The console should open on the Projects screen, select Create new project on the top right (if you don’t see the project list view, click on the hamburger menu on the left and select Projects)
Choose, Use a project template as the Project type, and select Face Detection from the project templates list.
Scroll down the screen and select Next
Change the Project name as Face-detection-your-name
Scroll down the screen and select Create
In this step, you will deploy the Face detection project to your AWS DeepLens device.
Select the project you just created from the list by choosing the radio button
Select Deploy to device.
On the Target device screen, choose your device from the list, and select Review.
Select Deploy.
On the AWS DeepLens console, you can track the progress of the deployment. It can take a few minutes to transfer a large model file to the device. Once the project is downloaded, you will see a success message displayed and the banner color will change from blue to green.
Deeplens connected over monitor setup
Option 1: View over mplayer
To view the output, open a terminal (on the Deeplens desktop UI, choose the top left button and search for terminal) and enter the following command:
mplayer -demuxer lavf -lavfdopts format=mjpeg:probesize=32 /tmp/results.mjpeg
Option 2: View over browser
Step 1- From the left navigation, Choose Devices. Choose your device. Choose View Output
Step 2- Choose Firefox browser for Windows and Mac. Follow the instructions. When prompted for password keep it blank.
Step 3- Open a browser tab and navigate to
View output and enjoy!
Connected over headless mode and using browser on laptop/desktop
Step 1- From the left navigation, Choose Devices. Choose your device. Choose View Output
Step 2- Choose your browser. Follow the instructions
Step 3- Click on View stream
View the output and enjoy!
Connected over headless mode and using SSH
**Option 3: View over SSH **
if you are accessing Deeplens over SSH then use following command over SSH
ssh aws_cam@$ip_address cat /tmp/\*results.mjpeg |mplayer –demuxer lavf -cache 8092 -lavfdopts format=mjpeg:probesize=32 -
For streaming over SSH you may need to install mplayer on your laptop by
sudo apt-get install mplayer
Please visit for more options to view the device stream