We use Vercel as our hosting provider.
Pushing to the main
branch trigger application deployments on Vercel.
juice-interface relies on a subgraph on TheGraph.
juice-interface uses a Supabase deployment for storing and retrieving metadata on the site.
The subgraph has a URL that we use to query it. This URL is associated with a particular version (a.k.a deployment) of the subgraph. TheGraph produces a new URL when a new version of the subgraph is deployed.
The source of truth for subgraph URLs and versions is TheGraph website. Authenticate as the Peel multisig to access them. Learn more.
The Juicebox Docs page should also be maintained with the latest URLs (although this is a manual process): https://info.juicebox.money/dev/subgraph
We need to update the following configurations for new subgraph versions:
- Update juice-interface-goerli project
- Update juice-interface
- Select Secrets > Actions.
- Locate the Repository secrets section.
- Edit the secret variable
- Update the Subgraph URL table.
- Ping
role on Discord to notify Peel devs of the status quo.