This application was initially developed during the CERN OpenLab Summer Student Programme. An early description of the project (for historical purposes) can be found here.
We leverage Apache Cordova's multi-platform capabilities to create a simple yet useful web application. First of all, you'll have to install Cordova:
$ npm install -g cordova
You'll need to have the Android SDK Tools installed. Android Studio may also be of help if you intend to use an emulator instead of a physical phone.
Please note that the ANDROID_HOME
environment variable needs to be properly set, otherwise Cordova won't be able to
find the SDK.
$ cordova platform add android
If you intend to use the emulator you may need to create an AVD if you don't yet have one. If you want to use a physical device, just make sure you connect it via USB.
Regardless of what you choose, you'll only need to run:
$ cordova run android
You will need to have XCode installed. You will also need to install ios-deploy
$ npm install -g ios-deploy
Similarly to what happens with Android, you may choose to use an emulator or actual phone.
$ cordova run ios
You may be required to associate the XCode project with a development team.