#+HTML_HEAD <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”stylesheet.css” />
- % m mark files via a regexp
- % d mark files for deletion via a regexp
- n/p for next previous file
- f / RET visit that file
- v view that file in another window
- ^ go up one directory
- * * mark all executables
- * / mark all directories except for .. and .
- * s mark all the files in the current subdirectory
- t toggle all marks
- % g mark all files whose contents contain regexp
- C copy the current file
- d flags a file for deletion
- x delete all files flagged for deletion
- D delete all marked files
- R NEW RET rename the file/files. If only one files is marked, then that file will be renamed. If many files are marked, then those files will be moved into a new directory that you name
- S NEW RET make symbolic links. If you have just specified one file, then that file will have a symbolic link to/from NEW. If you mark many files, then NEW is the directory to add the symbolic link to
- M change the mode stuff of the file. arguments can be what chmod would want.
- G change the group of the file/files to a new group
- O change the owner of file/files
- Z compress / uncompress file/files
- :d decrypt the file
- :e encrypt the file
- :s sign the file
- :verify the sig of the file
- B byte compile the emacs lisp file/files
- ! runs a shell command on the file/files
- & runs a shell command on the file/files in the background
- % R/C/H/S TO RET FROM these 4 commands rename/copy/hard/soft links out of regexp What matches in TO will get replaced in from. So to rename all files from .*php to .*phtml you could say % m RET php RET % R php RET phtml. You are also free to use \& and \DIGIT in your FROM regexp.
- + create a new directory
- i displays the files in the current subdirectory w/o evoking dired on that directory C-u C-SPC moves point back to where you started
- >/< move forward and backward to the previous/next subdirectory lines
- g redisplays the dired buffer
- C-t d toggle displaying an image
- image-dired opens up dired to display images
- w yanks the marked files. Apparently this lets you yank those files into other emacs commands
- ( toggles showing the file permissions