include static assets in binary https://github.com/shurcooL/vfsgen
handle multiple domains
- set the
Google callback URL dynamically based on the domain that was offered
- set the
iterate through a list of authorized domains
- 302 redirect to the next domain
- set a jwt cookie into each domain
- might slow down login
issue tokens manually for webhooks
- tokens are special
- set the "issuer" field to the user
- does user exist?
- set expires on date in the future
- record the token in the database
- how do we revoke the token?
- blacklist tokens
- add to the conf file
- blacklist tokens
- set the "issuer" field to the user
- tokens are special
limit claims to the domain which the cookie will be placed in
- who should get issued the token?
- the user?
- pobably yes
- how do we validate the token
- the user?
- who should get issued the token?
move binaries under a cmd/ subdirectory
user management
- twitter bootstrap
- js build environment
additional validations (like what?)
add lastupdate to user, sites, team
if the user is forwarded to /login a few times, we need to provide some explanation, and offer them an escaltion path or some way forward
endpoint that any service can connect to that validates theX-VOUCH-TOKEN
header- any of these are valid..
- http cookie contents
- X-Vouch-Token: ${TOKEN}
- Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}
- ?vouch-token=${TOKEN}
- any of these are valid..
set X-Vouch-User header passed through to the backend app https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19366215/setting-headers-with-nginx-auth-request-proxy#19366411
replace gin.Cookie with gorilla.cookie
how to handle "not authorized for domain"?
- can nginx pass a 302 back to /login with an argument in the querystring such as..
yes it can! using the auth_request_set $variable value;
auth_request_set $auth_vouch_redirect $upstream_http_vouch_redirect
http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_auth_request_module.html#auth_request_set - but we're forgetting about the round trip from the state login and setting the cookie
- we just need to detect if we've been here several times in a row, using state and then provide some kind of auth error
- try three times, then provide auth error
- can nginx pass a 302 back to /login with an argument in the querystring such as..
yes it can! using the auth_request_set $variable value;
optionally compress the cookie (gzip && base64)
use url.QueryEscape() instead of base64 https://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape, or maybe use QueryEscape after base64
can we stuff all the user/sites into a 4093 byte cookie, or perhaps a cookie half that size to leave room for other cookies a quick test shows that a raw jwt at 1136 bytes can be gzip and base64 compressed to 471 bytes ~/tmp/jwttests that is probably worth doing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4164276/storing-compressed-data-in-a-cookie#13675023
validate the users' domain against
from google response -
move library code under a pkg/ subdirectory
/auth validate jwt at
is jwt in cookie
- present?
- valid including a user
no.. redirect to login
is user
- authed for the resource?
no.. redirect to login
is domain
- valid? matches authoritative domains (meedan.com, meedan.net, checkmedia.org)
- present in the auth system no.. notify admin for additional assignment
/login login & auth
offer login
is user
- exists? no..
- create user
- assign default roles (based on domain or other heuristic)
- notify admin for additional auth
- issue jwt into a cookie for each domain using an image
- exists? no..
add config for oauth Enpoint https://github.com/golang/oauth2/blob/master/github/github.go if endpoing is ~= google then allow 'hd' and accomodate getting User info
- is user info for Oauth a standard form? Probably no. Going to need some interpreters.
/admin/domains domain rights
- authorize roles
- authorize users
/admin/roles role assignment
- create roles
- assign users to roles
- User
create a special team for admins
websocket api