Creates a new React component which displays a list of buttons grouped together.
import { createHorizontalSplitButtonComponent } from "react-native-app-helpers";
type ExampleType = `exampleTypeA` | `exampleTypeB` | `exampleTypeC`;
type ExampleValue = `a` | `b` | `c`;
const ExampleSplitButton = createHorizontalSplitButtonComponent<ExampleType, ExampleValue>({
fontFamily: `Example Font Family`,
fontSize: 44,
horizontalPadding: 54,
verticalPadding: 32,
neutralBorderWidth: 7,
types: {
exampleTypeA: {
inactiveEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `red`,
color: `blue`,
radius: 10,
border: {
width: 12,
color: `orange`,
activeEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `oldlace`,
color: `mediumorchid`,
radius: 52,
border: {
width: 76,
color: `olivedrab`,
inactiveDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `wheat`,
color: `lightgreen`,
radius: 34,
border: {
width: 2,
color: `magenta`,
activeDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `mintcream`,
color: `rebeccapurple`,
radius: 9,
border: {
width: 48,
color: `peachpuff`,
exampleTypeB: {
inactiveEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `crimson`,
color: `darkgoldenrod`,
radius: 15,
border: {
width: 8,
color: `darkgrey`,
activeEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `darkmagenta`,
color: `darkolivegreen`,
radius: 23,
border: {
width: 4,
color: `darkorange`,
inactiveDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `darkorchid`,
color: `darkred`,
radius: 19,
border: {
width: 22,
color: `darksalmon`,
activeDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `darkseagreen`,
color: `darkslateblue`,
radius: 44,
border: {
width: 77,
color: `darkslategrey`,
exampleTypeC: {
inactiveEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `turquoise`,
color: `whitesmoke`,
radius: 47,
border: {
width: 29,
color: `yellowgreen`,
activeEnabled: {
backgroundColor: `seashell`,
color: `seagreen`,
radius: 33,
border: {
width: 43,
color: `saddlebrown`,
inactiveDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `rosybrown`,
color: `sienna`,
radius: 72,
border: {
width: 1,
color: `slategray`,
activeDisabled: {
backgroundColor: `thistle`,
color: `teal`,
radius: 7,
border: {
width: 9,
color: `tan`,
const ExampleScreen = () => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState<readonly ExampleValue[]>([`a`]);
// Also supports width="fillsContainer" and distribution="even".
return (
<ExampleSplitButton value={value} onChange={setValue} width="fitsContent" distibution="proportional">
<ExampleSplitButton.segment.SegmentA value="a" disabled={false}>
Example Label A
<ExampleSplitButton.segment.SegmentB value="b" disabled>
Example Label B
<ExampleSplitButton.segment.SegmentC value="c" disabled={false}>
Example Label C