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MNIST Example

The examples in this directory have been adapted from the TensorFlow tutorials. To execute these examples, you will have to unzip the MNIST data files in data/.

Linear Classifier

The code can be found in

We first load the MNIST data. This is done using the MNIST helper module, labels are returned using one-hot encoding. Train images and labels are used when training the model. Test images and labels are used to estimate the validation error.

  let { Dataset_helper.train_images; train_labels; test_images; test_labels } =
    Mnist_helper.read_files ~with_caching:true ()

After that two tensors are initialized to hold the weights and biases for the linear classifier. requires_grad is used when creating the tensors to inform torch that we will compute some gradients with respect to these tensors.

  let ws = Tensor.zeros [image_dim; label_count] ~requires_grad:true in
  let bs = Tensor.zeros [label_count] ~requires_grad:true in

Using these the model is defined as multiplying an input by the weight matrix and adding the bias. A softmax function is used to transform the output into a probability distribution.

  let model xs = Tensor.(softmax (mm xs ws + bs)) in

We use gradient descent to minimize cross-entropy with respect to variables ws and bs and iterate this a couple hundred times.

Rather than using an optimizer we perform the gradient descent updates manually. This is only to illustrate how gradients can be computed and used. Other examples such as or use an Adam optimizer.

  for index = 1 to 200 do
    (* Compute the cross-entropy loss. *)
    let loss = Tensor.(mean (- train_labels * log (model train_images +f 1e-6))) in

    (* Compute the gradients via backpropagation. *)
    Tensor.backward loss;

    (* Apply gradient descent, disable gradient tracking for these. *)
    Tensor.(no_grad (fun () ->
        ws -= grad ws * learning_rate;
        bs -= grad bs * learning_rate));
    Tensor.zero_grad ws;
    Tensor.zero_grad bs;

Running this code should build a model that has ~92% accuracy.

A Simple Neural-Network

The code can be found in, accuracy should reach ~96%.

Convolutional Neural-Network

The code can be found in, accuracy should reach ~99%.