A wrapper around expo-secure-store
which adds:
- Concurrency control.
- JSON parsing and serialization.
- Change events.
- A synchronous read/write API (with asynchronous write-back).
Expo on Android unfortunately has a tendency to lose the ability to decrypt the
secure store. It's not known why this is, but when it happens, the only
workaround is to catch the exception thrown by expo-secure-store
and continue
as though the store is empty.
For this reason, any exceptions thrown by expo-secure-store
during the load
phase are ignored.
import type { SessionStore, errorReporter } from "react-native-app-helpers";
type Session = `Session A` | `Session B`;
const store = new SessionStore<Session>(`Session A`, `SecureStorage Key`, errorReporter);
await store.load();
// Session A
store.set(`Session B`);
// Session B
await store.unload();
await store.load();
// Session B
await store.unload();