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88 lines (59 loc) · 3.49 KB


A Cloud Guru has stopped uploading videos to the Youtube channel and all the videos are self-hosted at Also the latest link is always so basically we don’t need this lambda function anymore.

AWS This Week

Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status semantic-release

A cron lambda function which gets the link of the latest AWS This Week YouTube video and send it to a slack webhook. By default it runs at 00:00 (UTC) every Monday.

Getting Started

Configure your AWS credentials

You’ll need to configure your AWS dev account credentials if you want to deploy a private copy of the function to AWS.

To create/retrieve your AWS security access keys:

  • Log into the AWS console, e.g.
  • Go to the IAM page
  • Click 'Users' from the side nav
  • Click your username in the list of Users
  • Click the 'Security credentials' tab
  • Click 'Create access key' under 'Access keys'
  • Click 'Download .csv file' to save a copy of the Access key ID and Secret access key

Note: You can't retrieve the secret access key later so either copy it now or save the .csv file to your computer.

Install the AWS CLI for your operating system.

Then configure your AWS security access keys:

aws --profile developer configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-2
Default output format [None]: json

You activate the developer profile:

export AWS_PROFILE=developer

Note: If you want developer to be your default profile then simply omit the --profile <profile_name> option when configuring the AWS CLI. You then can also omit setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Serverless AWS - Credentials guide.'

Configure slack incoming webhook

Go to your slack team, Custom Integrations -> Incoming WebHooks and then create a new webhook.

Copy the webhook url and set it as an environment variable:


Deployment scripts

  • npm run deploy - deploy the function to your AWS account
  • npm run remove - remove the function stack from your AWS account
  • npm run invoke - invoke the function remotely
  • npm run invoke-local - invoke the function locally


Managed by Travis CI and semantic-release
