Mach is an operating system kernel. Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux, and the *BSDs are all popular operating systems. Each of these has a kernel, which is software that handles resources and schedules processes’ computation time with the CPU. Traditional kernel’s, including the kernels that run Windows, GNU/Linux, and the *BSDs, all use monolithic kernels. These kernels are huge! Linux for example is 16 millions lines of code at the time of this writing, while a traditional microkernel can be written in under 10,000 lines of code.
A microkernel then is much smaller, easier to maintain, usually is more secure and is a better design. Mach was designed to be rather minimal, so that it could virtually run 3 or 4 different OSes on top of it, seamlessly to the user. A variant of Mach is the kernel that runs OS X these days, but Mach’s dream of virtually running various OSes on top of it was never realized. In fact some of its original design goals were compromised. While it is much smaller than a traditional monolithic kernel, it does have some unnecessary features in kernel space.
A small caveat. Mach is not truly a nanokernel or a microkernel for that matter. Mach is a hybrid kernel, because it’s handling of virtual memory is quite large. Also mach’s current way of connecting to the internet, uses drivers that are located in kernel space and not user space.
apt-get source mig
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot apt-get build-dep mig
cd mig-X.X.X.XX
Start the build process:
$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot
This will create a .deb package in the parent directory, which you can then install on your system with dpkg -i <.deb file>
git clone
Building GNU Mach requires the build-essential and fakeroot packages, and some additional dependencies specified by the gnumach source package:
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot apt-get build-dep gnumach
Mach dumps all of its logs into: /var/log/dmesg
So I can always check that file for stuff.
A port is like a means of communication. Consider for example that 1 port is like highway 52. In order for two cities (processes or a process and a user) to communicate messages must be sent on highway 52. There are many different highways, just like there are many different ports.
Just like highways, ports can only allow so many people to be on them at a time. The fixed number of people that are allowed to send messages is called the queue.
There is no global reference for all ports. A thread can only see ports, to which its task gives it access.
A port right, is the right to communicate on a port. This is like having a traveling visa that grants you the right to travel on a particular highway.
The following macros are of type typedef natural_t mach_port_right_t; they may be of use. They are the individual rights on a port.
- MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE Only one task can own the receive right for a port. This right is killed after the message is sent.
But on a port, one might have many different point rights. There are some pre-defined combinations:
macro | combination |
A task port is also a kernel port, and it’s a communication highway between a task and the kernel (ie: mach).
This is probably where mach_msg or mach_msg_trap is used to communicate with the kernel.
This port is a port that lets one manipulate an entity.
A port name is a uniquely identifying integer, that specifies a port.
The port name can either be
- an integer specify what port
- MACH_PORT_NULL no port port rights are available to this process
- MACH_PORT_DEAD There was a port associated with this name, but the port has been killed
- A port set name This acts like a receiving right, but it allows a process to receive messages from multiple ports.
A port set is a collection of ports that can act as multiple ports from which to receive messages. mach_msg is used to do this. When the kernel does send a message to a port set, it has no priority is picking a particular port.
I can create and delete port sets as well as query the kernel about port membership.
- A task provides a way for a process to execute. It contains at least 4 ports and a virtual paged address space.
- Contains n number of threads.
- Does not execute anything
- 2 different tasks, do not share any common thing
Task_info () will give you various information about the port. A task is created with task_create (). A task is destroyed with task_terminate ();
Each task has 3 special ports assigned to it.
- the kernel port (at least usually). This is the port that the task can use to request that the kernel do things that the task cannot.
- the port used by a thread to have the kernel do stuff that the thread cannot.
- bootstrap port This is supposed to be the port that a task has to communicate with another service, but it can be any other thing.
One of those special ports is an array of registered ports.
The task can set these ports from task_set_special_port () and can get these ports from task_get_special_port ().
- Is one execution element in a task
- Can accesses any element of the task that holds it
- Can execute at the same time as other threads, even the threads within the same task
- Keeps small amount of info for itself. That way it doesn’t cost much to set up the thread
- Computes stuff
- All threads in the same task, share just about everything.
A small kernel that provides basic operating system functions.
A truly small kernel. This is smaller than a microkernel.
A task owns a virtual address space, which is a region of memory that it is allowed to change/edit/remove at will. The executing thead/s are allowed to access any address within this space. In C lingo this can mean referencing a pointer.
Virtual Address Space is one method of allowing programs to have more memory than they actually do. The virtual memory is mapped to actual memory.
A grouping mechanism that allows scheduling of tasks assigned to a processor set. These also assign threads and tasks.
Mach does have support for multiprocessing, but it is not mainlined or currently used. If you connect two processors together to run Mach, then each processor is called a node. Suppose you connect 2 machines together and each machine has 5 processors, then there are 10 nodes, each with a node ID (integer). There are 2 mach hosts, which are the two computers.
When you connect 2 mach machines together to form a supercomputer, each machine is called a host. Each host both runs mach.
Mach builds an internal lists of all devices. When a task wishes to speak with a device (via device master port), mach builds a new port that provides access the device. Operations on that port then manipulate the device until the port is closed.
Actions that threads can wait on. After they happen, threads to specific things.
This section is copied from
- Paging
- The virtual address space is linear and contiguous
- Memory is divided in small pages (4K on ia-32)
- Allows a far better granularity
- Transparent for programs
- A page can be :
- Active and mapped into a physical location (green)
- Disabled, and transferred to side-storage (yellow)
- Invalid (red)
- When a program tries to use a non-mapped page, it triggers a `page fault’
- Principles
- Mach chooses which page to keep or discard
- The `pagers’ are in user-space
- When a program faults an IPC is sent to its `pager’
Suppose service A wants to communicate with another service B to produce result C. In order to do this, service A sends a message on the port, to which B owns the receive right.
A’s message –> B’s Receive Port –> B does some stuff
Now B has to send a message back
B sends C –> A’s Receive Port –> A Does stuff.
A port is a unidirectional channel where a client who requests a service from a server. Server servers can send messages to the client via 1 port.
If the port represents a resource that the kernel controls, then the receiver is the kernel and this cannot change. If the port is anything else, then the receiver is the task, and the receiver can change.
A port has a message queue and a list of who has what rights to it.
A message comprises a fixed sized header (mach_msg_header_t), which specifies the port that the message is going to, and, if a reply is wanted, which port the recipient should send a reply. It also specifies the size of the message and operation code fields.
Data items follow the header (mach_msg_type_t or mach_msg_type_long_t). The type descriptor specifies the type of data as well a counting the number of data items.
Message queues can be limited in size via mach_port_set_qlimit.
The send operation queues a message to a port. The caller blocks until the message can be queued, unless one of the follow happen:
- The message was being sent to a send-once right. Th-eraare always forcible queued.
- The queue was full, but the caller specific MACH_SEND_NOTIFY. So the receiver of the message is then forced to accept the message, and notify the caller when the message is queued.
- The message was aborted.
- The send operation exceeds its time out value
- The port was destroyed.
A can only be accessed via a port right. All port rights and ports are securely controlled by the kernel. It is very unlikely that a process can manipulate a port, if they do not have the rights to do so.
There are 3 types of rights:
- receive rights 1 port has 1 receive right. Only one task has the receive rights for a specific port
- send rights Many tasks can have multiple send rights to numerous ports
- send-once right A task can send 1 message to the port, and they the task loses the right to send any more messages to that port.
Rights can be copied/transfered to many different tasks. Rights can also be forcibly deleted.
Ports have names via the port name space, which is an index to the port name space. An entry in a port name space can have 4 values:
- MACH_PORT_NULL no associated right
- MACH_PORT_DEAD A right was associated with this port, but the port has died.
- a port right: a send once, send or receive rights for the port
- a port set name: A name that acts like a receive right, but allows a task to receive messages from multiple ports.
grub loads mach, ext2, and Mach starts ext2. ext2 starts exec. ext2 execs a few other servers. ext2 execs init. From there on, it’s just standard UNIX stuff