The GNU Hurd is a modular based operating kernel built on top the micro-kernel GNU Mach. The Hurd has numerous advantages over the traditional and monolithic design of a Unix kernel. Various parts of the Hurd can be separated and loaded and unloaded in ways that Linux cannot replicate. If one part of the Hurd crashes, it won’t crash the rest of the kernel. It’s also much smaller, elegant, and future looking than Linux. The Linux kernel is close to 15 or 16 million lines of code! It is a massive black hole, that is only getting bigger and harder to maintain. In contrast, the Hurd is smaller and is designed so that it can be written with in languages other than C, applications can mount and start their own filesystem on the fly, and it is designed to lower the barrier of entry for young hackers.
The Hurd is also more secure than a traditional Unix kernel. A traditional unix user has certain permissions to read, write, or execute files they control. Any time a user runs a program, traditionally a unix kernel runs that program with the full permissions of the original user. This means any program that runs, can do things that the user could do! Now this situation in the Linux kernel is better, thanks to the NSA’s development of a new kernel module that allows restricting what permissions a program can have, but many distributions do not include this module be default.
While there are numerous technological advantages to the Hurd, many of them have not been implemented yet. The Hurd suffers from lack of funding and developers to extend it, but it is still an attractive platform to learn kernel hacking. The Hurd allows one to modify running kernel servers, without affecting other users of the system and without rebooting. If a kernel server is running slowly, one can attaching GDB to the running process and debug it! This is something that Linux cannot easily be modified to do.
settrans [option] node [translator arg] Settrans allows one to set a translator on a file or a directory. If no translator is specified, then the existing translator on the node is cleared.
Shows the passive translators on a node.
Any documentation online that says “kvm” let it be known that qemu-system-i386 –enable-kvm is the same thing.
dde is not really being maintained. These are drivers from the linux kernel. The Rump kernel seems to be a better option. could be used for
Make the Hurd console’s configuration use xkb layout/variant instead of keymap.
On the contributing page
A port is a messaging passing highway implemented in the kernel. One port allows one to either talk to or listen to a running process.
A port bucket is a collection of ports with some extra data and an ability to lock the bucket so the ports cannot be used to communicate with any process.
Is also a collection of ports, each of which can be conveniently manipulated. A port class is not required to share any ports with a bucket and vice versa.
Every file in the Hurd can be accessed via a port. When a user wishes to access a file, it makes a remote procedure call to the server implementing the filesystem.
A capability is a process’ right to perform various actions to another object. A capability can be thought of as a car key. The car key doesn’t care who has the key. If you have the key, then you can drive the car, listen to music, etc.
The Hurd has capabilities implemented as Mach ports. BUT these ports are not persistent. So when you reboot all those capabilities are lost. To work around it, ACLs (Access Control Lists) are used to figure out who has permissions to do what. For example my current home directory looks like
ls -l
Each node in the filesystem begins with lots of “r”s, “w”s, and “x”s. These specify which users can read, write, or execute those nodes in the filesystem.
Every process has some capabilities. They have the least amount of capabilities in order to run. These capabilities can be passed around so that other programs can have the same capabilities as other programs.
Modern OSs like UNIX, have the where one program tricks another. This can only happen in an operating system that has Access control lists, like UNIX, but in a capability based system, this cannot happen.
Principle of least privilege, means that every program runs with the least amount of privileges it needs in order to run.
Authorization-based access control
Access is granted by a server. Some program wants access to some resource and an authorizing server create a capability that allows this to happen.
When a process on UNIX attempts to open a file, the kernel accesses the file and allows the process access. The process does not directly have access to the hard drive. So if you have 10 files open, then proc will have 10 entries like so:
Allegedly, these are like capabilities, but they do not survive reboot.
A translator is a Hurd process that implements a filesystem interface. When one accesses any file on disk, a translator provides the file. Users can write their own translators that act on portions of the filesystem. For example, one could write a translator that turns an xml act like a directory. For example, suppose you have a xml file (file.xml) like so
this is a file
this is another file
If you make a translator responsible for serving it, then cd file.xml; ls
would produce:
An active translator is one is currently operating on a filesystem node, but will be lost on reboot.
A passive translator is one that is persistent after reboots. If a passive translator is set for /home/joshua/documents that connects documents to an network file system, then whenever joshua tries to access his documents, if the translator is not already running, it will start to connect to the network file system to access joshua’s documents.
- State “TODO” from [2016-06-08 Wed 16:05]
I can write up the page to change the text on the wiki to be more readable.
Suppose you have a translator that implements a softlink to another node in the filesystem without revealing that that is what it is doing. So home/User2/documents/secretDir points to /home/User1. If root does a rm -r /home/User2, then /home/User1 gets all of his data deleted! Additional translators can be got from incubator, or hurd-extras.
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/hurdextras co <modulename>
httpfs translator
$ settrans -a tmp/ hurd/httpfs
$ settrans -a tmp/ hurd/httpfs –proxy=<proxy> –port=<port> $ cd tmp/ $ ls -l
?ftpfs translator
$ settrans -cgap ftp /hurd/hostmux /hurd/ftpfs / $ cd ftp ftp$ ls ftp$ cd ftp/ $ ls
tarfs translator
You can use tarfs to mount (almost) any tar file (currently broken, 2010-08-25):
$ settrans -ca a /hurd/tarfs -z myfile.tar.gz $ settrans -ca b /hurd/tarfs -y myfile.tar.bz2 $ settrans -ca c /hurd/tarfs myfile.tar
You can even use it to create new tar files:
$ settrans -ca new hurd/tarfs -cz newfile.tar.gz $ cp -r all my files new $ syncfs new
This is not as fast as tar czvf newfile.tar.gz all my files, but at least it’s more original. ;)
cvsfs translator
$ settrans -ac cvsfs_testing /hurd/cvsfs /sources/hurdextras $ cd cvsfs_testing
pfinet translator – configuring your network interface
$ settrans -fgca /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet -i <interface> -a <ip address> -m <subnet mask> -g <gateway ip>
Console translator – setting up virtual consoles
$ console -d vga -d pc_mouse -d pc_kbd -d generic_speaker /dev/vcs
?iso9660fs translator – ‘mounting’ your cdrom
$ settrans -ac /cdrom /hurd/iso9660fs /dev/<cdrom device file>
ext2fs translator – ‘mounting’ an ext2fs partition
$ settrans -ac /linux /hurd/ext2fs /dev/<partition device file>
unionfs translator
To join “foo/” “bar/” and “baz/” in the directory “quux/”, just do:
$ settrans -capfg quux/ hurd/unionfs foo bar/ baz/
If you want to join even quux/ contents in the union itself, add -u as a translator argument. You can add filesystems at run-time with the fsysopts command.
- State “TODO” from [2016-06-08 Wed 16:10]
A protid is short for a protected id.
So no single process serves the filesystem. Suppose a user wants to access the file /home/USERNAME/Documents/resume.pdf. First the process looking for the file, sees if there is a translator mounted on /. If there is not, then it tries to access /home. If there is no translator there, it tries to access /home/USERNAME. If there is no translator there, then it tries to access /home/USERNAME/Documents, etc. The reason the Hurd works like this, is because a user can easily assign a translator at any given file or directory in the filesystem.
For example, consider that the user mounted an NSF filesystem (Network Filesystem) at /home/USERNAME/Documents. When a process tries to access resume.pdf, then, if the nfs translator is started and mounts the remote filesystem. When that happens the user can transparently open the remote file resume.pdf.
Computer bought the farm means that a server crashed.
The Identity Based Access control is when permissions are given to a process based on its identity. This can be problematic if one program attempts to do something on behalf on another. If Firefox wants to access my filesystem, but uses gpg to decrypt a file, gpg now is accessing a file. BUT gpg doesn’t have Firefox’s ID. So how does one get gpg to access the file but ONLY have the permissions that Firefox has? This is called the Confused Deputy Problem
An Access Control list says that a program can access a program if it has the proper permissions based on its ID.
If you get logged into a root shell and your root filesystem is corrupted to fix it, is quite easy:
Use cat /etc/fstab
to find the root filesystem, then run fsck.etx2 RootFileSystem
Then run exit
to shutdown.
If you are not able to access the root shell, then just run the command fix-hurd
, that I’ve created here.
A SATA drive driver was added in 10th May 2013. It should work for many SATA drives.
Some Hurd servers can be found in $(HURD)/trans/
This is apparently a Access Control Lists server. Suppose Firefox wishes to access a file on disk. Firefox requests the file from the filesystem. The filesystem wants to be sure that Firefox can do this, so it asks the Auth server.
This is the TCP/IP networking stack. It is using dde
touch hello
cat hello
settrans -a ./hello /hurd/hello
cat hello # Hello World!
settrans -g ./hello
cat hello
The Hurd provides interfaces so that one can create remote procedure calls.
In order to debug translators and being able to step into glibc during it, on Debian you need the hurd-dbg and libc0.3-dbg packages installed. If you need to debug the initialization of the translator, start the translator like
$ settrans -Pa /foo /usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/debug /hurd/foofs
The -P option will make it pause and you will be able to attach ?GDB to the process.
The top of your file needs to be
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
You can compile a program with gcc -g -o <program name> <program file>
. For example, gcc -g -o cat cat.c
I’ve downloaded the patch to support ext3fs: here.
$ wget
$ qemu-img create hd0.img 4G
$ qemu-system-i386 -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user -hda hd0.img -m 2G --no-reboot -no-kvm-irqchip -cdrom netinst.iso -enable-kvm -curses -drive cache=writeback,file=hd0.img,format=raw
If you do not specify format=raw, then you won’t be able to write changes to your image. If you do not specify -curses, then you will run the installer graphically, and it may not let you use the up or down arrow keys.
Make sure you DO not put your user’s home directory in a separate partition that is mounted on /home. The current debian port does not support this.
qemu-system-i386 -m 2G -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:22 -drive file=hd0.img,cache=writeback,format=raw -curses -enable-kvm -no-reboot
When you see graphic mode, press enter a couple of times
It is often convenient to connect through ssh to the box, instead of logging on the console, this can be done by forwarding the ssh port:
$ kvm -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -net nic -drive file=debian-hurd*.img,cache=writeback -m 1G
and then you can connect through ssh:
ssh demo@localhost -p 2222
Mounting Disk Image on Host
You may wish to mount your disk image on your host system to transfer files. To do this you will first need to find the offset of the partition you wish to mount.
fdisk -l hd0.img
Now take the number of sectors for the beginning of the partition and multiply it by the sector size. My / partition starts at sector 2048 and I have a sector size of 512 therefore my offset is 1048576.
use loseupt -P
-P forces the kernel to scan the partition table on a newly create loop device
The offset for partition one is 512 * 2048 = 1048576
losetup -o 1048576 --find --show hd0.img
The above command will print out the loop device that the partition in installed on. You can then run
fsck.ext2 /dev/loop0
These links seem to be some good information:
$ apt-get install sudo
$ export EDITOR=nano
# visudo
You’ll want to add yourself the ability to run sudo, so add this line
joshua ALL=(ALL) ALL
Control-X will let you close the file. Press “y” to save the file.
grub> multiboot /boot/gnumach.gz root=device:hd0s6
grub> module /hurd/ext2fs.static ext2fs --readonly \
--multiboot-command-line='${kernel-command-line}' \
--host-priv-port='${host-port}' \
--device-master-port='${device-port}' \
--exec-server-task='${exec-task}' -T typed '${root}' \
'$(task-create)' '$(task-resume)'
grub> module /lib/ exec /hurd/exec '$(exec-task=task-create)'
grub> boot