Back End go
bmp-oob-alert Back End go
bmp-oob-agent Back End go
bmp-pronoea Back End go
bmp-monitor-proxy Back End go
bmp-dhcp-agent Back End python

Each component has its own separate source code folder. Under the source code folder of each component, there is a file, which contains a detailed introduction to the component as well as instructions for customized development of the component. R & D personnel can refer to the of the component for customized development.

Updating Component Images

After customizing the above components, recreate the component images and then redeploy them. The image-related information of each component is recorded in the bmp-deploy/config/.env and bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg files. For example, the image information of the bmp-scheduler component is as follows: In the bmp-deploy/config/.env file:

In the bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg file:


During the image compilation and container deployment process, the parameters in .env and image.cfg will be read. The image of bmp-scheduler is:

If customized development is carried out on bmp-scheduler and a new image name and tag are planned to be used, for example:

You can directly modify the parameters in bmp-deploy/config/image.cfg:

If it is planned that all components will uniformly use a new name and tag, you can directly modify the parameters in bmp-deploy/config/.env. For example:

Then all components will use the new image name and tag during compilation and deployment.

For example of manually creating an image: Before creating the image, view the image list. You can see the original image of bmp-scheduler:

docker images | grep bmp-scheduler
#   v1.0               76053df0e4a6   28 hours ago    24.8MB

Manually execute the image creation command:

docker build -f bmp-scheduler.Dockerfile -t bmp-scheduler:v2.0./

View the images again, and you can see the new image bmp-scheduler:v2.0:

docker images | grep bmp-scheduler

bmp-scheduler                      v2.0               76053df0e4a6   28 hours ago    24.8MB   v1.0               76053df0e4a6   28 hours ago    24.8MB

For more details, please refer to Knowledge Points of Image Creation.

Redploying Components

To redeploy components:

# For example
./ reinstall bmp-scheduler
# Check the status of all services
./ status bmp-scheduler

After the status of the services is all running, perform function verification.